Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you're retarded.


1947 officially. Read it.

Now you're what.

Nazis were earlier.

So what is this bullshit video about? Last 70 years. Of what, the ratlines? Because, they were funding the third reich, and it was to resist the Soviets, and recover Hitler's cat? I mean all of sudden there's a coup led by the Nazis, and it happened 60 years later after the WW. Because Ukraine was going to be the modern Nazi capital of the third reich. It was going to start another WW. During the Climate Change? The CIA has been funding the Third Reich since WW2?

You'll believe anything

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

So who is. Look and then look at those upvotes. Captain Obvious. Because you are politically motivated. You're claiming everybody is this slave. You're not wrong they kinda of have all these rules. Today they're what everybody else takes offense at, instead of being fair.

Again I do not condone that for children. Hell I don't even condone those clothes.

I am just trying to imagine what the Teddy did wrong. You have this innocent Teddy bear. The next thing you know. Bad Teddy.

It's hilarious, if children didn't punish their teddies? Or what. I don't understand this.

Again sober up. Fanboy. Wrong and wrong. You're a slave, or so you just claimed.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. Where it all came from, the Brothel guards getting snipped. It caused the man boobs.

No. It was still physically impossible. Until modern medicine.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3
  1. It was granted agency by Truman.

It wasn't official until then.

After WW2.

Nazis were from when?

You're like an epic tard. You're buying propaganda here, and it takes far too much credit. It looks better if this was planned and armed for decades, the better part of a century. Instead of it being more recent. What have they even armed, what, like the Taliban, or something?

Go figure how they incited the coup. I mean that would look, wrong? Much better to say they funded any rebellion for decades.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're an idiot. Nothing else. You're not clever. You're politically motivated. No conspiracy here. No humour. You're dumber than bullshit. You just went and down voted me twice. I am not your slave. But there you are like a hypocrite chatting shit. Professing to some other kind of ideology. But you're guilty of it. Look what you did. All because you're witless.

I honestly do find that a stuffed toy is the subject of abuse if it's getting tortured. Call it humour or something.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No factually not. Games aren't political. They aren't an ideology. But they're strategy. Where each piece represents different roles and tactics.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

At what point. Who gave the retards a Mic?

I pretty sure it represented exactly what it depicted. There was no such thing as trannies in those days. At all. It was physically impossible unless they took a butcher's axe to it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It was just a Teddy bear. It had this kind of innocence to it. Up until ironically somebody sleeping with their Teddy bear. It normally is like a pillow or I really don't know. Got turned into that. That poor Teddy bear.

I am not even going to downvote you. It would be pathetic. It would be like hahaha slave race. I mean look at it. You dumbass. I am not your slave. I choose to respect your pathetic opinion. You proved it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it occurred. But here's the thing. It made no difference. If Napoleon won it wouldn't have changed anything and France losing had already lost economical dominance. Their revolution empowering Napoleon. Trafalgar was far more important. It stopped the French navy. Destroyed prior to Waterloo. No invasion of England possible. Meanwhile Prussia beat Napoleon at Waterloo arrived late by calvary beating any advantage, Napoleon pressed. He might have won, if even the sky itself, eruption in Indonesia hadn't have even been against him. Where if he won both Prussia and Russia were there to kick him all over again.

The main thing it did was empower the banks Rothschild, who sooner got their hands all over it. And later, caused the fall of Empires in WW1.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bias referee. Why was that. Saudi invest into Messi? Big money. Possibly huge transfer. Messi vouch for Saudi to host a later World Cup. Argentina must've let them. They know they can qualify past their group. Can they? But that referee. Why so bias. Because it's in the region. Still trying to sweeten it. Notice referee on Mexico.

About as Bullshit as the England USA game. Why was that? Deal don't worry. Try not to score lads. Whatever you do, don't score, and we'll both qualify. Haha I mean this game. There is some bullshit. Real bullshit.

Never seen such a wild side with no ball control. They also imported more of their team. That side run run chase chase, try to knock into Poland. Don't worry there's the referee.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn, so much credit. Nope. They were there before the CIA existed.

I mean it's laughable the CIA is also getting them killed. Look at it. It developed Hitler. No. CIA was created after WW2.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Read dumbass. 3.2 babies in 100000 of which 0.6 are fatal at birth. The thing with defects is if there not fatal, as in the baby grows through into childhood often on meds, and life support, they can die later. Many more need transplants. Most cancers are like this and other defects, like organs.. Statistically read it. I like three articles. You've been the dumbest retard on this planet. Those tumors have been reported for decades. It is not uncommon.

You're straining. Literally the dumbest person I can talk too. You're fucking retarded, have been retarded from your entry comment. This topic is retarded. There is no evidence she even vaxxed in pregnancy.

I don't sound sober because you're drunk on speculation. You're a real autist with cranial deformation. Anybody would assume you have the birth defects. Seriously. You make no sense in the dumbest belligerence to have graced this forum. You can't read, so you make up bullshit. Because you haven't heard of it. Instead you speculate. But anybody else calling you out is, what? What am I. No, I am not. Not whatever you are.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn, that's a poor argument. Remains. The later WWs sooner turned that area into. Where they also ploughed the Germans back into the soil.

Waterloo has been incredibly well documented.

It also made Rothschild his fortune

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is a positive force? SJWs are clearly in league with China.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No the statistic was 2008-2014, 31 cases. One hospital center.

You're literally retarded.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at the statistics. 2nd commonest cancer in children. First is leukemia.

Look at one hospital in just over 5 years with 31 cases majority fatality. Did you read the statistics how many babies per 100k have it. 3.2 babies in 100k have it, 0.6 of 3.2 are fatal, although it's probably higher as children develop past infancy. American population is. How common is it.

Stop being dumb. You're just that retarded.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +4 / -4

Hahaha. The poor Teddy bear. Somebody made it a slave.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're rambling nonsense. You are peak fucking retarded. And I am sick of your monkey level shit for stupid mouth. Look it up retard.

Here I can link it back further simple research. They are on the increase prior to Covid.




Now go back to stupid school. You dumb piece of shit.

I wouldn't be as strong in that rhetoric if you didn't pause. I gave you opportunity. I don't like what you're insinuating if you haven't done the homework. I tried to suggest some causes. I know infant brain cancer has been reported for decades. I have lost a sibling to cancer. Not baby but neiphew was born defected developed child cancer from a defect. If you're on here stirring shit. I kind of take offence to it. I am suggesting obvious causes to what is an awful experience.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

You never has, had, what, heard of

The Bovine Milk scandal

Flint, or toxic dumping below

DuPont, Monsanto so many more to count

Medicine, Thalidomide



Brain cancer is on the rise in birth defects and had been prior to any vax. If not other brain defects. There are a host of them. Cancers. You're turning it into brain cancer. Instead of statistically cancer at birth. Or fatal brain defects. I am sure brain cancer is in the above, and there are so many more causing defects.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No. 2021 5 month old, 9 month pregnant. It might be the vax, or almost anything else.

The question is when did she vax? It makes it suspect. But there are heaps of stuff in pregnancy that is seeing regardless of vax, cancers at birth. America has had this loads. Leukemia, brain, blood, renal etc. A number of reasons causing it. Yes have been negative stuff. Lead pipes Flint, milk bovine scandal, toxins dumping of chemicals, medicine, alcohol, drugs etc.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No but it's as the narrative would have it.

Besides they were desecrated when the religion changed. Desecrated prior by Rome as well. Where is Alexander's tome?

The Sphinx was buried when Napoleon got there.

The narrative suggests they're burial mounds, and it was to honour the afterlife.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can suck a primate.

Your post is inept. If you're arguing nonsense. I debated soundly Hancock isn't as opposed to giants as you have obtusely claimed. He left it open to interpretation agreed. His interpretation is denial because of establishing it into the current paradigm. It presented an oxymoron. How can he argue those stories but discard others. This is while he is recanting the stories. Oxymoronic. No, subtle. Interpretation.

Easter Island this post. Tell me about those statues?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Moses didn't exist. Moses didn't exist at all. Not even slightly. He is a common Summerian story reworded. The Sargon of Akkad. The thirteenth commandments are from Hammurabi's code of laws.

Stop these bullshit posts, they serve no function.

https://i.etsystatic.com/19525252/r/il/fc1bbc/2130842479/il_1588xN.2130842479_98z0.jpg Glowie

https://www.britannica.com/question/What-is-Hammurabis-Code It was a stone tablet

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't care what you can't read. It's clear you're not clever. Read your name. It even has your age. Might as well be screaming you're stupid. Can't read, can't process.

I wrote it on the off chance you used your brain. But I don't care. Anybody else clicking on my name can.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

He literally puts in an image of giants, calls the temple on Malta a monument to them. Questions how it was made. Then he goes over to another place with giants and questions it. The Americas.

The clause as you put it, is simply to adapt his version, cataclysm in the younger dryas, and prediluvian advanced civilization into the paradigm.

Explanation, no major upsets, small steps.

Giants present a colossal problem to the monkeys. I mean you have this evolutionary model look it up. Giants where?

They wrote them in, kinda of ignoring the rest, the bones lost from the mounds in the Americas. The evidence in history, from early recordings. Was it a myth or did it represent more. He has a redundant argument. If he calls this other stuff fact but giants bah farce. He hasn't, watch it. It's subtle. Besides he has found the evidence of cataclysm. Giants what went wrong. Monkeys did. Many mammals have double sets of teeth a lot more teeth than humans, where many monkey species have human teeth, the same number. Giant recorded finds don't, look it up, they have extra teeth like most mammals. Double sets of teeth. There are primate, humanoid skulls with this. But. The problem becomes giganticism. On the evolutionary model it was evolving from something smaller, monkeys, rather than King Kong. However Denisovans are supposedly larger. This becomes boggling, some are in a natural history selection others aren't. Same with the teeth. The other anomaly is elongated skulls. Natural sutures. Or deformation. Both have been found. On what selection. Aw the human one it's deformation. Hang on.

You're dumber than bullshit. If you watched the presentation than listened too ah there weren't. It undermines it.

Let's go back to Indonesia. Shall we. The first episode. They built a mountain. They stepped the largest pyramid on the planet. They were after peak rainfall for agriculture. Think about the scale of population needed for this. What were they feeding for such industry? Multi millions of apes? Or something larger? Something recorded as look at it Malta. Same in South Africa. And other places. The scale doesn't seem correct for an ice age. We have steppe farming but off existing incline. They like the Incas stepped mountains. We go back to Mayan civilization okay multi millions. But this was far older. In a time of mythological giants.

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