Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. It was a plot. Like the last were. The pound was running huge debts in Covid. Boris was spend spend. The whole thing from ousting the general vote to her insertion. But was falling fast and the Queen's death plunged it. It wouldn't matter what shit she produced, but technically she caused the rates to rise, to force higher rates, taxes through, and in inflation, all so austerity can then tax even more. The numbers are whatever the computer says. They've been promised billions off the extra interest. It hasn't even begun to hit that fan. It happens next year. When the higher rates kick in on top of the higher prices. But she literally forced a rate rise, but it was largely due anyway. Who is left. The guy they ousted, so they could force taxes through, or the first time idiot, the only pick not even voted on left. Because he's a first time idiot, it means he rejects calls for a general election. As these scam artists keep it ticking over for their other agendas of security, and supposed stability, but it only profits them. They simply tax tax tax sell and schlock up some investors who eat right into the grants they auction and the public spending. They've even tried to auction the NHS.

It needs a fucking sledge hammer but Britain owns nothing but inflation and taxes. Instead it has a bunch of Tory mismanagement taking a cut off if, largely rents, as almost all infrastructure and utilities are being funneled offshore. They have sold everything. There isn't a genius among them who knows how to get it back. How do you stop inflation, Tories simply tax you more paying China, Germany, France or where ever that debt driven investment funnels off, as services and products inflate. Why is there inflation, Tories. They sold off everything and tax everything else. Owners are foreign, the shareholders are foreign, but the land is inflation and taxation. Genius no. Meanwhile they simply flood more numbers in to keep it ticking over.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice one. Like breadcrumbs. A trail. A Pattern.

But is it unique, or just coincidence. Are you finding it because you're looking. Or was it impossible odds. It shouldn't be there then it was, and it makes it unique. Distinctly profound. Fate.

At least you had a fairytale ending.

Except I don't. Normally the opposite, a reaction. I cannot change it, alter it. It's a reflection, and it's normally opposition, sometimes it's good, rarer, but it's a trail of impact, ripples, often of something I've affected by both consequence and interaction. It isn't karma either.

I dreamt. Dreamt my mum fell all my family rushed to help her. I was worried, I told her to phone my 98 year old Gran. It was my mum I saw but I refused to accept it. I told mum the dream saying my Gran, worried, she gets worried phones my Gran hadn't spoken in awhile, phone her. Nothing, and gets bothered at me. I go out the few days later appointment, on route see a bird a pigeon with a broken wing. It couldn't fly. Kept it to myself as that's weird, couldn't help it. Wouldn't have noticed it, except the red lights, there it was flapping one wing. Why. Thinking odd, no that's odd. 2 days later my mum falls breaks her elbow. Anything else I wouldn't have seen, didn't make that opportunity, wasn't out, was busy. Except there was this other angry disabled person after I left my appointment. Real angry. Why were they shouting. Why did they stick out like a sore thumb at the time. They were angry and I hear them saying they just became disabled, as I walked by. Happened this year.

Negative normally. When it's good it not as distinct because it is expected. Easier seeing the wrong. But it's not karma. Consequence. Everywhere, everything, always. All the time.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +8 / -1

No it's so they do no wrong. It's the perfect subterfuge. Having this group that are blameless. They will always be the victims despite being the most powerful. They will never be racist because they claim persecution. The entire time it profits themselves. Like the perfect crime. They can never be the murderers. Ever. If they're wealthy it is because they're poor.

Take a look at the same philosophy today usurping the British PM. He is a first time Hindu and whatever. But it represents all of them. There will be no fairness because you better let him do it, because he's the first representing all those other poor Hindus. Despite of being the richest. So warped is the logic that nobody voted on him. But you bought the T-shirt anyway. It reads of some utter bullshit. Real bullshit. The economy is in Crisis so they're gonna let the wealthiest fix it? There's a cost of living crisis but he's going to fix it. There will be no other election despite nobody voting for him. Not even his party. But y'all cannot either, nobody gets a say or vote. Because blameless. You better all unite and let him. Hahahaha.

They did it again with the FM hang on didn't Boris break the ministerial code as well. Hahaha. Blameless. Perfect crime. Anybody is out the door. But oh no not when it picks that narrative.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who cares. I mean who cares what a North Korean thinks. Not like we're begging to find out either.

They could be cannibals and it wouldn't change anything. Why should I care. Because they have the nukes. Get nuked.

I hate these people who tell us. We really needed to know. Nope. Doesn't change anything. In fact there's all this bullshit about everybody else today and hasn't done anybody any favours.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha you're funny. Hard to say.

If she went via Australia or New Zealand there's a distinct possibility. When she did her first challenge.

But on the other hand she's a medic in the Armed forces and has been away in Antarctica.

You choose. I'd say likely. Depends on her route. New Zealand and Australia didn't allow access last year to unvaccinated. Dunno if there was an armed forces waver.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have on the other challenge she did. Multiple women have done it. Also quicker. The confusion. In my first comment. She just did a challenge. It's not the same as the one she's now going to attempt.

The challenge she is attempting now. Many have died at it. Unless in a team. Yes a 15 year old girl has done in it. In a team. Solo there have been people doing it, it's a challenge. But there have been plenty of deaths from it. And many who have to be bailed out. Cannot do it. Attempted but couldn't.

Women are climbers, boaters, swimmers, pilots, astronauts. Many have done the same stuff. The same challenges. Not as well, no. Times, etc. But they have done them. Some have been the first at things. Not this. Except person, woman of colour.

Yea she'd beat you at that. She's had training and permission, but she wants too foremost. But I think it's a fool errand. It really doesn't mean shit. She's beaten it already. Now it's just because. It is foolhardy. A pointless record. Why doesn't she use a team. On this one. Who cares, she does. Then they're sooner selling it globally. But it has been. But I guess it's like finding God or something.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

This very old news. She did and got MBE.

Did she if solo? But point to point I guess she got there.


Another expedition across it? She finished it this year January 3rd. What happened first expedition?

Aw she going across it now. No team. Good luck. Many more have died trying. The other one prior was easier. Many do that one easier. Across many do with teams. Solo many have died.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

A topic of controversy. I don't see numbers in this matrix. I see the reflections of every contact and interaction I make reflect everywhere around me. They happen daily. Sounds weird, sounds crazy. No.

Example if I see a person sitting on bench, I can phone a friend or family member and find them sitting on a bench, and I'd know which friend or family member it was. But no it's not every time or every other person sitting on a bench. It's a reflection so profound it becomes too much because it is this other mirror into something I don't understand. But it constantly reflects something. Why should I care. Why is seeing that person sitting there, make any difference. Why is that family member or friend doing the same at the same time. It means nothing, I cannot affect it. Oh I can call the friend or family member, but they're waiting for something or somebody else. And hell, it's like they were just thinking of me. Yea they must've been the bastards. But no. They were sitting there waiting for somebody or something else or they'd be calling me. So why should I care. Because they caused something, they caused that observation. I didn't. I was just walking along, and the fuck. No. The fuck. What the actual fuck. There's this person, and they aren't them, but then why are they that other guy. No why are they that other guy miles and miles away sitting down on that bench waiting for something else or they'd be calling me. But there's this person sitting here, and they are that other guy sitting there. What the fuck. I didn't do that. I am not sitting down on the bench waiting for that other guy. I was walking along and there they are. But it's not them. They're miles away waiting for somebody else or they'd be calling me. But they must've have thought something because otherwise it would just be another guy on the bench and not that guy sitting there.

What is it. What am I. What are they.

I'd rather just be blind or ignorant. Not see it. Not find it. Not know it. Because it's everywhere. All the time. Constantly.

Explaining it, is like you literally cannot. All of sudden all of those words are gone. Other religions, psychics, and phenomenon have tried, you just have to agree or something. Because it makes you crazy, but you're not.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice one. It sounds reasonable. But questionably do they sit there conniving, plotting, and scheming like thieves in the night. Obviously on some things that are complete rituals, planned out and then orchestrated to provoke agenda. Or is more of it accidental and the product of circumstances adapting into agendas being propelled where they're subjective to the changing tides.

Obviously there are designs and machinations. But there is far more consequence adapting.

But you're suggesting in every paradox, false flag, your equation plays its hand because it is subjective to the same framework being inserted.

Where a signature is benchmarked? Like some other rapey serial killer's trophy. It sounds like a bad movie, of the zodiac killer, or etc.

But why would they leave their breadcrumbs all over it, for future A.I? Look at that pattern, the greatest American serial killers, were their own agencies. Perhaps it's for some other archived rituals, as they adorn the ram heads and the monk robes, drinking the adrenchrome, and orgying in the pentagrams, while the highest priest summons the next sacrifice, scrolling out the next event they will usurp?

It sounds a little farfetched and just a little too much effort. But I guess you never know. Because they have all these teams of monks in the rams heads, then the director just says yep go with that one. That one happens to be another George Floyd.

After the irony. I understand you. You're speaking of philosophy where the perfect murder needs a seasoning of betrayal, and, etc, etc, which you're philosophically professing links into this other meta of the former gods that you've named. But you could decree that pattern anywhere, you could keeping pulling it out of a hat. Although it doesn't change that action. Or why that action was intended. But what you're doing is the numbers in effect, hate those numbers, gammitra, they always count like in that film, the number 23.

Irony. Nope, I doubt that it's completely intended. Signing off on it would you care. It's the result, not the design you've authorised. Why would anybody care what that plotting was? Does that mean they're just another gullible piece in its agenda? Because the real puppetmasters are always being plagiarised. Damn it, have to wait until next time, for the perfect ritual.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing that beats inflation is industry, manufacturing, and national services.

But it does not compute in the Globohomo framework. Globohomos profit immensely off of rent, privatised utilities, coms, service sectors of their corps. Entire time constantly immigrating populations to plug the gaps in inflating economies. Where the only thing that changes is the price. Their corps exploiting cheaper labor and selling back any products at rising taxes, for even more. Does not compute in service economy's of inflating services, constantly straining infrastructure and services, inflating more. Despite more investment, inflation often rises rapidly, selling debts and bonds for even more pushing up inflation, as rates get passed back to the tax payer for investors to siphon. Wealth funnels money offshore and pays less taxes while reaping massive tariffs.

The only way to keep it down is by increasing the population's wealth, home ownership, internal businesses and services, and by having stronger industry.

There are successful service economies. But they are often much smaller populations relying on tourism and trade.

Today the mindset hasn't profited anybody else. Inflation and living costs are at some of the highest in history. Home ownership is faster at its least. Feudalism has returned in the form of the offshore investor and corp and elite landowners.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No such thing as equality. If there was it wouldn't be the minority imposing. It wouldn't be the 1% wealth.

Equality is inequality. It isn't fair. It never was.

The concept is hypocrisy. Okay take for instance, I don't mean to do this. But for the irony. No I am not prejudice. But Okay the new British PM equality or hypocrisy. They are airing this great big narrative. But the nation is in crisis and he was never elected. It is deflecting away from all calls to general election because there's this other nonsensical narrative. It ain't equal. If it was there'd be a general election.

Who voted on that insertion? Not even the entire party did or otherwise. They didn't vote. It is the pinnacle of toxicity. The narrative is so far removed from its claims. It is nothing but a farce. Sure enough it has drummed up that narrative to deflect away from any notion of fairness. A general election. Because there's this farce. It has literally done it to stop calls for fairness by claiming that status.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're dumb than shit. Russia built those houses. It put the majority of the infrastructure in.

What didn't you understand about the Texas example?

Who built it there Texas or America? But there's this new country claiming something else? You are avidly supporting. Without understanding that history at all. There you are looking at the map, saying it's Texas or else. But it never was. It was always American.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You've been dropped on your fucking head.

Putin isn't claiming it. Russia is. Russia by law and sovereignty has integrated territory into its nation. Making them Russians. They were always Russians. They spoke Russian had lineages from Russia.

The only way it will now be something else, something stupid, is by having a think. There's Peace or War. War it is. There is no peace when somebody claims something else. It is Ukraine currently.

They were never Ukrainians. Ukraine is a modern term. It is brand new concept. A concept inserted by some other bullshit Map. A map that Ukraine never was, but alludes too.

It's ironic. Sure. Because there's this map and it suggests something else. That map isn't factual, War has torn it up. It was never factual historically or otherwise.

Simple because you don't get it. You really don't get it. Let's suggest. Texas declared sovereignty. But America went to war with it. Texas was never Texas historically, until it was American. In this new Texas they start speaking god knows what, some other dialect Texan, different than the American they have always spoken. The parts that are still American resisted, becoming contested. America at war, declares them American. Suddenly you are claiming it's Texas. It was always Texas. And Texan is the historical language.

Ironic. I know. They did that it already, bad example, it's no longer Mexico, and it's no longer in a civil war either.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't speak English.

Russia hasn't abducted its own citizens. It has relocated them. They're not Ukrainian. Russia holds territory under its sovereignty and law.

But you're looking at a stupid map. That map has always been bullshit. It was drawn by somebody else. Nobody else agrees on it. And nobody agrees on it today. There's a war. When there's peace, the Map will change or there's no peace.

For the sake of argument away from the stupid map. They're Russians. Zelenskyy is a Russian. What went wrong. Ukraine did. Ukraine can factually say away this it had a minority. Where all of a few percent somewhere between 20 and 30% are natives. Natives of what indeed. Geographically the majority spoke Russian 70%. The majority identified as Russian especially in all of the contested regions where upto 90% were Russians had family and lineage from Russia.

There you are claiming what? What are you claiming. It's ironic.

You're assuming there's sovereignty in war? Get bent, dumbass. No, there's only war and peace asserting sovereignty.

I understand what you're claiming. You're claiming some other map. It isn't even marginally factual. There's a war and it has torn up the map.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

The plastic is melting

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The kids were abused. In both Canada and Australia so I guess it's not the same. The kids got sent to State run orphanages with pedos abusing them. Some were put up for adoption with pedos. WW2. They had no real law on child marriage then, sure it got moved to 15 in 1945, but not for the orphans. You shouldn't open your mouth. That history was pretty grim, the UK government had to pay them compensation. But it happened then. Look it up.

How is Russia abducting anybody. It had a referendum where the people it's relocating became Russian citizens.

Checkmate. But I'm not playing. I don't buy bullshit. Because I can link Ukraine shit too. Those refugees. It's a really stupid argument to get into. It is pointless there's a war. You're spouting first grade propaganda and it's otherwise ridiculous unless you have facts. There are heinous crimes on both sides. Choosing one or the other is redundant in war. Unless you're fighting it?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would they care. They only care about their status. The same bullshit. In all of them. Ask them anything they're dumber then a sack of shit. But they'll quickly ask Google or Alexa quoting the official narratives, never questioning anything else. Unless it's their football team, where they went on holiday, and what they ate for dinner. Of course you could ask them about their job. It's often racist to talk about this. They'd rather talk about their football team instead. It's all they talk about. Their dumb holiday where they went to watch their football team. The most important thing they learned off any world event was what the nightly news told them. But their favourite song an advert for bullshit is the stuff of such karaoke. Or how omg the latest Lord of the Rings was a giant ass, but then they'll say season 2 will be much better. They have no other functions. None. If you don't relate then there's no communicating to the normie. They have no other buttons. The only way to trigger them is by making them mad. But they're all masochists.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


Who knows. To which extent. At this rate, simple probable odds it gets worse are expected. Beyond all doubt.

Nicer to be away from it all. Not worry about it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It already had fallout Chernoboyl. If I was a betting man those odds are still likely. Not dismissed. Or no odds.

Russia has undergone extensive fallout training, and is in the process of fallout training. It has also recently few years back prepped home population for it. It had drills in its major cities.

No, tactical nuke fallout is minimal. Dissipates quicker. But depending on that payload can be for longer. And depending on how many strikes used, or how big an area they cover.

I wouldn't necessarily worry about tactical nukes unless at ground zero or in their radius. Not that kind of nuke, like Hydrogen, Cobalt those city killers. City killers yea. ICBMs. That shit causes far wider fallout for miles some are huge blast and fallout radius, 50 miles, fallout in a 100. It can blow across for miles. It can hit the atmosphere.

Tacs not so much, far more localised, and dissipate rather quickly, because those readings go rapidly. But again I am quoting second hand sources. But forget isn't it like in a year or a few. Gone. With readings habitable potentially in months.

I am sure there's a source, my memoryhole. But wasn't this tested recently with them.

Nuke, no. It would be a gamble. Worst wouldn't be the fallout. But it would be that move there isn't any getting out of. Not because the other side calls. But because you've isolated your position. An International response, could swing allies back to an opponent. It's easier to condemn that action. Not necessarily war. Although it's also a possibility from them. Worse consequences towards your entire position. Not to mention your own population suddenly panicking.

A gamble, an option. But I wouldn't dismiss them. Easier using them to win. A probability the longer it takes to find peace, it's being rejected. It means they increase in probability.

But who knows?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Worse is big queues. Blackouts. Large protests. Potential conflict.

Worse today is still proceeding, next year is set to really kick it up a notch more. And as we hit this winter.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dunno at some point why are you paying for them? At what point have they offered any protection or deterrence? Nope. Fake and gay. Cost loads but sit there doing nothing else.

You're right Russia must be sacred of them. But why not turn the other half of the Ukraine into a shithole?

It makes an even nicer buffer if you salt the earth?

It wasn't about winning, it was about making some other deal. However. What deal is there. They took some regions and right away there's another bugle. In the meantime I guess nobody is winning. It's just this other tug of war. Keep pulling and something will give. No you. You. Ooff. Back n forth. While everybody else pays for it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same in Europe, UK. Etc etc. They're collapsing it purposefully. Probably not to the idiots who think they're fixing by profiting off its failure. These people only fix it by breaking it more

But it has become absurd. Utterly absurd.

It hasn't got a hope in hell. Until it gets worse.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're puppets. They aren't the powers behind them. Most are simply an agenda of causing it. At this rate all it's causing is much bigger collapse. Then the majority flips, perhaps then it can implement whatever its agenda. Who knows what it is. But prior to that point it fails. It is failing like clockwork.

Never seen such swine drunk on power and their absurd narratives painted as victory and status.

Your country is in financial ruin, a banana Republic, loyal to any wealth siphoning it out, but here's a first time usurper gonna put that right? Hahaha. I shit you not. Seriously a first time loser. Never got voted in and usurped it. All they did was backstab. Such staggering value is being narrated, as the youngest, dumbest, wealthiest, and the first person of the hell knows. Suddenly is gonna wave a magic wand. Magically. Couldn't even lead the nation into war if it fell on it. Would you follow a first time anything anywhere? No you'd get lost. You'd lose. Suddenly is the face of crisis. Ironic ain't it. The face of crisis. Because the hypocrisy is worth that term of office? Unite or die. No die, the rest of the nation ain't got your back.

Dream on. Predestined to fail. Determined to fail. At least they're an intern. Not the power behind them. But drunk on it.

Look at America, places in Europe. At what point today? Did they see that far ahead or did they just profit off of failure? Failure is all that's being served. Then it finally causes. The hell knows. Hell first.

Look at the repetition. These mugs. Dun that in 2008. Same shit. Then it was different. Now they've replayed that tape all over again. Some subtle differences. But I am not betting on another 2 years of it. Not at the rate of decline, no sir. Not today. At all. What happens first? Magic or ineptitude? Crisis or stability? Conflict or certainty? Yawn, tediously.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was the same rumours they sprung last time, 2012. CIA funded crap. Although they used a troll farm in India. Because it's funny.

Anybody believing it has to be rather gullible. He is head of the military. They really don't coup like that. He orders the house arrests. Shown. His main rival there.

Sure enough if you convince the Chinese who knows.

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