AnimalsOverHumans 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reality denial. These ppl want to escape the reality that is Earth and Human nature... They think that human nature, even if truly landing on the moon or Mars was possible, would change... No morons, it would be the same and the problems would probably be exacerbated...


Btw, not a flat earther. So pls dont pollute this topic with discussions on the shape of the Earth.

AnimalsOverHumans 4 points ago +4 / -0

Btw, deserving that your own governments causes your own death after you got money to kill innocent ppl while cultivating opium in Afghanistan

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +1 / -1

btw, i mention Muslims, because at least four of the "journalists" in the infographic above have anti Muslim propaganda as their main function.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +1 / -1

or, how the jews control the "rightwing" and push moronic cuckservatives into hating muslims in order to benefit the jews...

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because I would never support the murder of poor normies who are just trying to do right.

Normies don't do right. Most Americans have had plenty of time to realize the true nature of their government. 9/11 is self-evident. Their own government sacrifices them like flies when it suits their interests. So they are not worth saving.

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Didn't know that.

But, check my recent post on Lying Ted threatening Germany last year... most ppl probably don't know this...

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bots calling you a liar push most ppl to reply to them... generating "content" and keeping ppl engaged.

AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +4 / -1

Those are bots. I think the owners of this site employ bots to make the site look more popular...

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do the one with Trump jews now... haha

AnimalsOverHumans 4 points ago +4 / -0

CIA owns or controlls most media.

AnimalsOverHumans 4 points ago +4 / -0

imagine being that retarded to think they would throw away millions of euros of investment... just to not be seen like bad guys...

everybody knows it was either the US or England. no other choice.

AnimalsOverHumans 4 points ago +4 / -0

the west is inciting multiple wars in Russian borders. Europe is hoping to survive this winter without mass revolts, and they will have all net year to prepare for war. war against russia is inevitable. all wars are for resources. the west has no immediate energy sources. france wont share its own nuclear reactors. they wont to steal russian resources like they did in the mid east.

AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +3 / -0

The west is preparing for war. They hope they will have a few years to continue the anti russian propaganda in europe so that the young males get brainwashed and fight russia. I think this will succeed if they have enough time. propaganda works. 2-5 years and mass propaganda, with strong censoring of all dissenting voices.

Russians know this thats whey its their best bet to act right now, when the west is not fully armed (Europe) and young males are mostly apathetic to our own degenerate governments.

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

They won't. Because these yt channels are CIA directed and influenced. They get talking points they need to insert and they get paid well for it. The talking point is TikTok being Chinese, and china=bad. They are preparing a new ENEMY IMAGE.

As you say all social media is degenerate and evil. Not just tiktok. No I'm not on tiktok.

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember Cucker Carlson after 9/11. He said, if it was a false flag, we journalists would have told you that... - directed at those who were doubting the imbecilic official version, aka the lies.

AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +3 / -0

The west is like a parasite predator, they cosume the resources of other countries when their are gone... Hence the next targets are Iran and Russia...

All wars are resource wars.

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't follow italian politic closely anymore, since they basically are a de facto colony of the USA and all internal debates there are useless, since they intentionally alternate the aparent power between rotating and new parties, these later are always seen as "outsiders" but when it comes to real issues they vote together in block.

Since I follow Massimo Mazzucco, author of 2 documentaries "9/11 the new Pearl Harbor" and the other "AMERICAN MOON", and he says so, yes I assume she and the other puppet, former commie Salvini, are weak and have succumbed since the beginning - the weak and meek "criticisms" against green pass are just for show.

People don't know but the USA controls most Italian deep state institutions, like military, and most of the italian Secret Service. Only the magistratura, aka the justice system has some independence, and that is because most of them are old and some of them came from a moderate leftist pov.

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree. Although, Meloni is not the average bimbo you see in feminazi countries like Nordic countries.

Still, in these last few years all the center-right in Italy, including her (not that "far" right really) have been complicit and subservient to the rules that came from above, USA, especially during the pandemic.

AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't voted on your post. But i see you have 5 up 5 down. a lot of the more active partecipants here are impulsive persons, like you would want to stay away from them irl. you cant build any sort of opposition with them because they are unhinged, although it might seem they are on your side, they are the same as the more morbid antifa leftists. so that might explain a few of the downvotes, who are people who take personal offence.

the bots. you should search for the empty? internet theory, or something like that. it postulates that either the internet is empty from humans and there are alot of bots, sort of bots being the solvent where humans are diluted, and this makes human to human interaction rare and purposefully so, to delay organic reaction and thoughts and movements being organically created that would oppose the regime/s.. And if you see the banns and fragmentation the more edgy commentators and part of the internet has suffered, this makes sense. fragmentation works because it reduces overall reach and produces more noise. and doesnt allow a united front.

but the bots can also be for testing purposes. they have been around for at least 5 years that we publicly know, but Im sure the NSA/CIA have had them for a lot longer.

Btw. the next 9/11 will be using holograms or similar technology. Might have something to do with a fake alien attack or invasion. I think this will come either as a way to pacify the world after the next big war (I dont think that Russia is an independent agent, but I stil think that the West want to destroy it simply for the resources that territory has. all else is gibberish to hide the true reasons. all wars are wars for resources and the western populations will go along with this sort of wars because humans are tribalistic and they have eaten and will eat each other again in case of famine.)

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +2 / -1

I just posted a documentary that I had never seen about 9/11 and the first time I got 0 upvotes and 1 downvotes and this second time it has few upvotes and the same person/bot who downvotes me.

90% of the comments on this site, except few boards, are from bots. gpl3 bots.

I was scrolling the reddit conspiracy sub a few days ago and someone was complaining there, that reddit had lots of comments sections that had similar comments to the comments that were on "The Donald" board here on Scored.co...

Those comments were almost identical, with few words changing from one to another, but the same basic msg on both sites.... Most of them were one-liners.

That means that both this site and reddit employ bots, or that the same outside entity uses bots to push narratives on both sites, or give the impression of traffic. And trust me, those comments weren't anti GOP. They were pro GOP, anti conspiracy... etc... You couldn't point to one side or another of the political spectrum to say it was the Dems or the Repubs...

Very strange.

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