AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

Watch this documentary... there are some interesting connections between the ppl that the Unabomber targeted, John Brockman and his associates (Steven Pinker, Lawrence Kraus etc etc), and Jeffrey Epstein.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +3 / -3

I suggest this docu. The Net - the Unabomber, LSD and the Internet | Lutz Dammbeck [2003] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn9BvNAUvcU

At one point Brockman pops up, he is a well known associate of these new atheist humanist guys, like Steven Pinker, L Krauss etc... But he is/was also well-connected to Epstein.

The documentary was about the Unabomber, aka Ted K, but its interesting to think that Ted K might have been on to something bigger when he was targeting these sort of ppl.


Here is an interesting comment under that video.

Lutz Dammbeck knew what he was doing.....he "was surprised by" (smelled something) in Brockman's intense nervous reaction shutting down discussion of the unabomber attack. J Epstein was originally hired at Dalton Private School as a Physics-Science Tutor (-with no college degree BTW--) by Donald Barr ( the father of CIA's William Barr, Attny Gnl for G W Bush and also Attny Gnl for D Trump... ) Remember the Federal Attny Generals office gift to Jeff Epstein in the trail blazing pioneering nonprosecution deal for his 2007 sex trafficking charges. Now, what are the chances...Donald Barr was pressured out in 1974 huffing about interference from the board, while his replacement as headmaster Gardner Dunnan, would coincidentally be brought to court much later under molestation charges...this couldnt possibly be an ongoing arrangement at Dalton, no. Epstein later left off being a 20-something, popular, lively, socially active tutor for Dalton and went on to work as an investment consultant at Bear Stearns, as well as a VP/2nd in command at Towers Financial, & United Diversified Corporation. They bought Airline companies and insurance companies. Wow, nice Curriculum Vitae for someone with only a High School diploma. Notice Sara Kellen below, a victim-minion to Ghislaine and Epstein. Notice Ghislaine's own father Robert Maxwell connected with Elsevier science publishing. Dont overlook as mere coincidence the fact that our omnipresent Bill Gates is on the list of contributors at edge.org. He is a major funder of Human Virology Institute and Global Virus Network (GVN) / Robert Gallo, formerly of NIH - After seeing Leonard Horowitz confront Gallo at XI International AIDS Conference I knew these are significant, not coincidental, connections. Can science publishing become prostituted, trafficked, and controlled? Well, if people can be herded around by pronouncements of "science" they way they used to believe the Pope, then it's definitely worth trying to prostitute science. Absolutely.
Please also Take the time to look at places where investment banking connects with the art world. Photo captions from 4:13 in this documentary -- 1. Megan Smith, Planet Out [ & later VP at google] / Katrina Heron [editor at Wired, Vanity Fair, New Yorker mag ]. 2. Moshe Safdie, Architect / Katinka Matson, Artist, President Brockman Inc. 3. Cindy Lopez (aka Buklarewicz) / Sarah Kellen (aka Kensington) 4. Ryan Phelan, All Species / Richard Dawkins, Biologist. Edge.org staff and contributors listed on edge website in this documentary -- John Brockman, Stewart Alsop, John Perry Barlow, Stewart Brand, David Bunnell, Doug Carlston, Denise Caruso, Steve Case, Greg Clark, John Doerr , John C Dvorak, Esther Dyson, Bill Gates, David Gelernter, Mike Godwin, W. Daniel Hills, David R. Johnson.

AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +6 / -3

They are using "demand" instead of "production/extraction"... meaning there is no more oil to discover, aka PEAK OIL.

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +2 / -4

nothing will change.. magatards are worse than leftists in that regard. get swayed easily into the next sensation...

by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +2 / -4

pled guilty to election crimes


by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +2 / -5

2 more weeks religion?

by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -5 points ago +2 / -7

nothing will happed morons.

also wasn't the magatard conspiracy right after the election that the votes were manipulated through machines and servers?? where did that theory go? totally discarded?

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

part of the digerati. a group of faggots, mostly jews, propagating a new form of religion. belief in humanity, and progress.

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +1 / -3

He ended up just killing himself.

Probably he realised that it is useless to fight for pieces of meat like you... that is what you are saying?

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

ukrainians will die? I see young ukrainian males either streaming games on twitch of around in teh cities of Europe. even some friends in the Balkans told me that they have ukrainian males there...

i wonder who is fighting the war then... a minority of natsocs? well good for them, they will be used and then abused when the jewsa doesnt need them anymore.

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

This is not originally from Jones though. there were a lot of people, especially on the old left who were warning for the effects of pollution on human health, especially in Europe.

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +1 / -3

But with proper nutrition and all the additives and shit they put in things today, I had a cousin who had her first period at 9, which is not uncommon today.

you think you are refuting my point, but you are confirming it.

human and other ANIMAL biology and in this case menstruation and reproduction is higly dependant on availability of food and resources. how human bodies know if there is abundance of food and resources is another topic... but the thing is, more abundance, earlier menstruation for women, and menstruation is sign the girl is a woman and becoming fertile.

the contrary happens when resources and food are scarce. women either have first menstruation late, or they have irregular cycles.

if you search there are studies and data on this topic.

no i don't argue she is ready to have babies with the first menstruation. but Id say that by the time her secondary sexual characteristics are developed you are 100% sure.

and yes, I do consider women having children later to be one if not the main reason why we have increase in Autism and other problems.

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +1 / -3

if she bleeds she breeds. nature is supreme.

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

most of CP are women. try even mentioning that Hitler had a huge age gap with his partner or that men are attracted to young, fertile and non-decrepit women, and you will get swarmed by whores pretending to be Christian women.

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