by DrLeaks
Corporis -7 points ago +4 / -11

Democrats protecting pedophiles? Not surprising. They have a pedophile representing their party after all.

by DrLeaks
Corporis -8 points ago +3 / -11

That's good news.

Corporis -10 points ago +1 / -11

Somalian jews being discriminated against by white jews in apartheid israel disproves your false assertion.

Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

Yandex for uncensored search results in the west. Just be aware it may not be the best for uncensored results about the east.

Corporis -9 points ago +4 / -13
  1. Why would this matter to me? It doesn't, I know many democrats are pedophiles already, most notably joe biden for example.

  2. I only have this account, imbecile.

Corporis -8 points ago +3 / -11

The malicious users that use vote manipulation to place -10 or -20 down votes on a content submission then make sure that post does not get seen by others. That is a problem.

Corporis -10 points ago +1 / -11

You seem to be an idiot and anti-truth.

by pkvi
Corporis -9 points ago +1 / -10

Honestly, it sounds awesome. Twitter is a fascist censorship shithole run by corrupt democrat party members right now and anything that disrupts that I applaud.

Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

What a stupid take. Texas is doing the exact opposite by refusing to comply with pedophile joe biden's agenda, dumping the illegals in DC to have the criminals in the corruption capital deal with them.

by pkvi
Corporis -7 points ago +3 / -10

Before pedophile joe biden there was no question obama was the worst president in US history. obama and his administration are criminals guilty of the SpyGate scandal, a crime of sedition more serious than WaterGate.

Pedophile joe biden is bringing the world closer to WW3 though, he might yet eclipse the criminal obama.

Corporis -8 points ago +3 / -11

You are the stalker here u/brahbruh. You even kept stalking my posts harassing me for a while.

If anyone has a stalker it is me, I have a pathetic loser vote manipulating my posts down with up to -12 votes almost instantly when I post or comment.

Corporis -7 points ago +6 / -13

Any disruption to the fascist democrat party member run twitter censure machine is to be applauded.

Corporis -10 points ago +1 / -11

FYI, I have a stalker that is vote manipulating my posts and comments to -12. I suspect there is an alt of that sad fucker even in this comment section.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

(Edit: Also, you are a pathetic alt of zykloon)

Pictures at socialite parties mean very little. Not like the Clinton's that are photographed at the island with underage girls, or in the Lolita express with underage girls, or together with Ghislain Maxwell at their daughters private wedding.

The Real Trump-Epstein Relationship - While Former President Clinton Partied with Epstein on Orgy Island - Citizen Trump's Relationship Was Mostly Adversarial

Trump is noted on the flight logs once in 1997 only.

Once. When his plane broke down and he hitched a ride with a small plane from one US city to another US city.

Trump never went to the Epstein island, unlike the clintons that went there something like 28 times, on many of those trips bill and hillary ordered the secret service to not accompany them.

The narrative is that trump flew on the lolita express, but the logs don't prove that.

The facts are that Trump was the only one willingly cooperating with the investigators of the case surrounding Epstein. The investigators reported they got good information they could act on from him and was very pleased with the willingness to donate time and effort from Trump.

Trump also outed Epstein as a shady character and banned him from his hotels. My guess is Trump is no fan of Epstein.

Here is the lawyer for the girls suing Epstein talking about interactions with Trump in 2009

Called out Bill, Epstein and the "famous island" in 2015. Start at 22:30 -

Here's a tweet he made in 2012 - Trump tweet (2012) - Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.

Trump Was 'Only One' To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case

Fusion GPS Tried And Failed To Link Trump To Jeffrey Epstein

The documents released from the Ghislain Maxwell case also show that witnesses testify that Trump was not involved with the Epstein enterprise.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

Sorry, I deleted the post since my stalker is active and using alts to downvote my posts and comments to -12. There is no use reposting it either, the pathetic fuck is camping New as always.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

They are the preatorian guard of the fascist pedophile joe biden regime and the corrupt and criminal democrat party.

by qbqb
Corporis 1 point ago +13 / -12

Because hunter is a junkie and not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

For anyone that has followed SpyGate there is no doubt that both obama and hillary are the criminals at the top of the chain here. There should be long, long prison sentences for obama, hillary and all of their henchmen.

Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

We have seen the videos of Ukrainian forces committing war crimes, there has so far not surfaced any showing Russia has.

In fact, everything points to Russia being very restrained in the fighting by going after the illegal bio weapon research bases and other military targets and even bringing in food and providing evacuation corridors for civilians.

by DrLeaks
Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

The corrupt and criminal democrats doing what they always do.

by pkvi
Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

Zelensky wants to create an apartheid state? Fuck him!

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