9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know there was a wikipedia article on it, but I can't find it now. During my search, I came across the same query on reddit, but the post body had been deleted.

Wish I could find it now. I remember thinking when I read about it that the color/pigment was within the skillset of the home/hobbyist chemist.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

one shekel has been deposited in your account, moshe.

9035768regginwolg 9 points ago +9 / -0

it could be interesting to record some of these meetings in person but with an IR camera or something similar that looks at freqs outside of human vision.

iirc, the early NVG's used by our troops in VietNam had to be redesigned b/c our troops kept seeing weird shit.

isn't there a type of blue pigment that's a classified substance because it's rumored to be able to see people's auras when the pigment is used to tint glass?

9035768regginwolg 5 points ago +5 / -0

"smashed beyond repair" is my understanding.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

group's percentage/number of billionaires relative to percentage of overall population, iirc

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +3 / -1

well that was interesting. my computer/net connection went glitchy and some apps turned themselves on about 20 min after posting this.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

imho, energy weapon utilizing a 'roided up Hutchison effect. Hutchison effect also explains witness accounts of vehicles flying through air, movement of parked vehicles, and oxidation/rust patterns on vehicles both near the WTC complex and several blocks away.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Elon possibly started a thread on 4chan last night. I'm not savvy enough to figure out if it was a larp or not, and didn't stay on long enough to see if the anons calling bullshit found proof one way or the other.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

really good article about comparing property tax info to voters registered at addresses. gives a legit reason to hope mail-in ballot voting fraud can be broken wide open.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pretty much everyone around me are normies/NPC's. Its very disheartening that almost every little factoid or bit of knowledge that is the baseline data set for "conspiracy theorists" isn't even on normies' radar screen.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gonna be interesting in the next months.

heard that all thru the Q larp. nothing fucking happened., except the world descended into covidiocy.

they are just servants who gladly do the bidding of the Deep State.

the real powers behind the thrones don't want to be seen

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

great article. Keeweenaw is a neat place to visit if you get the chance. weird/different energy, like alot of the areas around Lake Superior, northern WI and the UP, but more so on Keeweenaw. not in a bad way.

100% worth road tripping up there.

9035768regginwolg 5 points ago +5 / -0

The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China.

this is inaccurate. there was vid coming out of China of people collapsing in Dec '19.

unless we see huge die-offs in the next year and a half, the Deagle forecast isn't going to be accurate. that's probably why the forecast was removed. whatever few rules (((they))) operate by, apparently one of the big ones is telling us what (((they))) are going to do.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

“So you would let me f–k the little girls that you work with.” Laughton, the first transgender legislator in New Hampshire history, asked Groves, “And you’re not screenshot Ing this and possibly use it against me at all like we’re both on the same page we both want to do this and he would let me put my d–k inside those little girls I mean what if my d–k is too big I mean its big but its not that big I think you could fit in there and if it doesn’t fit all the way then I could stop I don’t want to hurt them.”

not enough millstones to tie around these necks. this is what trannys want for everyone's kids. should print the story on some fliers and post them or hand them out to parents at dragqueen story hour.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just downloaded an illustrated vid of Walter Russel's main book. The Thunderbolt Project on YT has some really, really interesting electric universe stuff, some of which leads to Walter Russel's work.


the two Symbols of an Alien Sky vids were mind-blowing and very well done. not directly related to OP's post other than Walter Russel gets mentioned a few times.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's both, but the chinese are more obviously infiltrating as future saboteurs.

9035768regginwolg 0 points ago +1 / -1

not really. DUMBs are done with laser arrays that can melt the rock into lava which is then moved wherever.

even if one doesn't believe in DUMB's, the JPL patent for the laser array can be verified.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

nice to see it being talked about, but curious why someone like sundance wasn't clued into this years ago. it's all part of the mechanisms of control vs the American People that was escalated with the "patriot" act of treason.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

yup. chinese are infiltrating a bunch of fighting age males among the illegal immigrants invaders flooding across our southern border.

hope all the "law enforcement" that are letting this shit happen are among the first our new chinese overlords execute. the literal invasion on our southern border could be stopped almost overnight by a few dozen patriotic Americans with hunting rifles, but every American knows who "law enforcement" would come down on should Americans try to defend our country.

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