If one can see craters, it cannot be a reflection of Earth.
You can get a strong telescope and literally see the craters on the moon.
Why do you support the pedo church?
Because he's a Catholic Archbishop which makes him a part of the leadership of the pedo church.
They are all either pedos or enablers of pedos. The whole rotten lot.
That's disappointing
Because this thread is about the Catholic Church.
MSM literally means Mainstream Media.
Work on your reading comprehension?
They don't have MSM in Kenya?
That was easy to refute.
And that makes Catholic child abuse ok or less of an issue? Should I ignore it until it's fixed in other places?
I have been told that the MSM always lies so this article would mean that he wasn't born in Kenya.
One pedo is attacking another pedo.
Why should I care?
Isn't that common knowledge and what is bad about it?
Put in the position in March 2020.
Who was President then?
I remember people claiming that about every election of the last 2 decades.
Has any of these Sovereign Citizen clown ever been successful with invoking this nonsense?