GOVERN ME HARDER DADDY!!!!! Fuck these authoritarian CUNTS!
Fuck this piece of shit. And all the other pieces of shit complicit in foisting this on the world. Cunts. saddens me that men have become so fucking SOY CUCKS!!! Holy. Fucking. SHIT!!!
That's sooooo fucking stooooopid! "Im super duper Triple vaxxed everybody and I caught the covid. You guys need to get shots too" That's like "Hey it's weird, my friend put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger and he died. But you should do it too because, reasons"
Exactly! But, miraculously, after giving the world the vaqqqsssseeeeenz, all of a sudden heart disease and the flu are making a YYYYUGE comeback. Its soooo weird...🙄
I'm gonna go with "FUCK NO", Chuck!
Jesus. Justin Castro needs to shut the fuck up.
Gee... I wonder if he was killed to make it look like an overdose...🤔🤔🤔 NAAAAAHH!!!! That wou li d be a consp..... I'll show myself to the door...
Ok, so...when are people gonna get pissed off enough with RIGHTEOUS ANGER and say ENOUGH!? I, for one, have had more than enough of this bullshit.
Someone needs to get this guy a JFK haircut....seriously...fuck this guy.
I like the cut of your jib, sir!
Yyyyyeah... "BREAKTHROUGH case"... I mean, it's not like this vaxxxxzeeen is killing people's immune system if not outright evicting them from their meat suit, right? RIIIIIGHT!? fookin GOLD!!!
This shit right here.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I would really love to hear an explanation as to why we need these fucking shots if they dont prevent the spread of covid and they dont prevent people from getting it? Oh yeah... getting sick is.just one's body purging itself of environmental toxins... buuuuut they won't tell us that will they.
Amen brother. amen. This is COMPLETELY insane! I cant believe How many people have abandoned critical thinking just because social media and CNN told them to. All mainstream media outlets really.
What a knob.
....And yet they EXCORIATED Kyle Rittenhouse in a CLEAR CASE of self defense... wow...just. wow..
Fucking scum. Every. Damn. One. Why the fuck is ANYBODY even pretending to listen to these OBVIOUS scumbag liars!?
Fuck him. Damn. I was hoping... buuuut it looks like I need to quit the Hopium....dammit.
I love ALL OF YOU! This information is SOLID! Too bad we cant get most of the normies to read it. God knows I REEEAAAAALLY need my employer to read even a tiny amount of this info.
Jesus CHRIST!!! When are people gonna get their fuckin heads out of their asses and see this shit is real and it is coming here!? Fuckin hell!
Well shit. I knew the Revelation 3:9 shills would get here eventually and say that "the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is fake" again... once again....Revelation 3:9. I mean, to be fair, its not ALL Jews that think they are better than everyone else and want dominion over the entire world. That would be like saying EVERY white person is a Neo-Nazi. It's just not true. But they are being VERY disingenuous when they say shit like it is not real. It's just the Sabbatean Frankists and other elements of the Synagogue of Satan that really are wanting to rule the world like a shady shit head Bond villain. Just my .02.....
This dude needs to be drawn and quartered. To start.
Yeah so, it's like the Bay of Pigs bullshit all over again...only reversed. People need to stand up and say enough of this bullshit.