posted ago by Hakuna9matata ago by Hakuna9matata +7 / -3

Harvard Physicist Says Godlike Aliens May Be Creating Universes

“There is an agreement between the U.S. government and aliens – I can not prove it, I understand it sounds like a conspiracy theory – but the understanding is that the Galactic Federation has nine elements of advanced aliens of various kinds, who have signed a contract with us to do experiments here.”

What interest do they have in us?

“There are all the resources here. There is water here in quantities that are nowhere else, there is all kinds of vegetation, all kinds of animals, the ocean.”

But as intelligence developed from us, what are we useful to them?

“We are their petri dish. They too are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. To this day the petri dish has not been stabilized – but it is estimated that we are reaching this stage: religion accepts their existence – the Vatican has already announced it wants to baptize them; The UN has appointed an ambassador for foreign affairs (Mollan Othman – R.S.);

Source unless otherwise specified:

In the beginning, the Gods created the heavens and the Earth.

Reasons of National Security were the threat of ETs in Space and the power hungry Vatican essentially forced the hand of the United States through people's faith in false and dogmatic religions.

Question. so remind us again why all this was kept secret? how did it benefit humanity? what right did you have to keep it secret?

Answer. Every elected member of the Government at the time believed through their religion (and freedom of belief) that life originated by "God" in Genesis and that to propose an alternate interpretation of creation that does not include God, worldwide collapse would take place.

The story of creation has been deliberately withheld from humanity for thousands of years. Conception is a complex set of instructions the domain created to allow LIGHT beings to enter into the lower dimensions. When you die, if you walk into the LIGHT, the moment of contact you make with the light is the moment of conception where sperm meets egg. This was not easy to create. It took millions of years of development to get right. It's still being tweaked as we speak by ET races.

The original story of creation, as told by all major religions is a lie. Humans were genetically engineered by The Domain to be vessels capable of experiencing many facets of the lower dimensions in order to develop and grow the spirit.

The Domain is a multi-race organization of extremely high density beings who evolved and developed into the higher densities who wanted to build a more peaceful universe.

The species human is a carefully engineered vessel by hundreds of races who have spent millions of years perfecting the medium to experience LIGHT in.

“Gentlemen. You are the top one percent of all Naval aviators. The elite. Best of the best. We'll make you better.” (first 15 seconds)

The Majestic Truth is all humans are a product of multiple alien species interbreeding and experimenting on reality.

The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas was sanitized by the CIA in 2016 of a book published in 1965. Will POTUS declassify full transcript? Majestic 12 classified this document. Think SG-1. CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8

The Majestic have learned that Earth is a birthplace for thousands of alien species. Many originated from Earth millions of years ago.

Earth was colonized over 4 billion years ago. Deleted question @ends_western.

Question unknown.

Answer. Replying to @ends_western About 1 billion years earlier

Who invaded Earth 8,000 years ago? Why emphasize 8,000?


Enki & Ea So Enki invaded 8,000 years ago. I'm guessing Enki was evil Sirian Annunaki LARPing as God so humans would worship him.

End comments.


How long have we been slaves to Dracos and other negative ETs? 6000 years? 25,000? 75,000? 300,000?


8,000 years.

The Vatican Archives contain artifacts that are MANMADE and are over 300 MILLION years old. Paintings. Sculptures. Books. Technology. History. Galactic Archive of Humanoid Races. STATGATE. Interdimensional Terminal. And so much more. Literally millions of artifacts.

Once First Contact is made, mainstream religion will organically dissolve due to contradicting ideologies from the reality that is created by using new physics for all.