Does Trump go Andrew Jackson and say "Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it?" or does he go Ike with school integration and follow the courts to the point of using fixed bayonets?
Note for the purpose of this thought experiment, the deportations do start, even if modestly. If you want to say "that won't happen" then I would say create your own thread.
He obeyed everything every court (and his kike-in-law) told him to do the first time. What absolute fucking nonsense would make you think he would ever do anything else?
You need to free yourself of this fucking delusion that elections exist or that anything will ever happen that jews don’t want to happen. You won’t be so depressed that way.
Why would they do that? They’ll just kill whites instead.
Nonwhites in white countries isn’t good for anyone.
Your point is what.
They wouldn’t leave.
Without whom, the people who do nothing but take from the economy?
Then they all need to be hanged. What’s your fucking point.
They all come here in bad faith. It’s the definition.
There’s no evidence of that.
So they get to go home at gunpoint, too.
Given that they are.
With their deaths.
So… exactly like what we’re seeing now, except whites win instead of whites lose.
K. Good. Let’s get started.
You have zero evidence for this.
Don’t want them here. Not acceptable.
You’re too retarded to be holding this conversation. You’ve proven you’re not a serious user.
Neat, thanks for admitting you support white genocide.
Yeah, get rid of all borders! Destroy all protections for whites!
Okay, we’ll just execute the employer for treason. And you, apparently.
I'm working construction in the Denver area and it's the same. The Mexican immigrants will start working the day they get here, it's the Venezuelans that sit around and complain. The Mexicans are not the problem
Nice points, end the gibs, block chain migration.
Oh tallestshill, use your imagination.
No. Reality matters more.
Says reality matters more.
Isn't in touch with reality.
Said the Trump supporter.
That's not the dig you think it is.
Reported for personal insults.
Oh...and Duverger's Law. You're basically debating against gravity, from a politics perspective here.
I predicted it in another thread
Trump will be installed by jews.
Polling will show that spics put trump over the top. Hispanic votes.
This will pacify all trumptards demanding mass deportation.
"We can't deport muh based Hispanic trump supporters. They helped get him elected."
Neither political party can stop mass migration. It's needed to keep GDP positive. They have to increase population rapidly to keep bankrupt social programs such as Medicare and social security afloat. The Interest on the debt is over a trillion per year. They need more people to indebt and get as payors into the system. COVID killed off many of the elderly to help reduce liability of social security and Medicare.
Installed, lol. Well, he'll help their cause enough regardless. Don't forget they backstabbed him in 2020.
I never read your comment, so I don't know what you did or didn't predict. So you predict he caves to the lesbian judge from Hawaii and doesn't deport anyone?
In 2020 jews needed to advance their work in Ukraine and clean up the evidence of the covid scam. Biden was senile. Jews could run the entire executive branch and wheelchair Biden into a green screen room or put CIA agents in Biden masks (they actually did this).
Jews control both political parties and do what is most beneficial to them at the time.
In 2025 it will be more beneficial to jews to use Trump to attack Iran. Trump can help get military recruitment up and advance zionism. Whites will accept draconian assaults on their rights when their cult hero Trump is oppressing them on behalf of jews.
That doesn't really deal well with the counterfactual. If Trump is already giving them everything they wanted, you have no explanation for why the stolen election in the first place, only to reinstall him later.
Think through this some more.
Jews always switch the political party power back and forth. Theyve done it your entire life. They do it in every fake democracy around the world. It's laughable how obvious it is, too. Wouldn't common sense tell you that one political party could achieve majority rule for 10-20 years? Instead it seesaws back and forth every 4-8 years. It's how jews divide and conquer and keep the illusion of representation alive.
One party, depending on the country, does achieve rule for 2 decades or more.
I think they'll put in kumswala last min like last time. Try to start a civil war.
No one has the will to fight a civil war. Both political parties are controlled by same evil people. Two party system is a fake dichotomy. The enemy is the leadership of both political parties, who are the same people. The synagogue of satan
"it's needed to keep the GDP positive"... EXACTLY! typical of politicians to pick the low hanging fruit first and pacify their constituents. Most people don't think far enough ahead to see the problem being created. First thing to do is stop the bleeding by closing the border, only then will deporting have a positive effect
If you shrink the population then the Medicare and social security systems and the rest of the ponzi schemes collapse. In a pyramid scheme you always need more and more new people paying into the scam.
Yup, they backed themselves into a corner. I saw this coming back in 1977 when I first started working
It would be a massive operation and he likely won't get much opposition to deporting criminal aliens first. He probably won't get too much push back if he next started deporting Venezuelan and Haitian immigrants. By that time his term would be over and the next president would need to assess the current political will of the people and representatives. Most Mexicans I've talked to are ready to go back soon on their own.
They’re all criminals. By definition. Don’t let communists dictate your language.
It's technically a civil crime. Re-entry after being deported is a criminal felony though. Yes, technically criminals, but we should focus on felons first in my opinion
Trump will do no such thing, he's negged on all of his domestic promises before. He will do as his masters tell him.
Instead Trump will order a strategic attack on Iran and extra funding for Israel, and outlaw any kind of anti-semitism and make it punishable with prison time.
You do as your masters tell you.
Here is Drumpf doing a Qabbalistic prayer and placing a Qabbalistic rock on a jewish tombstone:
So, no Drumpf will do nothing except what his Chabad Lubavitch controllers tell him.
Yes. I've been documenting all his promises to this effect at c/TheZognald
weak sauce
Use your imagination more.
True, obvious , but first things first.
No it doesn't since it is 2025. How could one think further ahead when the premise is defined as is?
Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping, into the future...
If I see a bunch of brownies yelling in Spanish or Hindi being put into the back of the van, fuck yea I'm going to believe they are there to help.
They follow orders. Who do you want giving them, eh?
I would hope if they are following the right orders, and you're trying to stop them, then your ass goes with the brownies you love so much to Mexico.
No, I'm describing men who follow lawful orders of their superiors, civilian control of the military, very important in a republic, and if the mass deportations arrive of illegal aliens, I'll be glad.
You never limited your pronouncement to America, you silly Romanian goose.
Mexico had one party rule for decades, for example.