For anyone interested, here is the passage from the book about the Winery (complete with original spelling mistakes and "wall of text" lack of formatting!):
Just north of San Francisco
and east of the Bohemian Grove is the Napa Valley of California. Anton LaVey moved to Napa
Valley after his split with Aquino. LaVey ran a construction company during the 1910. out of Napa,
CA. (As an aside, Anton LaVey’s chief representative in our Portland area is Rex ,,Diablos" Church,
who grew up as Rex Nance in Seaside High School on the Oregon coast. Rex worked at the drug
store at Broadway and Holiday at Seaside during high school. Two years after high school he returned
to his hometown with his head shaved and wearing black in LaVey fashion. He had a stripper who
dressed in black who was a Satanist as his girl friend for a while in the Portland area. According to
Rex’s own words, he grew up in a secret Satanic family and was baptized to Satan as a child. Rex and
his Satanic friends have schemed how to hurt the Christians. How many of their devious plans have
succeeded I do not know. Also of Interest is that Rex lived a good deal with his what has been
reported as Jehovah’s Witness grandparents.) With the Church of Satan feeling comfortable in Napa,
it is not surprising that tbe Baron and Baroness Phillipi de Rothschild picked the area to build a secret
temple to Satan.
Also as readers of this newsletter know, these people have been constructing castles and other large
buildings on spiritual ley lines for centuries, so it goes without saying that when this secret temple
was built in Napa, that the Icy lines were at least considered in choosing a site. The Baron Rothschild
began the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, which his wife completed after he died. The
pyramid is called Opus 1. According to one of the contractors who participated in building the
pyramid, the project cost $35 million. The various construction cost reports given the public have
been much less than what this contractor has said was the real cost of the building. The theme of the
numbers 3 and 6 runs throughout the large Opus i pyramid building. as well as the number 666. Also
little circles frequently appear.
The name of the building is Opus 1, which means the First Work. It’s cover or front for the temple is
that It is a winery. The winery operates very strangely to a legitimate winery. The entire project of
buying the land, building Opus 1, and operating it has been shrouded in secrecy. The wineries in
California when they open traditionally and normally are open to the public. The opening ceremonies
of Opus 1 were shrouded in secrecy. The opening announcement was low key and only select people
and select International media types were Invited. This opening is extremely unusual for a winery in
the Napa Valley area. Private guided tours are very hard to obtain of Opus 1, in contrast to the other
wineries in Napa Valley. Further, the estate that the winery (temple) sits on is very protected and
secluded. The wrought iron gates are always closed. However, I was able to get a first hand report
from a group of three that managed to view Opus 1. During the tour this group saw many occult and
satanic items, and yet large areas of the winery (temple) were closed off to even this private tour
group. The winery is not constructed even remotely similar to any winery in the Us. The project
began as a joint venture between Robert Mondavi and Baron Rothschild in 1979. The land was
secretly purchased and in the late 1960s construction quietly began using contractors from far away.
Strangely, the Napa Valley Register which reports on all building activity remained extremely quiet
about what was being built. From the air, the construction forms a masonic square and compass. On
the Inside hidden stairwells and other hidden features have been built in. The capstone of the pyramid
has a rotunda where skylight penetrates the capstone and where viewers can get a view of the entire
Napa Valley. There have numerous Rothschilds who have entered Into the various Masonic rites. For
Instance, Louis Rothschild was a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in Chicago during the 1890’s. The reason
for this is that Freemasonry is used as type of early class for those who are in the Illuminati to get
them familiar with the symbols of the Mystery religions and give them more practice with hand
signals, rituals, and secrecy. Orchids, which are used by the Mothers of Darkness, are grown all over
the area. Orchids are the only type of flower grown on the site, and they are cared for by apparently
Mothers of Darkness who are dressed in all black, which is the standard color of garb of the Mothers
of Darkness. The pyramid was built with limestone from Texas. No doubt there is some occult
significance to the site that the limestone came from. The limestone itself has fossils, which have
been hidden from easy view for some reason. (Remember the ancient Egyptian pymmids used
limestone.) Originally Opus I was scheduled to open around the Summer Solstice but the date was
shifted to Weds., Oct. 30, 1991 which is the day before Halloween. Since the opening day, the
Rothschilds have had events scheduled around Satanic high days. Those who are familiar with the
occult know that these events are covers for Satanic rituals which are held secretly. The land has
wrought iron gates which are locked at all times. Some of the occult Items which private visitors saw
within the pyramid were: a book on wine depicting orgies by Salvadore Dailey who is a Satanist, a
blue-black picture with naked ritual dancers, and other strange occultic pieces of art (such as an oil
painting of what looked like Satan). Massive draconian oak doors are built facing the hail that leads to
the room where wine is tasted. Mirrors abound in the place. The guilded art work on the mirrors is
often Rococo. The Baroness personally designed and furnished the Interior. The upside down peace
sign is found designed in some of the furniture as barren trees. Two trees of life from Peru are by the
fireplace. The tree of life is by the way very Important to this level of the Illuminati. The visitors also
saw 3 Mouton ceremonial drinking cups with rams, and chairs which had the carvings on the front
arms/legs of fully formed demons were found in one of the rooms. The foyer looks like the Inside of a
snail or ,,corkscrewy." Much of the furnishings were purchased by the Baroness Rothschild from the
De Medicis. It has various marble floors and tables set with orchids. The stainless steel and the floors
in the winery are immaculate. The workers who work there were scrutinized closely before being
hIred. Originally, the wine workers were required to were black pants and white shirts, but the
workers who had to stomp the grapes were unhappy about the uniform requirements.
I don't know if Springmeier is merely conjecturing or knows more. He puts a lot of faith in these people who contact him saying they are former illuminati/satanists and revealing secrets. Though such evidence is hardly solid, it's probably the only sort of evidence that's ever likely to go public from such circles.
As to Dali he was definitely close to some of the Rothschilds. It could be his transition from atheist to Christianity was an act, part of his persona for the art world. I don't know enough about the man.
For anyone interested, here is the passage from the book about the Winery (complete with original spelling mistakes and "wall of text" lack of formatting!):
Add that to the list of companies not to buy from
Really? He was born an atheist and converted to Christianity. He uses religious imagery galore in his works. I find this hard to believe
I don't know if Springmeier is merely conjecturing or knows more. He puts a lot of faith in these people who contact him saying they are former illuminati/satanists and revealing secrets. Though such evidence is hardly solid, it's probably the only sort of evidence that's ever likely to go public from such circles.
As to Dali he was definitely close to some of the Rothschilds. It could be his transition from atheist to Christianity was an act, part of his persona for the art world. I don't know enough about the man.