I've come across this premise before, maybe even talked to you about it somewhere else. But I can't quite understand. Can you rephrase or is there a name for this so I can further research? Does it have anything to do with NLP or spell-casting?
It is all about framing, and the control of the institutions most people look to to seek their understanding of the world. Neuro-linguistic programming is all about framing. The words you use affect your image of reality. Casting spells is just the formation and dissemination of information. Control the narratives: control the peasantry.
In mysticism language use is magic. It is what we create the world from. The world is made of language. Every invention, innovation, cultural artefact is made out of ideas. So those who control the institutions create the culture, which is what everyone is mentally immersed in, and how people form their understanding of their perceived reality.
It's all about manipulation of people's perception through the clever use of language and by having a monopoly over the ideas people are exposed to. That's why censorship is key in the war for our minds. Reality is conceptual. Control the concepts: control the minds.
No. Nature doesn't name anything (because motion would disprove a fixed state). All communication of information is based on the consequences of actions set into motion; inspiring all within motion to adhere to self sustenance. Language is a corruption of communication that tempts us to proclaim the meaning of reality, while ignoring that reality is the source of predefined information, and that it is each of us within that lacks comprehension about what the perceived means.
The world that exists outside of us is made by our perception of it. Our understanding of it is built on concepts. Yes, the world is made of data, and we use language to process that data. "Nature doesn't name anything." So humans are not part of nature?
The world that exists outside of us is made by our perception of it.
To perceive means to receive information, which is the core function of the consciousness. It represents the necessary communication between ALL (potentiality of energy aka information) and each ONE potential within the motion of energy. The motion represents the loss of potentiality; and our struggle to survive within the temporary momentum within motion (resistance to motion) represents the recharge of potentiality through the unification of individual potential.
Energy creates motion; motion creates energy. Both together represent the self sustenance of ALL information. We are within information; we are transmuted out of information, and the act of creation requires inspiration through information first.
Forward motion (through loss) represents the natural order; which creates a temporary momentum within itself (balance within motion), which represents resistance to order aka chaos, hence all creation being finite and being moved from a beginning towards an end. It is that balance that allows chaos to temporarily mimic order by resonating with the flow of information.
ONEs consciousness cannot create anything new; it perceives; comprehends and then acts upon the information offered by ALL. We mimic the information offered to us, and we transmute form out of base information. All form represents inspiration for our senses to adhere to self sustenance.
Finally; between perception (input) comprehension (processing) and action (output) operates ones free will of chocie, which is needed for potentiality to operate loss and recharge cycles (spirals), because balance within motion requires a) segregation from ALL into individual ONEs, b) conscious perception to communicate information between them, c) a collective command line that defines one side (recharge) more valuable than the other (loss), which is the shared survival instinct, and d) ones free will of choice to either adhere to self sustenance or ignore it. Both of ONEs choices are needed for the self sustenance of ALL.
Our understanding of it is built on concepts
No. Concept comes from conception; CONCEIVE, verb transitive - "to take". ONE within ALL cannot claim anything, he can only use everything. You were temporarily "given" access to all, you are contractually demanded to uphold life over death, which you consent to with each breath (SPIR'IT, noun (Latin spiritus, from spiro) - " to breathe") you take; representing ONEs spirit contract with ALL to adhere to self sustenance, and you were given the responsibility over the sole authority over your own actions...ones free will of chocie to either adhere or ignore.
To take; to claim ownership over that which nature offers free for all; represents ones selfish choice to ignore adherence to self sustenance in favor for a temptation luring one to death. Our comprehension is based on our free will of choice and only adherence increases ONEs comprehension to what ALL perceives means, while ignorance self restricts comprehension by self imposed beliefs (affixed assumption; what you call "concepts).
We chose ignorance so many times that this weakens created a parasite ruthlessly exploiting it by offering us endless contracts of beleifs (fiction) so that we keep consenting to ignore reality, by corrupting and restricting our comprehension.
Yes, the world is made of data, and we use language to process that data.
That isn't the problem as long ONE processes the information offered by ALL with language within oneself, but as soon as ONE proCLAIMS his selfish assumptions about what ALL means as truth or false into reality; he contradicts reality with his language based fiction. He brands a reality that is based on motion; on constant change.
It is this selfish use of language; of affixed linguistic ownership claims over the ever changing reality within motion that corrupted our consciousness to build an "ego" ,a n inner dialogue based on affixed self imposed meaning about what all means, which constantly tempts us to a)make more proclamations (contradictions to all others), and b) misuse the consciousness to justify the negative consequences of those proclamations.
And as if this wasn't corrupt enough, we now have parasite fully in control over language, by simply comprehending that to brand anything within motion represents the creation of a fictitious idol, based on ones consent to ignorance of reality.
As long as the many ignore reality for fiction; the few can control the many with fiction. We coexist within energy, and if the majority ignores the sheer infinite power they represent, than the few will exploit the shit out of them.
"Nature doesn't name anything." So humans are not part of nature?
The information offered by ALL (potentiality) to ONE (potential) represents self sustenance, and so each ONE needs to have a choice to allow the balance between loss through motion, and recharge trough motion, the function of self sustenance.
Humans are ONE part of ALL, and ALL defines the rules for each ONE within. The only thing within motion that cannot change are the rules that define how motion operates, and those within can only mentally comprehend them; while physically perceive the consequence of actions set into motion. Your inception and your death define your life within motion, but you can only comprehend the fundamental barriers of your existence; not prove them within motion; because you're in between beginning (inception) and end (death). Comprehending this represents the balance between mental and physical.
Within motion ONE only has the sole authority over self, while adhering or ignoring ALL that is offered through free will of choice. Motion defines all existence within it; not the other way around. One can selfishly ignore this and pretend to define reality with fiction, but this has no effect to motion; only to all those within motion. At the same moment; the loss your ignorance represents will be the inspiration for all those who adhere to self sustenance.
A premise is a proclamation that if A then B, based on an argument. This construct is against natural law; against the reality we live in. It is a rhetorical deception that uses a truth (if A then B) and then combines it with a lie (argument) to corrupt our understanding of reality.
If A then B represents your inception and your death. If beginning then end. These two represent the fundamental barriers of the motion in-between, which is what connects them, thereby creating coexistence of all within motion.
A beginning (inception) and an end (death) are NOT in conflict with each other; they're defined by each others coexistence within motion, and motion creates momentum, which represents temporary balance within motion. Between inception and death; this temporary momentum is called life, and the "premise" of this momentum is not a conflict (argument) between inception and death, but adherence to the rules that define how motion operates (the laws of nature), which is what allows self sustenance; the intent behind ALL existence...to sustain self within the temporary momentum of motion.
We are not in "time"; there's no such thing as past, present or future states within motion; only the ever changing moment demanding adaptation from us to sustain ourselves.
All the conflicts we perceives are based on our beliefs (fiction) for which we ignore motion (reality). A belief represents an "affixed" assumption about something within motion, which represents mental stagnation; the self imposed restriction of comprehension. That is the opposite of the adaptation the ever changing circumstances within motion demand from us. This is why you "can't quite understand", because each of the beliefs you uphold in your mind are contradicting the reality of motion, which doesn't affect motion, but corrupts you and thereby all other ones coexisting with you within motion.
is there a name for this
That is the problem that started all this self corruption. Since all existence is in coexistence within motion, we cannot claim ownership over anything, we can only use everything temporarily. Nature is energy in motion; and energy represents the source of all information, which is needed as inspiration for the act of creation. They tell us that ONE created ALL, but creation requires inspiration from information first, and so it's the opposite...ALL energy (potentiality) allows each ONE (potential) within itself the act of creation for the purpose of self sustenance.
Anyway; nature uses the consequences of actions set into motion to inspire our senses to adhere to self sustenance (our needs), while the motion itself moves all of us towards death, which represents a constant temptation to go with the flow (our wants). In-between needs and wants sits ones free will of choice to either adhere to self sustenance or ignore it; both are needed for the self sustenance of ALL, because ignorance represents the loss of potentiality; while adherence represents the recharge of potentiality through the unification of individual potential, which is why when we adhere to our needs, we will automatically create the need to unite with others.
Ignorance represents the temptation of selfishness; while not taking responsibility over ones free will of choice, and the origin of selfishness is us claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all. Example; if I take an apple because I need it, the consequence will be less hunger, but if I take an apple because I want it; I fell for greed, which creates envy in others; and thereby conflict.
Finally the self corruption through selfishness...nature doesn't brand (name) anything, because motion would disprove the "affixed" brand. In comes human language trying to define the reality of ALL, by the affixed assumptions of the ONEs within. Whenever we proCLAIM (claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all) what we "believe" to be truth or false into reality, we set a contradiction into motion, which creates a conflict between all those who believe it and do not believe it.
All conflicts are belief based (fiction), and both sides are arguing about fiction, while ignoring reality. A parasite is exploiting this by a) offering contracts of beliefs to get our consent to ignorance of reality, and b) offering contradiction to both sides of the resulting conflicts to keep the conflicts going.
Our language is what created the "ego"; the inner monologue that constantly tempts us to proclaim our assumptions into reality, which is what corrupts our comprehension about the real communication with nature. If you adhere to any beleif, you comprehend reality in accordance to the belief; not to reality.
so I can further research
One doesn't need to seek information, because all around one is information inspiring one to increase ones potential by comprehending it. We are deceived to seek teachers so that we follow them along the motion towards our death, when self sustenance is about building on oneself. If one consents to a teacher; one consents to a limitation; to a substitute source for information, which you then have to "believe", which isn't comprehension of reality; it's believing ONE ; while ignoring ALL.
What you need is question the world around you...that's your free teacher for absolutely everything. Comprehend that everything around you is different from you, and that these differences represent untapped potential to you. Grab anything in your vicinity and ask yourself "what do I not comprehend about it?" You are within motion, which means everything is constantly changing, and so you need to adapt to that change, but you are tricked to believe that others can tell you what things are, when motion will always change that state.
NLP or spell-casting
Both are based on the same foundation...an offer made towards the consent of ones free will of choice. NLP represents consent to others telling you how to live your live, which tricks you to follow their roadmap; defined by their free will of choice, while you ignore your own for it.
Spell-casting is based on exploiting the substitute source of information that is language (in the beginning was the word...) All our languages represents the offer of idols that requires ones consent to believe their meaning; defined by (((others))). Let's take money for example...the highest value in existence is ONEs free will of choice to "evaluate" ALL that is. If one consents to the idol called "money" as a substitute value for ones won choice of evaluation; one gives the others the means to act "in the name of" the idol, to then define the meaning; which in case for money is the value of ALL, while devaluing each ONE.
Consenting to a contract of belief offered by another one; tricks one to adhere to the belief made by the free will of the other. They call this a "golem"; a monster out of clay; controlled from the outside. Spell casting is that...an offer made by words; which requires ones consent to ignore nature as the only source of information.
I've come across this premise before, maybe even talked to you about it somewhere else. But I can't quite understand. Can you rephrase or is there a name for this so I can further research? Does it have anything to do with NLP or spell-casting?
It is all about framing, and the control of the institutions most people look to to seek their understanding of the world. Neuro-linguistic programming is all about framing. The words you use affect your image of reality. Casting spells is just the formation and dissemination of information. Control the narratives: control the peasantry.
In mysticism language use is magic. It is what we create the world from. The world is made of language. Every invention, innovation, cultural artefact is made out of ideas. So those who control the institutions create the culture, which is what everyone is mentally immersed in, and how people form their understanding of their perceived reality.
It's all about manipulation of people's perception through the clever use of language and by having a monopoly over the ideas people are exposed to. That's why censorship is key in the war for our minds. Reality is conceptual. Control the concepts: control the minds.
The world is made of language
No. Nature doesn't name anything (because motion would disprove a fixed state). All communication of information is based on the consequences of actions set into motion; inspiring all within motion to adhere to self sustenance. Language is a corruption of communication that tempts us to proclaim the meaning of reality, while ignoring that reality is the source of predefined information, and that it is each of us within that lacks comprehension about what the perceived means.
The world that exists outside of us is made by our perception of it. Our understanding of it is built on concepts. Yes, the world is made of data, and we use language to process that data. "Nature doesn't name anything." So humans are not part of nature?
The world that exists outside of us is made by our perception of it.
To perceive means to receive information, which is the core function of the consciousness. It represents the necessary communication between ALL (potentiality of energy aka information) and each ONE potential within the motion of energy. The motion represents the loss of potentiality; and our struggle to survive within the temporary momentum within motion (resistance to motion) represents the recharge of potentiality through the unification of individual potential.
Energy creates motion; motion creates energy. Both together represent the self sustenance of ALL information. We are within information; we are transmuted out of information, and the act of creation requires inspiration through information first.
Forward motion (through loss) represents the natural order; which creates a temporary momentum within itself (balance within motion), which represents resistance to order aka chaos, hence all creation being finite and being moved from a beginning towards an end. It is that balance that allows chaos to temporarily mimic order by resonating with the flow of information.
ONEs consciousness cannot create anything new; it perceives; comprehends and then acts upon the information offered by ALL. We mimic the information offered to us, and we transmute form out of base information. All form represents inspiration for our senses to adhere to self sustenance.
Finally; between perception (input) comprehension (processing) and action (output) operates ones free will of chocie, which is needed for potentiality to operate loss and recharge cycles (spirals), because balance within motion requires a) segregation from ALL into individual ONEs, b) conscious perception to communicate information between them, c) a collective command line that defines one side (recharge) more valuable than the other (loss), which is the shared survival instinct, and d) ones free will of choice to either adhere to self sustenance or ignore it. Both of ONEs choices are needed for the self sustenance of ALL.
Our understanding of it is built on concepts
No. Concept comes from conception; CONCEIVE, verb transitive - "to take". ONE within ALL cannot claim anything, he can only use everything. You were temporarily "given" access to all, you are contractually demanded to uphold life over death, which you consent to with each breath (SPIR'IT, noun (Latin spiritus, from spiro) - " to breathe") you take; representing ONEs spirit contract with ALL to adhere to self sustenance, and you were given the responsibility over the sole authority over your own actions...ones free will of chocie to either adhere or ignore.
To take; to claim ownership over that which nature offers free for all; represents ones selfish choice to ignore adherence to self sustenance in favor for a temptation luring one to death. Our comprehension is based on our free will of choice and only adherence increases ONEs comprehension to what ALL perceives means, while ignorance self restricts comprehension by self imposed beliefs (affixed assumption; what you call "concepts).
We chose ignorance so many times that this weakens created a parasite ruthlessly exploiting it by offering us endless contracts of beleifs (fiction) so that we keep consenting to ignore reality, by corrupting and restricting our comprehension.
Yes, the world is made of data, and we use language to process that data.
That isn't the problem as long ONE processes the information offered by ALL with language within oneself, but as soon as ONE proCLAIMS his selfish assumptions about what ALL means as truth or false into reality; he contradicts reality with his language based fiction. He brands a reality that is based on motion; on constant change.
It is this selfish use of language; of affixed linguistic ownership claims over the ever changing reality within motion that corrupted our consciousness to build an "ego" ,a n inner dialogue based on affixed self imposed meaning about what all means, which constantly tempts us to a)make more proclamations (contradictions to all others), and b) misuse the consciousness to justify the negative consequences of those proclamations.
And as if this wasn't corrupt enough, we now have parasite fully in control over language, by simply comprehending that to brand anything within motion represents the creation of a fictitious idol, based on ones consent to ignorance of reality.
As long as the many ignore reality for fiction; the few can control the many with fiction. We coexist within energy, and if the majority ignores the sheer infinite power they represent, than the few will exploit the shit out of them.
"Nature doesn't name anything." So humans are not part of nature?
The information offered by ALL (potentiality) to ONE (potential) represents self sustenance, and so each ONE needs to have a choice to allow the balance between loss through motion, and recharge trough motion, the function of self sustenance.
Humans are ONE part of ALL, and ALL defines the rules for each ONE within. The only thing within motion that cannot change are the rules that define how motion operates, and those within can only mentally comprehend them; while physically perceive the consequence of actions set into motion. Your inception and your death define your life within motion, but you can only comprehend the fundamental barriers of your existence; not prove them within motion; because you're in between beginning (inception) and end (death). Comprehending this represents the balance between mental and physical.
Within motion ONE only has the sole authority over self, while adhering or ignoring ALL that is offered through free will of choice. Motion defines all existence within it; not the other way around. One can selfishly ignore this and pretend to define reality with fiction, but this has no effect to motion; only to all those within motion. At the same moment; the loss your ignorance represents will be the inspiration for all those who adhere to self sustenance.
I've come across this premise before
A premise is a proclamation that if A then B, based on an argument. This construct is against natural law; against the reality we live in. It is a rhetorical deception that uses a truth (if A then B) and then combines it with a lie (argument) to corrupt our understanding of reality.
If A then B represents your inception and your death. If beginning then end. These two represent the fundamental barriers of the motion in-between, which is what connects them, thereby creating coexistence of all within motion.
A beginning (inception) and an end (death) are NOT in conflict with each other; they're defined by each others coexistence within motion, and motion creates momentum, which represents temporary balance within motion. Between inception and death; this temporary momentum is called life, and the "premise" of this momentum is not a conflict (argument) between inception and death, but adherence to the rules that define how motion operates (the laws of nature), which is what allows self sustenance; the intent behind ALL existence...to sustain self within the temporary momentum of motion.
We are not in "time"; there's no such thing as past, present or future states within motion; only the ever changing moment demanding adaptation from us to sustain ourselves.
All the conflicts we perceives are based on our beliefs (fiction) for which we ignore motion (reality). A belief represents an "affixed" assumption about something within motion, which represents mental stagnation; the self imposed restriction of comprehension. That is the opposite of the adaptation the ever changing circumstances within motion demand from us. This is why you "can't quite understand", because each of the beliefs you uphold in your mind are contradicting the reality of motion, which doesn't affect motion, but corrupts you and thereby all other ones coexisting with you within motion.
is there a name for this
That is the problem that started all this self corruption. Since all existence is in coexistence within motion, we cannot claim ownership over anything, we can only use everything temporarily. Nature is energy in motion; and energy represents the source of all information, which is needed as inspiration for the act of creation. They tell us that ONE created ALL, but creation requires inspiration from information first, and so it's the opposite...ALL energy (potentiality) allows each ONE (potential) within itself the act of creation for the purpose of self sustenance.
Anyway; nature uses the consequences of actions set into motion to inspire our senses to adhere to self sustenance (our needs), while the motion itself moves all of us towards death, which represents a constant temptation to go with the flow (our wants). In-between needs and wants sits ones free will of choice to either adhere to self sustenance or ignore it; both are needed for the self sustenance of ALL, because ignorance represents the loss of potentiality; while adherence represents the recharge of potentiality through the unification of individual potential, which is why when we adhere to our needs, we will automatically create the need to unite with others.
Ignorance represents the temptation of selfishness; while not taking responsibility over ones free will of choice, and the origin of selfishness is us claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all. Example; if I take an apple because I need it, the consequence will be less hunger, but if I take an apple because I want it; I fell for greed, which creates envy in others; and thereby conflict.
Finally the self corruption through selfishness...nature doesn't brand (name) anything, because motion would disprove the "affixed" brand. In comes human language trying to define the reality of ALL, by the affixed assumptions of the ONEs within. Whenever we proCLAIM (claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all) what we "believe" to be truth or false into reality, we set a contradiction into motion, which creates a conflict between all those who believe it and do not believe it.
All conflicts are belief based (fiction), and both sides are arguing about fiction, while ignoring reality. A parasite is exploiting this by a) offering contracts of beliefs to get our consent to ignorance of reality, and b) offering contradiction to both sides of the resulting conflicts to keep the conflicts going.
Our language is what created the "ego"; the inner monologue that constantly tempts us to proclaim our assumptions into reality, which is what corrupts our comprehension about the real communication with nature. If you adhere to any beleif, you comprehend reality in accordance to the belief; not to reality.
so I can further research
One doesn't need to seek information, because all around one is information inspiring one to increase ones potential by comprehending it. We are deceived to seek teachers so that we follow them along the motion towards our death, when self sustenance is about building on oneself. If one consents to a teacher; one consents to a limitation; to a substitute source for information, which you then have to "believe", which isn't comprehension of reality; it's believing ONE ; while ignoring ALL.
What you need is question the world around you...that's your free teacher for absolutely everything. Comprehend that everything around you is different from you, and that these differences represent untapped potential to you. Grab anything in your vicinity and ask yourself "what do I not comprehend about it?" You are within motion, which means everything is constantly changing, and so you need to adapt to that change, but you are tricked to believe that others can tell you what things are, when motion will always change that state.
NLP or spell-casting
Both are based on the same foundation...an offer made towards the consent of ones free will of choice. NLP represents consent to others telling you how to live your live, which tricks you to follow their roadmap; defined by their free will of choice, while you ignore your own for it.
Spell-casting is based on exploiting the substitute source of information that is language (in the beginning was the word...) All our languages represents the offer of idols that requires ones consent to believe their meaning; defined by (((others))). Let's take money for example...the highest value in existence is ONEs free will of choice to "evaluate" ALL that is. If one consents to the idol called "money" as a substitute value for ones won choice of evaluation; one gives the others the means to act "in the name of" the idol, to then define the meaning; which in case for money is the value of ALL, while devaluing each ONE.
Consenting to a contract of belief offered by another one; tricks one to adhere to the belief made by the free will of the other. They call this a "golem"; a monster out of clay; controlled from the outside. Spell casting is that...an offer made by words; which requires ones consent to ignore nature as the only source of information.