Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

How did Iranian weapons get into Gaza?

They used current Ukrainian tactics to knock out the tanks. Effectively Iranian drones. They dropped grenades, explosives on them.

They had non Palestinians as well. Internationals.

They used some advanced tactics, as well. Military special forces training, in and out.

They were prepared knew who to grab, they had tools to break in and steal stuff and abduct people.

They attacked from the sea. They also paraglided.

They fired upto 5000 rockets. These have used materials coming into Gaza.

It was a holiday, the Sabbath and another Jewish celebration on that day.

The military as I said had a strike against the new reforms it affected some rotation.

But they overran a number of checkpoints and a base

It still is odd with the surveillance there, but 5000 rockets covered that charge, they killed over 300 Israelis many military. They captured tanks, guns, armoured cars.

Helicopters they firing 5k rockets, you can't use jets, civilians, tanks are being exploded by drones.

They also knocked out drones and some light aircraft

It takes time to move any personnel.

There are a number of skirmishes along the entire line, as Israelis did get there.

In a short time, let's suggest a hour it was a flood, complete flood. I don't know that time frame. It was quick.

Meanwhile Israel has had a lot of attention on its international problems, a bunch of who knows calling it names. Iranian build up. Ukrainian support. Etc etc.

You're making shit up. It did happen. Offering conjecture that it simply could never. So it's a false flag? Tedious.

5k rockets on Israel. A number killed and wounded. That is not a false flag anybody sane would ever sanction. Next time what? Even if it elimates its foes the flag. It has allowed 5k rockets to hit it. Abducting Israelis in broad daylight. A calling card to every terrorist on the planet. It can be breached.

Hence Gaza will go. No debate. Not to that rationality of allowing and harboring its terrorists.

They also despite it all, those protocols, got a signal out. Hamas flooded media with its victory. They got the signal out. The same way it got it in.

Simple not stupid fantasy.

The Odds are even if intelligence had a whiff, it had no prep at all. If it was lazy, thinking a handful easily contained, it was blindsided.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Israeli death toll is over the 300 and expected to rise further. It hasn't identified them all.

There have been limited strikes in Gaza. Softening hard targets. Some are reportedly impacting the larger area.

Municipalities electrics, fuel, food have been cut off. Of course they have some alternatives.

It hasn't fully, because it is coordinating internationally, it is preparing.

Also any hostages are a concern. As I've said in another reply. It looked bad for them. They took women and some looked to have been raped, or the suggestion, others taken torture occuring prior to any places of holding.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not how it works. You know this. It chooses its ground. So they won't know what hit them, when. They will fear the reaper. It will knock.

It is still securing its breach. Gauging surrounding activity. Identifying them and their locations and their strength.

It is training choosing and preparing.

There are hostages, identifying them, if they can be dealt, or rescued, any narrative, or terms.

But you can betcha when it knocks it will be daggers.

We aren't hearing a lot as well. Because what happens at home with our mixed populations. There is a blackout. What we aren't hearing are the airstrikes.

Also unclear the Israeli death toll just climbed. 200 now? This might have been earlier. But some was also securing any breach.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

No my friend that video is a hoax. The most famous that spread Hinduism was Ghandi.


Cementing later was Edgar Cacye. Until every fruitcake on the planet claims to have lived another life.

Have they explored my condition. Because we remember stuff that young. Some our first steps.

You can clearly see assisted development. Not secrets.

The other anomaly, this has been famous again period with Dracula. You know the story. Same. The painting. Her. Literally the same person captured painted. It goes back to Egypt. I am unclear of its version but wasn't it practically biblical. He killed and killed to find the rebirth? There's more to it, but the cosmic alignment, specifically how it rebirthed, where. It hasn't been proved.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hoax. They are encouraging it. They have accepted it. They have aided and assisted any development.

I am unclear of it. It in other children. This one is obviously hoaxed.

When you see the footage, where is Me in the photo. Asked by the parents. What does this obviously suggest.

Any other anomaly from this point are questionable. Especially the sister. She was killed dumped in the bay. They talked about it. They obviously really loved their grandad too. Hence they have so many pictures and his first car photos.

Another shot in the footage, subtle, the kid has that moment of truth in its eyes. He's done the routine before. Asked again watch the tell. The pause on what to do. Then the clarity. Further clarity shown as the kid accepts it's spooky in a stereotypical cliche.

There are explanations, the one on offer is the sister, it isn't, it has been discussed it was big, there should be something secret. A sin. A secret. Something only the Grandad could know or suspect or have hidden. It can be verified only by press or a third party. None of this. Just a routine. It has been encouraged, aided, it is shown, becoming its sensation.

I cannot think of a God that cruel. Grandad birthed by his children. The fish please.

I have a memory of about 2 years old when I said it, only my parents could know this. It was a sword, it was a crap sword, real crap. Found on the property, we lived then, they might have tried to sell it, except it was shit. No value. Discarded. I remembered it. It's big for a kid, huge. The sword. Said it nonchalantly we found a sword. It caused that argument because nobody else has very big memory then. My older brother and older sisters. They remember the dog. I can still see the puppies and smell their shit. We moved country when I was younger than 3. I have about 10 memories there. Specific moments of things like a hole in the floor you could see through the floor, into the room below, getting in trouble for yes spitting through it. Near to their head. Brother put me up to it. But yea. The horse, sat on it. It wasn't our horse field nearby, a neighbour, two in fact. Etc. Crying on the stone stairs. Parents left the babysitter that night. A few more. After about 5 most memory. Not just those big moments of excitement, pain, joy.

Hoax. Something secret. Not developed.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are 5 minute war today

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop that fantasy, I aware of all the conspiracies there.

When I used that metaphor. I meant you know that image of Raqqa.

Who knows? That press just hit today 8th dated. It is still emotional, but measured, because it has promised them their fate.

Internationally I believe there will be no quarter. Although there is still a window of mediation.

However utilities are already being turned off

No, I don't wish them both too. Or anybody else. I wish for peace.

Except today it won't happen. A dream of the naive.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

They overran the checkpoints. 3 or 4 to my understanding, and a compound. They destroyed tanks, capturing a few, and APCs. Launching 3000-5000 rockets.

It was literally a coordinated attack that charged at the same time breaking out into a zone with less security and flooding into others. It fought along others, drawing any lines. It seized a commander and other military forces while taking civilians.

It is a bit odd but their military has just had problems. They had a big strike at one point. Last week, early week, when the supreme court was dissolved.

My wording might not be so accurate.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here you are.



I believe utilities have just been cut like electricity.

To wait extent remains, but it's going to be returned, because I think Hamas are being outlawed on a scale of ISIS.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now it can go in there. Once it's in there, what happens?

Simple not stupid. It can shut down the flow, the production, and seize and destroy any weapons and terrorists. While actively enforcing the checkpoints, and burying any tunnels.

The missile defense is there regardless of the Gaza Strip. It has that same threat from other places like the Sinai peninsula, Syria, and Lebanon. It will always be tested.

The Strip however requires a few different rules, as it has obviously become lawless.

You're making shit up. It does not have backdoor access to the entire Planet. No. Not even the Western half. Otherwise it would get Russia to launch on China or something. No. But come on.

How did Iranian weapons enter the Strip?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. The other explanation and most logical is it resolves its security issues which have put it here. These have obviously just been breached by otherwise support.

Rather than the Jew beam lasers from any shapeshifters.

You're in a mindset everything is a false flag. But the false flag is weakness. It promotes getting hit. It simply cannot get hit. It must survive and weather its opposition. Then they accept it. Not challenge it. If it doesn't they will prevail. Any chip in that armor causes it to weaken. For the loss of a nail, the horse lost a shoe, because the shoe was lost, the horse fell, because the horse fell the King was killed, and the kingdom was lost.

Not conspiracy the hard fact of survival.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's hard finding stuff my Internet is on the wobble.

I saw a statement briefly directly confirming boots in.

Iron Daggers has the support of Israel. Also its allies. They have all stated Israel has the right to defend itself, and have condemned this terrorist attack.

I tried to pull it back up. But. It was in the effect of as I have suggested. Israel must recover its hostages and its equipment.

The death toll is at around 70, with about 1650 injured, and about 50-55 hostages taken supposedly housed in about 22 locations. This is online press. So?

Everybody else opposing, some are saying the same of Palestine. Trying to justify it. But it's at an impasse. Or they are calling for the cessation of all hostility and the immediate mediation.

However it's seemingly too late for all of that. Israel has support.

This was a fully trained, and funded, and armed incursion. It knew exactly what it was doing. What those risks are.

But it takes time to prepare and surgically strike. Also possibly allowing some time to deal. Or at least gauge the opposition.

There are attempts at diplomacy from an international community. But they haven't been successful. Not yet.

What is the deal. Nothing they can give.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What didn't you understand about this situation?

Hamas has hostages, military and civilian, some are quite possibly being tortured as we speak, and it has seized tanks and armoured cars and Israeli weapons. It overran several outposts. It also wounded hundreds and killed a number.

The only thing that prevents boots on the ground, a likewise incursion, not likewise, there will be nothing like it, is a deal that history has never had. A deal of the universe where God himself would probably have to grant it? Convince me otherwise?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stop it. I cannot read that shit. It's not how to respond, we were talking, then you trolled that stuff. It's all over the place.

No they don't apart from in the technicality of housing them in an occupied territory.

You cannot control the mob. It is anarchic. It is its own beast. This mob is structured through its opposition, and its undying worship of its martyrdom in warfare of Israel. It literally only opposes them. It will never not be opposed to Israel. It is occupied. Even if peace is temporary, it is because it is sharpening its swords.

Israel can infiltrate it possibly.

But you do not understand those streets. It's a wall compound. Yes it houses a huge population. But it knows it by name, by eye, by worship. Any whiff of opposition away from their cause, it is the opposition of Israel, and they'll kill without remorse, weeding out dissent, they suspect all, always.

There you are, Israel have installed its own commander, and it leads it. It leads them to fire 5000 rockets on Israel. Tell me why Israel just killed one of its top commanders this year or last? Jewspiracy to get their own man in? What? You're insane.

Israel do not claim to have made the planet. I think they claim God has. Yes there are prominent Jews, successful Jews, and a religion with roots around the World. It doesn't mean anything else.

They have look at Iran right now. Celebrating it. What about any others?

Pointless conversation. Believe what you want. I simply find it ignorant. Surely there are conspiracies.

But this is war.

The irony is you believe, it simply provides 10 more years of Jewish government. Until the next government has to repeat it again, or whenever the support waxes, and wanes, and it leads Palestine against it, again. This ratifies any opposition, to support Israel, because don't worry Israel have got their own men in. Sorry you're nuts.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't live in the real world. At all. You live in fantasy. You're peddling insanity like a few others on here. Constantly. Despite of whatever.

There is no controlling the mob. It is opposed. None whatsoever. The only tie is its opposition. It will root out any signs of anything other than undying support.

Israel might have infiltrated Hamas to what extent is questionable after today, but they don't control it. Not in any other regard except housing it in occupied territory. That has turned out to be a logistical nightmare.

Hamas are freely moving in and out armed trained recruited from further a field.

Yes it's a mafia there. They take a cut, protection, they recruit, they arm. They have safe houses, stash houses, and tunnels. They know their streets, by eye, ear, and worship.

They're also running it on a government level. Aren't they in charge of it currently away from the PLO or whoever. I give up there I really do. It has zero ties to Israel except its continued warfare.

Hence aid has been cut to Palestine, and Hamas has been nominated a terrorist organisation.

But it hasn't stopped it, amassing its weapons.

On what Planet do you constantly assume it's Israel and not other any regional affiliated sponsors?

It makes a nice conspiracy. But it ain't when it comes to the mob. It has a secular goal, staunch opposition. Not fantasy. Those sponsors are from a separate religion. Not shape-shifting Israelis.

It's laughable, who do you empower by that narrative? Not that I care Israel are an allie. But it seems stupid? On one hand many on here are blah blah jewspiracy, they own the universe, and are behind every machination human or otherwise. You empower who? It's ironic.

In this topic however there's only support. How do you stop this.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They've given it a name. Iron Daggers.

Obviously a military operation.

Time frame on any hostages. Hate to say it, but they might be gone. Seeing what I watched it didn't look like they had many plans for them outside of entertainment. Any other rationality knows they won't be bartered. If they can even get there in time. Peace trade them for not entering. Think it's too late?

They also need time to enter effectively, ground pressed. It's no Fauda, movie. They enter it's potentially war on every street. But they have too. I do believe.

Who knows except what is will be.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Narrative is. Hamas Internationally armed, and trained, and recruited have taken hostages, raped I believe I watched, she had blood there, a lot, it was suggested, tortured others, seized tanks and armoured vehicles and killed and wounded hundreds.

At this point it is enter the Strip. No debate. There are hostages and seized equipment. There are weapons and cells.

It's time to clean it up. To what extent remains warfare. But it is a fact they're entering with boots.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read a Statement by the Israeli PM.

3 phases

Clear their border of the incursion

Enter the Strip. Hostages, equipment seized. Much more house by house. Weapons.

Hard border build up. Syria, Lebanon.

No international it has passed their parliament.

Although you tell me? You seem to know more about it. I am saying it's obvious they're going into the Strip. Boots on the ground. Hostages and equipment.

by Asterix
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Egypt are on High alert. It would be like defcon 2 in a state of readiness.

Should look on the net, for issued statements. Most are condemning the attacks and calling for cessation.

But it's too late for mediation.

To my understanding they'll sweep the Strip with boots on the ground. Effectively house to house. Or at least Intel.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nonsense. You're equating every Middle Eastern war as Israeli.

I don't think Iraq was Israeli. Pretty sure Saddam wasn't Jewish.

Today what happens. They're taking back their border. Then they're going into the Strip. After knocking out any groups of militants. House by House. Clearing Tunnels. Then they're clearing back any border build up. Syria, Lebanon.

A lot will die. Any resistance will be killed.

If it was me. There simply wouldn't be a Strip. It serves no function. But I'm glad it isn't. I am not Jewish either. Pragmatic. It serves no point except war.

by Asterix
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are the surrounding nations doing?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is zero point in this dumb conversation because you're an idiot.

You mouthing something farcical makes you part of the Psyop. It is inserting an erroneous history. It never existed. It was trolling only. But perpetrated by whom. It arose since this present conflict in the Ukraine.

Later the Rothschilds weren't from there either. Any oil was Caspian, some of the oldest fields producing. Part of the Pontic steppe. Ukrainian production started in the 70s. Stalin was a Cossack protecting Caspian oil fields, before becoming president of the USSR, he was from where, was it Azerbaijan?

The Khanate didn't converted to Judaism. They were largely Islamic. The Mongols help spread Islam. The entire region is practically Islamic. They're the largest religion in the World today. Much is along the former Khanate and everywhere else. While Judaism isn't.

At what point are you that retarded? It's laughable. It is such bullshit. You cannot read the Wiki. Look at it. It had used word for word from the Scythian wiki. But look at the names, and dates overlapping. Read those names. Come on. Nobody can be that retarded. Except you.

The graffiti of toilets. A whiff of conspiracy. But smeared in feces.

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