Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, I'm not.

Seriously I could have you gone, and this entire site removed off Google. But I think it's funny. You however are another failed account. It stinks, like all your other accounts. You don't learn, you just get dumber.

And I don't spread propaganda. I speak my opinion. It is mine alone. Nobody else. I didn't steal it. Like your dumb programming. I don't pretend to be anybody else.

What are we actually talking about? This tick tick tick. The sound of your ineptitude. It's funny, you're triggered. The more you say, the more ticked off you get, and the dumber your lefty posts become, until they're imploding.

Watch. You have no truth. That's your time running out.

Work it out. Let's run some scenarios. All your little terrorist buddies are fucked. If they proceed to combat, their nations are completely fucked. If you sponsor them in protest your fucked.

Somehow you think you win something.

Let's do this. Gaza is gone, dunno what they're waiting for. More Intel. Regional deals. Hostage release.

Hezbollah attacks, Beriut is dust. There's only turets, no refugees. Nobody wants terrorists. Unless they go implode Turkey or any other retard mouthing bullshit. There's literally no food to feed these idiots. None, and sanctions will bite much harder. When there's no real surplus. It won't be traded with cannibals anyway, no way, no day, not today. Militia in Iraq, Yemen the same. Cannibals literally, they'll starve. Iran will sooner have its shipping targeted. Its major production is on a coast with no real defense. No oil no food. It implodes. Its inflation is already significantly affecting it. Those protests aren't about not wearing shit. Their living standards are bullshit. Sure they could launch on Israel if they can beat its defense, and it will annihilate them. That's a nuke. Or if you don't believe in them, collateral on a scale of nothing. Does everyone get involved in a proxy exchange? Nope it's local.

Tick tock, fuck off. Sell bullshit to somebody who cares.

Until you actually thinks it's a fucking script. There's somebody else leading all these cannibals, just to fuck them up.

But but the charge of meh cannibals. They really tried. You're still hedging Russia cared and China is going to commit suicide? Oh please, over what? The end of civilization. I mean the cannibal civilization. Yawn boring. Please lead the last charge of the cannibals.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

I am not upvoting me. Unlike yourself. Why would you say that. Look how many comments I make.

I don't downvote you'd have them, right, after speaking to me. So why would I upvote myself? That's pointless. I don't care. Well I kind of do about downvotes. It's not polite. See we're speaking and when we talk we aren't voting. There's only conversation, not votes. I'd upvote for polite discourse because it's friendly and I do with others who are cordial. Because it's friendly. Even if we don't agree, it's discourse.

But you're downvoting me. You said it. Right?

Dumb and stupid and fake and retarded. I don't care about names either. They're just words.

Somehow you think the rest of what you said is intelligent. It's fucking inept, dumb, and just a fool.

I don't care if you don't like me. You haven't got any truth. You're a malicious little terrorist. You even admitted it

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

I hate Autistic Intelligence. Computers today have caused Autism to the point of Babel.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

They herald their own demise. Worse if it goes South. Tell me about Iranian inflation. Some has eased since its arms, and trade. But it can be crippled significantly to the point of it imploding.

Then does Iran stop sending martyrs? Hiding behind terrorists.

Tell me who bails Iraq in this situation. Who supports its population with goods. Let's suggest for a second America does leave. Iraq gets sanctioned. It's imploded. Of course there's this other cartel in there and we all know that story.

They herald their own demise. Keep those threats coming. Time to stop Iranian tankers, and cripple a pipeline. Does it launch? There go its oil fields.

We are also on for a very cold winter. I wonder what the global surplus is currently? There's going to be a lot of cannibals at this rate.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +3 / -4

Currency of the what. When was this made? Before a credit card and the Euro. It sounds like bullshit because it is.

There's a thing called the Euro another thing called a credit card. You can use cash or cashless. Such innovation. Stop fucking with it.

I give up today. Space Cash. When the Euro is in so much debt it invents a new currency. Space cash. The future currency. It's debt driven.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yea but has it halted population. Unlike past traditions. Like the death penalty, and hard labor for example.

If we go back much further there were ways population was culled. I don't agree with them they were violent. Traditions, often human sacrifice, bloodsport, genocide.

Instead today those means are quite dastardly. It simply stemmed some rising growth.

But then they go and add multi millions, and nothing changes, except it now threatens far more. Recession, inflation, services. Conflict. Or weather.

Warfare used to be the means population was culled.

Today population booms have occurred for a few reasons. Industry causes population. Services cause migration. While warfare has also prevented the same numbers being killed and it moves far more.

Of course Ukraine is kind of different. A lot are dying there in larger numbers and lots of left. But it's not the same numbers as former battlefields. Swords, cannons, cavalry, wooden ships.

Until it's safe to presume the only population that's declining are technologically advanced. It is largely due to its services and tech. It fills it with migration.

But when we talk about these hidden means, they aren't humane either. I don't know which is worse to be fair? The hidden killers today or the actual killers. There is a notion of pretense there and even more hypocrisy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Controlling the narrative. Cancelling opposition. Reddit is a fallacy. Becoming the worst platform, apart from certain hobby subs, and an occasional index.

Yea it got cancelled. I am sure it's running ChatGT now. See so many comments that are very questionable today. Unreal from having a personal touch. The things that make us human. Not that other background of a narrative.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yea. All versions of that story. The Summerian, and religious. It's quite deep. Like many others then.

I am not sure they found it either, despite those ruins. There are the presumed ruins. They seemed trivial, unlike a pyramid. Those have lasted time or much longer.

I think it is more of a metaphor? We have our Babel today. This Internet is dividing us more.

I don't know our species can achieve it. Unless it's genocide or dystopia. Then what has it achieved if only for a span of time.

Which is why there is the metaphor. What God, or gods would allow it? We'd only divide back into our conflict.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Same hard to acces via the smartphone. Why I didn't. Besides I hold my own in here. Going there was simply to get rid of my stalkers down voting. Nobody sane does this. Who cares, if you don't agree. There was that promise. Better core of thinkers.

A blight has occurred in here. Where a lot of Reddit moved over. No Complaint. Except it is looking like Conspiracy Commons. That sub was really dumb, the dumbest. Conspiracy is now on there, a lot of shills, and A.I, but it still spreads its topics.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Hahaha wishful. Planetary Peace. Please Santa. Every beauty queen used to say. It's mindnumbingly dumb. Wish for peace. Why is that. So you can win miss universe.

Seriously. A city of pilgrims will always have a dominating religion superseding its passages. Expected. What is not to be condoned is terror. It goes without saying at Mecca, the Vatican, or any other place of heritage. You go there to learn history, visit it, pray, or whatever. Not be attacked constantly for doing so.

Today Israel is that nation. It was refounded on a former provincial territory that had otherwise collapsed.

On that notion it is its keepers. As unlike Mecca and the Vatican it didn't have that.

My own opinion. Yours almost worked but then it would be destroyed by all of them. Terrorists everywhere. The gubermint controls it. Whose. Not mine. Mine. Not mine. What? Whose the World's. Not mine.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

This forum has been usurped. A lot of Reddit junkies. Conspiracy Commons. That sub was insane, kids, dumbasses, and troons. I had warned about some here from there as this forum began. It never got rid of them. They keep repeating accounts. A few have gone back. Others are operating on another shadow win forum, too much hassle using it.

There's a very bad mindset here now, the posts are all agenda driven. They've all become one sided. The same sentiment. It had been there longer. But now it's really shinning with its shills.

Not me I haven't been bias. My opinion is mine alone. Definitely not a bot. I have a filthy mouth when attacked. But it is constant attacks by the same gangstalking prevalent of Reddit.

This forum didn't learn. Think the other shadow is better. But too much hassle using. It still has those FlatEarthers. Not that I mind until they don't accept another opinion.

Now they've turned Palestinian. Ironic.

Ep0ch -10 points ago +1 / -11

Nonsense. I dislike terrorists. I have made past topics against her preconceived notions of the EV it doesn't eliminate anything else. It causes it. Its lifetime is redundant like all Tech today. More plastic. But it has no lifetime. It explodes like Luton carpark, hybrid. Pop pop pop. That source was go on guess. I have stated A.I, is autism. Tech is the biggest source of waste on the planet. The cellphone is killing insects and wildlife, the bee decline can be attributed. It specifically occurred in frequency since the cellphone.

I hate Greta, specifically everything she stands for. Dystopia. Rubbish tech. Autism.

As far as stating she should be deported so should every terrorist. Where is the distinction?

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

I responded to you're goading, goat herding, camel spitting. Because it is polite. Yes. To give answer. It's a decent thing to do. Then we can talk. Do you see me down voting you. That's the difference. There you are triggered.

I don't have to convince you of anything. You've done that already. Anybody who defends Israel is Jewish.

Let's use that logic. Anybody who defends Palestine is a terrorist? You're a terrorist right?

Palestine has provided the Planet with nothing, but an excuse for mass murder and terrorism. Eat your cake.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

Yes it is. I don't give a monkey today. All out of monkeys today. Down votes mean nothing on a bigoted forum. Although I have never down voted anybody. I am not Jewish. English. I am simply being the other guy. You're worse than vax propaganda. I am the other guy. My arguments are only my own. They are on a forum with zero political correctness. Unhinged like the rest of you.

Answer me, what has Palestine provided the World.

Name one single thing Palestine gives this Planet?

The only thing Palestine gives this Planet is terrorism.

Yet magically you're asking me to care? Fuck them, fuck it.

Palestine is not Islam. It is not Jerusalem. Why do I care. I don't.

Ep0ch -14 points ago +2 / -16

No, there's a much bigger difference here. But I guess you're a retard for not understanding it conceptually.

Jerusalem is also home to Christianity. Like it has roots with Islam. Importantly Judaism.

Terrorism adversely affects it.

So while you might not support the Ukraine. We aren't technically fighting it. Israel is a permanent allie of America in its protections offered. Boots on the ground. Aid. Arms.

Ukraine isn't. It's not a permanent allie. Not yet despite any other claims.

Obviously which do you support. A permanent allie, or a presumed partnership? Quite sure it became an Allie of the States correct me if I wrong? Unclear exactly when? 2016 it signed the MOU. A decade of security partnership. Unclear the exact specifics, or if it's a permanent status unlike other sworn allies. But it effectively has been for longer. Ukraine it's a vastly different partnership.

There's not a lot of intelligence on this forum. The constant shilling of anti sentiment in absolute toxic ignorance. Most haven't had an education other than the musings of conspiracy confused into their bias programming. Until your dumb down votes are pointless. It still hasn't learned that.

When I see a retard post like this on the forum. What kind of an idiot posts it? Somebody who isn't educated, and has no knowledge outside of resentment. There are a lot on this forum.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

That is not what that paper said at all.

It said our nation has no moral compass. It screams outrage when it has had nothing to do with them. Instead of being decent and just, it cries of insanity.

The fault is our own. Our humanity, its manners, integration, and morals.

Stop rearranging that headline.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

This is bullshit.

Aside it is Iran calling on the complete destruction of Israel, and telling all militias to attack it. Today.

As far as the hospital being evacuated. It has a huge underground complex housing Hamas.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Autism has changed and rearranged any definition to suite an agenda of hypocrisy and madness. Conflicting hemispheres erupting. No central script. It has swung so far over into an era of madness. It should've been common sense.

So while we don't profess to allow extremism in the UK the left are fermenting it daily into our lives providing us with terror. An oxymoron.

Deport Greta, ban Trans. Otherwise hypocrisy assumes some other narrative of the insane. Finally reacting to the terrorism caused.

Trans obviously need a bigger debate outside of their obvious causation; Terrorism.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Greta is a terrorist. The left promotes terrorism. Trans are also terrorists.

It constantly replaces rights with terror.

Until there's nothing but madness in this era of insanity. Common sense has become eroded.

As far as obvious at what point did it become this. Law and order should've been upheld. Foresight simply profited. Until it is forced to react.

The definition of terrorism place Trans and Greta in that bracket. Or try to argue it. Let's debate?

No I am not opposed to protest, simply terror.

Another example of extremism is the BBC finally labelling Hamas as the correct term. Why wasn't common sense upheld. We have a very toxic left today.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It looks cancerous

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

You're being harsh. China has terrorism. Like Russia has terrorism. Like India has terrorism. And everywhere in the World. America unfortunately has more terrorism.

Leftism creates it. Other nations don't tolerate it.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

You're autistic lefty bullshit is dripping out your asshole. It went into your brain and came out as bullshit. It's called autism. Your left hemisphere is imploding in poopoo. So creative, it's called Palestine.

  1. Prisons can gain prisoners. But prisions don't gain population.

  2. They had freedom, they chose terror. Every single time. No culture. No heritage. Nothing of any note. Their plea for more guns to cause more terror. No other point in their existence. All they do. They had freedom. Many could apply for asylum. They could've built the greatest mosque on the planet. They've had years to do something else. Not in their mindset, culture, intelligence. Just their hate. Their terror.

  3. Freedom to create anything except rockets. Culture to create something worthy of their prayers. Not in their intelligence. They have none.

  4. Lots of that population got in and out. It simply armed them.

I am not Jewish. I don't understand Palestine. I understand Jerusalem, its religious culture, heritage, and tradition. And I understand Israel.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yawn. Israel is there now today. It is a country with a Capital. It has culture, tradition, heritage. It provides the world with a number of reason for existence.

Palestine is not a country, it provides the World with nothing. No nothing. The World could wake up tomorrow, and nobody apart from terrorists, that's right terrorists, would care if Palestine didn't exist. It has no culture. It offers the World nothing except terrorism.

Jerusalem a city of heritage, culture, tradition, religion. Who built it? You have zero argument. It cannot function with terrorists offering the World nothing else.

If you're going to respond to me, use an actual argument, instead of nonsense.

The Torah is a world renowned book. Like the Koran and the Bible. Not your musings. Who cares if you believe it or not. I don't but that's irrelevant. I don't believe any of them. They function as literature, religion, and culture.

Palestine didn't give me this.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Palestinians stole jew land. It was Israel before Palestine.

1947, 1.9 million people 30% mixed. It added the majority of those after the Ottomans fell. In 1918 it had 700,000 population, 20% mixed. At what fucking point do you keep mouthing bullshit.

Ukraine has just halved its population. Let's do migrants into Europe in the last 5 years. Migrants into the USA.

Palestine a non existent country. Hasn't lost population. Like everywhere else on the Planet in conflict. Places like Syria. What is Palestine. Nothing but bullshit.

At what point does anybody sane. I mean anybody rational keep talking about this never ending stream of bullshit.

Every year it provides nothing else. Every time it attacks it gets smaller. Because that is the consequence of it. It provides nothing else globally.

As far as the topic. There's no trap if you destroy it. Guys think of the next one

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