Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are a very stupid person. Why is Fluoride in the water? Think about it. If it's not for health reasons. So why? Go look it up. What else is going into the water? It's something to do with aluminium? There's also more.

At what point don't you, think. No it's not the water's fault you're stupid. You just are.


It's been put in the water because of other increasing toxicity recycling into the waterways.

It hasn't got much to do with anything else.

But thanks for being a retard. I had to call you out. There you proved it. It was put in the water specifically why. It wasn't for health. So why. Find it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Biggest monkey merry go around forcing debt to cause control by adopting the solutions proposed profiting. It doesn't give a single living breathing shit about anything else.

Simple profit off the debts caused. Constant investment causing more services costing far more.

If Cows caused climate change they'd kill the entire African Savannah. Look at all that climate change. All those elephants buffalos zebras wildebeast giraffes etc etc. Peak emissions changing the entire Planet's weather. Entire fucking methane clouds drifting over the Serengeti.

Hahahaha. No what? Your fucking smartphone causes more emissions than any cow. The services it engages, the lifetime, the production that went into it. There are how many more phones, than cows on this planet? Not bullshit simple fact.

If they were serious about climate change why are they selling Trans? They're the single worst demographic causing the most excess emissions on this planet? Think. They're creating twice as many emissions. Hahahaha. No, they are creating peak emissions. How many more products and services does the Trans need in simple comparison? Somebody at MIT should provide that math. If a baby causes X amount of emissions growing. It is a staggering amount, they've done this science, a lifetime of flight in about an hour travel, back n forth. 1 baby in the products growing into a child. How much does a Trans? But there they are selling AI. It has no gender.

MIT did the smartphone, I think it was the equivalent of about 10-12 football pitches deforested per phone.

It has nothing to do with their dumbass buzzwords. The stupid narratives cause a monkey merry go around of debt driven services forcing control.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shit like that happens all the time. Libya for instance was specifically said at the end of Limitless. This was all of a few months before it occurred. Do you remember it. It's right at the end, war in Libya tanked stocks causing dividends. Check when film was made and when the first riots happened. Oh look at that indeed. War there yea when not since how long ago?

Shit with Ukraine has been planning, I presume for awhile. What happened exactly when Ukraine occurred was Syria.

I don't want to speculate on those implications. Except here we are today. Ukraine is now a bigger narrative of a number of geopolitical agendas.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

The conspiracy of fluoride water is it is breaking down other hazardous compounds from today's tech. Don't quote me which ones, but possibly aluminum, others such as.

You fucking mongoloids. Stop down voting because I don't fit your stupid little narrative of fluoride poisoning. Check why it's there. Dumbasses. It's so fucking tedious with retards.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They made an even shittier version of it this year.

But okay, it caused what kind of programming? The Space Race. Although written half a century prior. But more and more literature faster became that theme. It was also broadcast in 1938 throughout radio in America and people actually thought an alien invasion happened. Until no sooner did they pull Roswell. Now why was that I wonder?

The Book however reads quite a bit differently than the film.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Boycott the beer it tastes yucky. Get a nice beer instead. He has definitely made it yuckier.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they're not because there's a mental block and conscience. That's a painting, and that's a little kid. Painting nothing. Kid block. It doesn't appeal to a sane person's psyche. It's repulsive.

The problem is those other sickos. No conscience.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is magnetic. Yes? So it causes a pull to the crops, creating a crop circle? The crops aswell probably have an iron content. If it has been sprinkled into the soil. Or they've been modified.

There are videos on it. This electromagnetic shit is everywhere today. They grow entire muscles now into being fully ripped by using it. So these lazy celebs go to clinic lie down come out fully ripped.

But we're talking crop circles. Same.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gay Nazis. Spare us all. It's rape. Fascist LGBQT movements are raping the public. Constant rape.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand how this guy will be the frontrunner? He'll lose to the opposition. Everything I've seen since campaigning hasn't been presidential. He is great as governor don't get me wrong. As a party the GOP obviously have much better national policies than the woke radical democrats and their constant bullshit. But unless he's just rallying the pundits, he isn't strong enough. Not once seen of him yet. He's splitting support away from Trump who has more of it, and if he goes against the unpopular candidate Biden, do you see him in office, or an easier second term?

Maybe he'll grow into it, if Trump somehow isn't. But it all seems rigged. Rigged to force Trump out, and put somebody who won't get there, as any majority have swung in the unpopular admin, until it splits support.

Who knows but he doesn't look like the next president.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glyphs date back 20,000 years. It doesn't make them a crop circle. Fairy circles in Africa are caused by termites.

That video as below was fucking stupid. Boards trampled the crops. But you can do the same thing by hand. It's individual stalks, weaving them. Carefully not breaking them in the loose soil. It just takes longer.

Secondly there's technology, electromagnetism combined into the dropped iron filings, and you can manipulate those plants in patterns.

The little retards down voting should stop their bullshit. The only aliens are the little cult of group think.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why are kids fisting each other?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happens when they run out of Russians, I meant Ukrainians?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

What would do this, a human. They didn't do it with boards, they took the time doing it. God damn it. It's like it's wilfully stupid. One uses a board, but the other technique cannot use hand? I mean shit sherlock.

That video is such bullshit.

There are also possibly machines that can using wind and electromagnetic waves.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're simply shilling systems that generate more profit and give them more control over the population they've manipulated into the demand. They aren't serious about anything else.

Switching fully to electricity increases consumption generating more profit. Changing to EVs causes more productivity. Using the Internet and AI gives them more control. Until there are far more services costing even more. How many services does it take to screw in a light bulb today? How much does it cost? Absurd right. It hasn't got nought to do with anything else.

Sure there's another narrative in there somewhere. But I think it got lost along the way. The systems they're selling won't fix the rationality employed. If there was a problem it's because they're selling a solution.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Russians killing Russians is never a mistake it's popcorn. Especially when you shove out Mickey Mouse playing Napoleon.

Are we talking about somewhere else?

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Can you read? What did I write? You dumb retard. You're literally an autistic retard. You attack down voting. But you didn't even read what I wrote. That's because you're autistic.

Where, read, have I supported DeSantis?

I said he'll lose to Biden. It was on purpose.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yawn boring.

Ad campaigns are buying what kind of advertising?

Who cares about anything, using Twitter.

The real conspiracy none of you assholes comment on is it is all rigged anyway. They put out DeSantis to lose the vote. He faster alienates marginalising splitting voters. It is intentional. Check his policies these often become even more absurd, rhetoric, simply causing the unpopular candidate Biden to remain in office. Or it splits the vote away from the majority of its political party, now an opposing majority is easily sold as picking up the numbers.

They keep doing this outside of actual election rigging. I am sure they keep throwing elections this way, it keeps happening.

DeSantis is the guy they shove out to lose to the other campaign already in office. He simply splits the support and isn't strong enough, his policies if a heads up alienate the majority, providing an easy win for the other unpopular candidate.

I am trying to follow this theory in the UK with Labor and that Tory chameleon as its head. He has become even more woke and stupid. It is alienating voters. He had a clear majority is it enough to lead? I think he just gets paid to oppose, and not upset the status quo. If he was strong enough we would have had a general election. No, he plays ball, barking. Critically right before campaigning he starts the stupid policies. These faster alienate voters and a majority. I have given up on woke Labor in fact almost everybody who was on the fence is suddenly questioning that bullshit. Migrant votes for under 16s. Hello China, or Europe, or Timbuktu. At what fucking point is this the next PM? Currently he is still far ahead but the woker he gets, who fucking knows. Who is going to vote for somebody wanting to endorse 16 year old voters and migrants voting? Aside from the rest of his increasing wokeness. Purposeful. If it even wins how much does the opposition even change. Now what policies get through? Tory Chameleon.

Look at LePen. She did it on purpose. Then they easily blame the party. All it did was try to lose because when it has a majority the policies became so fringe they would never win a majority. Despite immediately gaining seats. They had a dagger over her head.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uhm I think some have been designed to last indefinitely, but supposedly potentially for a few centuries. However I wouldn't count on it. At all. Seed vaults have already failed, as many Boomer era fallout facilities have been upgraded, or decommissioned. I don't put my faith in any modern building and structure. They simply aren't made with the rationality of longevity, rather an investment con. We are talking about a power source on its own grid that lasts until fallout subsides. It becomes problematic unless it's using fossil fuels. Now we can all laugh right.

Nuclear reactors upgrading in less than half a century. Forget solar or turbine. How long can they survive for, as long as any stockpile if the materials used, concretes last, plus the other service systems. These are also a modern joke.

You're speaking of survivors living out a world ending scenario in a vault or bunker. I haven't watched that woke, Silo. It was boring.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conflicting reports. There is no truth. Anywhere.

It's possible Ukraine suffered huge casualties in comparison to Russian which were also high, at Bakhmut. Possibly a portion of some newly acquired gear, denting morale which has set back their counter offensive which is some kind of tabloid fantasy. It needs to provide wins, or funding and public interest dissipates. Although I wouldn't count on it. They are massively training in a number of countries, and roles, and hardware which keeps pouring in.

The problem is there are no facts. Intended. What where how. More misinformation. But there's also far more propaganda. The propaganda is laughable. It amounts to whenever Russia claims a victory, a torrent of opposing reactors fire up, everything from warcrimes to fictitious casualties, and sanctions. When that is a press day, you know Russia won somewhere else somehow.

Obviously a counter offensive is still undetermined with the propaganda constantly speculating it's gonna arrive tomorrow, and it's gonna free the slaves, oops slavs.

Somehow I don't think this conflict will be concluded soon.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is brainwashing. It has nothing to do with an experiment. It is AI driven programming. What gender is a robot. What rights do you give AI with intelligence. I know I know push pronouns usurping gender. Brainwash the population into conforming with a gender change. It has nothing to do with Trans. Rather setting the framework to exploit further experiments and insertion on a host of fringe science faster being granted status.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does, think, changing our DNA makes us aliens. The consequences might not become compatible to the habitat we supposedly evolved into. We have manipulated an unnatural change.

What has that DNA editing even achieved, largely adverse reactions to a product that didn't even vaccinate, immunise. The most adverse reactions to any medical product. It isn't being talked about because it is a ticking time bomb. Off with their heads, their stupid little heads. The peasants would erect guillotines, burning stuff. Daily more and more die from it. But the ones who profited, silence it. They don't want it talked about, they label, it is ironic, people concerned about their health, conspiracies. But they conspired against humanity.

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