Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're as bad as a liberal SJW. This isn't conspiracy. It's perspective. Seriously why can't tyrants be happy. They're actually happier. Think about the bullshit we have peddled out as our elected. The illusions of democracy. Another minority law inflicted on the majority causing repression of the majority, higher taxation, dystopia, and policing. Tyrannical when it becomes something like Trans rights. As a monarch, single figurehead, otherwise known as a tyrant it cuts out all of the bullshit. Bullshit hung governments. Historically most have had their population popularity. In fact every single time the people elect a ruler it is a tyrant. I am pretty sure that population is happiest. It has a revolution draining the swamp of its undesired laws and bullshit.

I don't even want to comment more. But it is posts like this and the multiple posts by the multiple accounts flooding this forum with filth that stink.

It has become an awful board.

This topic isn't conspiracy it's an opinion of otherwise nonsense.

What is democracy today? It's when a bunch of idiots cause soaring inflation and recession. As they pass more dystopia. While they constantly send their idiot armies to do nothing else except flood their nations full of mass immigration. It has done nothing except mount debt, cause crime, and unrest.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes true. But she must have got the information from somewhere? Where was it filmed, who is she.

Instead fact check goes meh. Fact check never told me who she is, where she's speaking, then a profile of her and her information can be determined. For all we know she could be reading a book or repeating a movie.

Because fact check says like yourself she never sourced her claim, so it's false. How does fact check know what Jap does and doesn't research.

If she's in the field she may have got the information from somebody credible working on a shadow project. Who knows. It wouldn't be in the news.

A.I except EVs hadn't killed anybody until just before Ukraine, a Turkish drone in Libya, killed as an A.I weapon. Not when she's speaking 2017, repeating Q? A.I has likely killed on social media as well.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Naive China and India are historic rivals? Any BRIC alliance could never threaten the West. Since when. It is today. Since Western policy has played favourites. Yes there is rivalry to some degrees. But not to the extent they'd war. They blow off steam on the borders enticing further speculation drawing others in. But could India be counted on as a partner in the event of that kind of war. I actually doubt it.

If China invaded Taiwan, what would India do. Nothing. Unless it is actually threatened.

BRICS are making economic policy they're dumping their dollars, and trading around them through their own currencies. They're also making their own Internet and protocols. Their own central bank. A bunch of other trade and agreements. They're also expanding their members.

As a bloc it represents what kind of resources, manufacturing, and distribution?

Instead it's press like this with its assumptions that are often becoming ironic. This other notion of it would never and won't. Instead oppositely it is in fact, creating its own policy .

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's the same troll on another account. How many has it been? 100s now.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why wouldn't it be true?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why is this a conspiracy?

Ep0ch 8 points ago +10 / -2

Yea 100% Aliens, used to believe in them until I realised they're a tool of dystopia.

Followed by the Bermuda Triangle being a wormhole in the space time continuum. When it's hurricane season.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

What was mostly rainwater or drainage? The sewers and hidden tunnels? It figures.

Except there was a drought. Little rainwater

Hawaii has had wildfires since recording. This year that probability was severe, the conditions were significant.

Hawaii, its natives used to burn to the scrubbery back. Like they do in much of South America and South East Asia. It's a traditional method of soil enrichment and farming dating back thousands of years. Those fires are controlled. But they burn the landscape back every year, few years, whatever.

Another problem is invasive species of plants. These haven't adapted to the natural volcanic landscape and its conditions. They've simply taken over the native fauna. In turn it has become much worse affected in drought.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. Go on believing in whatever unicorns and disney make you sleep. But that isn't it. Open your eyes and tell me where we are at today. I won't break it down. It should be obvious. Look at it.

Fake out on the Chinese? What's there to fake.

India is a spoiler hashtag Bharat

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

How many pipelines Russian, Opec, Iranian? How many? I should look it up. There are a few. Plus with Afghanistan on side. They've belt and road to Afghanistan and are trading with the Taliban government. It secures others.

The BRIC stuff is fake? I don't know what you mean by that. I don't think you do either. What is it, competition. How competitive is it emerging.

This wasn't to do with BRIC either. It was how many pipelines pumping how many barrels a day. Combined into other shipping?

What is a single act of piracy? It's a problem for Iran if its Tankers are seized yes. Not for China who buys from everywhere else.

Logistically it isn't WW2, and the Germans. There are numerous nations and reserves piping, shipping, and hauling it. Severing all of that is by collapsing the supply from using other methods. It's an oxymoron.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. Not on oil and gas. Russia and China will never run out of oil and gas. Maybe if they were separated. Laughable.

The West however are more fucked. Redundantly they are doing it to themselves. By promoting electricity it has caused oil to becomes absurdly overpriced. They're restricting it. But it is making no difference to places like India or China using more and more of it.

The West hasn't opened all of its reserves. New Zealand, Greenland, etc etc. Instead has sanctioned many more. It's not that there isn't oil and gas. It's that it's restricted. In doing so it controls or rigs the field.

There are huge pipelines going into China, from numerous places. Plus tankers from everybody else. Like America, Canada, Saudi Arabia and the rest of Opec.

Piracy of a tanker causes prices to spike, if it's that significant, one tanker. Don't Iran have direct pipelines into China anyway. It pressures Iran distributing it, not much else.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you talking about? How many pipelines are there into China?

How many nations tanker gas and oil to them?

A million barrels is a drop in the bucket.

The artifical Islands are also located near some of the South China Sea's biggest deposits and of minerals. We haven't even started on the Arctic where Russia and its Chinese partners have some of the biggest reserves on the Globe for gas especially. Meanwhile they're allied with a bunch of other places like Venezuela, it potentially has the largest shale reserve on the globe.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. Definitely not. Not into playing in stinking smelly places. They don't appeal. It's a big turn off.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Now you're linking pictures of your brain.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I didn't say any of that. You did. You're full blown retarded. There is no appealing to your intellect it's the product of cartoons.

It's completely autistic

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why the water was shut off in the emotional jisms of faith cultist? You will believe in the space lasers and rat people abducting the Maui kids for adrenochrome.

Wait it was cut off, because the tunnels were flooded. It's where all the missing children went. Planet stupid.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It isn't about tunnels. Read the topic. Can you read it.

Suggesting water was shut off because of the tunnels. Retarded.

I don't care about tunnels. I care about the suggestion water was cut off.

When I commented, I am sure you have done this in your house, run all the taps. Now what happens when you want to get some water.

At what point is there a retard?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're such a retard. You can't read, that's why you're autistic. You're a little nigger full of nonsense. Somebody says laser and it relates to all the cartoons you watch. Somebody else says adrenochrome, and you've turned into crackhead. The reason is because you're an autistic nigger. Look at your association. It's got the disorders. That's why you're on a conspiracy site adding the buzzwords. Lasers can make fire, so fires burn Maui. Obvious autism.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

What is wrong with you loonies?

The water was shut off for the fire department. It happens frequently. Simple science. The simplest. In your household, and everybody wants to use a tap. What happens to the water flow?

It was also a drought, and the water level was depleted.

Don't care about tunnels after reading bullshit, about why was water shut off. So the fire department can get, full flow.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're a nigger. I am not watching nigger videos of niggers.

What didn't you get through your fuck dumb retarded head.

Where is that payload in space? Where? It needs the chemicals. It needs the power source mixing and zapping the chemicals used in cutting rock or drilling rock. The increased performance. Where?

How is that laser operational for destroying 2000 houses and let's double the amount of vehicles and boats.

Let's round it off to what 3000 shots? You fucking spastic. A laser firing not from a jet. No, angles. Drones, no range. Space.

All the chemicals and the powersource in space.

Meanwhile you fucking dumb nigger. The forensics again. You're ignoring for your teenage fetishism of trannies. The burn hole. When a laser, super hot, hits an object, it burns it, it proceeds to superheat the object from its point of contact causing it to burst into flames. Creating fire. The laser either cuts, right through the object. Super hot burns right through it. Or it pauses superheating until it drills or burns through it.

So you're left with a burn hole. Where is this evidence on Maui.

Not pull out bullshit. Complete bullshit. Read your fucking dumb link again. You're quoting decommissioned gear from over a decade ago. It obviously didn't do shit. You fucking retard.

And again why is that science so difficult. Why if they need read your link all those chemicals and the energy source for megawatt lasers. Chemicals to superheat the laser. Is anybody gonna go and use that to make a fire? At what point?

As I said you're worse than a COVID vaxxer. Somebody else can tell you almost anything. You believe it. Off the cliff little lemming.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're a nigger. A completely dyslexic nigger.

Read your article

Despite the performance advantages of chemical lasers, the Department of Defense stopped all development of chemical laser systems with the termination of the Airborne Laser Testbed in 2012. The desire for a "renewable" power source, i.e. not having to supply unusual chemicals like fluorine, deuterium, basic hydrogen-peroxide, or iodine, led the DoD to push for electrically pumped lasers such as diode pumped alkali lasers (DPALS). An "Inside the Army" weekly report mentions "Directed Energy Master Plan

Since lasers have improved. They've gotten smaller and bigger.

2012 look. A decade later. Lasers are on the battlefield. Hell they're an attachment for various assault rifles. They're on drones. They're on increasing Missile defense. They're on Fighter Jets. They're on Assault vehicles. They're on all battleships.

Go back to nigger school.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yep you're a nigger. I don't think you read any of that. But somehow it's gonna zap Maui from space. You dumb nigger. Read what you link.

The chemical laser has no range. It's used in cutting and drilling.

The USA military stopped all projects with the chemical laser. Because of all the shit it needs. The various chemicals plus the power source and charge.

When they deployed it. Hahaha. It needed an entire Jumbo Jet or a battleship.

Somehow the redundant chemical laser fits on a drone? Fits on a satellite? Zaps from Space?

Read the shit you link.

by Lippy68
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The price of everything has literally tripled since the 80s. Except shitty tech. Shitty tech is cheaper. Only because it's a complete fucking con. A million subscriptions and tech products later you finally have a piece of crap that doesn't last 10 years, half that, 5 years for you're shitty piece of tech. Now it's cars. Tech turned everything into crap. It trippled the price. It also added billions of population. All it did was put up the price unless it's a shitty tech product.

Not about saving money. The cost of everything has inflated unless it's the very crap causing inflation. Tech.

How many shitty products does an EV take to work? Prime example of inflation. It requires how many more services and products to work. It ain't cheaper. It simply causes?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're now restorted to monkey level autism. Autism with the honking and the jiberring as flecks of spittle and feces spew everywhere.

Chemical laser? Hahaha, captain underpants. The chemical laser. Hahaha. A Walmart drone is gonna zap my Maui house. So China doesn't. With the chemical beams of flaming piss. You dumbass nigger.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't think the kid cares. Teacher said it was a Troon. It could be real Troon if it ditched its patents.

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