Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's irrelevant if there's an imposter, favoring the NWO over his congregation. COVID was an example of this and a host of other issues. Including same sex marriage.

This Pope has been conspiratorial. The last pope, before the church has changed its religion entirely.

Who knows. I doubt this topic will change anything.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Isn't the court tied into various other non Israeli organisations. Like international law, and the UN. It then potentially neuters government on increasing security issues.

There are pros and cons.

But let's suggest if Israel had to pre-empt?

Let's suggest it got credible Intel Iran had completed its bomb. Could the court prevent, first strike, because it's against international law?

Iran isn't a member. It can pre-empt.

I am not sure of it completely without looking it all up, but it isn't as simple as the government amassing unquestionable power. There are more reasons. Many are on security. I'd guess. Others perhaps have been on the gridlock of hung governments. Expansion. Etc

I reckon, it's largely that any court has leaned far more towards international policy. Who knows? Tell me

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha. I worry about these modern ones. They've also got the signal.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. They already have that mapping. It effectively is the second episode of the batman trilogy, with Heath Ledger, combined into all the other smart devices.

How many numbers rung? Let's suggest that the percentage was between 80-90%. Any other sirens it's hit the whole pop.

When did they get that data. I don't exactly remember registering it? I know my home number is, on any voting register. Mobile umm. So the government has direct tools to the providers, who sent out the siren. It mysteriously was a different frequency to your otherwise ringtone. Purposely built into the factory settings. I wonder what else is, above?

Speculation I am sure.

I don't like taking my phone out with me if I can avoid it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yea I did, it means bullshit. Musk invented another acronym. He didn't even specify what it was.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you the testimonials? 2 people right here said the same thing about it.

Not quite what I said no. I am saying. You hear an inner monologue. It blends into your grief, the pain, and hurt. It causes everybody wealthy poor loved hated to lose it.

The easiest explanation is yourself. But it's spiritual. It's like death is calling. Because all of a sudden there's a determination, and it's stronger than life itself. A will to die. No other thought, so centered on it, bombarded with the things troubling until no more thought. In this episode most you cannot even get near too. They've shut themselves off completely, even if they're walking towards the bridge, freeway, rooftop, or gun in their mouth, razor, pills, drugs or whatever.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

At least they drilled and know what to do and what to expect.

Everybody else's TV, phone, computer, smoke alarm had to be disconnected.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

A.I, is autism. It has become modern autism. A trend that has literally profaned intelligence. Replacing it with bullshit.

Look at the stockmarket today. What about the cost.

While they tinker with its magick of it putting everything inside of it. It hasn't achieved much else.

Reality has become fake and gimmick and twice the price. Not one of them hold the power their generation did before, or before that.

Sure they have more plastic about the extent of it.

But the circle, I expressed, is a simple diagram of structured trust, or order. It's a simple comparison towards compartmentalisation. Your floors of ritual and ceremony.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I've never what now? Dined on your flesh, no, I've eaten your soul. Tick tock.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Have you heard, it's better not being here, do it. What is that? Death calling your name. It merges into your sorrow. Until that barrier prevents the counter force, any love, any other thoughts, like even a stranger passing by. It becomes overwhelming.

Most cannot talk too, it's too late. Many don't want to hear anyway, because their pain is too much to bare.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They aren't. It's a circle, and it has an inner circle like everything else. At its core is trust descending out. The other circle is not the circle inside of it. Blood, bond, brotherhood, ritual, order, union, etc. Not sex. Unless you're talking bloodlines.

Secrets, don't leave. To become privy mean, partaking in its sanctums, completing its passage, bound. A chain is formed, as strong as its circle.

Underground, that metaphor is the only place it hides, and never in the open. Because there's no other entry.

Topically the psyop is painted by which kind of perpetrator? Opposing, but from what type of background. Perhaps another religion? Or honeypot? Or trying to get paid off selling fiction .

But you've turned this whatever it is into hysteria and patriarchy and orgy. Proof?

The words of another accusation, i member member, it was the rape? I knew a somebody, and she had 8 babies stolen. Why would they be left alive. Why? Involved. No, why? It weren't rape. Or it's fantasy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha, pretty please Polly.

Polly I promise. I'm sorry. I'll repent. Is there a god? I tried.

No Mofo. There's me. I am a conduit, because I rebound, and I'll grow, emboldened, and ever more rabid. I offered you empathy and remorse. A thoughtful response. But you mocked, and mocked. Until I ate, because I am that hunger that needs to be filled off of you, and your thoughts, and your flesh. So I'll take, devour, and destroy, consuming more and more.

I am your worst, because you danced. Your choice. Wahaa you tried. Please. Please my flesh, my mind. No. There's no more tears, it's too late for your folly, because there's only the sweetness of your savourings. But you thought. What did you think polly! Tell me of your sins?

I ravished and stabbed at it, and stabbed at it again, poking you full of holes, ripping out your entrails, gouging, drinking, and dining. Until your grasping straws have thought. What have they thought? There's another god. No, piggy. I am. I am not a mockery. I am the reaper of your fear. The reaper of your pathetic trolling. The reaper of your folly.

Back up. Please. Hahaha. Wahaaa. Muhahaha. You are alone, and cold. You were heartless. Thunderous cackling, cackling with your flesh, and blood, and guts, carrion dripping from my mouth. Until I've swallowed you whole, and I have consumed, and I have grown. You have sustained me. You have given me adrenochrome, and your loosh.

Repent. No. There's your flesh and it is so sweet. So sweet.

Truce? Barter. Barter. I'll take your straws, your entrails on a roller, spaghetti into my mouth. Barter with me? Barter polly. Polly piss your pants. Barter like you mean it. There's another bite, another carving. Another pound of flesh. Barter.

Please Mods I promise. No, Polly.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha, back off is it. That smell. Those puddles, look. No. I've become rabid.

As I said there's a retard in front of me.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ditto. You wanted a hug, then you wanted a grapple, and a gouge, because you wanted to get eaten?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No deals, with the dead. They don't honor them, unless you're in casket.

Sure pissy pants. Let's deal. What are you offering?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ohhh, touchy? There you are, look it's weakness. The Mods now. Hahaha. I am detecting a smell. You wet yourself.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha you wouldn't, I wouldn't even blink. It would be this dumb retard in front of me. Objectively one of us ain't going home. It would be dirty, no holds. Just your worst. I'd eat your ears, your nose. Eyeballs love them, they squish, and pop. Hahaha.

You pull a tool, I'd use anything. One of us ain't going home. I couldn't stop. Because I won't let it happen. So pretend.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Let's tango, bitch. Tell me I am wrong. Look it up or did you want me too. Never in my articulate style. No. But find it. Instead of posting what you think they felt.

There are some there who were murdered. But you've posted an assumption. It's an illusion.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's spiritual. Hard to say what it is. Haunting, really haunting. It's like being at the train tracks, or that edge, something, another force, it's not yours, abnormal, telling you to just jump, it's better. Tempting, all rationality gone. Just this damn echo of all that pain, anger, grief, loss. That voice, those thoughts, merging, resenting yourself, others, the grief, the loss. Until it becomes a barrier. It's not listening, it can't hear, it can't see anything else, just the edge or etc. Until it doesn't care.

Normally there's a counter balance, but it's so much, much harder to find. Another pull, something. It becomes ignored. Or it occasionally saves.

Perhaps we do? Some die without even knowing. Some struggle to die. Others won't, until they do.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Suicide can happen to anyone. You can't do much about it, not many will even talk about it, why. When it happens, it's like death itself called their name. Voice in their head, depression, anger, eats, and then a moment of madness, the end. Sometimes there are no signs, or any signs are ignored. They often feel betrayed, or want to be held, but want to be left alone.

Fame is a mask. One face for the crowds another for the mirror.

But yes many there are conspiratorial. But I wouldn't put them all up as your topic. I dunno who they all are without looking them up. I doubt they all are suicides some simply excessed drugs, drink, crash, whatever. Perhaps not intentionally but the corner has to rule it wasn't murder.

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