DavidColeIntrepid 3 points ago +3 / -0

"israeli secret intelligence service"

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was interested in how exactly this happened so I'm making a thread about it.

The mv dali left port escorted by 2 tugs who broke off before getting to the Key bridge. Presenter says that's not uncommon. The vessel lost power twice while approaching the bridge. Apparently this could be due to any number of factors, but there is redundancy in the generators. There should be backups, and backups for the backups because what the hell would they do in the middle of the ocean with no power?

This could have been caused by the Captain. There's no doubt the engineers maintaining the generators messed up because they didn't automatically work. You can see the lights go off and come back on twice which means the generators weren't setup properly.

They dropped anchor some distance away from the bridge which arguably made the situation worse. A ship will start turning without power because the water is acting against the rudder. The presenter says wind could also have been a factor. It was headed straight in between those pylons before it lost power.

It is unknown if they gained rudder control when the power briefly came back on. We can see a large column of smoke when they restart the engine. So in hindsight if they dropped anchor and gave full reverse power to the aft it arguably made the situation worse. They should have focused on regaining rudder control.

The presenter describes the situation as a liability nightmare. The shipping company is Maersk. Owners are Grace Ocean Singapore based company and I've read that the company is managed by Synergy Maritime Group which has a page on their website dedicated to DEI.

The black mayor of Baltimore got on TV looking like a 3rd string JV safety and called the indians "heroes". This used to be a decent country. The NTSB is prioritizing the "environmental impact" of the accident. Why not?

The ships on either side of the bridge will be stuck there for quite a while. The rescue operation for people on the bridge has officially been changed to a recovery operation which has to be concluded before decoupling the bridge from the dv Mali.

Tin foil hat on. There is a military instillation in the harbor north of the bridge where vessels are stuck. I'm unaware what class of ship but there are two boats stuck in harbor and one outside. If not purposely stranded it could possibly be used to attack the east Coast while defenses are stuck. At this point it seems like a reach but it is worth mentioning.

Presenter and guests are not optimistic about this being prevented in the future. No bridges susceptible to the same disaster will be retrofitting with protection and by the time the bridge is rebuilt everyone will have forgotten.

DavidColeIntrepid 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is creepy as fuck. That poor girl.

DavidColeIntrepid 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sending billions of taxpayer dollars to israel is a violation of the nuclear non proliferation treaty, besides treason. Ironically or typically they complain endlessly about Iran which goes through all the agreed inspections while israel refuses inspections. They e even been caught selling material to African warlords and or other terrorists.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

An arab born in France is still Arab, not French. A jew born in England is still a jew.

You argue like the slimiest reddittard

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +1 / -1

You never wondered why over 90% of the soviet government were jews? When they comprised less than 1% of the Russian population?

Of course you don't. You're incapable of thinking about anything. You just repeat dumb shit and pretend it makes you intelligent.

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +1 / -1

Flags are irrelevant. As soon as you crypto yids got to the new world, you dropped the act and picked up your stars of remphan again. So fuck off

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +2 / -1

communism is judaism.

Do you honestly think constantly kvetching that "nooooooooooo! That wasn't rEaL communism! Noouuuuoouoouoo!" makes you intelligent?

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +2 / -1

You mean jews running the slave trade and injecting bioweapons into their country?

Where exactly are the massive cotton fields in London? Dumbass

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't the telepathic holograms which were originally described by star trek and stolen for the idea of "bluebeam" and there's no artificial earthquakes.

This is just Fremont Street juxtaposed with some AI generated after effects.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was Jerusalem left a smoldering wreck under bar kochba? You jews love your child raping "messiahs"

DavidColeIntrepid 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we pretend Versailles never happened. If we pretend the globalists never illegally annexed half of Germany and called it "poland". If we pretend communists didn't rape and murder Germans on German land and justified it by calling Danzig "dangst". Keep living in the make believe narnia fantasy in your head.

DavidColeIntrepid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not mutually exclusive. It's sped up and everyone knows he was on medication for injuries sustained during the great war.

Also, this is from the same period where they put cocaine in soda. You're reaching pretty hard to slander a war hero.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can stop pretending to not be a jew. Nobody believes you.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

You agree jews deserved to be kicked out of Germany with extreme prejudice.

So how do you justify them occupying Palestine?

Consistency. You tiny hats can't refrain from being hypocrites anymore than towel heads can refrain from fucking goats.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the jews deserved what Germany did to them because it was a "warzone" too. Right?

I'm just asking you yids to be consistent. Which is like asking blacks to do calculus.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is. You obviously don't know what he's known for.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stay in your camp and don't walk around without that yellow star in the open or you deserve it. Right?

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the jews deserved to be exterminated because they walked around in Germany? Is your world view consistent or are you a hypocrite?

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no such thing as "hate speech"

DavidColeIntrepid 5 points ago +5 / -0

The US is under foreign occupation by treasonous jews like this goblin.

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