DrShirleyItzakhan -1 points ago +2 / -3

yeah you guys seem threatened by the fact that some of us come to the site but don't post a lot. no worries I will start calling you guys on your bullshit from now on

DrShirleyItzakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of you don't seem to think FE is a conspiracy? I thought it was a Psy-op? That's not a conspiracy? Everyone just decided the earth was flat organically and the thousands of shills decided to start posting their faked videos at the same time? There is no conspiracy behind the psy-op? I mean I started watching those videos back in 2017 to expecting see them easily debunked but all they managed to do was delete most of them. Whats up with that? ...And now you guys want to ban any discussion about it here. Why? Can't you easily debunk it? I'm curious and want to know more about it. If you are into conspiracies why would this one be off limits. Tell me who is running the psy-op? is it Russia? Nasa? your infantile Grey Aliens? Tell me how that's not a conspiracy or shut the fuck up already.

DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

haha. not really, but I can see how it would seem like that. I just got a little pissed off that a conspiracy forum wants to ban talking about a conspiracy. I mean I feel like they really ruined r/conspiracy and I didn't want to see it happen here even though I just browse the new posts. BTW I do not post because I am worried about being called into the HR dept of my ultra woke corporate slave masters for agreeing with something they do not condone. That may be an irrational fear but I know they scour social media and would rather be safe than sorry.

DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you guys aren't going to tally the votes. That is hilarious. I am on here everyday but I'm not sure what I can prove. You guys want to make this place just like fucking reddit just with more mental illness and jew haters I guess. I mean your biggest poster can't spell "I" (and makes everyone who posts here look bad by extension) so seriously who cares. ban whatever you want. Ban me. Who gives a fuck. Haha, it just shows how terrified you guys are that there may possibly be something there so instead of investigate you try to ridicule and censor.

DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

A handshake. Yeah I don't post a lot. I am more of a frequent lurker. Is there any issue with my account/ identity/ etc. that I should be worried about? I like the site. Don't think you should censor FE posts but I got no issue w/ anyone here. Peace.

DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +2 / -1

So are you going to count the votes on your little FE censor post or not?

DrShirleyItzakhan 0 points ago +4 / -4

Sure lets make this just like r/conspiracy with a bunch of loser mods and crybabies running the show. WEAK

DrShirleyItzakhan -1 points ago +2 / -3

No. Maybe you should stop ignoring the obvious evidence and make an actual effort at debunking it. I haven't seen anyone do that, you all just cry and cry about it. I don't even consider myself a flat earther but it is clear that none of the haters can debunk shit about it. Just let them post. Some of us enjoy reading about crazy conspiracies. WTF

DrShirleyItzakhan -2 points ago +2 / -4

Quit pushing your opinions on everyone else. It is clear that this subject scares you that doesn't mean that nobody should be able to mention it. Stop acting like a child.

DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes. more please!

DrShirleyItzakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Take a look at a picture of Yuri then take a look at a picture of Neal Armstrong. Do you notice anything?

DrShirleyItzakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey I just found your channel a few weeks ago. it was great.You are extremely talented. Don't let these fuckers stop you!

DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +3 / -2

So are his rocket launches and landings.

DrShirleyItzakhan 0 points ago +1 / -1

You guys believe that the space x launches and landings are real and not poorly staged productions?

DrShirleyItzakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read somewhere that it is traveling at 1000 mph? isn't escape velocity 25,000 mph? ...or was that just a suggestion?

by pkvi
DrShirleyItzakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL. you are a fucking joke dude. you have destroyed any credibility your posts have had with your idiotic "pronouns". get fucked

by pkvi
DrShirleyItzakhan 2 points ago +3 / -1

Fuck you. I live in NYC.

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