Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

What are you babbling about?

I asked if you ever got past square one? Insert conspiracy. Square one. Hahaha it's funny. Was there anything deeper.

What does it mean?

I tried to offer a notion of rationality, but you've shat all over the page. Read yourself.

It's obvious then that you're a shill, offering the same deflection, or you're an idiot with no brains, or conversation?

The deflection in your obvious gibberish was no no Iran or who ever could never arm Hamas because Israel created them. Fart.

I didn't care. I was trying to debate the offered rationality of your post.

It however is shilling. A stereotypical tactic of deflection, and distraction. It is being pummelled across this forum. Hamas aren't to blame. That's what you're doing, right.

If Israel created them, then Palestinians are innocent of having them as their government? It might as well be Iran didn't arm them either. Because Israel false flagged?

You dumbass.

I have tried to offer a minute of thought hang on one second what's the entire picture. But there you are posting this forum with shit. Why? In aid of terrorists?

The multitude of posts here are expressing which sentiment. You've pummelled many of them. Now why? Tell the forum.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am not Jewish. I was raised a Christian. Protestant. Church of England. Or something. Today I know religion, went to Christian school. Do I believe in it. No. It provides faith. I have none. I am open to all beliefs and have studied some of them. But I am not religious. Although I treat all with the same curtesy they treat me.

I like the idea of God. But cannot say I have experienced him. Instead I just don't know. Faithless.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are. Why are you inserting Jews into a region even a retard can look up that history, and know for a fact they didn't exist there at that time.

Look it up. When did Judaism spread to the Ukraine. When did it spread to the Pontic Steppe. Type it into Google. Look it up on the Jewish website.

At what point are you a spastic? Why are you a retard?

You mouth shit on a forum about Jews. You think you would know their history correct?

So you're not a jew. Then why are you chatting crap about jews. It empowers them. Yourself it just makes dumb.

Deflection as I thought. Tell me why. Who believes in bullshit, even a spastic can look up. You're trying to convince us, you're not a jew, but the jews existed in this other place they didn't. Why, it sounds retarded? No why? It's funny, to be ignorant? Joke is on you.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, you're a stupid troll, counter Op. Deflecting. I am trying to figure out why.

You aren't empowering anybody. Nobody cares about bullshit.

Maybe it's erasing history for an insertion. A possibility. But, tedious. Most people learn history.

A deflection causing hard to say. Except your bullshit fable makes no difference. Apart from causing ignorance hiding its motives. Deflection. Why are you trying to convince me Jews came from there when they came from Israel?

Read the Wiki. Go on. It is a fable. It copied the historic Scythian Wiki word for word. Until it inserted names and dates overlapping. The names it inserted are so utterly ludicrous they simply didn't and couldn't have existed there.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You never did. It's word porn. It fucking figured. A fantasy.

This forum has been overrun with triggered little shills.

Or debate the concept. It's rather simple, famously. You should recognise that quote.

Here's another. There's no taming the beast, it's simply unleashed.

That was its point, if it was ever that idea. I debate it.

In your world of fiction. Look at it today; action, reaction, causality. Tell me what it becomes. We are in a chain reaction.

Think about this. Obviously you're a shill so you have. Who has just been empowered here. Now unless a NWO adopts full dystopia globally. It has just created the next 10 generations of martyrs. It has just empowered its foes. Unless they're also going to be destroyed what indeed occurs?

So what probability have you come up with? You're chatting shit. A counter op, trying to make me, feel what? No. I don't. Deflection is idiotic. It's laughable. Iran no no we didn't fund Hamas. Because Israel created them.

You dumbass

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Yawn. In that brain of yours. Do they still control it?

Or did it create itself because it was always there. It simply needed a nudge. If it was nudged, do they control it? Was it nudged because it stopped anybody else filling the vacuum. Until the vacuum pulls more and more into it, and it became another wild animal? Uncontrolled.

This the problem with every fantasy. It serves a point for 10 seconds. Then that beast is off the leash. Once off the leash it becomes rabid, until it is destroyed.

Here's how that works.

All movements start with an idea and the idea will always grow beyond those who first thought of it.

They keep doing this, a history of it. But at what point does it turn into something else, becoming terrorist?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you talking about? Khazaria is a fable.

Read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars

Now read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians

What went wrong. Fantasy did. Can you spot the obvious nonsense. So why are you saying it?

I am actually surprised Wikipedia hasn't removed it. But it's a troll op. It started all of a couple years ago with the Ukraine conflict

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What are you talking about? The lost tales according to the alternative version of the fantasy books? Where did you source that history.


Hahaha this happens again and again and again throughout its history. Sorry. Not sorry. Stop it.

Look at its history in that region. Actually look at it.

In the 1800s that was effectively its population. Those numbers are idiot. But yeah it was the literal population. But read the conflict of this place called Palestine. Simply read the history. Don't make up history.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you talking about. Utter fucking crap. Sell it to idiots.

China has been giving aid to Palestine. I didn't say weapons. Those are from a few actors.

They asked for humanity while Hamas fires rockets everyday?

Go back to that rave. Go on party outside Gaza. Look how that turned out. Why are people like you so fucking dumb? It's like you've lost all common sense. You mouth nothing but nonsense.

In that head of yours you conjured little fantasises. Sell it to idiots.

Right before this, literally a few days earlier a 12 year old blew herself up in Israel. What happened in April. It had occurred almost daily this year. Everyday there was something else.

But they wanted humanity? No. They wanted war. If they didn't want war. They'd have built something. Instead of rockets.

They're in this fucking camp. They could've made the greatest Mosque on the Planet. No. No way. They literally only built rockets. Rockets and tunnels for rockets. Quick populate more tunnels for more rocket people.

The rest of your post there's no point. No point. It has no common sense.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry I don't sign up to anything I leave details on this media.

What is this? Talk here now. Or don't post it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's suggest it was the Troon. (False Fag). Nobody can predict how this ripples.

Put one fire out, ten more fires start. That ripple causes a chain reaction.

We are in a chain reaction. All these events are connected. It keeps escalating. It keeps spiraling.

Who gains here. A government for 5 planetary minutes? Or what has just happened to Islam? Regionally those drums will beat. It has just empowered every militant from there to timbuktu.

What has just occurred will cause problems for much longer. That's if it even finishes today without it erupting more.

I am actually in another opinion it wasn't as orchestrated not unless it had been known about by many other nations. Who are simply depop, and some other NWO. It simply causes more problems on any current authority. The other side gain. They can ride that ripple gaining. Or we're in a bigger war sooner.

Israel had had huge problems for longer. This year April. Hostages. Suicide bombers in Israel. The constant build up on its borders. Iranian weapons, nuclear program. Ukraine. Funding. Reforms. This. Weekly/daily. For how long. Becoming more and more.

Not all is at seems. At all. There is a reaction. It keeps splintering.

Convince me otherwise?

In any event inevitably occurred. It was bound to cause and then affect. They were arming increasingly in Gaza more and more sophisticated every day it's been more terror there. Israel was always going to have this response to it. Eventuality occurred here. Inevitable.

Tell me that plan? As it causes

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Example 50 babies killed, they overran a hospital, killing babies.

Example they chopped off foreign worker's heads with garden tools.

Example they paraded girls captured naked in Gaza.They broke arms and legs on others, raping some to death.

Shut up. Stop mouthing crap.

There is a bigger danger here than any distrust in your government. Even if the Gaza strip is gone how does this play out for the next decades here at home in the West? How does it ripple today, right now in WW3.

Go on piss off.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

None of it was functioning. What about every other time? Was it functioning? They make rockets. They fire those rockets how often? They gather near the fence every single holiday to fire rockets.

What changed was the prison break. A dedicated core who had been planning to break out. Training to attack.

Even the most prepared are caught off guard.

Or whatever. It doesn't change the fact it was inevitable. Weapons those rockets pouring in, recruits from further a field, and their training getting in.

Let's suggest Intel got a whiff of another rocket attack. Why would it be different. Most are intercepted by the billions in defense. Mainly the patriot missiles. F16 missiles. Each costs how much. Plus any other shells, munitions.

They're going to mobilise on another suspected rocket attack and have a bunch of people waiting there every 5 minutes. Or were any outposts, and centers, and police stations overrun? As they blended into the civilian pop taking hostages, holing up, and killing indiscriminately?

How many tanks, and vehicles, destroyed, and captured, almost 50 military vehicles captured. Drones, and light aircraft, also shot down.

In a population of millions and tunnels to Damascus or where ever. Have they gotten better and more equipped? Better the wrong word. But more equipped, armed, and had increasing training?

They also had counter Intel. They poured out objectively.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Raqqa. Called it previously. It isn't finished either. Has it entered?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I am on Smartphone. It is very tedious typing stuff. Big hands little keys. A stupid autocorrect. But I type otherwise well. Except my punctuation. For along time the comma was missing on the other page of symbols and emojis. I have got the comma back. But sometimes I still think it's gone. It cause bad sentences. Or very short sentences.

Your problem is association. Your association doesn't comprehend the concept. It is because everything is a Troon. The false fag. If it isn't, it's a bot. Or whatever other name you can think of to dismiss the concept.

No I am not. I am a rational person with a layer of common sense, in regards to the content, not dumb fantasies and jewspiracies.

Again dumbass. Israel are the military operation. But the USA is on standby as well as others, if it escalates into a larger regional war. They could nuke rather than face a zombie apocalypse. Damascus gone. Hezbollah what. Tehran no more.

But what, it is what it is.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Exactly. It won't be a flase flag.

This topic was a response to Hamas claiming they're going to start shit in the Western World as they're removed from Gaza.

How much protest in the United States in regards to current events. It hasn't turned ugly, not yet. Let's hope not.

If it does. I'd avoid cities as well.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

What are you talking about? Again you're not making any fucking sense.

Israel are the ground. USA are supporting by the air currently. Not currently. Israel are that force. But there is a USA strike group there if needed.

Where if it develops more, who knows, what happens. Except there could be nukes. It has been threatened.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no idea where that came from. You pretend to be Japanese. You're not. Kimosabe. Japan, yes? But you're not. You expect me to know Anime. It makes you what?

If war is war then war it is. No debate. If it calls you answer. Because it is your duty and service.

No other notions. Just a calling. You can't do it, fine, your business. But that's absurd until you face it. When you do, there's no hiding from it.

I am opposed to terror when there's peace. I am opposed to terrorists breaking the peace with acts of war. Then I'll fight if called.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You sound very Chinese? Are you Chinese? Is Google not working?

I'd be the first to sign up to war. If I were fighting it. Probably be the first causality as well. Aside.

We are debating your epically insane notions. There are witnesses accounts in most papers today. There are tapes by Hamas. At what point can't you use the internet? You have Chinese the internet? Seriously. I need a clunking translator for that broken English.

It's no wonder the concept is alien.

What are you skeptical about. Hamas rape? In a topic of Hamas beheading. How does that work? You fucking retard. It goes without saying. Literally.

The topic. Now what else are you skeptical about?

I shouldn't have to provide sources. A) I am opposed to the content, it makes me sick. B) I expect common sense. C) It's obvious.

Only you live on cloud stupid. I've just read it. Can you read the topic. Yet there you are. Literal insanity. Targeting me because I don't share in your absurd fantasies, they amout to counter propaganda. You are from where? Tell us. You didn't use English. You're shilling opposition constantly. This globe is dangerous today. More dangerous when its idiots have lost rationality, and repeat foreign counter ops. But here we are discussing it, like adults.

I expect you to read the topic. At what point isn't an executioner cutting off another person's head, not raping and torturing as well? They had a different code of just their brains?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a crazy cycle of nothing but conflict since the dawn of mankind, exploited by its divisions.

Today we should be past all of that, we've integrated and connected through technology. We share common goals, trade, and have a sense of unity despite our creed, conflict, and competition.

No, we are effectively in global war. It is affecting the Planet again and again.

The same hotspots and absurdity flare again and again.

There is no solution while there is this pretense. It is not the other, but it will never be.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't know don't care not my problem. Or my concern. But terrorists have to go. Have to go.

The population was insignificant when whatever occurred. More population was adopted by the West after WW2. More population has been adopted by the West and the globe since, especially in the last couple decades.

At what point are they there. Because it has factually nothing to do with Palestine. It's a notion Israel shouldn't exist or rule that former area.

No matter what side you choose it is a big stupid problem caused by the Palestinian. They aren't even Palestinians. Just everybody else claiming Israel isn't Palestine.

I agree Jerusalem is the center of religious claims. But it simply cannot function with the perpetual conflict. A city of religious pilgrimage and history. If there are these supposed Palestinians.

As far as Arabs in Israel again they are completely affected by the Palestinian.

Take it or leave it. If it's retaken. It won't even be called Palestine. They'll call it something else. Leave it. Let the Planet find peace. Pilgrimage find sanctuary in your religions but stop perpetrating terror.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

They are not. Egypt has specifically put its army on heightened alert. The first to do so prior to Syria, hostile, and Hezbollah terrorists who are attacking.

But Egypt specifically puts its army on alert, and in the Sanai, because it was concerned about any refugees spilling out of Gaza. It is also sending aid medical supplies into Gaza.

So they stated no refugees from there. It has huge problems currently. It has doubled its population since 1990, and its economy has gone to hell. The cheapest holidays almost in the World at the minute. There potentially could be war with their neighbours over the Nile. Sisi, it was on the forum last week prior to this, saying Egyptian progress is its people going hungry and he could distribute drugs to the poor. Obvious COVID humor, combined with lack of grain. But it's bad there and since his government. Terrorism, execution, hyper inflation, conflict. There was conflict with Israel in the Sanai a couple months ago. Accident I am sure but it caused some fallout. Of course in the Ukraine accusations of Egypt supplying Russia. The Sudan, and others where no, not all is at it seems. Despite of partnerships

I don't buy this topic at all. It's ludicrous. But its dumb posters have a narrative because they're Russian/Iranian shills. Deflection, deception, distraction. It was combined Russian/Iranian arms with Hamas. Or so it seems.

Worse when who benefits from this. Russia gains here. Specifically. Israel had been supplying a ton of munitions to the Ukraine. Hamas aren't releasing hostages they think Israel has no ammo. Not that they would anyway. Aid formerly there, this, causes. Come on. But there is gain.

However we have real retards on here. The usual dumbasses. False fag. A bunch of troons. The Troon army. Shit troll army.

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