The Christ Conspiracy: the Greatest Story Ever Sold
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There is power in His name
Sure does in a manner of speaking.
When God Became the Terrorist: Traces Of The Authoritarian Nature of the Three
1000 Years - of Carnage & Barbarity in the name of Christ
Gnostic new age gibberish.
Once First Contact is made, mainstream religion will organically dissolve due to contradicting ideologies from the reality that is created by using new physics for all.
Ah, so you’re just insane. Got it.
“I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?”
The alien force is the jew.
His story became corrupted by the same entities that corrupted every single thing throughout history.
Don't fall for their lies. Christ is King.
The link provided below is from the Vatican’s New American Bible. In this link every “book” has an INT, an introduction describing the contents, outline, authorship, dates of publication, etc. It also has a word glossary/index.
Example: Matthew “The unknown author, whom we shall continue to call Matthew for the sake of convenience,”
“THE AUTHORS OF THESE BOOKS ARE MOSTLY UNKNOWN.” pg 21, How to read your Bible; St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992, 1987, 1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea
Who wrote the Bible?- The documentary hypothesis.
“The Bible was constructed by the same bloodline families that founded the Illuminati.
Is the bible disinformation? You've stated that it has some metaphors that are relevant...wondering about the rest.
The Bible is full of factually false statements when interpreted literally or figuratively. However many verses within the Bible are literal metaphors that can explain a lot about the nature of reality. Most of the Bible was created to DOMINATE mankind to allow Satanic Rituals.”
“We don’t even know who wrote the Bible. It is not known when it was written, nor what language. At the time of Moses, Hebrew did not even exist as a language.
The Book has been used. Theology spiritualizes a text that has nothing spiritual about it, and then uses it improperly as a formidable instrument of domination.” The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino
“For the past two thousand years, Christian tradition, scholarship, and pop culture have credited the authorship of the New Testament to a select group of men: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, Peter and Paul. But the truth is that these individuals, who have been rewarded with sainthood for their work, did not write alone. In some meaningful ways, they did not write at all.
The Bible, as many scholars and activists have shown, encodes and reproduces the violent and bloody tyranny of slavery, and has generated a pro-slavery legacy that has irrevocably shaped human history for the worse.
Enslavement is one of the central framing devices for the relationship between human beings and God in the New Testament.” God’s Ghostwriters. Enslaved Christians and the Making of the Bible by Candida Moss
When God Became the Terrorist: Traces Of The Authoritarian Nature of the Three
“Even worse, it fails to appreciate that gods and sorcerers are themselves a human invention—just like chariots, brooms and algorithms. The tendency to create powerful things with unintended consequences started not with the invention of the steam engine or AI but with the invention of religion” Prologue xiii, Nexus by Yuval Noah Hararri
How many people did God kill in the Bible and how did he perform those killing?
Evil Bible
Yahweh – Jehovah Brutal Jewish God of War
1000 Years - of Carnage & Barbarity in the name of Christ
Abrahamic God - Evil
The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
Episode 111: Christian Zionism, Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy
Christian Zionism : road map to Armageddon?
Jesus's teaching go directly against the jews. Don't really give a shit who wrote the Bible as I am a follower of Christ and his perfect teachings.
Stop falling for their confusions and lies.
Christ is King.
Intelligent people believe in God
The Greater Insult
“Fear is the greatest weapon in God’s arsenal”
Lol...all those videos u sent are shit and have a ignorant arrogance about them especially the first. The last about the pope's is just awful as we know Christianity has been hijacked by garbage souls.
If anything I'll believe in his word even more
You know it is a successful lie when people still defend it right here in spite of DAMNING proof that the most peaceful and prosperous countries are all secular and are either republics, autocracies or democracies and NOT theocracies.
Make no mistake. We still have a portion of people in poverty, you have corrupt people taking over stuff and there are lines you cannot cross, but you are still standing, you can usually speak against world leaders, and you have enough food and money to live. But whenever you have a theocracy, you have a disaster of poverty, famine, power-mongering and in-general death and destruction, and anyone speaking the contrary anywhere will DIE. And yes, a communist country is a THEOCRACY, it's just based on a human leader and not a God.
So much words just to tell us you love the NWO...
No, the NWO wants a rehash of the middle ages but worldwide this time. Go compare Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages is what people call utopia while Ancient Greece is known as a pagan hellhole, but historical facts say otherwise. Yes, they are REALLY that delusional.
You eat up the scientismo propaganda like a good boy. I've heard zero people calling the Middle ages utopia, but I heard many like you calling them dark, tyrannical and miserable just like Voltaire and other Enlightenment degenerates did. The NWO's structure is similar to feudalism but it's much worse because the feudal didn't want wage war against his own people (didn't engage in depop, psy ops, bio warfare, brainwashing etc). The NWO isn't achieved through any religion, but through the subversion of traditional religions and the creation of a One world religion that they control (see Brave New World). Haven't you noticed that the more secular the people, the more the agenda of destroying society and degrading man gets advanced? Where is feminism, skittles and medical fascism most prominent?
You're regurgitating the normie evaluation of history written from the standpoint of the technocratic elites. Had you red what the actual Royal Society and Tavistock darwinian and malthusian elite wrote on the matter you would understand how they view religion and which worldview - the scientism or Christian is closer to their vision of the future NWO. Freud, H.G. Wells, B. Russel, the Huxleys, SRI's Changing Images of Man, J. Salk and many more.
Your hatred of Christ blinds you.
You have fell prey to the ultimate scam. The NWO elite's religion is not atheism. It is monotheism. And it's very well planned since the days where the Hyskos lived in Canaan, from tribal wars in Israel to ancient Rome.
I never said it's atheism, I believe they are luciferian and practice ritual sex magick and human sacrifice. But they promote atheism and other degenerate ideologies like darwinism, marxism and freudism to the goober normies to debase them and make them nihilistc (no God = no meaning) so that they can push their agenda and enslave all of humanity under the One world government that will be ruled by the antichrist from the rebuilt Temple in Israel. Guess which religion prophesized that and many other things taking place in our times 2000 years ago? Guess which religion actively fights this satanic forces and opposes their agenda? It's Christianity, and by that I mean the Christian Church that was established by Christ, who entrusted it to His apostles and their successors so that it will last until the end of times.
I know it's useless to argue about religion and that's why i urge you to read what the other side, the well known technocratic elite behind the agenda thinks about Christianity, its institutions, its values, its views on morals, the Christian based society and family, etc. Do you think they support it or do they want to destroy and subvert it and bring about a Brave new world based on antichristian worldview? I mentioned some names but the list is endless - Marx, Bernard Shaw, Wilhelm Reich, Georgy Lukasc, Antonio Gramsci, Theodor Adorno, Helena Blavatsky, Alice Baily, Johannes Habermas, Herbert Marcuse, Marcel Foucault, Wilhelm Reich, Arthur Koestler. And that's just 20c but godless degenerates started popping up much earlier during the Enlightenment and their ideas were behind the jewish-masonic-illuminist revolutions that sought to build society anew on antichristian and radical revolutionary ideas (skittles, feminism, transgenderism, pdf, sexual liberation, communism, etc). We are living in the results of their "secular enlightened" ideas and you seem to support that, hence why I called you out on supporting the degenerate NWO.
Nothing is stopping them from using atheism as a front to promote the exact same thing that turned Europe into a wasteland all over the world.
Given you mentioned Marx, the Soviet Russia he has a hand in creating is still a theocracy. Just replace Yahweh with Stalin. Same thing.
Again, you have only identified one face of the world's biggest scam and fell for the original one. Try harder.
That's why I don't argue for any kind of religion or some non-existent generic one world religion - I argue for Christianity specifically and I believe other religions don't worship the true God and are false and demonic. The Marxist regime was proudly scientific and atheistic and I know that from personal experience because I live in a former Eastern Bloc country where atheism and dialectical materialism was state sanctioned and everyone was brainwashed into it.
Every regime is theological in nature - you can't escape religious and ritualistic behavior. I think we all saw that during the coof medical fascism which I'd say is as secular as it gets. What, you think you don't have faith the same way a religious person has? Atheism (which almost always is rank materialism, naive empiricism and scientism) is very much a religion too and holds assumptions about the world that are based on pure faith. Worse - it is constantly contradicting itself because it appeals to universal laws and principles like laws of physics, logic, morals, truth, meaning without being able to justify any of it. There is no good or bad in the materialist worldview. There is no truth and falsehood. Things just are and they came to be for no purpose at all - everything, including your thoughts are practically meaningless and the process of random atoms bumping into each other. So why should we care about anything at all if your worldview is the case?
You succinctly summarized the content and context of the information below:
When God Became the Terrorist: Traces Of The Authoritarian Nature of the Three
lol. lmao, even. Begone, jew.
Look in the 🪞
Thanks for admitting the Bible is the antithesis of the jew.
Is this an accurate translation, or was the Quote originally in English? Pope Leo X's native language was Italian.
Usage in Language:
In English, “superstition” typically refers to beliefs or practices that are not based on scientific reasoning or evidence. It often carries a negative connotation, implying irrationality or ignorance. For example, one might say that believing in luck associated with certain numbers is a superstition.
In contrast, the Italian word “superstizione” can also denote similar beliefs but may not always carry the same negative implications. In Italy, superstitions are often interwoven with cultural traditions and practices. For instance, certain superstitions may be embraced as part of cultural identity rather than dismissed outright as irrational. This difference reflects broader cultural attitudes toward superstition in Italy compared to English-speaking countries.'
And that's not counting the difference in usage over time, or the context in which the Quote was used.
The Christ Conspiracy: the Greatest Story Ever Sold - Acharya S.
Jesus never existed
Did Jesus exist? Was his message coopted or drafted to fulfill their needs?
Jesus was a creation of the Vatican taken from multiple IS-BEs such as Thoth, Enoch, Lucifer, Satan, and [3 others].
A great effort my friend, but theres too many here who refuse to give up their imaginary friend Jesus the Super Jew. They can see through any other psyop except the one their parents taught them, or however they choose to delude themselves. “I was personally saved by Jesus!” “God talks to me in my head!” “I see demons!”
These people can have a conversation about anything else thats fake and gay but will outright refuse to apply any sort of skepticism about their own religion. No proof will be looked at much leas believed, quite sad really.
You’re so bad at your job, you filthy fucking yid.
Not a kike. If I need to subscribe to fantasy and call it religion I’ll at least choose norse mythology, follow the teachings of Odin, and follow some white teachings. Enjoy following your jewish overlords made up character.
Enjoy white genocide, paid jewish shill.
I was a Christian NOT too long ago, but now awake to the lies and hypocrisy of Christianity.
What I do now is put the information out there and let the individual(s) decide on what to know.
You were an evangelical, weren't you?
NOPE, was born, raised, educated (retrospectively indoctrinated) within a Christian denomination.