CONFIRMED: Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, the alleged attacker at the Magdeburg Christmas market, in Germany, is a brainwashed supporter of the genocidal Israeli government. And highly likely is a disposable Mossad asset. Simply look through his Twitter/X account.
Do you have translation of his words? Or just a photo of a map of the greater israel project that could just as well be criticism or condemnation of it?
It's not just this post. He is really a curious figure. There must be more to this.
You can check all the following. He was quite famous so amongst certain circles it's difficult to hide that he was completely pro-Jewish:
For now on Christians must arm themselves at all Christmas parades. Police may not interfere with our self defense. Protect Christian culture and our right to religious freedom. Impale anyone who dares harm a single Christian. Put on trial any officer or prosecutor or district attorney or judge who gives mercy to those who terrorize Christians. If an attack is carried out by an immigrant, impale anyone who sponsored and approved that immigrant being here. Every immigrant should have a sponsor who suffers all civil and criminal penalties along with the immigrant if they commit any crime.
CONFIRMED: Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, the alleged attacker at the Magdeburg Christmas market, in Germany, is a brainwashed supporter of the genocidal Israeli government. And highly likely is a disposable Mossad asset. Simply look through his Twitter/X account.
Source: and it's not just that tweet of his. He was very open about his support for "Israel", Jews, feminism and such:
What type of Saudi would support the greater Israel project which intends to steal most of Saudi Arabia? Was he an agent? MK Ultra or something?
A Mossad assett or a NATO patsy, or somebody who is both.
An atheist who hates Islam.
Nop. He would not give away his homeland.
What do you even mean by that?
Look, everyone, the vax shill Jew is being deceptive. I’m shocked!
Why would I not trust his own words?
If you have any evidence that he wasn´t an atheist and instead had been lying for years about this, please present them here.
Germany also agreed to import 1.9 million Kenyan immigrants in 2025.
Do Germans really want or need 2 million Kenyans? in one year no less.
Someone is trying to engineer social unrest in Germany.
Isn't that how they got north and south Vietnam war started?
How do you know he was not condemning it?
Do you have translation of his words? Or just a photo of a map of the greater israel project that could just as well be criticism or condemnation of it?
It's not just this post. He is really a curious figure. There must be more to this. You can check all the following. He was quite famous so amongst certain circles it's difficult to hide that he was completely pro-Jewish:
His twitter account: You can use auto translate.
Was he an MK_Ultra type? Is he part of a plan and they promised to get him out? Is he mad?
For now on Christians must arm themselves at all Christmas parades. Police may not interfere with our self defense. Protect Christian culture and our right to religious freedom. Impale anyone who dares harm a single Christian. Put on trial any officer or prosecutor or district attorney or judge who gives mercy to those who terrorize Christians. If an attack is carried out by an immigrant, impale anyone who sponsored and approved that immigrant being here. Every immigrant should have a sponsor who suffers all civil and criminal penalties along with the immigrant if they commit any crime.
He also supports the AFD and Elon Musk.
This will blow the fragile little minds of the right wingers.
Since the resident shill has commented on this post, it's worth looking into too.
Thanks CaptainStreisand
There´s one.