Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea I guess the ambulance costs, but insurance? Police it has to be linked to crime? Or is a matter of I guess serious injury and health.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've done that job as well. You can get ambulance everytime if you cheat their criteria. It's always chest pains and loss of breath. Otherwise a broken leg might not.

They run this questionnaire on the criteria. I was a guy arranging the logs.

America is a bit different, maybe. But yea calling an ambulance for somebody else, doesn't work as well. It depends on if crime occurred and the condition. Most times they're swamped. Police get them quicker if linked to crime. Also fire brigade can be used if it's a real emergency.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea. I just don't like third parties unless they're requested and a dedicated response. Otherwise they waste fucking time. At what point aren't you calling the emergency services? Then what is that crime? Unless it's happening to you, who is pressing those charges?

I've done security it's probably changed today. I was a guy monitoring alarm systems. It meant driving out, if evidence of a breach call police. Changed with cameras if they were fitted into the alarm. Most weren't, the retail chain didn't want to submit its cameras to the company. We'd have to fit additional cameras they were mostly external or viewed after close.

Kinda fucking pointless. Driving out checking if breach, by the time we got there was after any crime. Waiting for police. The amount of times it was nothing but your heart was thumping everytime.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't like any of it. Nothing in this society today. None of these cameras in your home. Unless it is an external security system. Internally if you need that kind of security, a panic button works or voice activated into a connected cloud that sends directly to emergency services. No fucking third party of idiots. Where these amazon devices suite an agenda, of intrusion. Who actually needs them? Lazily you sacrifice privacy. It you'll find gets you.

In experience the police don't use them. Unless they request it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes and no. The point being what was that? Who actually decides to press charges? There are only charges if there are victims. Tell me who they were? How can police pursue if nothing actually occurred? Why are the police pursuing what if? This fucking stupid company is doing what with that data? Nothing unless your property is breached. Or serious crimes takes place in view of the camera. It would still need the police requesting that data? Yes. Otherwise what charges? The odds are it's on another camera unless the police are canvassing?

However there are certain circumstances outside of this, where you're being spied on. But this ain't the normal police requiring access.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're an idiot.

It stops with more dead Ukrainians obviously. Let's compare populations. Look at that. Russia has millions and millions and millions more. Who will die first? It is all Ukraine have done. Die. They haven't gained anything except weapons they shoot themselves with.

Somehow it is fucking ironic. You're under another dumb illusion. Where you think Ukraine will capture a Russian nuclear base. In Crimea. Or Ukraine will kill off Russian separatists. It will expand its territory? You're a megalomaniac. Insane. Crazy. Stupid. There is no negotiation there. It's only nukes on a Nuclear base.

So what's it take, more dead Ukrainians and they're piling up? Tell me, because saying Russia leave, is idiocy. It is home, and it ain't going anywhere. The minute that home becomes threatened. Look. Conflict.

Dumbass. Literal grandiosity, and megalomania. More dead Ukrainians are going to capture Russian territory? How's that working out? Seriously.

Solution, was brokering a peace deal. Now it has become increasingly difficult. Because the smurf in charge thinks he's Napoleon. He has a Napoleon complex. He is determined to fight Russia to the last man demanding that the rest of the World pay for his ego. If he gets better weapons and more money it buys bigger ego. The entire time his population bleeds, graves and graves and graves of the dead. All because he doesn't accept that's a Russian nuclear base and there were a bunch of Russians in a nation that had an open border with Russia.

Broker peace. Or it escalates, and there is no limit to it, when the rest of the planet is at stake. No limits.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. They really don't on shit like that, murder, burglary, violent crime, etc. Maybe in America. They suggest you have a duty to report crime, sure. What happens when it gets you in trouble for it? What was that? None of your business. Nothing happened. Read what the police did. Nothing. More trouble. You're filming and people can sue you.

There are parallel worlds. Police act in certain interests, somebody else beating them over the head. Otherwise they don't act, unless it's to shit on you. They just get paid like everybody else. Today their attitude is some of the worst I have ever seen. Not all, just the majority. Woke, stupid, and make excuses.

The police have turned into such lazy useless cunts. They profile you, and not the criminal. You report something they've started running your background, excusing, the crime.

You know what police would've done there on location. They would've arrested her. Then after an interview after the maximum time in custody 12-24 hours, they would've checked the shop cctv. If they lazily bothered at another date acquiring it. They would've made the criminal press charges so they can fill out their report. Finally they might try to arrest the criminal who probably gave them a fake name and address. After that she'd be sacked.

So the lazy police, didn't bother. No point in looking for the idiot. No point in charging her on whose interests. The criminal hadn't reported a crime, injury. They couldn't even be arsed looking for him off a camera doorbell, it's not their property, or the shop's. No evidence unless she's guilty.

The camera as stated was inadmissible. Who was the victim? What was that? More bullshit than it's worth.

Aside these police today, it is often postcode, background, status are all assholes. No, it's not my attitude. It is there's. If you think, they have your interests, they really don't. Factually you're a problem, that they'd rather not do anything about.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

She probably got the sack? Happens all the time. In these instances today. Seen and read such fucking shit today. Burglars suing people. Criminals excused for the crappiest reasons. Such fucking crap. Except for the fact he wasn't injured. He didn't press charges because he stole. As he wasn't injured no foul, unless the store took it further. The police didn't seem too. Which is why they didn't pursue the evidence. Camera doorbells actually aren't very admissible unless they show crime affecting the person whose doorbell it is, or are requested by the police for their own investigations.

It could've been dangerously liable if there was any significant injury.

But she tried to do her job, and I doubt it was a collusion at impact. Although dangerous.

You're right those stores aren't supposed to do shit. Because today it's always somebody else's job, the police solving what, not much, crime increases, they do shit, unless it's shit to you when you ain't done nothing, because it's nobody's job, and nothing gets done, because it's always a fucking excuse. So sick of it. Clown World.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somehow they'll just go and blow up even more food stuff with it. All so people pay even more. Because they only blow up the food, it's all they ever do. Why does the food cost so much more. They keep blowing it up. I swear. It and everything else costing more.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You still think Ukraine can win? Tell me how this occurs. Think. Karkiv attacking Belgorod causes Karkiv to be attacked far worse. It's how this war has occurred. Ukraine attacking separatists and rejecting Russian territory of the Crimea. It has caused Ukraine to win what? Weapons? As it sheds more territory and makes fields of graves currently. It hasn't won anything. Look at it. Fields and fields and fields of graves. Ukraine winning what? Some other notion of its borders, where it directly wants and threatens the Crimea, and it hosts a Russian nuclear base. Nuclear base, and multiple Russian bases and facilities. Ukraine is going to win exactly what, more weapons too, go on and look at it? Tell me how its counter offensive is going to beat Russia. The minute it actually threatens Russia, what actually occurs? Russia goes home, or what does it do?

But you're still under some dumb illusion there is another winner here? Not without it becoming a larger war by it having increasing involvement, and it causes. Think. It caused a conflict already. Not stupid comments. Ukraine can't beat Russia, if it could it wouldn't need a bunch of weapons, and all of Nato, funding it, and all they've done is cause even more Ukrainian causalties, and actual losses to Ukraine. But this is what you're selling it takes correct? Ukraine supposedly beating Russia, and Ukraine winning the Crimea, and all the other Russian territory? Tell me how that happens, without a larger war, and then it causes which weapons, and it does what to the planet? How big is Russia curiously?

Escalation keeps occurring. When does it stop?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

They even gave him extra years in office just so he'd cause riots on implementing the ultra low emissions zone. It comes into force in the Summer. Millions of Londoners are about to be taxed much much more like nothing seen in history not since the peasant's revolt. Already in inflation, increasing interest rates. He decides to bring out a huge tax increase. Tell me what happens there?

Summer of fun or tell me at what point are all these people, millions going to pay even more charges. What do you see happening?

They rigged the election and he got another year in office. Covid didn't hold an election, then no campaigning. On top of another term. They put out the worst lot of muppets in history, splitting the vote, into no favorites, and decided to keep the status quo. Nobody strong enough, vote split. All he has done is cause inflation and cut services. Worst mayor in modern memory. Now he spikes taxes by staggering amounts to implement his baby. It hits costs on everything. More inflation. Paying those rates.

The status quo raping profits. Energy. Food. Share holders and investors. Premiums in inflation. As they keep taxing the peasants.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am concerned like everybody else it doesn't escalate into a much bigger war. Where it leads to direct involvement.

The problem is they attacked with brand new equipment just given to Ukraine. Ukraine has denied it would attack inside of Russian territory with the arms given. Also as an example with newer missiles, and with drones, they are and have. What about if they get f16s? They're already training, meaning they have been for much longer.

Here they're sending troops directly into Russia. It becomes problematic.

I am speaking to idiot if you think it somehow is not a problem. The West are directly declaring war on Russia. They give guns to Ukraine who are not only attacking with missiles and drones, they're also sending troops to attack civilian targets inside of Russia.

Think??? About how it keeps escalating. At what point doesn't it cause a bigger war?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. It proves undeniably Ukraine are directly attacking inside of Russia. Something they claimed otherwise. Another lie. The media said they could with new missiles and drones. Also IEDs etc. Attacking various refineries, industry, storage, depots, railways.

However these groups, two, had brand new vehicles which had just been donated to the Ukraine. They also had guns and ammo from the Ukraine. These are insurgents propagated and even trained from inside the Ukraine.

The same Ukrainians who went to the Russian border last year and claimed what? Do you remember that news. CNN, BBC all the newspapers. The Russians have retreated from Karkiv. But there's a group of dumb Ukrainians at the border expanding it? Remember that footage. Why would they need to show that footage? It made no real sense, unless as it was reported, Ukraine had fully occupied the border there. They claimed expanding it.

Somehow you think in your dumb opinion. Sane people. All this time, over 10 years. Declare something else today. This year. Sane people. Look at Ukraine. Suddenly want a referendum to join the Ukraine today. Hahahaha. Dumbass.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't know either.

I cracked a joke at it. I find it ironic. Except it clearly causes recourse. Hard to say what.

I then tried to break down its incident? Attacks inside Russia by armed militias happened yesterday. They then announced who they are, and are now fully committed to it. Various attacks have been happening in that Russian region, inside Russia increasingly. Particularly after Ukraine reinforced Karkiv, prior to Bakhmut, when Russia pulled back.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

A short distance from Karkiv. Are obviously operating in Russian territory. Attacks on railway, depots, refineries, and industy in the Russian neighbouring Oblast have increased.

Curiously how did Ukraine get behind any lines.

These perhaps haven't been as offensive? But the border is becoming breached by forms of counter warfare.

No, it isn't that counter offensive. But instead is a means of incited and sponsored combat within Russia.

False Flag, unlikely. Attacks are being made outside of this incident. Yesterday or not too long back these groups identified themselves as oppositional Russian militias. But they have direct links to Ukraine, and have stated are acting on their behalf, thorough their goals, also by acquiring various weapons and personnel who are fighting Russia, for Ukrainian territory, despite supposedly identifying as Russian. Clearly they're sponsored and propagated by Ukraine? They're trying to incite separation from Russia, and are attacking Russia, in tit for tat comedy. Only Ukraine could think of something so utterly daft, where it has taken all this time to instigate. Instigation has been occurring after Ukraine reinforced Karkiv prior to Bakhmut?

Result of this incident and attacks causes further escalation.

I don't know anything about it. It hit the news yesterday, western media dismissed it, distancing it being from Ukraine. Except when Ukraine attacks targets, railways, refineries, depots, industry in Belgorod oblast it has praised it, but look at these insurgents?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They want to clone. They want to insert robots. The trans agenda. Brainwashing kids into accepting genderless droids. AI has no gender. Robots are a pronoun. Clones they also want those sooner. It's eradicating biology to insert? Stupid idiots. No. Stupid idiots cause agenda.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I miss the point about artwork of nudes. I miss the explicit point of how drawings are classed as pedophilia?

You've turned it into a conspiracy, instead of it being another day at the art gallery. Those nudes are everywhere. They mean nothing else. They're a drawing.

Yes there are evil people, but not everything represents them.

No, I don't want it taken out of context. Stop inserting context. It's a drawing of who the hell cares.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

War could end the World? Nukes. Nobody is suicidal yet, except Ukraine. It's supposedly been American ranked personnel in Bakhmut and Mauripol along with other internationals and in other places. Outside of mercenaries.

Check confirmation but a few days ago.

The point is F16s will escalate it more. F16s aren't such bad tech as that 4gen bullshit. At what point is it just Ukrainian pilots? They seem to be losing more of these. It's now F16s which weren't gonna be authorised because of the red line. But they must be confident in their missile defenses now. A slippery slope where Nato becomes more and more involved. Nukes fly.

Ukraine haven't been honest about anything check the reports a few days ago as Bakhmut fell. Accusations, denial, blame, acceptance, denial. What is it, nothing factual. Meanwhile they keep directly attacking Russian territory the more arms they get.

It would be inevitable on Nato membership. Prior is just going to cause this conflict to increase. But it seems unpopular Admins need something else for another term.

Said, training and actually using are two different things. Training takes months anyway.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was on his ass for 30 days? Those dots.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yawn. It has been around since the 50s. It's not new tech.

Today it's suddenly Green. Natrium. Fuck off. The tech industry is responsible for ecocide. How long does its consumption last? Think long and hard about this point.

The globe since neanderthals used fossil fuels grown on trees, advanced without ecophobia. But as soon as the monkeys made electricity they want to sell more of it. Because of the climate change?

I find it ironic. It hasn't got much to do with anything else. More electricity obviously causes more consumption for more consumables. These today have no lifetime.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is drawn child porn? Porn isn't for children. There's huge differences between a drawing and a sexual act.

There are artworks and statues costing multimillions of cherubs, of naked children. These are priceless heritage. Tell me about these paintings? Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, etc etc etc?

Are you suggesting they should be destroyed because a drawing is pornographic if it shows nudity?

You're suggesting that because there is artwork there are pedophiles?

It's a topic I don't want to get into. But it is obvious they won't destroy priceless artwork.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they won't soon. Training and providing are huge differences. Why would the next admin sign off on it. It's a slippery slope. Where all flight gets targeted. Currently it hasn't otherwise the diplomatic missions would cease.

But the war could easily get hot.

Ukraine has a track record of attacking targets in Russian territory. They are liars, suggesting they won't. They are.

By providing F16s, what's the difference in more Nato flight entering and piloting? Soldiers on the ground have been mercs and special forces from everywhere.

It would be ignorant to suggest otherwise and prior to a resolution. The war will easily escalate into far worse recourse.

It's also really stupid. How many MIGs has Ukraine got left. These just got donated. Seriously they're asking for F16s now. Because they? Epically dumb. As soon as give gun to monkey it shoot itself creating mess everywhere.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

100 Toyota trucks? Japan been making weapons forever.

Japan aren't so neutral either. Have they gone nuclear. They're certainly quite far ahead in the race to 6Gen fighters.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has nothing to do with climate change at this point. It's completely ironic.

Hey guys the Ocean is rising, please buy more wind turbines in the sea. Hey guys we need millions more population immigrating, buying even more services like even more electricity. Hey guys, extreme weather is happening far more frequently, you got it buy more electricity, because it's the first thing out in the weather. Hey guys you need to cut your consumption by buying a bunch of new things powered on electricity, and the warranty of electronics is how long?

Fuck climate change it's another con.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. I don't believe they did. Somebody trying to get paid.

There'd be a bunch of local myths if there was this thing in the area. Local sightings of every description. How long does it live, it needs ancestry, biology of there being more. Where's its food and water. It supposedly weighed 1.500 kilos.

Immediately a bunch more helicopters and patrols would be establishing basic science above.

The links below aren't interviews. It's some guy, who knows who, reading/repeating a script. It hasn't verified anything else.

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