Bayesian 1 point ago +2 / -1

Go Carnivore and live a long and healthy life.

Bayesian 2 points ago +3 / -1

Guns are basically useless for defense against TPTB. They will always have the advantage of manpower, firepower, armor and surprise on their side against us.

However, if we are on the offense against them, they are even more defenseless than we are. That is why they are so unhinged and terrified of us.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only problem I saw with the video was the concept of a singularity. The reality is that our universe is inside a black hole.

Check out the mirror universe theory.

Also to answer some of the questions, everything is waves of nothing, ultimately.

Bayesian 0 points ago +2 / -2

If Trump released the material he couldn't use it to blackmail everyone.

Bayesian -1 points ago +1 / -2

Obviously the flat earth narrative is some kind of badly designed koan intended to create a new perspective on things. The problem is that it is based on a lie, unlike koans which are based on reality like "The sound of one hand clapping."

A much better koan is something like "Plants are trying to kill you" or "Nuclear bombs are a hoax" or "The Government is here to help you." There has to be some truth to reset the narrative in our head to produce the aha moment.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes Polaris does not move but the rest of the objects in the heaven all appear to rotate around the earth exactly every 24 hours, regardless of their distance from the earth.

Just go out at night and see where the milky way is and watch it slowly moving across the sky. In 24 hours the next night the Milky way will be in exactly the same position it was the previous night.

It works the same for the moon and the sun. The only explanation for why everything appears to rotate around the earth in exactly 24 hour cycles is if the earth rotates every 24 hours.

A rotating earth also explains how the northern stars rotate in a counter clockwise direction and the starrs in the southern hemisphere rotate in a clockwise direction.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Specifically which wild claim would you like me to produce evidence of? If you don't believe me that Polaris stays stationary in the night sky, just spend an hour or so observing it at night.

Just put a stick on the ground pointing to the North star and observe that its position never changes.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, what I am saying is that they are functionally the same, they all can reproduce, hijack cells and infect other organisms and also produce new proteins, etc. it is very similar to sexual selection where DNA is exchanged.

Bayesian 1 point ago +2 / -1

viruses are very real. Having said that, technically they are extracellular vesicles and exosomes, 99.99% of which are totally harmless or even beneficial.

The difficulty arises in trying to isolate the specific virus that causes a disease. The only reason they could isolate the COVID19 virus so quickly is because they created it.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, you're right, obviously.

Bayesian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think it is communists, instead I think it is dialectic thinking where people think that they can discover the truth through reasoning and arguments, not evidence. Most religion is dialectic thinking as is pre scientific thought.

Dialectic thinking permeates much of our culture, primarily in politics and education. It is a cancer that is hard to eradicate.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry Fren I didn't mean to come across as disagreeing with anything you wrote.

Just like you I had to wake up to what was happening and I am still being surprised at how large the deception is. Literally everything the 'authorities' tell us is wrong and designed to harm us.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if I told you that the Sun and Moon don't travel across the sky? What if I told you all of the celestial objects appear to rotate around the earth in exactly 24 hours? What if I told you we can predict the exact distance and location of the Sun and Moon?

I think your problem is that you have never examined the night sky and watch Polaris stay stationary as the heaven rotated around it at exactly the same speed as the Sun and Moon.

Honestly think about it and what the logical explanation is.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good writeup, but I feel you missed a few. Toxins in plants, Seed oils, carbohydrates, promoting highly processed food, etc.

More importantly, denigrating a healthy diet of animal products, eggs, meat, fat, etc. and trace minerals and elements like salt, magnesium, selenium, Iodine that many diets lack. Along with Sunshine, exercise, relationships, that are very health promoting.

A healthy diet eliminates and reverses most diseases.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still want to know how high the flat earth's believe the sun is above the earth (and the moon too) and how fast they are moving?

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

How does your model explain the super long days Argentina in January?

If the sun is speeding around from the tip of South America to the tip of Africa on the other side of the flat earth disc, shouldn't the days be much shorter in January for someone in Argentina?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the timing of a nuclear explosion has to be insanely accurate. What I have been told is that they use neutron reflectors to make the timing of the explosion more time tolerant and even out the reaction (there is a random element to it) which dramatically increases the yield.

It is the design of the reflectors that is the big secret, along with the secret that yield doesn't equate to explosive force.

Bayesian 2 points ago +11 / -9

The problem with the fake conspiracies like this one is that they distract from the real conspiracies like secret societies, Deep State control and Manipulation of Politicians and Media, vaccines, wars, political prosecution, etc. etc.

While UFO's, Flat Earth, Fake Moon Landings, etc are fun to debunk, they distract us and other readers away from constructive efforts to get the real message out.

There are real conspiracies of people who are trying to kill, replace, demoralize, distract and destroy us. We need to keep our eye on the ball and it is fun to expose those conspiracies too.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I grew up on a farm in Idaho. Idaho is a high mountain desert and water is a huge issue and has been for the last 150 years.

Most of the killings in the old days were with shovels over water. Everyone on the canal irrigation system is given a specific time to water and it is a very firm time.

The system is now overloaded and can't really sustain what is being farmed now.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the JWST is providing very good evidence that the whole Big Bang theory, Expansion of the Universe, Inflation, CMB, renormalization, etc. all have to be modified or thrown out. Exciting times.

Physics obviously took a wrong turn somewhere in the early 1900's.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Get a fucking clue. We will never support your kike neocon narrative. We will never support your delusional warmongering bullshit in order to trick people into sanctioning the use of nukes in regular warfare.

Using nukes is stupid because they don't work. If you want to destroy a city use a thermobaric bomb. It is ten thousand times cheaper and a thousand times more effective.

Learn the Truth, it will set you free.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many pounds per square inch does your light bulb push against you? How many pounds per square inch does the Sun push against you?

Do you even know what radiation is? It is electromagnetic waves. If I point a flashlight at you does it push you away? I am having a hard time not ridiculing you so I will stop.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am not saying that nuclear power is fake, not at all. I have tickled the dragon. I also grew up near the NEA Site where they built the first nuclear reactor and all of the nuclear reactors the Navy uses. My best friends father was the director. I have also been to Bikini atoll and taken geiger counter measurements.

I am also not saying that the officials are lying about the nuclear bombs. The officials are very careful to use words like yield and TNT equivalents as metrics for mass to energy conversions.

They are lying by omission and implying something that isn't truthful. Yes an atomic bomb can release as much energy as a million tons of TNT but its effective blast radius is closer to a ton of TNT. And yes atomic bombs do have their uses like underwater where it vaporizes the water and pushes against the incompressible water with incredible force or as shaped charges to destroy hardened targets.

What they aren't are magical weapons that can destroy all life on earth if we don't bow down to our masters. I would take one of Russia's hypersonic missiles over an atomic bomb any day.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you were intellectually honest you would ask yourself why nukes have never been used since WW2?

It is because their "threat" is much greater than their reality.

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