Just saw an article on it today, suddenly they are saying he had covid and long covid, tested positive for covid, etc. And whereas before everyone who say him that day said he looked fine and chipper and healthy, now suddenly 'new audio' from 'sources,' are saying he said he didn't feel well.. https://sports.yahoo.com/audio-reveals-bob-saget-suffered-171800151.html
Just saw an article on it today, suddenly they are saying he had covid and long covid, tested positive for covid, etc. And whereas before everyone who say him that day said he looked fine and chipper and healthy, now suddenly 'new audio' from 'sources,' are saying he said he didn't feel well.. https://sports.yahoo.com/audio-reveals-bob-saget-suffered-171800151.html
wtf why are they acting so weird about this
I heard on reddit that a father showed up instead of the kid
There's the Occam's razor I was looking for
Showed up to where? I am confused.
Then do some research