My sister has a long time boyfriend and no kids. Will be 40 soon. Not exactly sure why not, think it's a combination of:
- "Saving the environment"
- Too expensive
- Too scary
How many of you have family members like this? It's kinda sad for the next generation not growing up with all these potential relatives. Yes of course I'm white.
My son is 44 , been married for 22 years and doesn't want to bring kids into this world
My daughter got her tubes tied. Of course they obliged. Do you think they took her eggs while they were in there?
Across both sides of my family there’s 10 in my generation and only 3 of us have kids. Of the ones that don’t:
My sister wanted kids but couldn’t conceive in 10 years of trying and gave up. She would definitely have had them if she could.
3 of my cousins are early 20s. Only 1 of them (the girl) has expressed a desire for kids but she is prioritising a career and might fall to feminist rot. The other two haven’t expressed an opinion on kids either way but neither have had much luck finding girls they’d want to date so…..
two are mid thirties both apparently gay but I don’t believe it. Both have major mental issues and are self professed too selfish to want to look after someone else. Personally I think it’s the most self aware thing either of them has ever said and it’s a good decision.
The final one is late twenties, has a long term girlfriend and don’t want kids because it would ruin their lifestyle and they would definitely resent them. They also think (use as justification) the idea that kids are bad for the environment but they go on multiple international holidays a year and don’t seem interested in saving the environment if it’s inconvenient to them so I doubt that’s more than an excuse.
I’d also point out that my husband and I are by far the most “traditional/conservative/not insane” people that have kids and we are also the only ones who’s kids don’t have some sort of delay, or diagnosis. In fact all our kids are well ahead by any metric
Literally no one I know is like that, but I'm from a red community. The only people I know who didn't have kids had fertility issues and wanted kids. One couple had the money to adopt instead. The other couple didn't and so they remain childless not by choice.
At one point I had ultra-liberal friends that didn't want kids. The woman viewed kids as goblins or something she wanted nothing to do with. She detested them. The guy was a 'man-child' that would get all weird and awkward around children and in my opinion never really developed into an adult.
I'm not exactly sure what would destroy the natural biological desire to have children, but it was evident in these two.
Bots can't have kids my friend.