Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are you insane? I don't eat bugs.

You want me agreeing that it's child abuse. It would be if Canada wasn't starving. Canada has been starving. So just like the Cajun USA turned its children into the bugeaters. They live in swamps, and catch the bugs. Because food got very pricey when Canada added millions of Asians into it. So Asia taught Canada how to eat the bugs and live in the swamps.

I can prove it. I can link the videos of the Cajun bug eaters. I can link the videos of the Asian bug eaters. I can link the videos of the Canadian famines. They're starving and have to feed their children the bugs. It isn't child abuse if they're in crisis.

What did you want me to say. Children eat bugs when there's no food. Look at those African aid adverts. It shouldn't happen in western civilization. But it does. Blame Trudeau and the French.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Be sure to bomb them first. Then allow the mass migration. It makes sense if you're a redditor.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's false and true. They are actively censoring everything today since an Internet take over. Until all news is the same lies and narratives. Any deviation from the supercomputer driven State scripts of vetted and sanitised thoughts becomes problematic and subjective to the inquisition. It will martyr sacrifice and crucify in attempts to profain the narrative.

The narrative today is fascism. It comes directly from the AI and its government editorial. There is no point in picking up another news network or reading another paper. They only provide dumber and dumbing personalities. Google and its division of bots have edited them into reading the same State peddled lies and agendas.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

When TV isn't censoring No Moon Landing rhetoric in its programming. It's because there was No Moon Landing. It can suggest it today. Those gag orders are off.

It has been suggested increasingly in a heap of programming. They are too numerous to name. Movies, TV shows. Actors of every grade and role.

The only people peddling it still happened are the same shills. I don't think anybody believes it happened generationally. Where was the return. Umm yeah forget it. Millennials don't. Boomers however are sometimes different. It unsettles them.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

20 million in a few hours

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why was it significant. The phone ringing prior probably caused your nightmare. You heard it, and in your mind caused a dream. Literally. You possibly thought or even spoke of your brother when you were drunk. Then you slept and it caused you dream it. If there was any other sounds, phone, split seconds are enough to have multi dimensional dreams.

I know I have had them. The sleep disorder I have has caused dreams in 10 seconds of sleep. Sometimes I start to dream before I am asleep, entering a dreamstate when I am still awake. You can test this yourself. I dare say almost everybody who passes out, enters a dreamstate. Not everybody dreams, remembers, when passed out. Most actually and actively do dream in this state. Simple method, not doctor approved, is simple compression on the chest. Seconds of being passed out is enough to have caused hours of assumed loss or entire dreams. I am not saying that's my sleep disorder. An example of dreams happening in seconds.

It caused in the previous reply, ghosts. Years I was haunted by a reoccurring dream of the shadow people, apparitions, see through. Male mostly. Twice female. My room exactly the same as if awake, darkened or not, the same layout everything the same as if my eyes were open. Except it was a dream, and there's a see through human silhouette. It approaches closer, it peaks my interest, a childlike curiosity, but it gets closer towards my bed. The same bed as if I am awake, and it is malevolent. I sense harm, I start to scream, but it's the Matrix Neo interview, no sound if you can't speak. I never dream of myself, I know it's me, but it never is visually me in dreams, unless I actually see myself lying there. I wake up I am screaming so loud it is deafening, enough to be heard like somebody having the worst done to them. Blood curdling screams. This reoccurred for years, along with the feeling of pins and needles, it wasn't pins and needles, it was horrible. Akin to something big, like a rat, really fast crawling up my leg and back, painfully scratching at it, all the way up it, shin to neck, most thighs, lower back, it felt like claws or hands. No marks on my body on inspection on awaking.

It stopped, I haven't had those dreams again. Don't want too. Had nightmares and screamed at them, since, talked myself awake in other dreams. Sometimes it wasn't even me speaking in the dream, it was somebody else in my mind, communicating in thoughts. But I wake up and I am stupidly saying something. It wasn't even important. The last time I dreamt a poem I awoke talking myself awake. Beautiful dream, I was some kind of an alter ego, Godlike, and there was this girl. But I woke up saying, Under the temple of the sky we danced, I chased, you ran, we embraced, I found you. I woke up with this booming in my head, booming thunderously, and me speaking it. I couldn't work out where it was from? It's from somewhere.

Enough of dreams. I hope you and your brother work stuff out.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've seen this shit in documentary ghost busters. It has gone digital. Just another hoaxer profiting. However the equipment gets the esv/esp readings. Read the article. Is it accurate no. It's bullshit. If you flip a coin yes or no. Is it accurate. The probability is going too cause conjecture. Until we have billy the psychic goat. Baaahhhh. Topically what is the static? Electrics do fritz. But it is a reading and it causes spikes. It doesn't mean it is anything else. Although it is there and this shit has been fucked about with for thousands of years. The places that whisper, the echoes in the night. Places where the dead speak, supposedly. The day of the dead. The original Incans mummified royalty then paraded the mummies once a year and a shaman said what the dead spoke. The king was never the true king when past royalty always spoke. Sounds ironic yes. Easier to control the gullible. But. Shintoism every object had kami manifesting in them causing mostly luck or harm. It goes back to the old gods and the pantheons that ruled. Until far more is the occult. Seen the wicka charms and runes? These provide luck or the voodoo dolls.

This shit is trying to prove it. Using electronics to read it. I don't trust them. Running a magnet causes most of the same effects. It will distort any readings on electrics and in an area of sound causes?

Are there the ghosts. Not something I believe in persay, despite supposedly seeing them. I suffer from a rare sleep disorder, I fall into Rem in minutes, I was haunted by apparitions for years, and sensations where I'd get a feeling of something crawling up my skin. It was a sleep disorder. My brain went to sleep prior to my body. It causes affects. Sensory, physically. You know like pins and needles but not like pins and needles. Or sleeping with your eyes open causes. But sometimes quote on quote phenomenon hasn't. Chair that creaks and even moves, hours after somebody has sat on it, taps that turn on and leak, electrics that fritz. Even had a clock shatter. The glass exploded, for no reason. All probably have had logical explanations. Or give a shit. If you fear it. It will manifest.

It makes me think this topic is nonsense. They need to believe, because it gives another reason for existence.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


The ghost and demon detectors. The seance and ouija board have gone digital. You too can buy your pocket ESP detector.

Tell me when they rip open the upside down world?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

This attempts to prevent South Korea acquiring them, themself.

South Korea could have nukes tomorrow if it weren't for American nukes protecting them.

There are pros and cons for any choice.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet they gender change

by pkvi
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

With monkeys and nuts

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Goodbye dumbass. The point of your trolling has only proved you don't comprehend anything. It's no wonder why you turn everything into monsters. Because look, and read. The mad king of shit, speaks. Retardly.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a dumb son a bitch. You aren't. This is why you torment me. Simple psychology. The reflection in your own mirror is the stuff of monsters. It needs to prove your bias. So you accuse to justify and enable yourself?

You identify as an ethnic. I don't. You have said this. Worse when read that name. It is the stuff of fantasy. It reads in a language of the pronouns.

I am English. The only passport and birth certificate I have.

You are proving what. It is abstract to this topic. It is meaningless. We aren't dating. It is not constructive. It is you being dumb. I didn't care where you come from until you went a shattered a mirror, and I will take those shards and ram them down your throat, eviscerating your innards, because you have no sanity. It is simply contemptible. Dumbass.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's Roadkill. All you can eat and lick buffet. Where they travel down the Road with their mouth open. Nomnomnom. If it crawls, slithers, or hops it's supper.

You should watch out for them at the car wash. They lick the windscreen clean.

They put up the insect traps, and empty the contents onto their dinner plates.

They send the child out to dig for the worms and catch the insects, and it needs to catch hundreds otherwise it starves.

Canada has fallen on hard times. It incorporated much of Asia. Those people have been eating the Roadkill for entire generations. Canada is trying to gain superpowers because its kids are turning into frogs. The sweetshop has been replaced with crickets and spiders on a lollipop.

Where did the insects go. Canada ate them

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mental health. Sick. Lesser sentencing.

The statistics on Trans sex crimes is an absurd majority. It is almost their entire demographic. They're predators.

Very few change for any other reason than illicting consent. The legislation currently has almost no provision to them usurping another gender. It is on the premises of what? Sex. It becomes absolutely dubious to their intent.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are we dating? I am English.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Not if you're gonna give them roadkill

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't care. Nobody does. Fuck off it ain't the News eating Roadkill.

I would suggest it's child abuse. But those times are hard.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because I liked his show. It was entertaining. Woke Britain banned Fox news. I always used it to gain a different opinion of current American Politics. The headlines are always the same everywhere. A few local differences. But I would watch his show. It stopped in the Trump admin. I occasionally followed it later on YouTube, etc.

Don't care. The comment isn't me caring. Except sufficient to say, those numbers are gone. Does it bring them back? Doubtful.

As far as DeSantis, I don't mind. He's not a bad pick at all, prefer the party. GOP. But between Trump he hasn't got those numbers yet. I doubt he will. He strikes me more as a Rubio. No he isn't obviously. But it is far too early.

There's far more shit between now and the end of next year.

As I say I don't care. Labor over here, now. Tory government has been a disaster. I like Sunak. But sadly the wrong time for it. He inherited, decline. No trust.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

How many more died this winter?

Who the hell cares if those numbers read 7,770?

Why is 2006-2010 significant? Yearly, or by the decade, and in particular colder or what not.

But it smells like shit. Inserted. Because you made it up.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

Tucker wouldn't have gotten in that way. Perhaps his base might. Even that is speculation. Too fucking early to care. Way too early. Look outside and not internal politics. We are talking the end of next year. The beginning of next year for a front-runner? DeSantis just reminds you of a Rubio. Not strong enough, but you never know.

Aside from all the assumed speculation, DeSantis still needs to get significantly more popularity and a presumed majority. If anything Fox news has just cut its numbers. It won't pick them back up.

I honestly don't know of any news network that is getting the numbers. News has turned into bullshit, almost everywhere. Unwatchablely woke, containing opinion driven speculation of no substance. Crisis actors, virtue signallers, advertising, lies. Until there's no point in even turning it on for a headline, these are the same on every network despite local variations, people can read them by themself, it's the rhetoric in-between that has turned into nonsense, narratives. Any bullshit became watchable when it was formated into daily shows that you tell me what Tucker actually provided. By chopping its existing numbers, it won't get them back.

The speculation behind it is international status. Airing Fox back to Europe probably. Or what the fuck ever. Until it's another flaccid channel providing the same 5 headlines. With another crisis anchor. Nobody cares. Except it presumes some other station? Nope, fuck off.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not true. It's bullshit propaganda. The stuff of toy soldiers and video games.

Who cares if it's true. It's still a lie. Everything coming out of the Ukraine is.

The last headline I read by some Ukraincunt was there won't be nuclear war if it takes the Crimea, a nuclear base. Evidently I was just blasted by an air raid siren, alert, claiming it was an alert on the premise of significant loss of life. Except no storm to date in the UK has caused this. Parts possibly, and they read their weather Apps like everybody else. They cause sounds which don't sound like air-raid sirens.

Ukraincunt chatting bullshit anyway. Any counteroffensive won't get there. Not directly. If it does. Nukes are a possibility.

Aside from this. The daily lies by Ukraincunts are intolerable. Nobody else cares what they write when it's the same bullshit everyday.

  1. More funding

  2. Blaming anybody not funding

  3. Making up Bullshit

  4. Claiming they'll capture Russia or the Crimea

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sex crimes

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Once upon a time in Alien camp. We saw the Aliens. They looked for real. Member member the UFO. I swear.

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