by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hang on a second. So it traces everybody uploading piracy directly to their cellphone number?

So you have these police arresting people for uploading videos, crime, etc, on Twitter.

But some joker above thinks something else?

The broadcasting feeds are what individual content. The chances are piracy gets caught easier, running it through Twitter.

The platform is nothing but dystopia. It won't change no matter which gimmicks or subscriptions it adds.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is that raping girls 4 to 9? That's some real stupid parenting? It should have been multiple counts at the maximum sentence.

As far as Jan 6th. The literally made up bullshit charges. They did this to set a prescience. It will never happen again. The last time, they shot and hanged them? Although it wasn't the same plot. Roosevelt? It's the charges they assumed for terrorism, treason.

The problem is hypocrisy. It always is.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Literally Trumping up charges to stop him running or decrease his odds of winning. They keep throwing shit at a wall hoping it sticks. The more this gets played up the easier it is to ignore all of it. Until any outcome that actually affects something.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. I don't understand what that money even buys. All this aid does is cause the climate change. I am being pragmatic of course. Because since funding stuff, it is always this case, what happens?

Since Oxfam Africa is the World's second largest demographic and at the rate of funding is set to be the World's largest.

WWF since funding animals there's more extinction.

Since funding cancer there's more cancer.

Obviously by funding climate change we hear no end of it.

In this case all it buys is bullshit. By creating these funds, aid programs, they have literally caused the opposite. It's a complete oxymoron.

But research those statistics and every single time it simply increase any opposite statistics.

African population has exploded. It is directly impacting its geography but it simply meddles and it creates what result?

Nothing to do with climate change. It's about selling more stupid services. They simply exploit the demand of more pointless services until there are greater threats that cannot be solved by the rationality used.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a sexual fetish. It has nothing to do with Jesus. They're into the S/M that they get off on being crucified. Faggots are all mostly like that wearing their gimp suits and cross dressing. The bondage.

Some idiot down voted me.

That is not Christ. Stop giving it that status. Treat it what it is, a sex act. A perversion. Do you think Christ died so somebody else can claim sexual gratification. Literally absurd.

Except now you've given that status to a freak getting off on it. There is a sexual fetish of crucifixion. Comparing it, is only torture.


Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

If they cut cosmetics. Wine making. If they cut electronics changing products daily. Concrete. Flight. Immigration.

Cows, sheep enrich soil. Instead they used chemical based nitrates causing soil erosion.

In fact there is nothing sane in the new climate change emissions narrative. Nothing sane at all. Immigration, external travel being cut would kill emissions. Electronics having at least a two decade lifetime per each product made would cut emissions. Limiting electronics producing new models to 5 or 10 years between model, limiting the amount of different models. Cosmetics are far more polluting than all of agriculture combined. Aresols, make up, perfumes, plastic surgery, beauty products.

The climate change narrative doesn't care about facts it just wants to produce more crap. More electronics. Automated services. These are far more damaging than any cow.

What emits more, a cow, or a cellphone? Think hard about this..... The cellphone 100%. The services engaged, and the product itself lasting a couple years, has caused so many countless more emissions.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are Native Indians homeless

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nigeria are scammers

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What house? The one Russia built? In devolution what happens? They had a historic agreement, a partnership bound by blood. They spoke Russian. Russia effectively built the Ukraine, it granted it its borders.

Suddenly you've become a monkey right? It's Ukraine's because they stole it?

I don't care about their shitty reasons. I am not Ukrainian. But those borders have changed status. They aren't the historic border. What is it. Hypocritically when Ukraine devolved so did separatists from the Ukraine still seeking their historic charters. Except they're not granted. Hence conflict has occurred. It has changed. It needs new treaties and truce and terms. Peace.

Every other devolution in history has been bathed in blood. Except things like Brexit, and it has taken years to reach agreements and still they're not fully agreed.

Stop being a monkey

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't. If they weren't funded, and armed would they?

Again if Russia attacks the presidential compound and Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, it's a warcrime.

I am not Russian. But I hate hypocrisy.

I am simply pointing out an argument, my own. At this point I am struggling to find a single reason to like Ukraine. The Ukrainian people I don't dislike.

My own national history is full of conundrums and warfare for the same reasons. Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland. Etc etc etc. America. Canada etc etc. Today there are better talks from a better position. But conflict or warfare has always occurred.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ukraine has no right.

Ukraine dumbass from planet stupid are the aggressors. What don't you get through your dumb skull. You repeat stupid propaganda. It is baseless.

Ukraine had a coup and stole Russian assets. It then proceeded to align with an enemy, Nato giving it weapons to attack Russia with, while Nato put military bases and biolabs directly on the Russian border.

Ukraine was always Russian. Unless we go back thousands of years. It was a Russian protectorate. Where 70% of the Ukrainian population spoke Russian as their first, and a majority as their only language. It had an open border with Russia. The Crimea has a Russian Nuclear base. The separatist regions made Russian goods and industry. Russian infrastructure built larger parts of the Ukraine.

At what fucking stupid point out of the fucking blue, does it get robbed, attacked, and threatened. Do Separatists. The same as Ukraine. Get killed? Their territory seized?

At what fucking point you stupid retard? Anywhere else on the planet, it is war, or a lengthy peace process requiring years to redraw the map into current devolution. It changed. It isn't historically accurate. There are new claims. What there isn't is Napoleon claiming he'll steal from Russia, or a bunch of counter operatives, funders, and agitators wanting to incite war against Russia through Ukraine, using the timeless reason for war, a border dispute, and regime change.

I don't care, except get your facts right. NATO aren't my enemy. But Russia is clearly there's. Russia ain't my friend. Except what I hate is hypocrisy. If this had happened to NATO, it is war. It has been war the globe over. I am under no pretense as to the cause and effects of war.

No, I don't agree with the tactics. But it's war. It presents a problem when funding a proxy. A proxy of liars.

As far as using donated weapons to directly attack Russia, three guesses where that leads? You stupid monkey. It is a much greater concern from anybody impartial.

Hypocrisy if Russia destroys look at the justification Ukrainian parliament it is a warcrime. Yet ironically Ukraine are inciting it? Not only are they inciting it, they're trying to create a larger war.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Do you think the other 50k were? Those are casualties. Injuries are what?

You misunderstood the concept. I had explained it. It was used as a choke point to halt advance from both sides. The locality is the connected interstate with surrounding fields of fire and heavy urbanisation center. It was the forward line. Where else were both sides pouring those numbers and bodies in.

Capturing and holding it, defeated the other side's objectives of advances.

I am shocked it took these tactics, but if you can imagine that many men plus all the rest and the equipment. It becomes rather epic that scale.

Those tactics I am still having difficulty imagining with all the weapons available. But it also presumably had a grim purpose of wearing away at the opposition simply to degrade their capability.

Stop being a twat. Down voting because you don't like what I said, like some stupid kid. Look do I? No. I don't care, it won't change my opinion. There you are like a baby. Literally ridiculous.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Has he been benched? Sent to Antarctica, no, the Congo or somewhere? Seems ironic that there's probably more truth in it somewhere. I am sure he will be needed again there if those other reports are valid.

In grim reality that is staggering. It shows the other side is higher. They won. Despite the obvious costs. Although not quite as staggering when you consider Bakhmut's grim purposes. It was literally dog fighting for the sake of it.

I am still shocked by it with the arsenal's available. But they probably intended to trap and wear down any resolve.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

How many Ukrainians did he claim they killed? Since March was what figure?

How long was that battle, 9 months, or when are his claims from?

It directly contradicts the Pentagon's claims of killed from Dec, of course overall. But they claimed far more.

But what Bakhmut was used for was a big choke point. Due to its locality. It was effectively a trap funnelling combat into it, in order to wear down opposition laying claims to advances. Both sides used it for this purpose, disposing of thousands and thousands in the process. Tactics not seen since WWs with their modern flares of heavy urbanisation and technology.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am saying they provided ample time to stop any bloodshed.

They gave months and months and years to come to agreement.

It dumbass needs new terms. Devolution always does. Take for example Brexit. Look at that crap. Seriously.

This is far worse they're the same historic people, they were under the same rule and protectorate. Until on a coup they decided to lay claims to Russian sovereignty. Ignoring separatists also seeking breakaway from them, as they had. Hypocritical yes. Opposing attacking and agitating.

Ukraine are factually a villain in this. Despite whatever propaganda spews names. Do I agree with the tactics deployed. No. Neither from either. But if it was anyone else it would be the same the globe over. Anywhere else.

That map needs to be redrawn and new agreements reached.

Now it is almost too late for it. Until it has wider agendas. The dumb people caught in it, it keeps adding up more and more graves.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you completely insane?

That's not defending itself. It's attempting to assassinate Putin. Like they tried a few weeks before when he visited the Crimea.

It is using donated arms to start a much bigger war. They tried this previously when they attacked Poland. They shot a missile into Poland. Again similar on Belarus. Etc.

Meanwhile they send assassins into Russia to target high profile targets.

Defending dumbass is Russia in the Crimea. Ukraine has no claim or possession of. The geography doesn't make it ideal if Ukraine doesn't make a new peace treaty redrawing its supposed borders in light of devolution from its historic nationality and protectorate.

Ukraine are the agitators. Or specifically their handlers.

Lastly I don't care about either. But what I hate is you spewing crap, listening to liars. All Ukraine have done is lie. The war was justified. It would occur if it was anyone else. Just because counter propaganda opposes it doesn't make them correct?

Peace, and it means redrawing that map or many many more will die.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Giving guns to Ukraine, not only do they lie about how they use them. They're determined to start a much bigger war.

Pretty sure those strikes aren't being carried out on the Ukrainian parliament and its government buildings, like the presidential compound in Kiev.

Now however it seems there is grounds too?

It's completely ironic thinking this war won't escalate from using a proxy.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vegans eat them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fascism, ban everybody they don't agree with. Wahaaa.

It's so mean to them, not listening to them talking about their bollocks and sex all day everyday. The highlight of civilization is listening to how somebody else talks about their bollocks and what sex they imagined. Try this as a straight person. Try it. You're called sexist. It's called sexual harassment. The annual fertility festival is about a certain demographic pissing and shitting all over sex. Because if it's a gibberish phonetic, it's all they talk about and all they protest. Until it's so mean not accepting somebody else is a woman because they chopped off their bollocks. So mean?

At what fucking point, today?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Russia will not withdraw. It will not withdraw from a Nuclear base, because Ukraine wants it. How stupid is that? At what point isn't it called being clinically insane? Listen to your Napoleon president. He says; Hey guy I want your nuclear base right now, it's mine. I don't care if you have nukes on it either, they're mine. There will be no peace unless I steal your nuclear base. He wanted a war, right, by demanding, threatening, and attacking it.

At what point didn't Ukraine make peace in the months where Russia spent months and months prior to the conflict waiting for somebody to make a peace treaty? A peace treaty Ukraine can never make, because it has a megalomaniac in charged of it, called Napoleon. He metamorphosis changing into Napoleon everytime he addresses the World, demanding they give him all their guns and their money. Demanding they stop trading with Russia, because he wants their guns and money. The complex their president has is utter megalomania. No peace, until he steals the Russian territory and its nuclear base. At what point?

Clearly there's a very crazy person in charge of Ukraine. Try it, test it, try and go to a Nuclear base, the same thing. Go to a nuclear base, tell the soldiers there to go home, or there's no peace. Try and trespass, telling them you're there to steal their nukes. This person is very crazy, yes? A very crazy person. So crazy, he'll kill all of the Ukraine to get it. He keeps sending them to die so he can steal a Russian nuclear base. A Napoleon complex.

Somehow in your confusion you're thinking it was all Russia's fault Ukraine has a crazy president not wanting to make the peace?

So what is it, Russia can only defend it. You understand that paradigm. It's crazy. Literally anybody else would be incarcerated. Not become president. Not put on a podium. All he says give guns and give money, so he can attack a nuclear base.

At what point today? It's so ironic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, I understand the situation. An incident occurred linked to crime, sounds like a fight of somekind, and your friend was injured by what occurred. The police dispatched. There might have been other reports outside of your call. Then the police charged your friend with a crime.

Doesn't American Hospitals report all bullet wounds and certain injuries caused by let's suggest another person to the police regardless?

Normally it's their duty to treat you, it means a hospital, if you're injured. Seen it. Been in A/E where the police brought somebody in handcuffs in. Another time accompanying somebody else.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Harsh sounds insane.

The police probably profiled the name as soon as you rung emergency services.

Did the police arrest on removal? Or was it because of the costs?

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