Look back far enough, and you'll find the Root of the problem, study enough and you'll find the Solution that was tried, but not pushed effectively....
IF we could have been there, and say, might have been able to have some influence in what happened, yes, possibly collecting them and sending them ALL to Palestine, or some other semi-neutral place, would have been a good thing....
Either way, at this point, the more that Normies get to study into what happened, the more they see the real problem makers, and the more they turn to our side....
It's been one deception after another for at least the last 12,000 Years, most heavily for the last 3,000, but the trickiest of deceptions for the last 200....
There's really nothing that could have been done to change any of that Effectively, in order to avoid the end results we now see, so no reason to dwell upon it, yes, learn it, use it against them, expose them, show the world who and what they are, but don;t dwell upon it, as dwelling upon i is a waste of time and brain power....
I keep leaning that way. The Jews carrying hatred towards Christianity since Jesus called them out and whipped them. White nations have been overwhelmingly Christian.
"Jews" did it in the same way that "Muslims" did 9/11 and the same way "Christians" did inquisitions and "whites" did slavery.
Like, kinda but it's not homogenous and no one I've ever met has seemed interested in slavery so is race/religion really the best descriptor of our enemy?
The antisemites are trying to deflect blame by focusing on the least important characteristic of some of the enemies.
WHITES, did NOT create Slavery, and barely managed to buy Slaves from AFRICAN SLAVERS, on the Barbary Coast, at NO TIME did any ""Whites"" go into any part of AFRICA, to Enslave anyone....
9/11 was 100% MOSSAD, and the Bush Family cartel....
And as far as the SPANISH INQUISITION is concerned, it is only a ""Christian"" thing, because the Spaniards just happened to be Christians, and it had NOTHING to do with Christianity, and everything to do with MONEY that was being stolen from Spain by the Juice....
So, yes, ""Race"", if you must call it that, and ""Religion"", if you must cal it that, are the absolute best descriptors, for the simple reason that THEY are the ones who chose to lead the direction of their Description, and THEY chose Race and Religion, and THEY chose to be Professional Victims in all of this....
Personally, I would have them pinned as the Last of the Neanderthals, but I'm not the one who got to describe them....
It's just that you imply their group behaves homogenously when even your own group doesn't. Building them up to be something they aren't is more of a scapegoating thing and less of a Righting the Wrongs thing.
It's like your ilk refuse to see that there are different types of different people. Such as, there's the Mexican mother in a patterned dress hanging clothes on the line near her chicken coop singing De Colores. Then there's the Mexican mami with a spiderweb tattoo going down her trigger finger and she wears leather and slings fenty to schoolkids. Is a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican?
But then you say "a jew is a jew is a jew" like you leaned into reductionism so hard that you achieved Singularity.
Because WW2 was a scam. They pushed Nazism so they could have an excuse to make all the white nations kill each other, and get their own country out of the deal. Now they are priming the hate so they can do the same thing again. Kill whitey.
Look back far enough, and you'll find the Root of the problem, study enough and you'll find the Solution that was tried, but not pushed effectively....
Germany didn't even try. They were far too nice. They gave them nice little work camps with swimming pools and theaters and soccer fields.
I don't have a swimming pool but auchwitz does.
Germany gave jews free passage to leave to Palestine, and take their wealth with them. The jews that refused to take that offer had work camps.
Stop judging the past by our standards today....
IF we could have been there, and say, might have been able to have some influence in what happened, yes, possibly collecting them and sending them ALL to Palestine, or some other semi-neutral place, would have been a good thing....
Either way, at this point, the more that Normies get to study into what happened, the more they see the real problem makers, and the more they turn to our side....
It's been one deception after another for at least the last 12,000 Years, most heavily for the last 3,000, but the trickiest of deceptions for the last 200....
There's really nothing that could have been done to change any of that Effectively, in order to avoid the end results we now see, so no reason to dwell upon it, yes, learn it, use it against them, expose them, show the world who and what they are, but don;t dwell upon it, as dwelling upon i is a waste of time and brain power....
What I want to know is Why? Why are Jews pushing these agendas?
I keep leaning that way. The Jews carrying hatred towards Christianity since Jesus called them out and whipped them. White nations have been overwhelmingly Christian.
The Asbury Revival was not an accident or a coincidence.
More predictable hate larping.
Fucking shills.
"Jews" did it in the same way that "Muslims" did 9/11 and the same way "Christians" did inquisitions and "whites" did slavery.
Like, kinda but it's not homogenous and no one I've ever met has seemed interested in slavery so is race/religion really the best descriptor of our enemy?
The antisemites are trying to deflect blame by focusing on the least important characteristic of some of the enemies.
You must be unaware that Israeli mossad was arrested on 9/11 proving at least that our "ally" had advanced foreknowledge.
You're forgetting all slave ships from Africa to America were owned by jews.
You SHOULD know these things but here you are blaming "Muslims" and "Christians"
WHITES, did NOT create Slavery, and barely managed to buy Slaves from AFRICAN SLAVERS, on the Barbary Coast, at NO TIME did any ""Whites"" go into any part of AFRICA, to Enslave anyone....
9/11 was 100% MOSSAD, and the Bush Family cartel....
And as far as the SPANISH INQUISITION is concerned, it is only a ""Christian"" thing, because the Spaniards just happened to be Christians, and it had NOTHING to do with Christianity, and everything to do with MONEY that was being stolen from Spain by the Juice....
So, yes, ""Race"", if you must call it that, and ""Religion"", if you must cal it that, are the absolute best descriptors, for the simple reason that THEY are the ones who chose to lead the direction of their Description, and THEY chose Race and Religion, and THEY chose to be Professional Victims in all of this....
Personally, I would have them pinned as the Last of the Neanderthals, but I'm not the one who got to describe them....
It's just that you imply their group behaves homogenously when even your own group doesn't. Building them up to be something they aren't is more of a scapegoating thing and less of a Righting the Wrongs thing.
It's like your ilk refuse to see that there are different types of different people. Such as, there's the Mexican mother in a patterned dress hanging clothes on the line near her chicken coop singing De Colores. Then there's the Mexican mami with a spiderweb tattoo going down her trigger finger and she wears leather and slings fenty to schoolkids. Is a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican?
But then you say "a jew is a jew is a jew" like you leaned into reductionism so hard that you achieved Singularity.
Because WW2 was a scam. They pushed Nazism so they could have an excuse to make all the white nations kill each other, and get their own country out of the deal. Now they are priming the hate so they can do the same thing again. Kill whitey.
If perceiving regent (life) ignores perceivable agent (inception towards death); then others can exploit ignorance with suggested agendas.
In short...the many consent to be pushed by the few.
Least cryptic FWoC take.