The eclipse is actually a fakeout by Stanley Kubrick and Jack Nicholson will appear with an axe and chop up the sun. My info source is a top-level nuclear scientist who is also a Scientologist and part-time tranny exotic dancer in the Target childen's wear department.
Parsons was a techy nerd who liked rocketry. He was not driven by the goals of the elite or by the elite. However he got connected to Caltech, and there are some elite connections with that school that influenced JPL.
As for Crowley, that was brought in by Hubbard when Jack shared his home with him. But Parson was never truly into Satanism.
The book Strange Angels is however a good read about the background including how Hubbard was one son of a bitch and used Parsons.
If you have been raped in a dressing room by Donald Trump, call us for a free consultation. We also handle whiplash cases, dog bite suits, and defamation in New York, Georgia, and Beaver Falls North Dakota. This offer not valid if you're a fed or in a Tel Aviv gay bar or in a tunnel under a synagogue.
Boy I could write an essay on this. But I'll keep it under control and just give a few notes on three areas.
In a down economy you may have more need for entertainment because you have nothing else to do, but countering that you have no budget anymore. Now, Sony just laid off 8% of its workforce, which tells us people don't have money for games hardware and games anymore.
My guess is people are more playing phone app games, which as a practice also adds to the overwhelming phone addiction tsunami-ing on society. I see so many people zombified by their phones and lacking face to face social skills. So many kids are glassy eyed zombies. Young clerks barely can serve customers, wanting to be on their phones. Phones have become attention vampires. And are cultural cocaine. Urban society is now addicted and if cell towers stopped working, many people would collapse into passive 'dorminance'. The recent AT&T outage demonstrated this.
Our modern society would collapse if communications went out. I do not doubt that some of the illegals flood contains covert terrorists trained by a nation-state to infiltrate, seek out the choke points, and prepare to take them out in a war. Comms, water and power in cities could suffer, rural survivalists would maintain. Comms would take out phone, and retail purchases via plastic.
On another topic: I am in AI, and I am aware there is covert intent on this AI flood. I have a suspicion, not able to prove with data, that the intent is to make people dependent on AI. There are only a handful of large companies controlling it and they have been infiltrated by either government or by Marxists or both. Google: gov + Marx; Meta: govt + Jewish leader; OpenAI: Sam Altman is not what he seems. GPT is not what it seems and worse, OpenAI has one or more hidden AIs that are more powerful and worrisome. I am pretty sure these are used by govt and by the Dems.
Even now, use of AI is degrading thinking ability as people and students flood to using AI to write too many things for them. Lawyers caught with AI hallucinated case references; students who don't write their own work; politicians now writing lying speeches via AI.
Add to all this the population reduction coming from vax deaths plus population dilution by illegals. . Overall, I see increasing vulnerability of society to collapse.
One thing I'd like to see is for someone to work with a mortician who finds the rubbery clots, take samples, then analyze the composition of the clots. Additionally examine the clot construction down to the individual clot cells or fibrils. Examine the material with an electron microscope and analyze the structure down at the molecular level. Place samples in a nutrient bath and observe whether anything develops.
Oh, so now supporting Trump is simping?
You're a leftwing POS. You people lie like breathing.
You use the terms 'Russian disinfo' and 'simping for Trump', which right away says you're Left propagandist.
Yes there was controversy over Axo and it mostly came from anti-conservative Reddit trolls who spammed forums and then got banned and then whined about it. I got sick and tired of the spam and welcomed the mod's actions.
If you keep whining records then you must have been one of them, and now trying to reconstruct history the way the Left does. Recognize I will fight you from now on as you try that.
Ah, your comment history shows you a likely paid, small cap, shill. No wonder. Do you hire a shabbos goy to type for you on Saturdays?
I am not Axo, asshole.
"Dude, I was there. Constantly spamming pro-Russian propaganda and narratives from Russian troll farms, banning anyone who would contradict him. "
BULLSHIT. What a fucking distortion. He banned the trolls - I was all for that. You're lying and trying to position him as a powermad banner. He wasn't. He didn't go ban everyone who disagreed with him. That's a lying distortion by you. You must be one of those SOB trolls he made an enemy of.
He flagged the trolls and Lefties - now here you're defending them - pretty clear you're distorting things a lot. Yeah, you're an agent, not just some ignorant rube.
"Axo is either completely delusional or paid by Russia." Said in the spirit of an Obama-run never Trumper type. You're straight out of the Left playbook. Or maybe one of JCM's gang.
It is cheaper. If you get an Instant Pot pressure cooker you can make great stuff fast and easily. I have no time for being a great chef but I eat well with the right power tools for cooking. Also the Instant Pot softens up the human meat I get when I go out at night and makes it tender. Oh shit, I accidently hit Return.
As soon as I saw the news, I threw away any Quaker oats I had and bought organic oats. I now look for third-party non-major and organic for cereal.
Also, I get sick when I eat wheat treated with Roundup but not when the wheat was clean and free of it. It's like night and day, I can tell within an hour if the source flour of any goods was contaminated. Half the frozen pizzas on the market make me ill so now I use King Arthur and make my own dough.
Bullshit. Complete bullshit. I have known Axo over the years, for more than a decade. He was and is not a shill and you are disparaging an honest guy. I have seen for many years his efforts to keep things honest in the chats on Reddit, and here. He was never about disinfo, not by a stretch. I note that accusation of 'Russian disinfo' is a standard attack by the Obama Hillary crowd.
More likely YOU'RE the fucking shill, bub, attacking someone likely not spending time here anymore, freeing you to pull a phony accusation without rebuttal. Such cowardice is worthy of the Left. Who's paying your salary.
The fact that there are that many, and each one requires funding, shows this is a planned and deliberate invasion. I figure if we dig, we'll find Soros money.