Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't observed any objects that should be hidden by the earths curvature.

However I commonly see ships sails, before I see the vessel itself. That in itself is evidence that the earth is curved.

About objects moving in the heavens, my observations agree 100% with the idea that the earth is making a revolution every 24 hours and that the Sun and Stars aren't moving, relative to each other.

Until you can come up with the speed and distances of the Sun, Moon and Stars, your flat earth theory is lacking the most important part of any theory and that is the ability to predict future results.

The spinning sphere theory can predict with incredible accuracy, the sunrise time 10 years into the future and any eclipses thousands of years into the future.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not everything is false. Newton's Laws, Thermodynamics, Maxwells equations, mathematic proofs, etc. are true.

What is needed is a fresh look, maybe Randall Mills Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics is correct?

The same goes for nutrition and disease, it is increasingly apparent that our modern diet of processed food is causing all kinds of diseases and slowly killing us. We know the proper human diet.

Maybe the Truth is staring us right in the face, but our training has made us blind to it.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am new to posting here, but I have been lurking since they were created and the problems over on the Chans.

I am not debating, dialectic discourse isn't science. I am simply trying to reconcile how the motions of the Stars, Sun and Moon reconciles with your flat earth model.

The reason I am asking for the distances and speeds of those objects is to see how well they match with measurable observations. The fact that you can't give me either of those numbers is very telling.

In the spinning globe model all of those speeds and distance are trivial to determine (and incredibly accurate). Your flat Earth Model can't seem to deal with those fundamental issues at all.

Your question about seeing to far is confusing to me. We 'see' photons, some of the photons we see in the night sky are from billions of light years away and our telescopes can see even further.

Bayesian 2 points ago +3 / -1

Handshake account? Never talked to you before? We went back and forth a couple of times until you couldn't answer the question.

And yes the Stars, Sun and moon move across the sky at the same rate. If you don't believe me just point a sextant at them and you will see I am correct.

There are two exceptions though, Polaris and the Southern Cross. They don't move and the Stars rotate around them (every twenty four hours).

You won't reply to this because you can't. The only reasonable solution to the above observations is that the Earth is rotating, not that the sun is flying around a couple hundred miles above the earth.

Bayesian 5 points ago +6 / -1

You never answered what the height and the speed of the sun is and why the stars, sun and moon all cross the sky at the same rate?

by pkvi
Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually it is very common to reach that kind of temperature just below the surface of the water and down a few inches if the water is calm and undisturbed.

What is unusual is for the buoy to be in calm and undisturbed water. Temperature isn't the issue.

by pkvi
Bayesian 2 points ago +3 / -1

Elon isn't pushing Central Bank Digital Currency, he is promoting an exchange and payment system using multiple currencies and digital currencies.

That is literally the opposite of a CBDC.

Bayesian 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Central Bank can ignore reality much longer than you can.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah the problem is that the Pharma companies are greedy fucking idiots.

They vaccinated into a pandemic, which means that all the vaxxed are going to be extremely vulnerable to the resultant mutated virus that will target the vaxxed.

I think part of the original bioweapon plan was to create a Marek's type disease, where the vaxxed spread a deadly disease to the unvaxxed.

by pkvi
Bayesian 1 point ago +2 / -1

Without Elon the US would have no space launch capabilities (or at least being extremely limited).

His satellite constellation is going to make long distance internet connections 30% - 70% faster in some cases.

Elon's long term goal is to create a decentralized (uncontrolled) internet and monetary system. The design of the system (Starlink) tells us how it is going to be used.

And yes Elon is going to play both sides against each other to make things work out for him, a brilliant strategy actually.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your 'answer' was completely non responsive.

I want to know the FE's estimation of the distance of the sun, moon and stars above the earth and why their transit time across the sky is always identical? How is that possible?

Bonus question, how do the stars rotate around the North Star which is in a fixed position and doesn't move at all.

I have been above the Arctic circle during the Summer Solstice and watched the Sun circle low on the horizon completely around me never rising or setting. How does the FE model explain that? Both the stars and sun also do a complete rotation in a 24 hour period, with both the sun and the stars staying in the same relative position with each other?

by pkvi
Bayesian -1 points ago +2 / -3

Musk's intent is to build a parallel internet, a parallel financial system and global economy.

As we watch the dedollarization of the world something has to replace it and it isn't going to be stupid CBDC's, or the BRIC's gold backed currency. It is going to be Bitcoin or something similar optimized for Starlinks constellation.

Starlink will eventually take a small cut of all the financial transactions in the world and replace most of the current financial services.

That is why Starlink is being built, at some point he may even pay customers to use his service, like he is now paying twitter content creators.

by pkvi
Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Yes, Elon is a con man, no question about that. Edison was also a conman who electrified the Country (with taxpayers money).

  2. When Starlink is completed there will be no need for data to go through the TPTB's infrastructure, instead it will be point to point. Obviously many of the points, will be controlled by TPTB like clouds and very convenient and free (your information is the product being sold), but that will be a choice.

  3. You seem to be confused about the public ledger part of bitcoin, yes it is monitored but the Government has no control over it, except with exchanges if that is what you want to do. It is better just to use digital currencies outside of Government control and regulation.

All of the above is COUNTER, to the CBDC and eID.

by pkvi
Bayesian 4 points ago +4 / -0

No sarcasm at all. Look at the situation from a little different perspective. The current internet has a few nodes that all of the traffic has to go through making it easy to monitor and control. The NSA is the center of the internet.

Now look at Elons Starlink constellation, there are no conduits that force traffic through them and everyone is free to go from point to point, it is decentralized distributed computing, like bitcoin.

Design, tells us everything we need to know about the system and how it will be used.

by pkvi
Bayesian 2 points ago +4 / -2

Friendly Internet. Elon's goal is a decentralized internet, which is very, very good for us.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because you can only see ISS when it reflects the suns light.

Here is one reason why the distances, direction, size and relative speed of the celestial objects is important.

The moon's monthly phases, clearly show that the moon makes a single rotation in a month, as shown by the phases of the moon. Most importantly the Moon's phases show that the Sun isn't moving in relation to the Moon (this is important). The lit up portion of the moon tells us the direction of the Sun to the Moon. Triangulating that angle between the Moon, Sun and Earth will provide the distance to the Sun.

We also know that both the Moon and the Sun, cross the sky in exactly the same 12 hour period. The Stars also cross the sky in exactly the same 12 hour period.

The only mathematical solution with the above physical constraints is that the Earth is rotating in space and the Moon is orbiting the Earth once a month.

From what I can tell, the FE theory doesn't answer any of those equations.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

How far away and what are the diameters of the sun and moon in your FE model? Also what is the diameter of the Earth in your FE model?

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that is an excellent question for Glowies_love_me to answer.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

The biggest problem with living in space and on mars or the moon is the high radiation levels. Ultimately living in space is for machines.

For me, I live on a boat and explore the worlds oceans and coasts. It is a wonderful adventure.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many things are getting better, we are just at their inception now.

Diet - Health. The Carnivore diet reverses heart disease, diabetes, obesity, slows the growth of cancer, etc. A small portion of the next generation is going to grow up receiving the proper nutrition basically eliminating the need for the pharmaceutical companies except for antibiotics.

Knowledge. The internet is a goldmine of information and we are just now learning how to use it. This easy access to knowledge makes the Truth discoverable to anyone and isn't subject to the traditional gatekeepers.

Those two points are going to positively transform the world in 30 years.

by pkvi
Bayesian 4 points ago +4 / -0

This discussion is all well and good. The real question is what brought down WTC7, it certainly wasn't an aeroplane.

There are way to many coincidences here.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything is waves of nothing.

Spinors are the twisting of waves of nothing, Spinors are the particles and mass (spin) that make up our universe.

Nukes are real, but not very effective. They produce an incredible amount of heat and radiation, they don't produce much pressure. They are analogous to bolts of lightening or turning on a light.

Even worse is the Pressure from the explosion is the inverse of the cubed root, 1/r^3. Which means a nuke needs to explode underwater to do much of anything.

Precision guided missiles are the weapons of choice, especially Russia's hypersonic missiles.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bacteria are Germs, Viruses are simply encapsulated DNA or RNA. Denying their reality is pointless, it is like denying that there are moons circling Jupiter.

And yes, the fight is over whether they are 'contagious' or not, and more importantly the Medical companies exploitation of our fear of getting sick and dying (mass formation psychosis).

Did you know that the Pharma's cheated in every single step of their vaccine testing and that the 'vaccines' are worse than the disease? Join our fight at the tip of the spear.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Germs and Viruses are very real, Smallpox killed many of my ancestors. Smallpox is gone now because of sanitation.

But it isn't that simple, most 'germs' are merely bacteria that are where they shouldn't be. Take E coli for example, in your lower intestine it is very beneficial and helps to digest food. 'Bad' E coli in the wrong place in your system can kill you.

Whether Germs or Viri are real, isn't our fight. Our fight is with the Pharmaceutical companies that use the boogyman of these 'deadly' diseases to sell us poison which is worse than the disease.

It is important to focus first on staying healthy ourselves and then on targeting our enemies. Getting lost in definitions is just where our enemies want us to be.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the problem, the entire medical industry (I should say Pharma Industry) is completely fucked up.

For example, there isn't a single published double blind vaccine test against a placebo. That tells me that vaccines are worse than placebos. So regardless of whether viruses are real or not, (I think they are exosomes) the current industry is selling us vaccine snake oil.

There are so many issues regarding diseases, like natural immunity, general health, susceptibility, diet, etc. that make genuine trials almost meaningless.

There are pathogens floating around, which antibiotics obviously help against, so yeah there are 'germs'. The problem is that the Pharmaceutical industry is 'selling' us fake cures to real problems not whether 'germs' exist or not.

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