ApexVeritas 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hey hey. Don't be so rude. The cops protected us from those crazy right wingers not social distancing, wearing a mask, or trying to operate their business during a literal pandemic! I mean, why would anyone need to have their own business anyway? We have Walmart, Amazon, and the United States government. They'll take care of us, and they never lie.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, they have good reason to think they can be this sloppy. They have control of literally every institution and mainstream media outlet. They could literally come out tomorrow and declare "the sky isn't blue" and the useful idiot NPCs would believe them. They're already doing that, essentially. They're telling people to not believe their own eyes, and many people are going along with it.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +4 / -1

Allergies could also be diet related. I'm not sure how far you want to go to cure this (or attempt to cure). Allergies are a relatively new phenomenon. Even just a few generations ago people didn't get them. Something modern must be to blame. I've heard that vaccines can cause it. I've also heard that chemical sprays on our food can cause it. For example, many people that have a gluten intolerance are in fact only reacting to the glyphosate (and other chemical sprays) residue on the wheat. When they eat organic foods, they don't get the allergies.


Glyphosate is officially only used as an herbicide. Unofficially, farmers use it as a desiccant, drying the crops out all at once, so it can be harvested all at once. Even though the official studies say glyphosate is safe in the small quantities found on our foods, experience says otherwise. Even very small doses, consumed over long periods of time, can result in quite severe health effects. With glyphosate specifically, they spray that shit on everything, wheat, corn, veggies, nuts, hops, and so on. Specifically with hops, the batches have to be tested, because some hops are so heavily laden woth glyphosate that it'll kill the yeast in the beer making process. Almost all wheat, flour, and wheat containing products are contaminated with glyphosate. Tons of processed foods contain wheat too. The only uncontaminated flour I've found is sold by a website called Healthy Traditions.

So, to fix this will require some research, and probably a complete change in your diet. You're going to have to research what all is sprayed with chemicals, and to cut them out of your diet. That includes non-organic produce (veggies, nuts, etc.), and anything made out of those things (processed foods). Organic farmers can still use chemical sprays, but they're natural, easily break down in the environment, and our body can utilize them or get rid of them easily. To be safe, all veggies should be soaked in baking soda for at least 15 minutes and then scrubbed and rinsed under water. It won't remove everything, but it will remove most of the bad stuff.

Furthermore, you're going to have to buy naturally raised and organic animal products too (meat, fat, milk, and eggs). Most factory farmed animals are fed grain diets, and those grains are contaminated with the same bad chemical sprays. They're also injected with antibiotics and hormones. All of that stuff ends up in the downstream animal products. Buy products that specifically say "naturally raised", "free graze", "organic", and "no injections". Fortunately, these peoducts are becoming more common, as more people are realizing the negative effects of the modern diet. This also means you'll have to cook for yourself almost exclusively, as you can't trust what products restaurants are using.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you can, get unprocessed honey, as it has a lot more of the good stuff in it. It can also be called "raw".

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +4 / -1

I sometimes wonder if the Greeks were dealing with this too. Their artists intentionally made the penis smaller on the men in their works to extol the virtues of not giving into lust and hedonism. The crazy part is their artists were doing this, when usually art and artists is one of the first mediums/institutions to go degenerate. In reality, I think all societies (and individuals) deal with this problem, as our sexual drive must be strong to maintain the species, but without proper control it can lead to degeneracy.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Christchurch New Zealand mass shooting (where Brenton Tarrant GoPro recorded himself shooting a bunch of Muslims) also had hinky shit happen in the video. The ejected bullet casings were literally disappearing in mid air. I think he also shot out of his front windshield when he got back in his car, and later footage showed no damage to the windshield. If I remember correctly, there was also no blood seen in that video either.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yep, they did that after they kicked out all the Republican poll watchers for bullshit reasons.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

The video is unclear, but I wouldn't doubt it for a second.

The U.S. military invaded Afghanistan to stop the Taliban from stopping all poppy field farming, and then used our own military to defend the poppy fields. The opioid epidemic occurred shortly after. Then the U.S. government supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, to the dismay of the Egyptians, since they knew how bad they were. It took a military coupe to kick the Muslim Brotherhood out. Then Gaddafi in Libya tried to make his own gold backed currency and exit the gobalist banker control scheme, and his country was fucked and he was murdered. The CIA and Mossad funded, armed, and trained "rebels" is Libya, who overthrew the government. Libya went from one of the best places in Africa to one of the worst. The Benghazi incident occurred because the rebels got pissed ambassador Stevens was taking their weapons and shipping them to Syria via Turkey, years before the Syrian civil war got serious, priming it for a coupe. There's videos of honest journalists in Turkey who caught all of this, including the weapon transfers, and that Turkey was aiding ISIS with the help of Western governments.

Then the CIA and Mossad funded, armed, and trained the "rebels" in Syria, which led to the rise of ISIS, and some of the worst war crimes I've heard of in recent history. The minority religious populations of Syria, including Christians, which made up well pver 10% of Syria's population, were almost entirely wiped out. Western governments and media tried to claim Assad was using chemical weapons against his citizens, when in reality it was the rebels using them, or entirely faked by the media, to give us casus belli to oust Assad. The reason for this? An OPEC country wanted to run an oil and gas pipeline through Syria into Europe. This would compete with Russia's oil and gas export into Europe, and since Syria and Russia are allies, Assad refused. The Syrian "civil war" also allowed a Rothschild to slant drill from northern Israel into Syria's southern oil deposits, stealing their oil. Remember when the 100% anti-Trump news suddenly began praising Trump when he bombed that Syrian airfield?

These people are evil. They've killed millions, either directly or through the people they support and prop up.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Preface and context:

I've always had problems sleeping. I used to only get 1-5 hours of sleep every night for years. I can usually fall asleep alright, but I always wake up in the middle of the night and can never get back to sleep. My brain just keeps running and thinking about various things, mostly philosophical stuff that's bothered me since I was a teen. It's helped me learn and figure out a lot (which I'm writing down into two books), but not so great for health.

Fortunately, I've found some things which have helped. The first one was supplementing vitamin D. It was a life changer. In addition to all the other health benefits, it's helped me fall asleep faster, stay asleep, and get better sleep. The next thing was having a relatively large dinner close to bed time. I know this isn't the best thing to do, but the caloric intake makes you sleepy, which I've noticed helps me fall and stay asleep. Next thing was supplementing magnesium, which helps relax muscles and the mind, and foster sleep. I then added higher dose melatonin (10mg) with dinner (which also causes me to have really vivid dreams). I also have dinner while watching a little bit of TV right before bed, which helps to shut my brain off. I fall asleep like a rock and almost never wake up in the middle of the night like I used to. Regular exercise throughout the week also helps a lot with sleep.

The melatonin was the last thing I've added to my regimen, and I've been taking it for about 2 months, and been getting the best sleep of my life. I'm not a morning person, but now I actually wake up before the full 8 hours and feel energetic and refreshed without any caffeine. It's been great.

Connecting to this post:

However, last night out of nowhere, I woke up at 4am (central) and couldn't go back to sleep for several hours. That hasn't happened to me in a long time.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've heard this before but not researched it thoroughly. It's been regularly stated in conspiracy forums that the sugar industry has heavily lobbied the FDA and other "health" organizations, to support the narrative that things like heart disease and obesity are due to fat and salt consumption, rather than excess sugar consumption, which is what's actually causing it. If this is true, then in reality this study might be one of those rare cases where "science" accidentally reports the truth.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not necessarily. The main tactic of shills and globalists is to lie, to change the narrative, to make people believe things that aren't true. Changing timelines and misrepresenting facts is absolutely in line with an experienced shill.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty damn similar to the "totally organic" users of R/conspiracy that popped up after the 2016 election, that shit on every single conspiracy theory while posting in a conspiracy forum.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

What conspiracies do you believe are true?

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

A niche subject, hobby, or hangout is more focused. The more that it goes mainstream, the more diluted it becomes. Where once the group could discuss and explore their niche at length, and in deep compexity, it now devolves toward the lowest common denominator. A niche can gain wider appeal, but almost always at the cost of its focus, and abandoning the people that gave rise to the niche group in the first place. This can happen in real life or online. Dilution online is easier, quicker, and worse. If this happens to a niche on social media, it's why the lowest effort posts with the most shallow ideas, that can be quickly read, rise to the top. The posts which used to be the staple of conversation, the more lengthy and complex ones, get drowned out. This has been happening with all social media sites and forums. The greater number of people, the more diluted, braindead, and worthless it becomes to the people actually interested in the subject. It's why social media can be populated with intelligent people, but the highest upvoted posts are always dumber on average. Time is always a factor. Its easier to read short and shallow than long and complex. Social media caters to, and conditions people with short and shallow.

On top of this, Reddit has been censoring right leaning forums and users for a while now. R/conspiracy is one of the few places left they can voice their opinions, so it's turned into a catchall dumping ground for Reddit refugees that refuse to leave. However, r/conspiracy has also been shilled by leftists for a while now. It started slowly in 2016, and has gotten progressively worse since then. The last factor is that there are verboten subjects that even r/conspiracy can't mention without getting banned, and at least a few of the mods are probably in on it.

Combine all of these factors together and you get the current r/conspiracy forum. It's populated with right leaning people posting facebook tier memes and twitter screenshots (or by leftist shills forum sliding), catering to the lowest common denominator, and the comments are overrun with the lefty shills that actively argue against conspiracies and defend the mainstream narratives.

I've noticed this same trend occurring at The_Donald (patriots.win) since the 2020 election. Facebook tier memes and twitter screenshots are the norm now. Considering that forum used to be one of the best collections of relevant news, discussion, organization, and talk of verboten topics on the internet, it's sad how far its fallen. The irony is that the forum used to be bigger. It's dropped in quality while also losing users. I'm pretty sure it's because the staple userbase that made it great, were so pissed at the 2020 election that they wanted to do something about it, and the mods prevented them from talking about the solutions. So, the best people were either banned or pushed out, leaving mostly the normie tier right wingers that are woefully inadequate to discussing or solving current political issues.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, but nuclear is good too. The problem is how misinformed people are about it, and that we don't recycle our spenf fuel rods. Nuclear is being regulated out of existence. There's nothing wrong with it. It's all political.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Nuclear is the way to go until we develope fusion. However, it's being regulated out of existence because of how good it is. No new plants are allowed to be built, and existing ones are being shut down. Most people are woefully misinformed about nuclear because the media is misleading them. It's not dangerous and there are a shitload of safeguards in place with modern reactors.

The biggest problem with nuclear power, the waste, could easily be solved too. Most countries don't recycle and reuse their spent fuel rods. If they did, they could use up nearly 98% of the total mass of the nuclear fuel, with the rest being converted to energy. Instead we stupidly use them once, and sit them in cooling tanks with our thumbs up our asses. That's how the Fukushima plant in Japan leaked radiation. It wasn't from the reactor, it was from the spent rods just sitting in the cooling tanks. I think only France recycles their fuel rods, and they get the majority of their electricity from nuclear power.

Hell, we even spent billions of dollars developing the Yucca Mountain complex, a repository for spent fuel under a mountain and in a salt deposit. It was completely finished and perfectly safe, but Obama nixed it under his term as president. It certainly adds to the evidence that the cabal are building underground bases to survive some kind of looming catastrophe, especially with all of the shortages lately, like they're stockpiling everything for themselves.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

My dad used to work at Union Pacific as a senior mechanic. He repaired and maintained the engines. He had a lot of stories about corrupt and incompetant assholes failing upwards into management, due to how corrupt the union was, so I don't doubt the same happens with the senior staff.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably an estimated guess with how much we're hearing from globalists about the great reset, planned shortages, inflation, and so on. It all appears to be planned, and it's definitely headed in that direction. Most of my family is purchasing more food storage on top of what we already have. It definitely feels like things are going to keep getting worse. Being prepared is always a really good idea, and food is a necessity you can't live without, so...

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

I haven't been able to find much on the CEO of Union Pacific Corporation, Lance M. Fritz. From the stories on him that I saw, he changes his political opinions a lot and appears he could be an easily controlled patsy. More interestingly is the largest shareholders of Union Pacific, who are the Vanguard Group and BlackRock. Those bastards are everywhere.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're right. White people should've done to their slaves what all the other races did to their slaves: castrated the males to prevent them from breeding (which often resulted in them bleeding to death), raped the women non stop, killing all the children, worked them to death, and otherwise kill them off in one generation so we'd need to import more slaves. That would've been much more humane. Also, if all white people are guilty of being slave owners, then why did only 1-3% of them own slaves during the height of slavery, with most slaves being owned by very few wealthy land owners, many of which were Jews? Other countries had far more slaves than the U.S. ever did, but they no longer have their slave populations around, why could that be? Also, what happened to the millions of white slaves abducted by Muslims? They all vanished, but I'm sure they were treated with respect and dignity, and certainly weren't killed off en masse.

Hmmm, you've never heard about any of this? Why could that be? Could it be that government education and Jew owned media would lie about it, manipulating you with lies and half truths to program you to think the way they want? No, that can't be it. The media would never lie, and government education is top notch.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media that pushes the narratives you're complaining about, attacking intelligence, is owned and run primarily by Jewish people. Jewish people are also inclined to hire other Jewish people, even if they don't deserve the job. Just look at Hollywood, one of the largest Jewish run industries/cities on the planet, outside of media and porn, and which was founded by Jews (even Wikipedia admits this). On average, it seems that Jews are antithetical to merit, in both philosophical belief and practice.

Merit is a core foundational philosophical requirement for civilization to exist and be successful and stable. White people are highly likely to believe in and practice merit. Underlying merit, or companion to it, is fairness. White people, from everything I've experienced and read, are the most likely to believe and practice fairness. It's one of the main reasons white people are able to build such higher functioning societies, and why we're generally fine with admitting non-whites into our countries so long as they follow the rules. Another thing I've noticed is that White people also have higher levels of empathy, meaning we can build stronger communal bonds, which enables our communities to grow larger and more successful. This, in the late stages, becomes a detriment, because we can become too successful, putting up too many barriers between ourselves and nature, resting on our laurels and becoming too comfortable, not maintaining the traditions and lessons we learned while we lived harsher lives closer to nature, which enabled our success in the first place, resulting in a degradation of society, which also enables parasitical and evil people to use and manipulate us. As we're more inclined to merit and fairness, and the parasites aren't, they are free to break the rules, and corrupt and takeover our institutions, while we're still trying to play by the rules. This is exactly what's happening in the Western world right now.

You lambaste white people in right leaning spheres for pushing machismo, but don't understand why. Masculinity is a necessary trait for strong men, whom are necessary for strong society. Our society is crumbling in part because our men are being intentionally weakened, by our loss of traditions, by our laws, by our diet, by intentional overuse of plastics (that act like estrogen in the body), and by porn (which is pushed primarily by Jews). The machismo you lambaste is an outward show of dominance and power, an expression of masculinity and testosterone itself, similar to how males of other species signal their power to those around them. However, you've made the logically fallacious argument that because we do this, that therefore we don't prize intelligence and wisdom. It's simply not true. You could find cherry picked examples to prove your point, but they're not the average. You're seeing what you want to, and drawing conclusions based on half truths to fit your own preconceived narrative.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn't match the independent lab tests on Berkey filters. Do you have other tests that prove otherwise? If you have sources to prove me wrong, I'd be happy to read them.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, they're not.

Zero water filters only remove 23 contaminants, mostly only chlorine, lead, and other dissolved solids (which could even include natural dissolved salts in water), and their filters are only good for 3-5 months. Berkey filters remove 203 contaminants, and each pair of black filters work for 6000 gallons (several years worth for an average family), and in a SHTF scenario they can filter questionable water from sources like ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers.

Zero water filters are a gimmick filter, barely above Brita filters, since they pride themselves on removing dissolved solids, which is laughable in comparison to how well Berkey filters work, which are also independently lab tested, removing 99.999% or more of each contaminant, including bacteria, cysts, parasites, viruses, plastics, pesticides, VOCs, pharmaceutical drugs, chlorine, chloramines, lead, arsenic, etc.

There's a reason why most serious preppers have bought a Berkey. They're that good.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sawyer minis and Life straws are for bug out bags. If you're staying put (which most people should under most situations) you need a better and bigger water filter. Get something like a Berkey filter. They're expensive, but last for years, remove almost everything, and are fantastic in SHTF scenarios.

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