There used to be a subreddit for detransitioners, but it was banned.
Thelocalnews station here had a segment titled (roughly) " different messaging needed to convince diverse communities to vaccinate"
"The colored people won't take our poison, how do we force their hand?"
It wasn't that long ago that TPTB medically experimented on native and black communities, the institutionalized, and other groups too poor, isolated, or otherwise powerless to stop them. People haven't forgotten that.
Perhaps some in the woke circles remember this too, will disseminate in their circles, and generate enough resistance that it will buy us some time.
I forgot all about that creepy advert for MA. Gates (of hell) indeed.
Jesus is Lord
Robert Mondavi
Add that to the list of companies not to buy from
Salvadore Dailey who is a Satanist
Really? He was born an atheist and converted to Christianity. He uses religious imagery galore in his works. I find this hard to believe
He comes off that way on camera, too.
Chuckie looks posessed.
You know when you're sick or have allergies and you have that runny nose that's like water and it just drips? Here's the product for you
Guerrilla marketing. Qr code links on stickers
Consciously, I don't consent to replacement migration. But it's still happening. I never had a choice. So how is the contract of belief supposed to work? Or how could this information be helpful?
The ancient greeks looked down on democracy because it led to mob rule. Considering what happened this year, they may be right.
I've come across this premise before, maybe even talked to you about it somewhere else. But I can't quite understand. Can you rephrase or is there a name for this so I can further research? Does it have anything to do with NLP or spell-casting?
Yes. Reread Genesis with this in mind. Then go outside and see what your senses tell you. Unmoving. Flat. The stars guiding us for thousands of years, their positions unmoved. Polaris. Stone structures thousands of years old, aligned with stars to this day.
You're the one on a conspiracy board refuting the evidence other posters have already given you. CNN isn't going to run the story and if you can't understand that, there's no help for you. You think you're some Big Brain Contrarian while contributing nothing of value. Either provide your own evidence to the contrary, or stfu.
that story is stupid because I said so
Isn't an argument
He is shitposting in multiple threads. Typical shill tactics. Just ignore.
I laugh at you
Okay? Who the fuck cares. Contribute something of value or shut the fuck up
Aliens are demons.
Not wearing a mask and giving those around you the biggest shit-eating grin is definitely my new hobby.
I'm a woman and seeing men of any age wearing the mask hurts my soul. Many women don't want to swim against the current, I understand that. Children are being directed by parents who have their best interests in mind, though they may be misguided. But men especially need to stand up and say No. If just one is brave enough, more will follow. Another example of men being too demoralized- there was a disgusting creep in my old town who would wear skin tight short shorts so you could see his genital outline. He would flaunt around the shopping district, obviously getting off on making others uncomfortable. Where are the men to drag this guy away and scaring him into never doing it again? Even the grocery store manager was too cucked to tell him he wasn't welcome.
Before the throne they tried to steal, Before I wrote Art of the Deal, Those Dems dont give a damn that I was here
Don't you think those 600,000 survivors have gone through enough? Those 800,000 people managed to escape Hitler! All those 1,000,000 who #resisted deserve peace and financial support!
Personally, I think the hype on aliens is just getting the world ready to accept a major false flag. However, the crazy wildfires that are speculated to come from some kind of laser beam have to come from somewhere. Maybe there's a group of us who engineered or reverse-engineered their way into space (if space exists) and have been quietly amassing weaponry and other technology over the past 70 years or so. And this coming out of Israel is just soft disclosure.
That's really tragic. Wilmington is a cool town, it seems like they've had some trouble lately. I haven't been in over 15 years but it's probably my favorite town I've seen in NC. My reddit account is super old so I didn't know you needed points to comment.
I wasted 9 years on that site. It was really fun and dynamic in the beginning - so many interesting and diverse ideas. Sure there were less savory boards like fat people hate but you could just not go there if you didn't like it. I remember first learning about shils when I posted about monsanto in ~2013 on conspiracy and all these people came out of the woodwork to defend the company. Shilling and banning becoming all too common over the years. I really lost my respect when Sanders for President was banned only moments after the 2016 DNC. Then the censorship really ramped up. I eventually sought other free-speech boards. If reddit hadn't overplayed their hand, I would have remained and might still be a clueless berner.
Trust but verify
I googled the same and you are right, OP!
I wonder who would pick a number like that, and for what purpose? With the frequency of its use, it's almost like it's a religious symbol for them! Once you find it, you know who you are dealing with and whether the information is accurate!