Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You did what? Confess. Tell me your sins.

So you think it was all another movie? It ain't a movie. People died. They're dying. More people will die.

There are optics like that campy CNN. All because it's cheap. They get paid way too much to risk anything else. So they set up a film and recreate a set. Most of the time when they say Israel live, it's a picture of a background, and there's a person in front of it, but they could be anywhere else like in their studio. Press doesn't often have access to CCTV, or the bodycams, unless there's permission, and then they water down the content. No more dead bodies, or blood, or whatever, because wahaaa their watershed is offended. Sometimes they use dolls, pretending to be dead people, other times they use people with make up, because they never had access to the location, or they simply didn't get on a plane, and never left the office. It was cheaper. Until it's becoming political figures, who never left the country either. Or they have doubles and masks. Until A.I is recreating a bunch of deep fakes of backgrounds, images, and crap.

But you're suggesting it was all fake. No fucko you're a dumbass. You're suggesting the IDF shot the IDF, taking its own men hostage. It pummelled artillery strikes on its own pop. It used really dumb videos no other person can validate, because Jews control the entire Internet, and they run it through their CGI film department. All so they could make another movie out of Gaza. All to cause a bigger regional conflict? We can call it the war on terror part 4. All because some idiot said they created Hamas? Because some idiot told Hamas to shoot them? All so another idiot can stay in power, by causing a bigger war on terror?

You're a genius on the scale of completely retarded. I don't care if you need me. I didn't sign up to your bullshit. Your bullshit lives in a bullshit World. Where you recreate shit and drop dumb fucking narratives all day long. Then you call it a conspiracy, so your dumb, it's dumber than CNN, media department can get paid? No you're not a genius, you're a retard.

Peddle your fantasies to somebody else.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's called screen blindness, screen burn. All kind of image cause partial blindness. Cause by the screen. You need to adjust the settings and contrast to more ambient toned.

Have you ever seen the cellular structure in your eyes? Or your eyeball when you close your eyes? What about a UFO? Hahaha.

I mean seriously, the headache where all you've got is a bright light burnt into your vision? Like if you look at the sun, and close your eyes, the sun that's fading is still there, it takes a few seconds sometimes longer to go away. Except there's a headache when it doesn't fade, it's black like on closing your eyes, but a bright light in the middle of your vision inside of the peripheral darkness, it causes a headache. I think they called it Omicron?

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Damage control. The lefty script is trying to debunk the Internet. Or remove the content. It doesn't affect anywhere else except the offended. Into a script it controls. Policing it.

It's the same as saying Israel created Hamas. Except that's generally deflection. But it often has the same thought. It's the Internet, media they control. Nothing else. Why would they suggest it. A few reasons, deflection the easiest. The other is it's alright guys, containment. Of course it leads to the dumbest of conspiracies. The other side propagate and pretend it's nothing to do with them. All so some dumb fucking narrative can come up with the below.

A number of press posted the babies. Including press you pick up on the way to work. A hospital was overrun how many villages there, correct, yes. As well as possibly clinics. It had a maternity ward. Correct? Suddenly but but.

What about the paragliders? No no that's from Egypt. Why is Hamas posting an Egyptian paragliding school? Meanwhile paragliders are entering from Lebanon today.

No no a General wasn't captured. So who was the person paraded? What about any other ranks being paraded? It didn't matter if it was him. But you wanted to know who those people were? Not no no nothing to see here. Or hang on that wasn't that paraglider? But they were paragliding.

While their dumb fact checkers are trying to contain the internet. It hasn't got that problem anywhere else.

Literal stupidity with the left. Until it's also being mouthed on Infowars. Containment, policing the script.

Mass beheading, hostage taking, rape, torture, all ages. It's in the press you pick up on the way to work. Bar the videos, and pictures.

The entire CNN, Iran knew nothing. Hahaha about Hezbollah today? But Egypt did, it told Israel 3 day ago something Big. Where's the tape?

Yawn but Palestine, but Israel. But what about at home? Freaking lefties

What is real are the dumb fucking narratives.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Controlling the narrative?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Damage control. The fucking script trying to clean the Internet and police those images.

It ran in numerous papers a hospital was overrun. It had a maternity department.

Are the paragliders from Lebanon also fake?

Which commanders were killed? They overran a number of positions, and paraded various ranks of SDF.

Fuck off. Fact checker.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dark 69 one speaks. Hahaha. I give up today. I really do. I don't know what that's recruiting, or trying too.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dialect of Hamas? What?

In that mad head of yours, you've ignored all other quotations I used, and proposed a ludicrous concept.

If they unleashed a beast, it sooner became untamed, because any idea becomes far greater than those who first thought of it. It became a vacuum, and what has that vacuum caused? It pulled a bunch of opposition towards it, until they're faster threatening any containment.

In your stupid head, Israel caused it?

Try to work out how it affects far more than today's current politics. How far does any reaction cause?

They've empowered every jihadist for there to fucking Timbuktu for longer than the current 5 minutes of politics. Any opposition to our current authority, can arm militants for the next 100 years. They can incite terrorism on a global scale. The largest religion in the World has suddenly done what, supportive of what? Sure it wants peace while every hardliner seeks arms and recourse?

It will also ripple into larger war. We are in larger war. There's Ukraine. Now there's another conflict branching. It is another front activating. Another fire spreading.

Don't worry guys it's all part of the plan.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a joke. I have no idea what the State of Israel is. Except I do. It was a historic reference to the two-state solution with Palestine.

Except that's changed. Or seems to be.

Gaza will be evacuated bar its terrorists. Jerusalem is also going to be the capital of Israel.

Wasn't the two-state solution a part of the normalisation process?

Today there is only Israel. The current events are. Yes it homes a diverse population. But I think any notion of Palestine will cease. Although who knows?

Except it's clear there is only Israel emerging.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

They always do this. You should've seen them in the Ukraine. This board was filled with their crappy coverage calling it a fake war.

Except everybody with a braincell knows otherwise. They do it constantly. It means nothing except another movie and a dumber headline.

At least they tried to film it, it's extra pay.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Autistic Intelligence. It used to be worshipped

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It actually isn't. What you've written isn't truth. Neither was that guy in the topic.

The population does anyway, and has done for much longer. It doesn't make the entire planet have this NWO. It just makes the same people who have always supposedly had one. It hasn't changed anything, we all march against each other as we have always done. Because a NWO requires, order. Nope, there's only conflict. Let me know when they solve it, and not another idealist hippie making even worse Netflix.

I am saying it's the Internet, because I mean look at it. Without it, there's no advertising of these NWO people things on Netflix.

The NWO created Hamas so it could replace Gaza with another religion called dinosaurs? It's ironic

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But have they. They went and invented the bomb. Then they invented the Internet. Now the Internet has bombed because they invented climate change?

Am I missing anything? You also missed Islam and communism there buddy.

A NWO requires something like global order. Except it's overpopulation, dissent, hyper inflation, conflict. Sure we all march along to whatever. Except we're all marching like we always used too, against each other. Despite of an Internet trying to convince us differently.

They haven't created anything else. Least of all the fallacy of a NWO.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no NWO outside of its idealists. None nadda zilch baloney. How they picture themselves because they amassed enough fortune to talk about it. They employ a forum, it has often gotten dumber to promote it even more. It amounts too, guys we have this box enriching us, how can we put it all into the same box. Umm go and figure. That's not my box, it's not yours either. But there are partnerships and trade.

However there's far more conflict.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, but Israel is? I dunno that logic? Hence I am pointing it out.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

God damn listen to this guy. A NWO requires global order.

Hey fucko is there Global order today? Outside of a much dumber Internet? The Internet has never been as dumb as today. Just watch Netflix. I mean seriously.

Instead there's global conflict. And a really dumb Internet telling you something else or it's blaming everybody else except the Internet. As another fucking retard tells you it's all according to plan. Don't worry guys the NWO planned it.

Don't worry get your shots.

I have never seen such fucking shit, as today. When people were worried it was because there were bombs. Boomers, doomers. Today they think it's all according to plan. Buy your Netflix. Get your shot. The NWO has y'all under control. It's another false fag.

Fuck off.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They sent a wave of them in fan powered gliders. Dunno how many it was, a number. Not just the guy with the film. They also launched drones. Many had sandals. A number had boots, and combat gear. Jackets, helmets coms, scopes, rpgs, assualt rifles, grenades. They stole clothing, arms, tools, cars, you name it. They had idiots and they had combatants.

There is the risk some of it was optics, something bugged me, can't explain, until you see the damage caused.They became a horde, it had one notion, kill and destroy. It took hostages, it murdered, mutilated, and tortured, and raped others.

But yes that signal got out. The same way it got in.

What happened in April, last year, and 2021. What has happened every day this year there?

In the middle of a population in dissent including its military. Those reservists were striking a few days prior alongside the population. They'd been accused of crap prior. A bunch of libs and gibs and freaks. All mouthing nonsense. Easy counter propaganda today by an enemy knocking. Little children detonated on their doorsteps, and rockets are breaching defenses. Hostages have been being grabbed weekly all throughout this year. Never mind what occurred in April and last year. Those threats are incessant. Every day has been war against build up in Syria, Lebanon. Meanwhile tension in the Sanai. Global instability Africa. As they're arming Ukraine.

Come on. There is far more here there's far more.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

How were they armed and trained? Who is arming the region currently? Specifically against Israel?

What becomes of this? How is it connected?

Do you think this ends here today? What happens even if it settles for 5 planetary minutes?

Hasn't this just pushed any hardliners towards conflict?

Instead you think, what do you think. It's kind of absurd.

It was orchestrated to open another front? In the middle of a current conflict becoming larger. How many more hotspots will flare. They are erupting everywhere. As peace has become quite distant.

A government doing this for 5 minutes. It won't last through time. Unlike what has just occurred. Today there's only much larger conflict. It's going to start hitting home, we had fallout prior from the region's wars. Now we've inserted millions into the population and it will blowback more. Aside from the immediate risks in the region where any vacuum will draw more and more into it. They're aligning further against. This is while economies are in tatters, and populations are in dissent. The risk of nuclear war has also just increased.

Rather than save any dumb presidencies the other risk was it wasn't as perpetrated. It resulted from increasing causation. It doesn't end well. Any war draws far more into it. Like it has in Ukraine.

Until what is it becoming. Or convince me they all planned it. Don't worry guys. They all agreed.

Who has it empowered? They can wait, they can open another flank, they can cause more militants. While one side scrambles to put any fires out, they can keep chucking rockets? Or it erupts. It has look at Gaza. Like that pointless. It served nothing but a means of conflict.

Wake up idiots. It's not all as it seems, at all. Or any other dumb fantasies.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it's come out your asshole. Look at that name, you were obviously sitting on it.

I am not Jewish. But when group stink smells of bullshit, it's obvious you dumb fucks have been compromised.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Square one was posting dumb jewspiracies.

Then we debate it like rational adults, see it's a very dumb kid. Not gotten past square one.

You posted it because Hamas made you, what?

No other dialect.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think a layer of panic hit. The rockets. Then their positions overrun. Who knows? When it organised it was fighting against a trained force. Regaining ground cost. Especially in any density.

They were armed prepared and had intel.

Some shots I saw suggested special forces training. There were idiots, the horde, but there were effectively skilled combatants there as well, vets.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw some. Until it started getting sick. They were on these motorbikes with rpgs.

They captured almost 50 military vehicles. Tanks, armoured carriers, seizing guns and ammo. They downed a few drones, shot at helicopters etc.

They had rpgs, literally blasting them off at everything, stealing or blowing up civilian cars. Setting fire to houses. I am not sure if they had sniper rifles. But it's a possibility. They had some scoped weapons. They used drones on tanks and armoured cars.

But it was very organised against a lack of return. It was very quick. It also diverted some reinforcements, they sent a number to affect the reinforcements. It holed up in the urban population.

There were streams of them pouring out.

They broke out everywhere, multiple points, 22 locations or more hostages were taken

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think it's the lazy eye. Normally wears the glasses, and took them off. Eyes obviously reading off the monitor.

Exposing evil forces. Hamas aren't to blame because Israel should've known about it? The government must therefore be corrupt, because it hasn't dealt with climate change, and instead offered judicial reforms.

I give up today. Who are they, what are they, why are they.

The fact is they broke out everywhere in a very small period of time, after a huge rocket barrage. It is suspect. But not if the military is engaged with its initial rocket attack. It was also limited by how they engaged. Where huge firefights occurred against its checkpoints, posts, and equipment. As they flooded into civilian areas taking hostages obviously limiting strike options and engagement, until preparing. The regional commander was taken hostage, as the military command outpost overrun.

Is it possible they could be caught off guard? Lesser personnel on duty. Many reservists, wasn't it almost half strikes at the reforms, days prior? Should they have fielded so many more personnel for how long just incase? It was the Sabbath and a national holiday. Could they have been complacent?

Every army in history has been caught off guard. Every single one. Even the most capable, and advanced.

I find it odd but not impossible. Any Intel might have forseen another rocket attack. They get near that fence loads. Never broken out, snipers. But weren't these positions fired on? Snipers haven't got unlimited ammo either.

We look what happened in April this year. How the hell did that happen? Nobody said anything then.

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