Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Whatever computer says. Computer gives crackbox narrative. Same narrative hits all the sources. It's Ironclad and not to be discussed outside of the programming. Every anchor parrots the same tweet. Have enough Gas to last. But what is that cost. The highest in history. Except after the pinnacles of WW. And so coal it is. Any other protest are counter insurgency. They'll start graffiting the Scream if you even think about those living costs.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nonsense. German break away civilization. Hahaha. Anything to keep the funding.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't wonder how she got that job.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

2 on the bottom left, next to the blob, and ginger far bottom right. But they're all average. No bust. Young. A bit too young. I agree with make up. It's part of fashion, so are costumes.

It was a bog standard production. Mr his Greater Derry wins. Is that a joke. It really is. They're all white, but sure enough today it's also a crime to be white. Except for the Greater Derry.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

They give PH.D away. Behavioral Scientist? What is that. It sounds like a real asshole. I shit on you. See how that works. You're angry. Shits some more. Still angry. Banned. Behaviour scientist. They do this. It is like the first thing they study. They have to write a big thesis on it. They take these rodents, they drown them, then they revive them, and drown them some more. How much will the rodent survive. If it gives up, and loses the will to swim. How long, how many times. Then they check the rodents behavior afterwards by rewarding them, checking if the rodent forgot their abuse and is still responsive or angry. You can do this with rodents easiest. They have bad memory. Other animals get very angry. Psychologically conditioning the rodent to drown. Real asshole.

It's like the torturer, all moderators are the torturer. They serve no other function outside of abuse of privilege. You said the bad words, but they will never. Any word they nominate is the word you're guilty of. If you said bullshit banned, because erroneous is correct. You say insult, today it's acceptable speech, whatever they take offense at, their speech is unquestionable, and so it becomes a narrative of how you're insane and need their torture. The torturer only tortures because you're always guilty and require their unique skillset of abuse. Speech hurts more than anything else. The speech they seek to usurp. Everything else is misinformation.

Behaviour science if you say bullshit it's the misinformation, but erroneous is never questioned. If you say white people are racist, nobody else is. If you do not accept men have wombs than you're a hate crime to women. If you do not inject COVID you're a risk.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

There are a lot of ugly women in that photo. It was an ugly contest for sure. The ugliest winner pagent. It nommed the Sumo.

At what point today? Greater Derry that's a certain. Ugly.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sounds right. Why the smokescreen. It is the only question asked. It has nothing to do with COVID at this point. It's an agenda of something insidious.

Why are they willfully causing it. China no explanation, it is whatever a communist government dictates. But COVID remains an excuse to impose dystopia, to provide asshole governments an excuse to impose their will, stay in power under emergency protocols causing the worst services and solutions this planet has seen. Quarantine use to be so simple. Today they couldn't quarantine a monkey. Those borders never stopped shit. Any exemption was farcical, except punish citizen, as elite had wavers, magic plot armour of waining immunity catching and spreading it no matter what. Literally the lock down was the biggest hoax. Ummm what to do, ease hospital, open dedicated hospital. Hell no, not the numbers, make every hospital lock down. Lock everybody down and give them waining immunity. Hahaha. No that doesn't work. Need to air the daily cancer death rate. No, no, no, never, cancer, is far more deadly, I know, make cancer death covid deaths. That will help cancer, if we make the vax cause cancer. Yes. It makes more lock downs. They will sell the immunity. Immunity is a product elites can buy because they need to fly everywhere into the COVID. But no events, unless it's a COVID convention, and unless the footballers are whoring. Because lock downs are only for people at work. No. Only for people after work. Use mask stay safe. What a load of bullshit.

At no other historic point was it considered, unless that disease killed significantly. Significantly on the same street level, numbers of 1 out of 5 or otherwise. COVID hasn't and now everybody has had it, most multiple times, despite their insipid protocols.

Back to the bullshit. Why the smokescreen.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, but they're closing cities. Recently didn't they close another city a few weeks ago. Put it into full lock-down and full testing? What was it called. Saw the headline some where. Other areas are in full lock-down below.



It has a zero covid policy, where if cases rise significantly it goes into full lock down of areas affected? According to that press any other approach living with COVID is failure.

No, I don't agree with it. But there seems to be other rationality employed. Covid was a smokescreen. Smokescreen globally for a bunch of bullshit. Any other point in history nobody gave a shit. Today they literally and willfully made it much worse. In every way possible. Why is there still smokescreen.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

No it will pay for even more woke. It doesn't care, because it got the crackbox narrative from a Chinese supercomputer. China supercomputer or some bullshit chips and programming has been at it for far longer. All dystopia does is try too suppress and appease resulting in even more cracks crumbling. Until it's literal insanity, because the ironclad narrative cannot fail. No that narrative has been the worst in history. It is failing faster.

Or please relate what is selling today? The programming has been usurped. Where did it come from?

It bounced back. It trojan in. Where are the numbers? Let's suggest you ran media, globally, where are your numbers. Now how did the culture spawn. How easy did they troll. Usurped until it crumbles. It simply played off.

No problem watching it unfold. No problem watching that shit. Turn off. Play your bullshit. It's unwatchable. But to suggest otherwise became. Racist? Hahahaha.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's all staged anyway. Example. They have these protests in the UK for a general election. On same day they're protesting is Extinction Rebellion doing something so stupid it is getting arrested, detracting from that other protest, calling for a new government, or prior COVID. Or when these idiots are protesting for a general election is all of a sudden a bunch of idiots holding signs about racism or immigrants. This hits the front page of every newspaper. Not the calls for a general election. Stupid pickets reading of bullshit. Or counter insurgency getting arrested.

At what fucking point don't people know how to protest. It's real simple when you protest the same thing it causes more people to protest that same thing. If 5k people had the same picket calling for an election 5k more would join. But if a bunch of idiots protest God knows what. It's faster turned into not those idiots, their issues aren't our issues. In fact they have nothing to do with any issues. It is a protest for a new government, not for bullshit.

But these fucking counter insurgents show up and purposefully go and get nicked like XR anyway. Then they send the calvary in. I swear MI5 are using those people to incite it and close it down while deflecting from actual protest and more people getting involved. The press are doing it showing a bunch of idiots holding a bunch of crap instead of calling for a new government. What was that protest about? The fuck knows. Would you stand behind anybody holding a banner reading about some other crap? Deflection, distraction, containment. Rigged.

These freaking XR have turned up like idiots. Idiots whenever there was other issues and protests on. Until you know they have this hand behind them using them on queue to deflect and distract.

Protests today are spawned instead of sporadic. They're all rigged and manipulated by the media.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


That causality rate has been throughly covered in all major press it was from Zelenskky own ministry. His minister.

Who knows what it is now. Huge. In any event Russia are almost as shit. But they have conscripted far greater numbers. Region of half a million.

Ukraine haven't factually gained anything. Kiev is also facing a winter without power and water and many other major cities.

Ep0ch 9 points ago +10 / -1

Pay your taxes to the weather. Paying the rest of the World to populate.

You can't make this shit up today. In what universe do people pay their taxes to the weather? Planet stupid. Planet stupid pays their taxes to everybody else populating. You can't, not white people, but you're racist if they dont and if you don't pay them your taxes. Pay taxes to the weather, it's very important. Seasonally it's called inflation and living costs, because the weather changes. Pay taxes to the weather and everybody else populating.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Got nothing to do with any of that.

Who in their monkeys picks any of these people. Who? The choices are redundant. The choices are a narrative. Who are the candidates anyway.

You're gonna pick a first timer to do shit in a recession. All of a sudden there's that guy being shoved into office. The first time choice of being nobody except an asshole. Are you going to pick that senior who for the last however many terms hasn't improved anything. Now they're retiring suddenly there's another asshole gonna make it worse.

The entire system is bullshit.

As far as this shit went, it was supposed to get worse. They were supposed to elect their bullshit and get nothing else done. Supposed to sit there in decadence and hypocrisy promising another steaming pile of shit served, wallowing in their crappy intentions of getting paid to shit all over you. Such status you're electing. Sit there getting nothing but more bullshit done. The entire time it stinks, worse.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

They were snorting the coke. Have an Oscar for it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It says Sean on it......... What a dumbass. And his poor children. Your dad earned an Oscar, remember dad. Nope, he gave it away.

Aside at what point today is Sean the board of actors. An empty gesture. Here have this Oscar, insulting. You didn't earn it. But charity. Because you can melt it down.

They're all insane today. How it is promoted begs reasoning.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That article is bullshit. It hasn't said a single factual thing.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Giants were replaced with those taller monkeymen. The monkeys had two rows of teeth. Giants had two rows of teeth. Obviously they're the monkeys?

Look it up. So these teeth, where the giants had double rows of teeth. More teeth is an animal trait, and specific to certain species of monkeys. Many animals have double rows of teeth. But many other species of monkey have the same number of human teeth. I know I know it's evolution. We just need these taller Monkeys, not giants, no, they got the monkey teeth. Literally they got turned into monkeys. Cannot have the bible or the Summerian. They're mythology. Because the monkeys are real. Look at Bigfoot.

They removed them. Declaring they will not descreate the mounds. Faster reinventing the narrative as evolutionary. Where did the giants go. They got turned into monkeys. You see the skulls. They have the extra teeth and many are larger. Denosivans are taller than Neanderthals?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No they are factually proven hoaxes. It's an American pastime the hoax. So they literally try to gold rush. It's a Dino I swear. No, it's a Phoenician relict, where somebody, gooooold rush, carved it. But they didn't even mark the Phoenician right. It's the same story on many hoaxes. Look the Crystal Skull.

The find was suppressed, it is huge, Romans off Brazil. No no no, it must have got lost. Hang on, it's loaded full of the jars, jars for the food stuff, voyage, what colonies were there off Africa then?

The problem becomes was there those other finds in America, the link. Hieroglyphs in Australia, hoax or not? https://www.learning-mind.com/egyptian-hieroglyphs-in-australia/

If you can prove, some of this stuff, then perhaps. Today the narrative is monkeys. Literal fraud. It is discovering far too many anomalies.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't. Inflation has become ridiculous. It will peak even more. As it does things get worse.

We are becoming these banana republics. Corrupt full of scandal but don't worry because we have these gibbering idiots. They cry, we will secure a future for tomorrow by having this big stupid recession today. Some future. We become the global leaders of green energy by changing our leaders every 5 minutes. It's the dumbest.

Never seen such a dumb speech by Pakistan, did nothing wrong, kept emissions low. Then saying Climate change is man made. Okay so when you populated 93 million people in the last 20 years what went wrong. No. It's the rich nations fault. Never studied the history of their Indus river either. It has had dry periods lasting decades. Then it has that one flood season. Look it up. So much worse on the 93 million people it added onto its population in the last 20 years.

Never heard such nonsense in all my life from these people. All of them.

Look at the greeeeen energy. They're strapping solar on their roofs. No why? Obviously to use more electricity. Hang on. Use more electricity. Have a think. Use more electricity. So greeeen.

It's a mad house. Global stupidity. Everywhere. These banana republics.

But it will get worse, a lot worse, at todays going rates of decline and ignorance.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes but none the less those artifacts are there. Discovered recently. 2019. But they tried to cover them up?

Doesn't Brazil have a huge continental plate where the remnants of rainforest extend a few 100 of miles off the mainland into the sea surrounding it?

The narrative hates anomalies. Everybody knows the narrative today is completely absurd.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Expect a hell of a lot more bullshit in 2023. If this year was bad. Next year is going to be even worse

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

A Roman galley has been found off Brazil. Arizona I think most of that shit is a hoax. Spanish having heirlooms is far more probable. But there have been far too many hoaxes on America. Far too many hoaxes claiming frauds.The region was annihilated. Early exploration paints the Mississippi as full of Indian cities and settlements, among these having the mound builders.

Except there is a conspiracy on a supposed find in the Grand Canyon of the existence of a supposed pyramid like culture, mummification, and trove of similar artifacts to Egyptians.

There is the caves in Ecuador and a culture that has a language still not deciphered, a culture writing on metal tablets, and library containing a hoard of them. It is very old, very old. It really hasn't had an explanation either. It is massively outside of the narrative. Narrative claiming they had no metal, no real writing either.




Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

Think the GOP have the House, and probably the Senate. Think they'll just squeeze above 50 senators. But Hard to predict it. I am sticking with the bookie favourites. The odds haven't moved, they're not favouring Democrats.

Obviously, there is also another reason here. No matter what there is turbulence incoming.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's called war fatigue

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

They aren't Jewish unless they betroth Jews. It was a play on words. Fucking I said previously women fuck whoever they want.

Muslim similar. But Christians are adulterous.

If you wanted that theology. The entire merciful, forgiving, loving theme has caused complete fornication prevalent of their cultures. The judgement, duty, service has been replaced with hell cannot even call out those vows today. Until where is your god? An altar of fraud. Undoubtedly.

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