Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Look it up. The first mention of Arabs is from Syria 5th century. They really did not exist prior outside of a fringe group, because of competing demographics and empires. It's only as Islam spread that it centralised its competing factions, haha, not. But it provided a common religion Islam and common language Arabic.

You're such a stupid troll operating on a multiple account. You're a fucking dumb person in IRL. It's the way your brain processes stuff. It's completely dissociative. Your mindset associates modern concepts and then goes oh yea it must be the same then. Because some book of mythicism has said so. It wasn't written when it was suggested. There was thousands and thousands of years where empires came and went. Where language changed. Long before the Common Era. Thousands and thousands of years where people didn't go ohh our past started at this point, when Christ was born, because the book of common fables provided a reference. They suggested their past went back 100,000 years or more. A hundred thousand years of history, Indians, Egyptians, Summerians, Mayans, and many many more ancient cultures.

No wonder they sold out of Africa. You're the type of person with that kind of association. Arabs in your opinion aren't a huge demographic of diverse populations intermingled. They're the sand monkeys out of Africa.

Stop trolling me. You're blocked. I respond simply because it's amusing tripping up your dumb world view. It hasn't learned much, doesn't use Google, argues like a baby constantly, like that dumb kid with a finger up its nose, shitting itself, endlessly repeating something it doesn't have knowledge in, ironically cannot learn it off the Web. Or from debate.

The region of the Arab World, still has different languages today. Outside of Arabic. Like it did thousands of years ago. Back then it was vastly different. Where is Arabic on the Rosetta Stone. Wait what. Duh you drooling retard. Aramaic isn't Arab. It was modern to a hieroglyph. Your association.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What didn't you understand in that fuck dumb head of yours?

Arab, as in Arabic spread with Islam. It really didn't exist before then.

5th century you dumb autist born with both feet in your mouth, is not the time period we are referring too. Thousands and thousands of years before the Arab.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stop it you fucking dumb retard. Arabs are 5th century. 2000 years. It referred to a fringe population at the time before the region adopted Arabic. It specifically does this after Islam.

The time period we're referring too, they didn't exist.

They aren't Persians Summerians Egyptians Phoenicians etc etc

The language is different.

As I said it's autism with you. Your understanding is based on association, and I might as well be speaking with a Neanderthal. It simply doesn't understand there was vastly different demographics speaking in different languages of competing Empires, and tribes. Your association is modern based off Islam.

No wonder where outta Africa came from. Listen to this guy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Services. Okay like rent. Repairs. Insurance tuition. Transport. Services. Hospitality.

Remind me how many home owners there are today since mass migration?

It's another condo. So some developer, a board of investors, sells it, after building it, all loans, nobody pays cash, mortgages or rent, same as football club loans and transfers, the new build has increased the prices in the area, correct, it keeps rising in price as another person buys it, they're buying a debt, or another investment board redevelops more condos, again buying a debt and selling a debt to the next owner. Grants, schemes, but inflation. These condos last what a few decades, let's be really generous and suggest 4 decades today. Those tenements 70s torn down replaced, with new condos. Until it gets replaced with even more expensive housing built for all these immigrants and increasing population. All the extra services and subscriptions. Faster straining education, medical, transport, even food at rates today of existential demand. Most nations cannot even feed themselves anymore. What I mean is they do not grow the food necessary to feed their own populations. Instead they simply pile debt while populating like rabid animals. Welcome to the global south.

With any surge it causes the cost to rise rapidly. Inflation since to 2000 is obscene, tripling on most things except crappy tech. It has never jumped that high unless you're talking Germany post war. Instead everything is sped up today at rates of who knows anymore. These assholes haven't given one little shit. They still don't with buy new cars to fix the planet. More subscriptions and more rent pays them their bullshit, as they sit there as investors exchanging money, and landlords taking rent. But they go and cause population booms in the rest of the planet with their outsourced corps using cheap labor, while proceeding to sell agriculture, and arm them.

Inflation is like shares. Shares constantly rise the more investors buy into the brand unless they bottom out. Crash.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. The out of Africa theory is bananas. It suggests a supervolcano erupt evolving the monkeys into hominids, Lucy was the missing link, they migrated out of Africa. The way they found Lucy hahaha hahaha. I have never seen such bullshit in all my life. The retreated Nile river bed a spot of historic conflict and numerous animal remains. But they were literally dowsing. Umm here's the spot, the divination detector will's it. There they are licking the petrified bone matter. This guy that one is a hyena and this one is hominid. They make millions if they can find a good specimen. A spot of historic warfare the zone is closed off and needs passes. That one's a hyena and that one's a hominid. The thing that was a hominid was a petrified rock, supposedly part of a skull, he licked it, mmhhh. But that other one is a hyena. That fragment another petrified rock is a gazelle.

The dates are bananas complete bullshit. I went to the British natural history museum and from one department to the next it was full of bullshit. The geology department has one date for the supervolcano, causing the ice age, and the paleontology department has the migration at a different point. Laughably there's another freaking supervolcano after the migration.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No. It causes inflation. All those extra services, resources, stress on utilities causes inflation. Like most forms of immigration. Yes there is the financial gains of increased investment, and subscriptions, rent. But the price keeps rising like a football club its mercs, tickets, and subscriptions passed back as increased costs back to the fans.

It's a snake eating its tail. It has created increasing services, up until there's far more debt.

Bankers, hedgers, investors, land owners reap the premiums. Yes there are increasing services as a result. A single letter of the alphabet needs to be translated 50 times, into racism and diversity until it needs to show a disabled women becoming empowered and marrying a black chinese mexican otherwise it's a fine if it isn't recruited and educated into another pronoun. But ultimately all it has achieved is debt passed back as taxation and higher costs of living.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you arguing. They built stonehenge then. You retarded dumbass.

It wasn't anything except a ruins. A ruins known as Roman for almost 1000 years. Until all of a 150 years ago. What is stonehenge today. A freaking stop watch. A lunar calander marking the solstice by supposed ancients worshipping the stars. It glitters.

No it wasn't. Its alignment, all those added stones and arrangement came 150 years ago until today, it keeps adding stones. All it took was funding. What was so freaking hard to read?

Arabs weren't called Arabs then, they're a modern name. A population of hugely different demographics. Are they Africans. No they're not, despite some inhabitanting North Africa. They aren't blacks as a generalisation at all. Many are white, or much lighter. Like Turks. Etc etc.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

But the entire Eve, Lilth thing is from former worship of Ishtar. And it recants the tales of great cataclysm like the Bhagavad Gita and every other Ancient origin story from our ancestors.

It was a big thing when hippies hit the shrooms, Ireland or England is Atlantis, it was the dopamine of their day. 60s,70s and prior, they smoked the shrooms on Salisbury Plain. Atlantians look at the Henge. Hallucinations and rain dancing later, we have Scotland is the missing Egyptian legion of Nefertiti.

Instead those descendants of Atlantis, are Spanish. It literally has Atlantian themes where the literal evidence, not saying it was Atlantis, is located there. Descendants from it. Southern Spain. Facts not Casey. Where hell yes the Caribbean is littered full of Anomalies. Mayans in the height of civilization like your pyramids dating way back. Mining, and with wrought jewelry dating back. Not those things Neanderthals find gaudy, but solid inlaid gold. Hell even Denovisians used the jewelry 90k years ago. I wonder how that functions with any monkeys out of Africa. Cheddar cheeseman. Cheddar Cheeseman has agriculture less than 100 miles away dating prior but there it is stuck in a cave. I mean seriously. It sums up Neanderthals. Even in South Africa. It has civilization advanced farming, steppe, fortifications, stone abodes, and burial, pottery, jewelry, but listen they were the hominids because Rome invented the Iron. Today ironically they came up with the missing link, a monkey got stuck in a hole, so it invented the burial. The hominids walking the savannahs, swinging in the trees, decided one day out of the blue in a mine for over a century with no mention of them to go and bury their dead in caves, because it was the thing to do. I mean Eureka it's the missing link. That's why Neanderthals are stuck in caves. They were burying their dead, and it led to Lucy building the pyramids.

But okay yes I agree there was trade routes globally dating back long before Rome invented any Iron. Simply find your missing links of how any sheep and chickens exist. Look at that trade route spanning the known globe. Forget about North America then with the lost Roman galleons off Brazil. I mean these guys out of Africa those hominids, decide to cross over from Alaska, and they go all the way down to Argentina. All the way down there, Alaska to Argentina, deciding yes. Yes indeed folks, it's the best place for their civilization. We migrated from Africa crossing Alaska and settling down in Argentina because that is how Lucy built those Mayan pyramids.

Did it migrate out of Africa? You're suggesting that theory. I am not convinced at all. It restarted at different planetary points. Above. Any comparison links explicitly to a different restart point like Gobekli Tepe.

Surely there's the Neanderthal DNA in there covering up the fact it also links to a reddish hair origin.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have and I disagree completely. Gobekli Tepe. Mt Ararat.

Literally trying to fit it into something norms can relate and probably brainwashed by sweet little Lucy. Did they look up, is it Malta or Cyprus, footprints of hominids, ignored, dating so far back, way before little Lucy existed. Where the pertrified rock lickers with a y branch conjured Lucy came out of Africa. It amounted to that's the center of the planet, there's the pyramids, and it has gorillas. 1 plus 1 is three. We all came from there because it has the oldest record Rome patented. It invented the iron y'all are clay. Whatever it says. The rest of civilization was little monkeys. Civilization didn't exist prior to 5k years BCE despite the mountains of records giving it its religion.

No, I disagree entirely. The modern paradigm recently, I read it in 2020, Ancient Ireland, was Turkic ancestory, not Arab, modern name, decades this was suggested, in fact the cradle of Western civilization, is Mesopotamia. Not Ethiopian Lucy.

But okay the Nefertiti theme, yawn, no. A word is speculation. Nothing more, nothing less. No not at all. There would be pyramids in Scotland. Instead of burial mounds these are the same all over Eastern Europe, Balkans, Turkey, Germany, France I think, and look at Ireland. Britain's vanished because it had the neanderthals. The word you mentioned also has a Latin origin, translation. Not a lost relative escaping Egyptian civil war.

But interestingly Cornwall was a copper mining colony of Empires.

Although I once read of a Welsh pyramid, or something South of Wales filled in completely. But it was really fringe like a ufo hunter

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

There aren't images of anything except a ruin. I have said it numerously. You're drunk I keep repeating myself. Then you look it up on Google reading what you want.

The first mention is like when 1400-1500s a book reference suggesting a stone henge, it might as well be in reference to Camelot. It's not Salisbury plain. These were mostly left by Romans, stone ruins. Literally Bath, and many more. It was known as Roman by Kings of England and the Lordships who were the county's governance. All the way up until the late 1700s when the druid society partied on it. Later early 1800s a very good landscape painter painted it, John Constable. It looks nothing like it does today. Nothing at all. Look at his painting laugh. Why is there the lightning on it. It suggest what kind of motivation. Fake. Not real. Artistic impression. The other is a Knight on a horse, it suggests what period? It's riding out into a ruin of?

Instead of dumb artwork. Go look at the actual photos of how it was arranged. Now read the dumb Wiki telling you they've kept adding stones to it.

At what point was it anything else you blowhard? Literal autism. So they added stones, with cranes, diggers, surveyors, and trains, but it was made by the neolithic neanderthals from Africa?

At what point can't they forge its insertions. Believe me Britain has been doing for a while. I can think of lots. We won't go there.

Simple problem is they added a bunch of stuff today, but it was built by a lost reference? No it wasn't. Any picture wasn't a stone circle missing half its stones. It definitely didn't align into anything. It was just ruins.

I can link pictures of demolished castles and ruins crumbling, and all that is left is? Ruins, often standing stones, and a lintel. We are talking stone.

But regardless you're claiming who built it? Druidic Celts. Where are their burial mounds in England. Look next door Ireland. At what point did Rome not demolish the most famous piece of druidic feces if it was that site? Honk. Honk. Wrong try again.

Celts of Greekish origin. Northern Italy threatening Rome itself, across all of Europe.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks, you said I am talking to myself, something something. But let's move on. Yes I enjoy our conversations.

I am extreme, somebody takes a swing, what? It's extreme, yes. The only way it stops. Sure enough it hurts their feelings. Then wahaa tell on me. No, grow up, be polite, it prevents extremities.

It's not high or low, it's in kind. But these dumb mods don't trace the entire conversation, only the little shit reporting my comments. Mine are polite to everybody who acts polite. Unless they've said complete bullshit, it's a term of endearment for dumbass. Where hey dumbass is not a retard, it's just a dumb thing to say.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

I reply in kind. Read what they wrote to me. I responded like so. Did I call you a name? No, you were polite up until now. So when somebody called me a name I responded, yes, in kind, like so. Same tone. Same insult. Same names.

Now you've gone and taken offense for neanderthals? You're also calling me names. Read it.

Conversation is suddenly picking me out for responding, because you've taken offense, why. Not at their language. Neanderthals it must be. Why can't everybody on the planet be what? You tell me your offense. It's irate. Why you believe in that. Suddenly you're taking offense. You weren't originally? Why now?

Stonehenge simple truth they added stones more and more and more continuing until recently. Where they want to add more. At what point was it anything else? They added all this stuff. So they aligned it. Obviously. At what point, come on, was it real? Hint it wasn't. So what if it ruins.

But sure enough they can pinpoint a bananasaur. Suggesting Lucy spawned the Planet out of Africa. A big volcano erupted and out popped Lucy evolving. How did they find Lucy. They used Dowsing. They literally had a team with a y branch. We need to find Lucy because it's the stinking link, we've struck gold. They had natives, petrified rock hunters licking the stones, like in the temple of doom. That one tastes like a zebra, but that one is a hominid. I swear. We need too proves it. A hominid sells for multi millions. A y branch dowsing, a team of natives licking stones, some clever sculpting later, here we are guys, you're all a bunch of monkeys. It's made us gold. They do it with the Bananasaurs. It has a carbon content I know let's create a monster. A monster that doesn't function outside of stupid CGI.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yep a bunch of bullshit. They keep changing it. Once a lie is told it needs to keep lying to convince it didn't lie. Every time it moves the goalposts, and it pushes back the dates. Until there's a planet full of anomalies.

Half of it is propaganda anyway. The other half is guesswork. More of it is CGI like dinosaurs.

But what really grinds me is it's kind of obvious a big civilization reset occurred. An existential event. Where did it reset from, there are several points on the planet where it restarted, unlike that dumbass Noah thread on this forum, on they were the only survivors of the bible.

Instead of confirming it, they provide guesswork. It's simply propaganda to drive whatever folly of the day. Until it becomes, when there are anomalies, more and more being discovered. I provided one Agriculture, older than Barry the cheesman from stinky gorge. They scream from the rooftops some other find of a big dumb unscientific dinosaur, it's the biggest bananasaur we've ever found, or it's another black monkeyman, something to discredit the fact there was civilization, and it wasn't monkeys from Africa, across this planet.

To them it needs more funding to beat the concerns. Those concerns were obvious. Why are you inventing dinosaurs if you simply cannot tell me how chickens evolved. Seriously the chicken is how old? About 10k years, but you've gone and invented the raptors. Chickens came from a global trade route. It was trading for much longer than any stinkman from cheese gorge.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

What drugs are you on. Stonehenge is a fucking hoax. It wasn't built by anybody except modern man all of 150 years ago.

Read the Wiki can you do that. It says they've added how many stones like numbers I am gonna guess 18-30. Recently in last 80 odd years more and more.

At what point didn't they. Stack them up and arrange it into bullshit. It was never anything but crappy stone ruins. It wasn't built thousands of years ago. They aligned it around 1870 and again in the 1920s again and again they've added stones to it.

For years centuries, 700 years, both kings and dukes considered it Roman.

Nobody built it except modern humans, they needed to insert their claim to nonsense. Because everywhere else in Europe had better ruins from that time period. But Britain had monkeys. Literally.

Next door look Irish King's burial mounds, Scotland some of the same. Britain nuh nuh. France look. Spain look. All over Europe. But Britain had monkeys.

What Arabs you dumbass? Arabs didn't build the pyramids. They weren't called Arabs. Your problem is association. It's autism. Modern names give you a concept. Africa it's black. Turkey Arabs.

Neanderthals came from Africa so everybody on the planet is black. You're such a fucking retard.

That region I referred to has what type of people? Lighter skin, lighter eyes, and often lighter hair. Not dark or black. Especially the further North. Regionally the red haired mummies found globally. Siberia, Egypt, South America had DNA from an Area it's huge Central Asia, Russia. They branched out across Europe into Ireland. Ancient Ireland. Turkic. Google it. Ancient Turkey region we aren't talking modern Turkey dumbass.

Britain had agriculture Google it in Cornwall, prior to the famous Neanderthal from next door Somerset Cheddar Gorge, it just painted black this last decade. When it was discovered it was white. Agriculture dating back almost 10k years, big agriculture in Cornwall. So why is cheeseman being a monkey in a cave? Somebody tell me why there's evidence of big agriculture in Cornwall dating back almost 10,000 years. But in the next odd county, like 100 miles away, there's Barry the Neanderthal in a cave? Cheddar right? Stupid. It dates to about 7k years ago. Barry the black rendition from cheesy gorge. But agriculture in Cornwall like not in caves growing crops like Georgia had civilization. It must have spooked Barry the monkey? Come on. He was white, displayed white for decades. But as soon as they invaded Libya, around 2012, he became black.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

You are such a fucking retard. I've blocked you. I rarely reply but I made the topic.

I call them Turkic because its script is one of the planet's oldest languages. But regionally, you don't use Google.

Simply type in Georgian wine making the first evidence of wine. How old, Google, 10k years? What were those people in that region? Reddish/brown hair, fair skin, light eyes. As a generalisation lighter. Not darker. Not black. How old is Gobekli Tepe? Now we look at the mummies found across the planet. Siberia. Some in South America. Egypt. The DNA aligns with a geographical region of Central Asia/Russia. Surely there might also be Neanderthal traces in it. It doesn't mean black and gay and fantasy.

What are you talking about Stonehenge. It's a hoax. If they added stones simply wiki. They added almost half the stones to it, recently. At what point is it thousands of years of anything else. Dumbass.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No I am not you fuck dumb retarded cunt.

Stonehenge is a fake. It was a ruins perhaps even that becomes lies propagating lies. Because what it was not, was a calendar, solstice marker, sundial, or aligned into what it is now. It was done recently. Where they've been adding more and more and more stones to it. Some of the stones even have holes where they drilled into them and attached them with steel rods. Never mind the alignment which is all placed out. You can Google the pictures where they used trains, cranes, diggers, and surveyors. Instead of looking at a dumb drawing of a ruins of the supposed stonehenge. It isn't a circle at all. A ruins of who cares, the way most stone buildings collapse, leaves the crumbling remains of an arch, its lintel, and a few standing. Never aligned into anything. Its dated drawn picture. A ruins known for over 700 years as Roman. Until the late 1700s the druid society decided it was something else.

You can find the claim I've made with the Elongated skulls in South America, they were just recently DNA tested, and that DNA had the same DNA as what I've claimed from that region above. Civilization's oldest. Georgian wine making is what, same region as Ive claimed, go and Google it. Before any Blacks ever supposedly built the pyramids. Go Google King Midas Tomb, now Google Irish burial mounds. Look at that the same. Now Google mainstream to confirm it. Ancient Ireland had migrated from ancient Turkey.

As far as Celts in Northern Italy, Caesar's first war, to the UK fucking Google it. Stop being a retard and accusing me of making shit up.

I fundamentally claim Stonehenge is a hoax. It was not what it has been turned into. At all. The obvious evidence is where are the burial mounds in the UK. Ireland kept there's. Because Rome like it did with Jerusalem left no stone unturned. Like they did to the Welsh Island of druids and every other Druid, Celtic site. They destroyed them off the UK map entirely. They didn't leave that bullshit there at all. Because no where else in the UK apart from Scotland has any trace. But Stonehenge got away. Hahaha. A narrative where Britain writes the Neolithic script. Monkeys bananas monkeys. Inserting constant conjecture. No no Gobekli Tepe never existed because black people didn't make it. Read the topical book.

Not this dumb topic.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

He was the CIA, and they armed them. But how many refugees, did they trade, was it more guns, or more refugees, what, how many soldiers died, simply to cause mass migration.

All the USA has done in its history. It never made any other nation. Not even today after declaring itself a nation. What nation is that, it simply moves populations all over the planet. If they don't, it goes and forces them. The irony is it expects the World to do the same. Move populations to where ever they want like Americans did. Simply because it's going to war and it will force them to immigrate. What was the point of any warfare? It could've just sent a bunch of planes to pick them up. But then they'd have to pay when it's not a war? Hang on. Everybody else pays, except for the dumbest wars in history.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

No. Wrong, fables. Celts were Greek descent, they were in Northern Italy, stretching accross Europe, not goths or visgoths different, Celts were who Rome destroyed in England with the druids, prior to them I call them Turkic because it's a much larger region. This same region same DNA has been found in South American ziggurats. Same red hair mummies in the pyramids. Also in Siberia. They weren't Black.

As far as the bullshit on Scotland hahaha. Modern fantasy. Complete conjecture. Nefertiti probably wasn't black either. That's the little myth you're spewing. A cousin escaped Egyptian civil war, and went to Ireland then Scotland. Because of its name. Ridiculous. As bad as that children's book.

Greek that comparison always was, not just because of our current royals. But there was the fable UK was Atlantis. No. Spain had its descendants. Particularly on Irish Neolithic stuff, it has lots untouched, unlike Britain's destroyed. Apart from the obvious hoax Stonehenge. But that comparison is the above Turkic people. King Midas tomb is the same burial mounds. Same burial mounds, all up the black sea, Europe, France. Etc

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yep, I feel pity for anybody believing in Stonehenge. Buying dumb books like that deserve autism.

It has no basis. Celts were much closer to Greeks. Simple confirmation on Irish burial mounds and Turkish burial mounds. Oh look at King Midas, it's the same as Ireland. So a Turkic people spread over Europe.

But Stonehenge didn't exist. Not in any kind of circle marking anything else. It was arranged later where more of its stones were added and placed. Any former ruins were of give a shit, nobody else did for centuries. The Romans destroyed all former traces of any druids off the British Isles. They certainly didn't leave that there at all. Oxymoronic. Every picture can confirm its lie. Cranes, trains, diggers. Meanwhile the Wiki states it has kept adding stones.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Both are stupid fakes. Black people didn't build Stonehenge. Modern man did all of just over a century ago.

It is as fake and gay and without any history as that children's book.

Stonehenge is a modern fraud. A complete hoax. No stone circle. Those stones were arranged later. Ruins known as Roman for centuries until modern druids decided to claim it as Neolithic. Where they built it.

It didn't exist in a circle. It didn't mark the stars or solstice. That came when Britain needed to be at the forefront of what neolithic man thought, so it inserted a hoax to keep itself in the time period.

Ireland has better Neolithic sites. Because Romans killed England's and Wales. The Scottish Stone circle is also a fake. Where are the burial mounds like in Ireland. Plundered pillaged and destroyed. So why on the South Coast is it there, can't miss it. Umm the Romans forgot about the most famous druid site in history.

No, they didn't, or black people built it? They didn't forget about it, and black people aren't celtic.

Fake and gay and full of bullshit.

Another conspiracy is the terracotta army another fake. There are a few more when it comes to history. Stonehenge is a big steaming turd. A fraud.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Every war the USA has been in has practically done it. Even its civil war was about immigration and tax. Where it replaced citizens. It has been doing it for 150 years.

But importantly since WW2. Until now all it fights are wars it moves populations about. It simply doesn't care if it wins war today. It only cares about trading populations around.

Until it doesn't defend its border. It simply polices its population, because it swaps it.

I have no idea what the USA has been doing for the last 20 years. Every war it's fought has been about moving masses of people. It is the most ridiculous thing ever seen in all of history, fighting wars to exchange the population. Worse it doesn't win the war it's fighting either. It simply has its soldiers killed so it can exchange them

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're not human. At what is that a human?

Nothing human about it. It has been grown by an A.I.

If it developed into a humanoid. It isn't a human.

What use is that thing? Parts. Experiments. Slavery. It has no point. It will divide humanity. My forewarning is when they insert an automated brain, harvesting it like a cow is ethical.

It's a clone. How quick can they age it, is the next question. It won't be long before they're fully grown or given bionics.

I don't need a dumb bot explaining words. You aren't. I know the definitions. Synthetic, synthesised. Not human. So what if it's cells.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

The only thing the USA concerned about is sending soldiers to steal the population they gave guns too. It sends its army off to die, so it can steal the population it's fighting replacing it with an even dumber army. They'll faster kill their own citizens first.

It fights terror by importing and exporting it. Arm enemy, go destroy the guns it supplied, steal new citizens.

The USA army has no other point except exchanging its citizens. Conscripts them and brings back new citizens.

It has faster taught Europe how to do this.

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