ApparentlyImAHeretic 6 points ago +6 / -0

Merry Christmas all of you magnificent faggots!

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bobby Tables, is that you?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

the bottleneck with electric is the energy storage. While combustion engines are indeed way less efficient than electric motors, a tank of gas blows all batteries away in terms of potential energy storage.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The plant in Porsche's PoC was powered entirely by the single (albeit large) windmill on the compound. The single compound was able to produce 34,342 gallons annually, with Porsche claiming to be able to ramp that up to over 100 million annually. Multiply that by several windmill complexes aling the coast and you can simultaneously leave oil-based fuel while establishing energy independence.

Compare this with the strip mining and slavery involved with the precious metal mines for EVs, and I would 100% say this method is preferable.

Granted, this could all be bullshit fake and gay. But if the numbers are legit, I genuinely believe this is the solution.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whether it's good or bad is irrelevant. How this is handled will be very telling since the leftists think its bad and a viable solution has presented itself. Burying it confirms it's all a con. Adopting it means they are true believers.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

no Idea. This method effectively uses the equivalent of gasoline.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is a method for producing fuel that does not change any of the infrastructure that we have for cars. Gas cars will be able to run on what this method produces. This should be the green leftists' wet dream as it is more environmentally friendly than EVs by a long shot. I'll bet that the powers that be completely ignore this, or even try to bury it, as it doesn't involve having to bully average citizens into buying new shit.

by dukey
ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

sauce or fake and gay.

by dukey
ApparentlyImAHeretic 6 points ago +6 / -0

So they basically admit here that the refugee crisis is a cover for sex trafficking. Got it.

Also, got a link or archive to the source?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything they tell you is either a lie or half truth. All politicians are suspect, all paid media lies, and honest journalism has been dead since at least the 00s (it likely never existed).

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

muh anonymous sources

I believe basically everything Tucker is saying here, but the fact that his source is not willing to put their reputation on the line means this segment is equally likely to be fake and gay.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

muh anonymous sources

I believe basically everything Tucker is saying here, but the fact that his source is not willing to put their reputation on the line means this segment is equally likely to be fake and gay.

by DrLeaks
ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Money Laundering

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been to that statue. The owl is a local mascot in the Grove, and the statue is treated as a running joke if anything.

Also, it's hollow and uses a wire base, not real stone. Kinda like what they use at theme parks.

t. worked there as a summer job. They'll hire any dipshit teens to haul baggage and deliver booze, but women are only allowed to work valet and in the kitchen. I've been to the numerous backrooms where they store more wine than all the workers are worth combined, my favorite was the sketchy closet were they stored a crap ton of grand pianos leaning against each other. I've also been to the table in OP (probably a different table now, but same place).

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. He hated slavery, but had no desire to deal with the freed slaves.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lincoln personally wanted emancipation, but couldn't garner enough support. "Preserving the Union" was the only excuse he had to blockade the south, forcing them to invade.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Brits likely would have invaded again to take back the fractured US territory.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 6 points ago +6 / -0

covid is fake yet I still call the shot a vaccine

stop using their words

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does with all the Twitter drones do, repeat what they have been told to repeat

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

own something on paper and be beholden to the government only if they decide to be assholes


literally own nothing, rent for the rest of your life, where all your monthly payments go into the trash as opposed to being essentially 90% paid to yourself.

I get the state of property ownership is far from ideal at the moment, but it is leaps and bounds better than renting if you can afford it.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Waaaay cheaper than rent

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Property. If you can buy property outright, you'll always have somewhere to live.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

they don't point in a specific direction, they radiate light in all directions. using the headlight metaphor, imagine all headlights were instead bright-ass balls emitting light in all directions, with the brightness being equivalent to the concentrated brightness real headlights emit.

edit: actually I think the headlights metaphor is not quite apt. think more of those marker lights that tall buildings use for helicopters and such. You can see those red lights from any direction from miles away, farther than the curvature of the Earth. now imagine those lights being orders of magnitude brighter than they currently are, and you roughly get a star.

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