Machine learning is extremely good at picking out patterns if it's configured properly. Now why would we need all this money for some type of machine learning... Surely not trying to draw even more detailed patterns of the behavior of every single person...
Yes, but that's what makes it valuable. It will be used to replace mid level (and perhaps all but the highest levels) management. It can't replace the blue collar workers near as easy, but management is definitely a target. I've noticed a trend the past 5 years with construction managers and project managers being required to use certain software that adds absolutely nothing to make management easier. It just documents every move and requires reasons to be entered with every decision. I realized back then they were training AI software.
This is a very foolish viewpoint. The world is only a few years into LLMs and they are improving exponentially. AI is in its infancy and to write it off as a "parrot" is very short sighted.
ChatGPT 4.O w/ WolframAlpha is now useful. It can do basic Logic computation via WolframAlpha, although can't still reason.
But yes, AI investment is just about hoovering data about peons under control and the investment on how to control their thinking via AI search, generative models, etc.
Honestly, if you were to go back to ~2000s and ask people what they would do with a smartphone they would have no idea. Cellphone companies could not sell "smartphones" because no one wanted them and only forced adoption by limiting options. Now everyone has a smartphone. I suspect the same with AI will occur.
Saying AI is a gimmick now is equivalent to saying the internet is a gimmick in 1995 - AI is in its infancy and will only get more advanced. In 1995 the internet was a "gimmick" too.
We can debate what the true intent of $500Billion is for and what this means but I would not write off AI.
It is not even remotely the same thing. We have had years of Siri and Alexa and no one cares. Boomers use it.. that's it.
We have had decades of autogenerated content and no one cares. Only retards shilling tech on podcasts care right now.
We have had decades of automation, that is only now renamed AI for branding and marketing. No one cares about your toaster being claimed to have AI except cunts who think Wired is a good rag.
AI is not a thing. It is a methodology.
It is a method to provoke a sense of function that is in fact an isolation of information and control.
You don't need search engines.. ask AI
You don't need to order stuff.. ask AI
You don't need to look for dates.. ask AI
It is 100% about controlling information, NOT advancing knowledge. The proof of that is right now where the claim is that the amount of data aggregated has been peaked and the "AI"s can't create more or come up with better variations.
Machine learning is extremely good at picking out patterns if it's configured properly. Now why would we need all this money for some type of machine learning... Surely not trying to draw even more detailed patterns of the behavior of every single person...
Yeah, that's 500x more than a hyper scale datacenter costs.
All AI is, is a Parrot. It just says back what it hears.
This is retarded.
Yes, but that's what makes it valuable. It will be used to replace mid level (and perhaps all but the highest levels) management. It can't replace the blue collar workers near as easy, but management is definitely a target. I've noticed a trend the past 5 years with construction managers and project managers being required to use certain software that adds absolutely nothing to make management easier. It just documents every move and requires reasons to be entered with every decision. I realized back then they were training AI software.
This is a very foolish viewpoint. The world is only a few years into LLMs and they are improving exponentially. AI is in its infancy and to write it off as a "parrot" is very short sighted.
It's a fancy parrot that costs billions of dollars and burns a large-cities worth of energy.
ChatGPT 4.O w/ WolframAlpha is now useful. It can do basic Logic computation via WolframAlpha, although can't still reason.
But yes, AI investment is just about hoovering data about peons under control and the investment on how to control their thinking via AI search, generative models, etc.
Chatbot functionality for calculators has existed for a long time. Yes the complexities of results has improved but its not novel.
AI is absolutely a manipulation of marketing about improving knowledge when in fact it is the process of isolating knowledge.
No need for search -- ask AI
No need for friends -- ask AI
No need for ordering -- ask AI
No need for driving bcz AI just told you you don't have enough credits.
AI is not a thing -- its a method.
Its TPTB in your pocket.
Not it has not (not to the extent that I mean).
Even ChatGPT 4.O with WolfframAlpha cant do the following:
Call me when that happens. Not holding my breath.
EDITed for less snarkiness
Honestly, if you were to go back to ~2000s and ask people what they would do with a smartphone they would have no idea. Cellphone companies could not sell "smartphones" because no one wanted them and only forced adoption by limiting options. Now everyone has a smartphone. I suspect the same with AI will occur.
Saying AI is a gimmick now is equivalent to saying the internet is a gimmick in 1995 - AI is in its infancy and will only get more advanced. In 1995 the internet was a "gimmick" too.
We can debate what the true intent of $500Billion is for and what this means but I would not write off AI.
It is not even remotely the same thing. We have had years of Siri and Alexa and no one cares. Boomers use it.. that's it.
We have had decades of autogenerated content and no one cares. Only retards shilling tech on podcasts care right now.
We have had decades of automation, that is only now renamed AI for branding and marketing. No one cares about your toaster being claimed to have AI except cunts who think Wired is a good rag.
AI is not a thing. It is a methodology.
It is a method to provoke a sense of function that is in fact an isolation of information and control.
You don't need search engines.. ask AI
You don't need to order stuff.. ask AI
You don't need to look for dates.. ask AI
It is 100% about controlling information, NOT advancing knowledge. The proof of that is right now where the claim is that the amount of data aggregated has been peaked and the "AI"s can't create more or come up with better variations.
AI is not as advertised.