posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +12 / -3

In Russia, kids are taught military skills from a young age. They are toughened by years of bullying both from other kids and teachers. Russian schools are cold and disciplined.

In the west, kids are obviously not taught military skills because ThAtS FaScIsM and there hasn’t been bullying since like 2002- blacks brawling with other blacks doesn’t count. Schools are warm and children are picked up from right outside their door by the school bus which has a safety officer on to make sure there’s no rowdiness. Schools have gay pride flags outside their buildings and because of laws against disability discrimination kids are allowed to be disruptive in class from under socialized bullshit like barking, or identifying as an animal, for fear of a lawsuit by the parents if the weird kid barking in the back of class is suspended.

How can a British or American Gen z fight a Russian Gen Z who’s been hardened since he was a kid? Sure Russia has faggots but they’re a minority and mostly funded by the west. A lot of them aren’t even Russian but are some inferior oven dodger race like Armenian or Jewish and would flee in the event of a major war anyway.

Russia will destroy the collective west in the upcoming war.