It's been heavily neutered already. Mostly bots and shills. Dead internet
Those last two videos are out of sync. Are they his first two videos he ever made?
Where did he go? He hasn't posted for 7 or 8 months and his last video was an episode 1 of a new series
Where has Doug Vogt been? He was posting new videos pretty regularly, about one every month or two for years. His last episode was 7 or 8 months ago and it was episode 1 of a new series
That sweet ad revenue is running dry so they post these as extortion
Non sequiter
Then do some research
I heard on reddit that a father showed up instead of the kid
Nope, they're simply evil and cunning
I noticed Doug Vogt stopped releasing videos. His last one was 7 or 8 months ago when he usually releases one a month. He also ended on a new season, first episode.
Maybe he'll open source the company as part of his will
I don't utilize deep learning much. Most use cases I deliver on are with tabular data so no need. However, I am beginning to work on automating some DL functionality for a web app I'm working on.
So Trump is in office and he starts bad mouthing the deep state, sowing distrust in the msm, and doing way more to help regular folks than Biden.
Why would the deep state put Trump in office when he makes it harder for the propaganda engine to be effective?
Latent variables
Hence supply shortages
Trump had 81m ppl and the rest believed whatever madcow said about Russia and safe elections.
You should view politicians as being sponsored.
It's just a slow moving Smith device from Matrix 2
Mass could simply be instructed, organized energy. Like, what is a quark made of? It all seems to be instruction sets, or programs. We could also be sharing mass with other realities, its just ours is tuned into a distict frequency. Maybe that's why there's so much empty space in mass
From what I've gathered, we are able to convert mass to enegery, and now they're working on converting energy to mass.
Is it statistically significant in comparison to the general population? Because it stands to reason that if they exist in general, they are likely to be some everywhere, including the clergy
You're responsible for the 2020 and 2021 flu and colds?
We're already in it. 10 to 1 shill to person ratio
A pic. Cool story
Leftists want to cancel Musk.