For tempting other to reason over suggested information against one another, while ignoring those suggesting it.
feeds the party line that "suboxone is not injectible"...
...which tempts consenting followers to choose a side within a conflict of reason (is injectible vs isn't injectible); a conflict controlled by those outside making the suggestion, not by anyone inside fighting about it.
A better vs pro-choice implies consent to suggested "abortion". Both sides fight each other, which sustains the abortion racket indefinitely.
most of the people responsible for the subreddit are corrupt
To respond to SUB implies submission of self to another. A bribe to corrupt only works if one willingly consents to take it.
its actually a brilliant plan to control the internet and speech and prevent information from spreading by centralizing all independent forums into one place.
Being implies center (perception) of surrounding (perceivable). Few tempt many to ignore perceivable for suggested, which permits few to erect self at center, while cutting of many from circumference. Consenting to a suggestion implies ones submission (ones choice) to another (chosen one). Suggestion inverts perception...if one chooses one over the other.
As for "verboten" topics...dig into the structure of jewish "kehilla" worldwide.
For tempting other to reason over suggested information against one another, while ignoring those suggesting it.
...which tempts consenting followers to choose a side within a conflict of reason (is injectible vs isn't injectible); a conflict controlled by those outside making the suggestion, not by anyone inside fighting about it.
A better vs pro-choice implies consent to suggested "abortion". Both sides fight each other, which sustains the abortion racket indefinitely.
To respond to SUB implies submission of self to another. A bribe to corrupt only works if one willingly consents to take it.
Being implies center (perception) of surrounding (perceivable). Few tempt many to ignore perceivable for suggested, which permits few to erect self at center, while cutting of many from circumference. Consenting to a suggestion implies ones submission (ones choice) to another (chosen one). Suggestion inverts perception...if one chooses one over the other.
As for "verboten" topics...dig into the structure of jewish "kehilla" worldwide.