Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Are you Nuts? Why would you even type that?

I am sure they can design a drone to carry mosquitoes living for 42 days. But it's pointless. You retard.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you even trying to say. I don't know about DEW lasers making fires? No, I don't. It's ridiculous.

How big does a DEW laser need to be to vaporise a house? How big with its power source? Tell me about this DEW laser, vaporising a house? No such thing. It's pointless. A missile is much smaller.

DEW lasers don't vaporise. A DEW laser doesn't blow up another plane. It stops missiles and drones.

If it can start a fire. Welcome to a million other things starting fire, easier.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't need to study anything it's fiction.

You are trying to convince me of burn patterns. Are you nuts? Nuts.

Burn patterns from a Syfi laser? Where is this. You have certain buildings burnt, others not as burnt, vegetation fairing better than man-made structures, yes? Welcome to fire. It does its own thing. There is better explanations. But it does not mean syfi lasers.

These Syfi laser are fired from? Satellites. No. For the energy source to fire a destructive, vaporising houses, laser, how big does the satellite carrying it need to be? The size of a container ship. There is, no, such satellite.

Perhaps airplanes with DEWs can start fires. Woooooow. It's a fire. A fire any monkey can start. Those lasers aren't vaporising things. Those lasers aren't shooting down other planes at all. Perhaps they can target certain systems downing a plane. There are lasers that can achieve this by disabling core systems, but they're primarily electronics. They're a defensive weapon system, and countermeasures. You dumbass. It is deployed against drones and missiles. A defensive weapons system.

What was the Maui military base's job. Early warning. Observatory. Missile defense? What? I am sure they can start a fire any other monkey could've. Why not. At what point would they need DEWs? Then that fire was accelerated. It targeted combustible materials.

Why would you need lasers? Why do you need lasers to make a fire, a simple firelighter does that job. Or any number of acceralants, compounds and elements.

You're a dumb American. You believe in fiction to peddle conspiracies. It appeals to your autism. Somebody else profits off the big DEW con? It doesn't do shit. But somebody else will buy it, if it can. Sell the propaganda. You're as dumb as a Covid vaxxer. You're the same level of stupid. No you're worse. You believe in fiction.

How about you and your dumb multiple accounts of gutter grade filth go read up about DEWs, about their power sources, what their role on the battlefield is. Before spewing crap. It's an easy larp. You've been larped. It projects. It's why shills aired it. Not because it's real.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not worth it. At what point is anybody giving a Tech company their DNA. It's not a hospital.

Instead all Tech companies have done with data is exploit it. Nefariously. Since social media the World has become existentially threatened. We are in full blown crisis. Costs of living. Recession. Bullshit. The worst free speech and dystopia since feudalism. Yet its assholes still think it's a solution and not the problem. It provides nothing but gossip. Yet suddenly he wants our dna. What? So more bots can police us?

At what point does he need to establish your DNA? It is for nothing good.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know. But if it stops migrants. Why not. Invade Mexico, it might stop the migrants.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No it cannot because wahaaa you're not a Troon. Even though your name which you chose suggests it.

The language is Latin. Where both those words come from. They have definitions, forms, and meanings. Apex is the masculine form. It doesn't proceed a femine form. Or you're a Troon. I meant an autistic.

You posted in your first reply to me. Read it. A big huge whiny letter like that other idiot Jack. It was you being bitch. It wasn't topical. It had nothing to do with the topic. It was an attack on me. Because I said this forum has an echo chamber. I was trying to establish why there is stalker. Well there's Jack. He pops out if you say Flat Earth. Then out of the depths comes Jack. You however are the resident Troon. I mean read your name.

I don't hate anybody. Have I down voted anybody? Ever? Not even once. Apart from a topic, ages ago, written by a schizo the entire forum had problems with. I didn't downvote them just their dumb topic. Haven't again.

I don't stalk people. I comment about the fucking topic. Until somebody dumb. Look. Pisses me off by talking shit. Either stupid. Or insane. I don't follow them around this site afterwards. It is replied to in the topic about the topic or the relevant conversation.

I don't write stupid stalker notes. You're not this forum. You're a Troon. What are you even trying to say? It's ridiculous.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Haha, I don't know.

But as far as the topic. I doubt the veracity of that King. Yes everything I said, checks out. Moses is undoubtedly a fable. The Sargon of Akkad proves it. Cain and Abel are another common story, read about Roman origin, Romulus and Remus. The same. What about Egyptian. Ah look it's there again. Like Enlil and Enki. Based on that probability is Solomon real? What about Joshua, and Samson? None of it. Some of it. The entire book. It has no historical record. The record didn't exist until it was written by children and slaves in Babylon. The Talmund. It is afterwards, the destruction of Babylon, it becomes what it is today.

Today it might as well be the lost tribe of Mickey Mouse. Batman's church of the redeemer.

Solomon is faster a bigger occult symbol. As the user posting has described. Nothing but controversy.

Solomon had become an occult symbol in the renaissance believe it or not. Think it was an advisor to Queen Elizabeth, John Dee, who kept an extensive collection of occultism, much of it based on this topic, Solomon's key, like this topic suggests, various grimoires, and such, origin tracing back to the Summerian and Egyptian. There is perhaps a little more on how such books weren't burnt. If they were genuine, most were rewritten over time.

Until they simply became amusing like the devil's codex. Codex Gigas. A hoax.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Read the Wiki. No evidence of him. Not the biblical version. Granted, that afterwards there have been countless Solomon. Some have even been called Kings, priests, scholars. You name it. But did that biblical King exist. Contrarily the evidence suggests otherwise. He didn't exist.

There is next to no evidence of him, surely there were people in Israel. Israel becomes a historical kingdom after the destruction of Babylon when refugees from Babylon supposedly return and rebuild Jerusalem. The Talmund was written in Babylon. It clearly rewrote reenvisaging history. The Sargon of Akkad being Moses. With its lore, it crafted fables based on popular lore of the day with their own twist. A Hebrew twist, because they all were doing it. Cain and Abel, Romulus and Remus, Enlil and Enki. Egypt the same. Etc etc. It simply rewrote history. When was it even written? Like hundreds if not a thousand years after any assumed events. Where you can write just about anything because somebody else believes it. They need to believe in an origin granting them status. It so happened to be their own city state becoming a kingdom.

Was Solomon a real person? A metaphor, probably based on an Egyptian if not a Summerian. I think there was a lot of controversy when the upper, and lower kingdoms civil warred. Israel then being a vassal of Egypt, trading its resources, copper, with Egypt. Hence it was destroyed by Assyria. Its youngest taken hostage to be tutored by the Babylonian. A common practice of the time. Daniel in the lion's den. Much later Nehemiah builds the walls. It is then Israel becomes a nation with its history. It is then a temple gets built to its religion. The former has never had any evidence. No evidence whatsoever. Just beliefs based on conjecture and the rewording of other lore. Moses.

The rituals by Solomon, in this topic, are largely, Summerian. Including others, like Jacob's ladder, having also had a basis from Egyptian. Occultism based on. It was Akkadian and Egyptian practices.

At the end of the day it is what is to the believer. They believe. But at this point it's all it is. Yes it has principle and foundations. Look at all that architecture. Prosperity. Religion. However it doesn't make it factual. I am going to say like Moses. If he even existed he was somebody from somewhere else.

Although any structure remains. Hell it was probably building pyramids in its heyday.

Today it makes crap.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yea frontrunner.

But the fact is he is campaigning. It suggests outside of all this other hoohaw, it is a legitimate process.

I doubt he'll be disqualified from running. He is running. Being elected is even more absurd. It is upto the voters at that point.

Whether he becomes the party candidate is still debatable. The frontrunner when the gap closes. Who knows. A court might be a more persuasive argument on him not being that candidate. Who knows?

But it goes to the Supreme Court. No other court has that final say.

How long until that decision is even made? In the meantime it does that job. It causes those questions by other voters. Right. It has cost votes.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Read your grammatical structure. It's that kid with downsyndrome. You have had no formulation or response outside of repeating all the things you spaz off about. He said boogers. So you pick them out of your nose and chew on them. Read it. Only a retard. The same retard taking offense at why nobody understands them. Flat Earth.

No I am not emotional. I am not writing bullshit to people. I am not telling other people what to say. But I am calling you a retard. It doesn't make me mad. Amused.

It's obvious you're completely retarded. At what point have you offered any argument? You've got downsyndrome, clear autism. Retarded. You have zero formulation. You have no debate. No argument. Instead look and read it. It's an emotional retard spazzing. Read your sentences, read the formulation. It's that kid with downsyndrome eating feces.

Tell me why this is Jack. Let's guess. No we won't go there. But a picture would definitely confirm it. Jack is a retard.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. That isn't clever.

Any monkey can bang all of two rocks together starting a fire. Why did they need the lasers? Why? It's fucking autism with monkeys. I can start a fire a zillion ways. But guys we need to sell the lasers? These lasers are so cool if they start fires. What?

Who are they grabbing the land from, when all it has caused is debt? If local government was in on it, granting later contracts for redevelopment, why did they need the lasers?

The DEW is missile defense, and counter measures. It's not an offensive weapon. It is defensive. Can a DEW down planes? No.

Why the hell is a DEW suddenly starting fires that any monkey could've?

Americans for the most part are the epitome of stupid. A big dumb population of otherwise ignorance. Why would anybody sane need a laser to start a fire? Think about it. You could start that fire a million ways. But we need a laser guys? Because of fiction. It projects their dumb reality of laser beams. It deflects off of what occurred. It projects superpower. It makes retards.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

There is no evidence that Solomon even existed?


No evidence of him.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not really. Although it's an explanation. Thanks.

Those companies sponsor sports. How are they war sponsors? They like every company are still profiting. Why not. It's beverages. Not guns. At what point has it sponsored war?

Ironically. Why are Ukraine still playing sports. There you are in their nation fighting a war with full citizen conscription. Sadly it is for a corrupt nation where footballers are valued more than soldiers. Soldiers under conscription no matter their status. Until it is corruption.

Sanctions sure. Don't trade with an enemy. Except this isn't sanctions. It's Ukraine claiming everybody else is a hypocrite.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ukraine are still playing the Champion's league. Football. They're still sending Olympians.

Somehow this is occurring while they've got full conscription in a country rocked by war.

But there they are accusing Pepsi of what? It's actually ironic.

All these other people are being conscripted but there they are playing football, like nothing is happening in their nation. Magically they're also calling on another nation to be banned from sports because of war.

How about everybody else ignores them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It goes to the Supreme Court.

Somehow I doubt Trump cannot run for Office? It would be surprising. He's campaigning for office. Mistake you cannot run. You're cancelled.

How does that work? It doesn't. It's more American bullshit.

Whether or not he's a frontrunner, is a bigger argument?

Ep0ch -5 points ago +2 / -7

Yea, no. Why do they need a drone for the mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes live for less than 50 days. Guys be sure to rearm the mosquito drone. We'll use it next month.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're literally retarded. You have commented on nothing to do with the topic. Where. The topic obviously affects Jack. He's retarded. Say anything bad about Flat Earth. Look there's the retard. Say it 3 times in front a mirror. A retard appears. A frothing drooling stupid retard called Jack from flat earth.

You haven't once talked about it rationally. That is called being emotional. Read it. Where is your debate? It is no where. Instead you distort reality. Look at it. Read it. A stupid dumb retarded troll called Jack is doing what? Read your response. It is gibberish. It has no debate. It is the equivalent of child with downsyndrome repeating the parts of a conversation that triggers emotional feelings. Until the argument our debate becomes distorted into gibberish. Read it. Read what Jack has said. It's because he's retarded. Look at it. It's absolutely evident. Jack is a retard. Look at him communicate, write, formulate, and speak.

It's retarded. Try to read a single sentence Jack wrote. They're all retarded. It's in a language only retards use. Retards called Jack. What are you talking about? Jack the retard is clarifying things. Obviously. Look at it. Try to understand it. It's obvious that Jack is retarded. Read it.

You haven't once talked about the subject. You've trolled another person. It is autistic. It is gibberish. It is retarded. Case and point. Flat Earthers are retards. Talk to Jack. Look.

You're a retard who writes a bunch of shit to people. A troll. A retardedly stupid autistic troll. Read it. You wrote it. It's insane. Retarded. Try for once to understand Jack. Nobody else can. He's retarded. You wrote it Jack. I didn't. You wrote a bunch of retarded shit to people, because you're emotional. You believe in flat earth. Anybody who doesn't, summons a retard, called Jack the Flat Earther.

You have had no argument. You haven't once clarified anything. But you have proved without any doubt, you're a retard, Jack. Look, and read every reply Jack creates. It's that kid with downsyndrome, that kid repeating, boogers, while eating feces. Thanks for that clarity Jack. You fucking retard.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

More psychotic babble. The ramblings of the emotional and retarded. I didn't type any of that, you did. Tell me why, you tried to use my words, if you wrote it. Until it becomes the fundamental problem with flat earthers and retards. It's how their brain processes, things. They get all emotional. Then look, read it, it becomes distorted. Try reading it. It's retarded. Nobody understands you.

You haven't attempted an actual answer or debate. Instead you're distorting everything because your brain hasn't developed any logic outside of its feelings. Read those dumb psychotic rants. Uneducated and emotional. No explanation into this topic. Just wahaaa, the ramblings of a retard, trolling.

At what point was any of that bullshit what I wrote? None of it was, you've misplaced the context and the description and structure. Until your autistic. Read what you wrote? It is retarded. It makes zero sense. The problem with all Flat Earthers.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why would they need a DEW? Every single schizo post. Explaining; The DEW is needed for an elaborate con. About the extent of a DEW. Why would you need a DEW?

You're claiming, it was a real estate grab. They could have bribed local government if it was. They could've used anything easier for far less than a syfi laser.

Do what, if Maui host a space force. Observatories. Early warning. Missile defense?

Every single time, they need a laser. Look at its zapppp powers, it caused a fire, woooow, look the fire was targeted by the lasers.

They were land grabbing. Laser development.

You can't make up that level of stupid American. Laser development. Gotcha. The trillion watt lasers. Needed to make even bigger rains. At what point?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you are. Look at your post. Full blown psychotic schizo retard. All somebody had to do was call you a retard. You've gone and proved it. Nobody else apart from a retard types that shit to other people. What are they supposed to make of it. They called you a retard. Suddenly you are. Wahaaa. It's not fair, saying to them how it's not nice, and it's unkind. See. You're retarded. The simplest explanation to why you have that kind of autism. You've proved it.

We were discussing the topic. Not undeniably proving why you're retarded.

The topic is why Flat Earthers are retards. Calling on all autists. Read it. It appeals to their feelings. They believe in sky oceans. The sky ocean will rain down on their heads. It has a firmament, and it stores all the water dripping off of flat earth for when it rains down on their heads.

Full blown retard.

Instead of taking stuff apart, how religion formed, what was its basis and what were their beliefs. You swallow absurdity whole. You expect others to take your word for it. Because you're emotional. Retarded.

Where did the sky ocean, rain, come from, according to them. You attempted explaining it, but that's not their quotes. It's your own pathetic explanation into what you've assumed is our Planet's cloud layer.

It has no basis. It was conjecture. Like our origin. A belief. It had no fact. It wasn't established. Conjecture. Metaphor. Vague description into what they imagined. A god causing rain from the sky ocean blessing or cursing them. Not from anything else.

Where did rain come from. They invented gods for it.

Instead of using a simple comparison into their education. You ignored it and retardedly imagine flat earth. Comparison on migrating birds. For thousands of years they believed migrating birds migrated into our ocean. Another was a giant catfish, a god, caused earthquakes. Many Japanese believed this until all of a hundred years ago.

There you are. It's a giant catfish, right? How everybody else is wrong. Because there's a sky ocean gonna flood us.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

How much are they paying?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think it's also projection. The CIA have turned up the propaganda because the World is edgy. It needs to project, power. Laser powers. So they've been flooding it via conspiracy channels and the Larpers.

Until a bunch of dumb Americans believe lasers started the wildfires not anything or anyone else. It deflects it. It projects. It sells. Who knows what else. But it's a psyop.

It in fact is absolutely redundant. Make laser to start fire when any other monkey beating two rocks together could've and even easier. Never mind the millions of other ways without the stupid laser beams.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you think I am angry typing? No. Fucking retarded is the level of autism you've just shown. Wahaaa he said fucking retarded. He must be mad. No. You've proved it. You couldn't make any other argument outside of retarded crying angry feelings. Your own. It makes and proves you're retarded. Wahaa so offensive. No. Two words. They mean nothing until you prove them.

No argument to do with the topic. Just your retardism. It certainly wasn't theological, about how religion formed, and the representations it used to cause beliefs.

They had no concept of how rain formed it was from the gods judging them. No concept of it. It was literally less than 200 years ago that they knew where birds went seasonally, migrating. They believed for thousands of years, the birds went into the ocean, migrating in the ocean, and then returned in the spring.

They invented a sky ocean. The firmament. It blessed their crops or it flooded them. Because they worshipped God's judging them. It hasn't changed much. We still have retards today believing in sky oceans. Or Jewish alien space lasers.

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