You ruin all your good posts by sounding like an edgy idiot
An expected dumb comment from the village idiot shill.
Do you even read the shit you post? Follow some globalist mandates or get your property destroyed, that makes sense! Even with the corona fad, this is one of the dumbest things I've read in the last few months.
As always, go fuck yourself Commie ball sucker
She probably knows about Billy's pedo collection
the primary code host of most interactive elements on the internet
Lol what.. Maybe 10 years ago
Surely they do not compromise your websites at will
How? Do you think they can plant malicious code onto people's websites without getting caught?
They are just another dying woke organization that wants to score virtue signalling points like half of today's clown companies.
People act like this thing was some killer gas, it's beyond ridiculous. Like in restaurants, you wear a mask before being seated just to take it off a few mins later when seated, that's a supersticious ritual, not science. Same with flights.
Idiots wearing masks on pools, putting kids in plastic cages, covering themselves in plastic or using shit like gallon water bottles as masks... The world turned into a nuthouse.
Dave Grohl, the talentless cunt, who would've guessed? no wonder reddit loves him so much
Well I've asked before and you never replied until I called you retarded. Guess there's a reason for that.
Why do you use aym/ayh in all your posts? are those your "pronouns" ?
why do you type like you were retarded?
you generally post decent stuff, but you really sound retarded everytime you say ayh, aym
It's not a killer gas you dumb fucks!! I swear this fucking world
aym, ayh? are these your pronouns or something? why do you keep using these
OP types ayh instead of "I" in all his posts
I thought atheism simply meant not believing in God. Turns out in the last decade it became this unbearable neckbeardfest where Scientism gurus are worshipped and they pat each others on the back because of how smart and full of Science they are.
I theorize that some of these astronauts never realized they were NOT in space. Perhaps a few of them were played just like the public.
They've could've faked an environment for them or maybe they learned the truth at some point on their missions. They already had simulators where astronauts practiced, I imagine they could use the same technology to make some astronauts believe they were actually in space.
Neil Armstrong certainly gives me that impression. He believed he was going to the moon and deserved to be a hero but got scammed and had to go along with it because of "national security". Buzz, on the other hand, his body language and use of words sound full of guilt and anger.
Alan Bell in this video gives me the impression that he firmly believed he walked on the moon. Which is a different story, I don't see how they could've faked that experience for them, yet again, they had a pretty huge budget and the burden of the Cold War on them, so who knows...
Like when the media was saying "it's ok to have bells palsy, it's barely noticeable"
Not impressive at all if you count the massive amount of propaganda or if you understand how propagandists operate. I disagree this is coming from the Rothschilds though.
Unless you are trying to be sarcastic because somehow after 1 year you still believe in Covid Santa Claus? Lol hopefully not.
I am honestly pessimisstic about our future because I never knew that people were this dumb and gullible before Covid. I had some idea, but seeing now how half the world turned into Gestapo snitches, commie wannabes, I frankly have no hope for humanity at this point.
It is not the "Illuminati" nor the NWO who will enslave humanity; it will be the sheep, the useful idiots, virtue signallers and bootlickers who are easily brainwashed and will drag the rest of the world with them, already happening.
count me in bro
"they lied about everything but not space, no sir!!!" ?
this neckbeard was already ill before "covid"...
God Delusion = Atheist Bible
Richard Dawkins = Atheist Pope
Neil deGrasse Tyson = Atheist Priest
etc etc etc
why do you keep typing ayh
normies love this kind of shit, they'll be shaming anyone who refuses, just like they did with masks... they'll report their neighbor. the 1 year training worked perfectly
Just saying you lose credibility when you type like a 15 year-old tik toker.
I was trying to read whatever you typed but your pronouns or whatever tf they are keep getting in the way and it's just impossible.
You could type I and I'm like a normal person, and your shit would be easier to read. That's all I am saying.
I usually upvote your posts, too, just not when you type like a dumbass and make me cringe. You can make your spelling philosophical statement in some teen poetry sub or something, I don't know.