Spirituality, philosophy, and mind-manipulation in academia?
I have become quite interested in the intersection between let's say spirituality/spiritual manipulation/spiritual mind-control, political mind control, and left-wing academic/educational mind control. It's a bit hard to get at, but I strongly suspect there is something there. For one thing, I go to a university where the teacher who is the most creepy-culty-indoctrinatey-type teacher I've ever had (a psychology teacher, with a particularly dogmatic/brainwashy attitude around radical gender ideology stuff) also was revealed by another teacher to be a former Satan worshipper (which she told him in turn she wished he hadn't shared and basically that she wanted him to keep it a secret going forward). Obviously that's just an anecdote but it struck a chord with me somehow. Another data point I have in this area is the connection between Alfred Kinsey, an academic who seemed to want to disrupt agreed upon norms around sex/masturbation in the culture and who also had some sort of creepy connection to Allister Crowley, who though I'm no expert seems to be basically some kind of dark occultist/possible satanist and who also had his own unconventional sex stuff going on.
I also watched the show "The Sinner" recently and it was kind of fascinating to see these very particular ideas around "transcending"/subverting morality/right-and-wrong show up so explicitly within the context of what seems to me to be left-wing propaganda while also of course containing pro-queer propaganda as part of that (season 3 of The Sinner literally is about showing parallels between queerness and being a murderous amoral person who is deep into the Nietzschean philosophy of "transcending" right and wrong and seems to basically subtly/perniciously make the case that both are good and wise and spiritual and cool actually and if you question that you are an ignorant, an idea further propped up at the beginning of season 4 if you wanna get the full effect).
This idea of subverting fundamental metaphysical binaries seems to be showing up in the culture/zeitgeist both in terms of blurring the lines between right and wrong and in terms of blurring the lines between male and female in the same kind of weird parallel motion and it seems to me to be coming down through systems of education and mainstream media and also maybe to some extent through therapy/the field of psychology (at least this is a hypothesis I have in regards to psychology).
I also think it is interesting to notice that foucault, who seems to be largely responsible for getting people to question the idea of truth as a valid concept in universities, also buys into and spreads his version of being "beyond" a good and evil binary while probably also being a pedophile... this may be a false inference I suppose but you can seemingly/arguably look at his arguments as a defense of pedophilia as not being wrong/bad. It seems like maybe there's a broader/deeper thing going on there too with French-philosophers-who-subvert-basic-truth-reality-and-morality-norms also being pedophiles/involved with pedophilia. I'll admit I need to look into this more.
Anyway, Nietzche and Foucault are obviously both pretty anti-God so there's your tie in with the spiritual dimension there.
It seems to me that there is some kind of pattern here and I just am wanting to know if there's any other data-points in this area y'all might be aware of? Thanks in advance to everyone who responds. I love you all.
Indoctrinated in schools in the "education system".Music is poisoned, social media, mainstream media and all forms of entertainment is riddled with manipulating propaganda. It's everywhere by design all the while censoring any all dissent.
The younger generations have some heavy chains to break.
I wonder if you could point me to any specific data points that seem to be relevant to the idea of spiritual indoctrination in the school system?
Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism
That book shows the TRUE SOURCE of letters, numbers and their corresponding inter-relations as words.
Both 'sides' either misrepresent or mis-use at the top. This is the original that was covered over by Myth and then later by religion. The knowledge of it is a 'high place' and one can see the Light and respect it in awe......or one can attempt to control others who can not see it. Two are on a high place.
Under them, the ones known as 'the profane' ...either haven't, can't or won't look. I got banned at GAW just for presenting the idea for example, in a thread about God and Code of all things. Literalists are mental midgets and do not meet the requirements for the ride.
The brain of the DS Cabal is rooted in psychology and black magic.
Blackhat psychologists create the program.
Kinsey, Freud, Skinner et al.
Powerful suggestions to the subconscious mind.
The program is 'socialized' by experts in PR (advertising - See Guy DeBord trained in Situationism, which is creating situations in the mind to foment change aka 'The Spectacle'.
Placement programs, putting alphabet agency agents into strategic positions into universities, some of the top being Yale, MIT, Stanford, Pennsylvania and Indiana. Northwestern creates actor faags to make propaganda an 'art'.
Situationists International and Tavistock Institute are a couple of the deepest rabbit holes to dig.
Thanks for this post, def wanna look into some of this.
Is "faags" a way of referring to same-sex attracted people or is there some other meaning I'm not seeing?
Just throwing off the Al Gore rhythm searches.
Aka the wickedest man in the world, luciferian godfather of the occult who was deported from Italy and permanently banned from France because of his disgusting satanic sex magick practices and ritualistic demon evocation.
Nietzsche and Foucault were both members of the luciferian illuminati club, and that's the reason why they were anti-God, because occultists only worship evil.
Thanks so much for your reply.
Could I ask you to please provide evidence for your claim that "Nietzsche and Foucault were both members of the luciferian illuminati club"?
And could I ask you to also explain what you mean by the word "displacement" as well please?
It's impossible to prove that they were part of occult/secret societies, but you realize they were at least associated with the luciferian elite if you study their doctrines.
They were both marxist/socialist puppets who were pushing an agenda for their illuminati overlords, in my eyes.
It's an quote from https://muse.jhu.edu/article/773307/pdf
The word displacement is irrelevant to me, what really matters is this:
I wonder if you would mind telling me more about the parallels you saw between Nietzsche/Foucault's doctrine and the luciferean elite's doctrine? What was it that convinced you?
Also if I did want to check this our for myself, what would you recommend I read exactly that is from the luciferean elite and that parallels Nietzsche/Foucault?
Nietzsche's doctrine is literally within lavey’s church of satanism. https://brichert.wordpress.com/2006/08/22/nietzsche-within-lavey%E2%80%99s-satanism/
Let's see what Rudolf "ahriman" Steiner has to say about his colleague Frederick "zarathustra übermensch" Nietzsche.
Can you see the luciferian agenda? Ahriman means satan in persian btw
Foucault was probably a fabian society puppet, check their history.
This dude was a marxist/socialist and pro eugenics btw, this just proves that there's absolutely no difference between soviet socialism and national socialism. Take a look at the past and see how many millions of innocent people really died by the hands of these godless luciferian socialists.
Foucault's definitely part of the left/university brainwashing. They are all obsessed and love him.
Could this be a public distraction from him privately ghostwriting as Evangeline Adams? Does "The General Principles of Astrology" + "Your Place in the Sun" + "Your Place Among the Stars" sound like the works of the "wickedest man in the world"?
I don't know, maybe you should ask Betty May who publicly exposed the beast aka wickedest man in the world, after he brutally murdered her husband Raoul Loveday with his luciferian magick in the abbey of thelema.
I hadn't heard of Betty May.
Crowley was quite the character.
Remember when he casually murdered that Indian guy in front of witnesses and no one cared. That's just how it was back then. And today. Life is cheap.
Modern occultists/Crowley followers downplay his racism and those unsavory bits of his character.
.... which now that I think of it, it's funny. Because Crowley delighted in being called the Beast and seen as 'evil' and now followers think his racism was shameful and has to be hidden so it doesn't tarnish his reputation. 😄😄😄
Anyway, there are much worse people than Crowley. He was just more theatrical and in your face with his marketing.
Betti(ng) May expose addiction...
Like Hitler did to the jews?
Knowledge implies perceivable; don't (doing nothing) represents suggested nihilism. Consenting to the suggestion (he brutally murdered) by another (betty may) tempts one to ignore perceivable.
As for Crowley...why hide something so deep (astrology) under something so shallow (satanism)?
Seriously dude, Crowley called himself the beast, not because of astrology but because he actually was a luciferian "qabbalist" master illumini that used magick for horrible sex rituals, and he also permanently opened portals to summon evil spirits aka demons, who literally wrote his books for him (while being possessed).
Now, what do all holy manuscripts tell you about the use of white/black magick? Scriptures tells us that any form of magick is strictly forbidden by God our one and only creator.
Nature doesn't call by name; it orders by designating units apart from one another. Suggested "beast" represents a compound of individual units aka BE (being) AST (astute), which implies being able to discern.
Calling oneself "beast" tempts others to ignore self (be) discernment (ast).
Being (alive) implies within cause (inception towards death). ASTRO (star) can be utilized to discern ones position as center of surrounding; while LOGY (logic/reason + logos/words) tempts one into a conflict (reason) about suggested definitions (words).
Once again..."astrology" implies a compound distracting from individual units, and it's on oneself to discern that.
a) spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies solid (life) adapting within liquid (inception towards death).
b) demon (Latin dai-mon; divider-provider) implies divided solid (life) within providing liquid (inception towards death).
Using words as labels; definitions (definite; affixed) distracts one from that which one tries to define with labels...which is moving.
a) one can neither perceive white (pure light); nor black (destitute of light) since ones perception exists within perceivable spectrum, hence in-between white/black (balance) as spectrum; specter; observer (choice).
b) MAGIC (art of influencing hidden natural forces)...ones consent to suggested (artificial) tempts one to ignore perceivable (natural). Ignorance hides natural (spectrum) underneath artificial (black vs white).
Sleight of hand by Michael Jackson: (before jews) - "It doesn't matter if you're black or white" (after jews) - "Kick me, kike me; don't you black or white me".
c) strict implies restricted; being implies "free" will of choice. Choosing to bind self by consent to suggestions of others implies restricting self.
b) forbid implies FOR (forwards) BID (request aka response to suggested quest towards outcome). Being implies resisting (life) forwards temptation (inception towards death).
The opposite of bidding towards suggested outcome implies replying to perceivable origin.
If one creates, then one creates more than one. Only within oneness (whole) can ones (partials) transmute other ones. Others suggest creationism (out of nothing) to distract from perceivable transmutation (partials within whole).
The foundation for creationism (out of nothing) implies nihilism (nothing), hence ones ignorance of everything (perceivable reality) for nothing (suggested fiction).
Why.... the strawman, he ain't never done nothin for no one.
Look at how many people are offering on the web and how many are offended by what's offered on the web...a perpetual conflict among the many; exploited; controlled and directed by a few.
And then there's one who adapts to everything nature offers; while resisting the suggested temptations by others...
No; not; nothing; nothingness aka suggested nihilism wielded by ones weapon of choice to deny anything "questionable" to ones ignorance.
You're an asshole.
a) ones consent (want or not want) towards suggested idealism shapes binary conflict (want vs not want) within ones mind/memory...this conflict is called "reason".
b) the foundation of IDEA (form; look of a thing) implies flow aka shaping of a formed thing to look at.
Being implies solid (life) within fluid (inception towards death), while ones consent to a suggested -ism tempts one to hold onto solid, while ignoring fluid.
PHI (want of) LO (logic/reason + logos/word) SOPHY (knowledge)
Knowledge implies perceivable (need); reasoning (want vs not want) implies over suggested. Ones consent to suggested (word) tempts one to ignore perceivable (sound), hence falling for spell-craft.
Suggested pattern (outline) tempts one to ignore being (life) within line (inception towards death).
a) suggested points (progressivism) imply end of sentence...consenting to it tempts one to ignore being sentenced to life.
b) wanting (suggested) tempts one to ignore needing (perceivable) aka KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...not the suggestions by others about it. Suggested tempts one to ignore self discernment as partial (perception) within whole (perceivable).
c) ones consent to suggested gives others the permission to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) the suggested information at will.
Nature doesn't suggest information; it moves perceivable inspiration towards each ones perception. The former tempts one to "want" to hold onto; while the latter inspires one to discern the "need" to let go of.
Sorry I don't follow
Free will is just some Bot that always comments like that. You can ignore it.