Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here you wanted this. https://www.wired.com/2007/12/toshibas-home-n/

No, you didn't. What's the lifetime. Maintenance. Cost.

They have them already. They aren't particularly viable.

When the fuel runs out? How quick? What price? 10-15 year shelf life?

A little bit of research about costs. https://thebulletin.org/2015/05/introducing-the-nuclear-fuel-cycle-cost-calculator/

The price of nuclear energy more than coal or gas, but significantly less than solar

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

We ingest trace quantities, like zinc offer benefits. But I am wary of it.

I was a stupid little shit of a kid. I had a goldfish, it survived my cat, my cat knocked over my goldfish bowl and the little fish was on the floor for hours and hours. It didn't survive me putting copper in its fishbowl. I put a few copper coins into it to give it more colour, and it died a few days later. The copper went green immediately. I was so sick and sad for the poor fish. It survived the damn cat, out of the bowl on the ground for hours. But my stupidity, innocent of course, was fatal.

I am wary of copper. It has concerns. Yes it is a supplement in trace quantities, we ingest it in our water. There are copper supplements, like zinc. You could even beat the breathalyser test by copper oxide.

But that fish, it was poisoning. Read the link on its mining.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0


I'd be careful on erratic claims. Copper is a hazardous substance in larger quainties. Although traces of it are good for the body. But copper mines are known to have a big run off environmentally. https://old.danwatch.dk/undersogelseskapitel/impacts-of-copper-mining-on-people-and-nature/

There is the price by comparison, and it is more precious by comparison to alloys. Alloys are used today. Since this article.

Most copper tools are in fact bronze, copper plus tin makes the alloy bronze, harder wearing. It can prevent the slugs and snails on your lettuces. No why, they feed on irons, like ourselves. Of course it carries carry toxicity concerns, where neurological disorders like Parkinsons can developed from it. Bronze is a bigger offender of toxicity. As a metal it gets diseased. Where the metal corrodes and the green corrosion spreads to other metals.

Laugh and these articles. It was the wood plough on reading. Turkey had copper since the cradle of civilization. But they were still using the wooden ploughs. Suddenly the inventor needed to fix onto the tractors, using copper, bronze. Because it was supposedly so much better for something. But I cannot completely think of what?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand your point. However there's a huge cost, converting and enriching it, and no, it's not cheap to refine or mass produce. But it's the amount of parts needed on each system utilized, and the further resources water, salts, and the waste on top. The output is huge, you're talking a town of people powered, 10s of thousand, even on a smaller reactor. But there is that offset, costs, parts, resources, waste. There is also the lifetime where these mini reactors are supposedly only serviceable for around a decade. The first nuclear reactors are faster being replaced not even in a person's lifetime, what around 30 years, generously 50, but that's asking for lies. These newer reactors are using enriched fuels to generate their output. A much greater process.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. The source of fuel is common on this planet. Seawater contains uranium, costly to source that way in comparison. Again to create into reactor fuel is a much bigger process. Hang on, it needs less than constant petrol combustion, but refining it, requires a much bigger process, you're talking for every other household. Nuts. Then there's the waste. Far more parts are needed for any designs. And it uses lots of resources, lots more resources for any cooling or shutdown. Also it doesn't last forever, wears quick, but the output is potentially much more. They are making these mini reactors. Again no longevity but will keep up with demands. Super costly to make.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It fucking isn't. It really fucking isn't. It damages your house. Anywhere with it is gonna break sooner, as soon as storm, roof, leaks, window can't see out of, don't charge properly, they made this Solar road in France, what went wrong, the road did, and the stupid battery. That battery is often even worse. But it doesn't even provide 30% output, on your demand, it needs a constant back up, and depending on where you are much less. Too hot it doesn't work, the acid depletes, no light no charge. The panels are stacking up like rubber tyres. Billions and billions of tonnes of their horrible waste, it doesn't recycle effectively. It has acid, lead, plastic, and a shit for shit battery. It is just a way of selling another crappy service. A service under constant maintenance, constant repair, constant parts.

A windmill, turbine is better. Again subjective to the weather. But hell you could probably fix it. Panel no chance. Think on that. You want self sufficiency. But you have to make panels and batteries. Hahaha. No chance, services, parts, constant costs. Turbine is better. But it really isn't environmental. You need this big huge pylon and the land cleared, it still falls on your house. But hell you could probably fix it. Nuclear, that fuel isn't available.

Although nothing beats your own ability to make fire. Nothing historically has. Any system where you can power off of it is the only system you complete have control over.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Electricity is the first thing disrupted in any weather. Like hang on stupid. The first thing to get disrupted by the weather is the thing they're selling because the weather is changing? What's up doc. Profit. Simple. If everything is plugged in. How much more electricity do they make? When it fails they make even more. Hahaha.

But is it a better system. You're all on the meters like cab fare. Ding ding ding. That one isn't, tax them for it. Or harvest their organs. Bulk data collect their brains, and don't forget to charge them for it. It really helps the inflation. More credit to buy more electric debt.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm by freezing to death.

They're selling this thing called an ice-age. Last time we all checked. The Neanderthals survived it in the caves with the flints and the coal. They didn't have the electricity in the Ice-age. Because when it freezes, electricity is the first thing, the very first thing that goes out in the weather. Unless you have your generator that's off the grid using fossil fuel you won't survive like the Neanderthals did.

Those poor future generations are fucked anyway. Look at the inflation.

It has nothing to do with what is clean or sustainable. It has everything to do with consumption, how much more electricity do you need, more products use it even more, it faster becoming a single source, it has outlawed your ability to make fire, because it is profit and it controls, you're all on the same grid. If you divest you get taxed. Who makes those products, payday. Regulate enforce restrict. But what happens when the lights go out. So they put all these windmills in the rising ocean and in the storms. They put all these panels for when it snows. They make the planet electricity in a solar medium? Okay effectively you all bought it. Anybody else is getting the taxes. And you're paying double. Everytime somebody else plugs in, another car, another powerstation. Car still needs furnace to make. But these guys own grid and resources, taxing you, like look at the inflation anyway. Sure they have a good intention somewhere. Stop everybody else having industrial ages. They done that, and own the patents. Buy panel, windmill, nuclear, car from yours truly. Just don't use the gas. It's somewhere else. Not quite. A few less numbers to have the flying cars, they get shot down over shanty town, who cannot afford them. How much more consumption. Everything plugged into the electricity. It outlawed all other sources. Everything even your dog is faster causing the peak demand, because it's payday. Not the fact ewaste is the largest global emitter.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. However charcoal is almost as good, better in some regards, better extraction, except needs far more to be efficient. It is renewable not finite. No, we aren't running out of coal. Not yet in any event.

Nuclear isn't effective when it comes to furnaces. Redundant in fact. Smelting, concrete, metals, steel, glass. Gas is by far and wide a better means. However it is also costly. Electricity requires far more parts, far more power. Making furnace, like turning on kettle, huge drain.

Power generation yes nuclear is without equals, it delivers far more output effectively.

But it's a narrative. A narrative of using non carbon based power sources. Absurdly in many regards. We are on a carbon planet and it has recycled that fuel already. Humans just charge more for their bullshit. Stop man making fire by charging them for electricity. Smells like a bigger con. Look at the price. They still burn it anyway. But the emissions, yes more of them shit everywhere. They aren't clean if they're invasive, computer don't grow on trees.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No cope. Didn't agree with what I heard. It is like snake. Lying purposefully. Hence those two examples of that guy.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, it's bullshit. The guy crawls up his own ass. He serves a concentric narrative and it isn't factual. It's full of feces. His feces.

USA is in every country through its corps. These dominate the field. Tech especially. Military secondly. Heaps of others. Media. Brands. Etc etc.

Lastly I hate his voice. There's something about it. Like guy in Diehard his wife boss, try to deal with terrorist. Or Robert Dowey Jr in Natural Born Killers. Cannot stand this guy. It's like that pheromone that just makes you want to hit that guy. Dunno why. I fastforward voice what it said all a bunch of bullshit. Like cat on chalkboard.

Why collapse. 3 guesses. It is forced.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure you can make charcoal. Burning wood has almost the same effect. It however needs more wood for that efficiency.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


I am curious if the odds flip next week. But dubious they'll be an upset to them. Who knows?

Ep0ch 9 points ago +9 / -0



I find it even more ironic, fact check tries to debunk, and calls them indentured servants. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/indentured%20servant So if we call women forced into prostitution. Indentured servants. What happens folks? Read the definition. Instead it is called slavery, and human trafficking, under that ironic example. I hate hypocrisy so much. Dumb fact checks are full of lies. They were slaves. Worse than slaves. They were catholics. https://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/02/16/anonymous-resistance-to-englands-catholic-genocide-roman-catholic-guy-fawkes/

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably did it for free if it was the gay sex.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha, anything that points out the attack was bullshit is the hate speech. The irony. Hate that the attack even happened. Such terrorism. Wait a minute. He was homeless. Are all illegals terrorists?

These people and their bullshit. They make no fucking sense.

Instead they force dystopia. He was in gated community, the road has barrier. Think I noticed it from Google Earth. It is armed with cameras. The house has a big security system. Panic buttons. Take your dystopia and shovel it.

Bullshit and it stinks. Online policing of narratives is beyond all reproach. Anything that questions the lies. Why did 15 outlets air the same regurgitated headline. You know there's no representation or dissent. It's a single editorial airing nothing but lies. It's cherry picked right off of the same source. That source isn't factual. It has only had one source of investigation. Question it. Never tyranny.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea. Not heart attack. Multiple reports cardiac arrest. Others trampled. Haven't seen compression.

Basically the crowd pushed them into downhill alley. But at what point don't the zombies go hmm, alley I'm not doing that. All those people and I can't see shit anyway. Just dumb people. No, not doing that. Go to restaurant. Go to bar. Go to nightclub. Instead of seeing dumb people, where can't see shit anyway. It's Halloween and the dumbest thing about it are these people everywhere, can't see anything else. Tried going to out, but all these people wouldn't let me.

Then the dumb people spooked because it's Halloween and some ghost offered them fortune cookies.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

The story was a fraud. Pelosi called the dispatch claiming Depape was a friend. Code. No. Excuse me while I go to the bathroom. Where the friendly nudist in his underpants, looking to harm Nancy, says yes sure do what you want. No problem. You could have a gun in there, but be my guest. Pelosi gets the phone that's in the bathroom. It's where you keep your phone right? Charging it in the bathroom at night. You have this house full of plugs. Like basic infrared on the secure windows. The secure windows on a gated street with Cameras. Looking out for hammer wielding underpants stalking the streets. But okay let's him phone in the bathroom because why not. In the bathroom with a lock. Why not just lock it and wait for dispatch. Suddenly when the dispatch arrives these men are groping each other, one is underpants. But the underpants is a homeless person sleeping in containers and in his spare time not hunting rats, he is blogging from his homeless container alt right conspiracies?

Bullshit, a thousand times I bullshit you.

I offer the homeless guy 5k to beat up. More money then you'll ever make. If they arrest you. You make headlines earning even more.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is that Mars? Or just some random picture with a red tint. We have seen that daily from Mars, it's not Mars. Doorway, plastic rubbish, and the lies attributed.

At this point nobody can say what it is. Nobody. But it probably has ice on its caps. I mean every planet has. It's what Earth does.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep he was a "friend". But no how does a homeless person sleeping in containers run alt right websites?

The story had more holes than the titanic. But this is the level of their depravity. They become irrational and spew bullshit narratives. Airing them from bullshit sources. As soon as you see it you question. At what point hadn't journalists done the same. They don't journalism today. They just spew bullshit.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No. Stampede. Is head crushed. Or being squashed. They all start running they don't even know why they are. But they must keep running or they get knocked over. So the young old weak trip and are stomped on. Or there are so many people they press so tight, together. A wave of human flesh crushing each other, where the shortest people cannot breathe.

Heart attack perhaps but random if attributed. Because that person seizing would be stomped on. Crushed under the feet of all the people moving. Literally crushed.

Cardiac arrest, nope. Not in the majority dead. It stinks of something else. Stampede sounds like an excuse. Why is there look at the picture, a stampede. Plenty of places to avoid getting crushed. Alcoves, side streets, enterances.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

All billionaire support One World Government. They are all Globohomo.

Rubs hand together feverishly how many sales per head. How many sales if product is the World standard. The very notion of it not becoming that stops their ability to make more money. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything else. They haven't got any other interest. If all same government how much more money would be made per head. Any other thought is outside their capacity. They simply want to insert their systems and innovation to make more money. Ever since the Internet, it has made more of these freaks, forcing their private brands of dystopia and never paying their dues.

Would this system be better. No it factually wouldn't. The 1% become even wealthier. But the mess they leave behind is a disaster. Look at it today.

The products these charlatans have created are some of the worst in history. The software hoax. Everybody must buy brand new computer to run software being forced. The Internet connecting you to everyone else instead of the people in front of you. Inflating services. Every year since the Internet services have gained in price, and the technology breaks every year. They are all conmen. Vampires harvesting your organs, and Data, and siphoning them into their pockets.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

But the amount of people can stampede anywhere today. It's like they're so many of them. Too many of these people everywhere. If spooked all of a sudden there is this human stampede because there's too many people everywhere.

You could stampede them in almost every major city or event. They would become those zombies the fast zombies stomping all over each other, cannibalistically. It would be this stampede of gibbering zombies, because they got spooked. It's worst in Asia by far. I mean how the hell did that many die? There was these zombies everywhere, because the Halloween spooked them.

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