Anybody want to test this out? "How To Track The Vax With Your Phone"
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I tried this last year, got a 3rd party blue tooth app from the appstore. turned it on at work and got a huge list of random Bluetooth address all moving around. No real way to see if people were giving of the signal or if it was from there phones themselves. further experimentation would be needed
Well, it is becoming weird to the point of suspicious.
So, you find out some BT adresses and stop right at the point where everything should start.
It is just beyond my understanding.
So you get some suspicious BT addres around. And your curiosity just disappeared away. You for some reason don't want to know where it comes from.
Well, it is common knowledge that first 3 bytes (24 bits) of BT address is so-called OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier). You could easily determine manufacturer of BT device using official OUI list here - Just search for first 3 bytes in BT address in that list and you will find a vendor who made a device or at minimum BT chip in it.
I never saw this first, simple, obvious and inevitable step from any who talk about "misterious BT addresses" and wonder about them.
Are you guys really want to know what they are, or it is just some stupid joke?
And finding vendor is only beginning. You could easily find out much more information about BT device around, up to its exact purpose and abilities. And even get access to it.
Here's a whole documented proof where they tested it in a forest and with the phones on and off -
I'm very skeptical about this. What shot had the "chip"? 1st? 2nd? Booster? Wouldn't all 3 produce 3 different addresses?
I think there was dozens, maybe hundreds of different tests.
Some, apparently, were only saline
(for either control groups or simply to generate maximum profit)
Imagine if you controlled the shipping logistics. You could send the hot shots to zones that historically vote one way.
You could even use DNA to genocide a particular subset of race within that zone.
You could test radioactive substances, substances that produce effects in the next generation, nanotech, etc etc etc,
You could use cellphone data and social media posts to individually algorithmically monitor each recipient & use AI to collate all the data. This means only needing limited amounts of people in the know.