The problem with the 'Jew' word is conspiracy people know that public education and pedofile Hollywood has spent a great amount of energy propping up the JEW as a persecuted RACE (It's a religion) in their productions..People don;t want to get thrown in the NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST label.. This has happened with a few of us in my own family who mistakenly said 'It's the jews!' to the normies that We thought were not stupid, but that was verified when they all GOT the vaccine.. Khazarian Mafia is the term We use now. And We say 'The Khazarian Mafia hide behind the GOOD JEWISH PEOPLE using them as human shields'
Then if they are still with me, I move on to the 1918 jewish-led communist revolution in Germany and 66 million White Russian Christians murdered by jews, many given barbed-wire crowns of thorns and crucified, others skinned alive.
AND NOW THEY ARE FREAKING HERE. It's frustrating as crap, we could have stopped this, and most still won't listen, they are brainwashed BEYOND REPAIR just like Yuri B said.
You can't even talk about this on The Donald because it's a sub controlled by freaking Mossad/JIDF, same situation I see as on the old Godlikeproductions site trying to herd the boomers into thinking "it's the democarats/muslims/ccp/biden!"
It's the jews (I know not every single one, but nearly all the powerful/rich ones), and they want revenge for the temple being destroyed by the Romans in 70AD, and revenge against Christians and God Himself, as they literally turned to hermetic-kabbalist Satanism in Babylon and in their gnostic system, they believe they will storm the throne of heaven and take eternal life for themselves through techno-ascension through a "singularity" where they can upload their consciousness into some higher realm where they believe they will never die, ascending above the material.
Who knows what the genetics/origins of these people even are, as many mixed with the Babylonians, and then the Khazarian bloodline possibility. I seriously doubt anyone on this planet can prove lineage back to the original 12 tribes. Sometimes I do doubt the Biblical Hebrews had giant noses and evil joker smiles...
All our fairy tales warn of these people; goblins, trolls, lephrachans stealing our gold, vampires with blood rituals, Hansel and Gretel where they offer materialism through usury banking and they fatten us up and then kill the children (harvest the nation)
Are you kidding? Yes you can. TheDonald is now a ceese-pool of anti-semites. Maybe they won't allow you to talk about sects of ant-Christian "Jewish cults" that actually generate actual good discussion that does not sht on Jewish pedes and divide the movement that much...
They won't allow that.
But general "Jew bashing". Yes, the mods secretly condone it for whatever reason.
These comments are right about you, you are trying to subvert these forums. I sincerely pray you repent and find Jesus because you are in serious danger trying to cover for evil Bolsheivks who have destroyed this world through central banking usury and creating all those secret societies to infiltrated governments.
I remember in the early 80's my friends very smart but homeless uncle living in a trailer in his brother's back yard telling us kids about 'The Jews' he explained the whole thing then very well and We were quite red pilled about what he had to say about 'The Jews' .. The problem is.. The 'Jew' problem has been known about since forever and nothing has come of it... Nobody has organized in a way to take them down. (This is back in the early 80's I was just a child and knew about the 'The JEWS')
So why even complain about something if there is no result you intend to acheive based on Reality's terms?? The 1A right to assemble not being exercised and as long as this ALL COMPLAIN and no action mentality continue the more I I want to see Patriots suffer for failing to do the right thing time and time again. ALL GOSSIP and not action really exposes the cowardly nature of We The People
REVE'AL, verb transitive [Latin revelo; re and velo, to veil.] - "to make known something before unknown or concealed"
a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists". Can perceivable (knowledge) be unknown or do those who perceive willingly ignore perceivable when consenting to suggested?
b) RE (respond to) VEIL (cover; disguise)...could consent to suggested cover; disguise perceivable through ignorance?
c) nature impresses everything; everything within expresses free will of choice; which also implies the choice to repress expression or like Madonna put it: "express yourself; don't repress yourself"..."and I'm not sorry; it's human nature".
It doesn't take a conspiracy theory to simply look up who Biden's cabinet is and acknowledge their jewishness.
Athony Blinken Secretary of State
David Cohen CIA Deputy Director
Merrick Garland Attorney General
Avril Haines Director of National Intelligence
Ronald Klain Chief of Staff Joe Biden
Eric Lander Office of Science and Technology Policy director
Rachel Levine deputy health secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Anne Neuberger National Security Agency cybersecurity director
Wendy Sherman deputy secretary of state
Janet Yellen Treasury secretary
Jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew
Not just regular jews. Perverted, sick, hateful, racist, supremacist, obnoxious, lying anti-Christ Jews. The kind who scream "crucify him crucify him" at a trial against an innocent man who threw the lying greedy perverts out of the temple.
They are talking about the subject of weaponized weather, not about Jews. And if Jews are the most dominant anti-Christ group in Washington D.C. (they are) who cares? This problem is bigger than "muh Jews". Whatever demonic entity is telling Rothschild to do this will also tell a Gates or Ted Turner.
The problem with the 'Jew' word is conspiracy people know that public education and pedofile Hollywood has spent a great amount of energy propping up the JEW as a persecuted RACE (It's a religion) in their productions..People don;t want to get thrown in the NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST label.. This has happened with a few of us in my own family who mistakenly said 'It's the jews!' to the normies that We thought were not stupid, but that was verified when they all GOT the vaccine.. Khazarian Mafia is the term We use now. And We say 'The Khazarian Mafia hide behind the GOOD JEWISH PEOPLE using them as human shields'
You almost have to frame it that way or they have a knee-jerk reaction.
Chris Langan 1
Chris Langan 2
Quotes from jewish whistleblowers like Brother Augustine and Bobby Fischer are also helpful.
Then if they are still with me, I move on to the 1918 jewish-led communist revolution in Germany and 66 million White Russian Christians murdered by jews, many given barbed-wire crowns of thorns and crucified, others skinned alive.
AND NOW THEY ARE FREAKING HERE. It's frustrating as crap, we could have stopped this, and most still won't listen, they are brainwashed BEYOND REPAIR just like Yuri B said.
You can't even talk about this on The Donald because it's a sub controlled by freaking Mossad/JIDF, same situation I see as on the old Godlikeproductions site trying to herd the boomers into thinking "it's the democarats/muslims/ccp/biden!"
It's the jews (I know not every single one, but nearly all the powerful/rich ones), and they want revenge for the temple being destroyed by the Romans in 70AD, and revenge against Christians and God Himself, as they literally turned to hermetic-kabbalist Satanism in Babylon and in their gnostic system, they believe they will storm the throne of heaven and take eternal life for themselves through techno-ascension through a "singularity" where they can upload their consciousness into some higher realm where they believe they will never die, ascending above the material.
Who knows what the genetics/origins of these people even are, as many mixed with the Babylonians, and then the Khazarian bloodline possibility. I seriously doubt anyone on this planet can prove lineage back to the original 12 tribes. Sometimes I do doubt the Biblical Hebrews had giant noses and evil joker smiles...
All our fairy tales warn of these people; goblins, trolls, lephrachans stealing our gold, vampires with blood rituals, Hansel and Gretel where they offer materialism through usury banking and they fatten us up and then kill the children (harvest the nation)
Most will not figure it out until Judgment Day, as it often sounds crazy to even me, I'm going on the writings in the Zohar and other wacky mystic books they have that talk about all this.
What if the line (inception towards death) represents the origin for those within (life)?
TRIBE, noun [Latin tribus.] - "descending from the same progenitor (process of dying) and kept distinct (living)"
Are you kidding? Yes you can. TheDonald is now a ceese-pool of anti-semites. Maybe they won't allow you to talk about sects of ant-Christian "Jewish cults" that actually generate actual good discussion that does not sht on Jewish pedes and divide the movement that much...
They won't allow that.
But general "Jew bashing". Yes, the mods secretly condone it for whatever reason.
You bash Muslims and complain about a "Islamic world order" when it's clearly jews in control of the central banks.
You then mock anyone who critizes jews as "stormfags"
You should repent and turn to Jesus and escape the evils of Talmudic judaism.
They openly say they are now destroying the world for their jewish NWO.
Please watch that video and ask if that's ok.
These comments are right about you, you are trying to subvert these forums. I sincerely pray you repent and find Jesus because you are in serious danger trying to cover for evil Bolsheivks who have destroyed this world through central banking usury and creating all those secret societies to infiltrated governments.
Yep, In reality that is the message, humans against evil and frankly we need to just help them to reveal themselves.
I remember in the early 80's my friends very smart but homeless uncle living in a trailer in his brother's back yard telling us kids about 'The Jews' he explained the whole thing then very well and We were quite red pilled about what he had to say about 'The Jews' .. The problem is.. The 'Jew' problem has been known about since forever and nothing has come of it... Nobody has organized in a way to take them down. (This is back in the early 80's I was just a child and knew about the 'The JEWS')
It didn't end so well for the last guy who took a stab at that, unfortunately.
So why even complain about something if there is no result you intend to acheive based on Reality's terms?? The 1A right to assemble not being exercised and as long as this ALL COMPLAIN and no action mentality continue the more I I want to see Patriots suffer for failing to do the right thing time and time again. ALL GOSSIP and not action really exposes the cowardly nature of We The People
a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists". Can perceivable (knowledge) be unknown or do those who perceive willingly ignore perceivable when consenting to suggested?
b) RE (respond to) VEIL (cover; disguise)...could consent to suggested cover; disguise perceivable through ignorance?
c) nature impresses everything; everything within expresses free will of choice; which also implies the choice to repress expression or like Madonna put it: "express yourself; don't repress yourself"..."and I'm not sorry; it's human nature".
It doesn't take a conspiracy theory to simply look up who Biden's cabinet is and acknowledge their jewishness.
Athony Blinken Secretary of State
David Cohen CIA Deputy Director
Merrick Garland Attorney General
Avril Haines Director of National Intelligence
Ronald Klain Chief of Staff Joe Biden
Eric Lander Office of Science and Technology Policy director
Rachel Levine deputy health secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Anne Neuberger National Security Agency cybersecurity director
Wendy Sherman deputy secretary of state
Janet Yellen Treasury secretary
Jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew
Not just regular jews. Perverted, sick, hateful, racist, supremacist, obnoxious, lying anti-Christ Jews. The kind who scream "crucify him crucify him" at a trial against an innocent man who threw the lying greedy perverts out of the temple.
They are talking about the subject of weaponized weather, not about Jews. And if Jews are the most dominant anti-Christ group in Washington D.C. (they are) who cares? This problem is bigger than "muh Jews". Whatever demonic entity is telling Rothschild to do this will also tell a Gates or Ted Turner.
So you are trying to tell me wind jews caused the hurricane.
Next they will try to blame WTC tower 7 on exploding jews.
It's like everywhere these people find lies and deceit, they think it's the jews.
Your communication is hard to follow.
Perhaps you are mixing the statement up. Read it again?
Stop being antisemitic.
lol? shut up loser, I have no problem with shemites. Use your head if you want to speak to me.
You are clearly incapable of understanding the post, It is highly likely you are not worth communicating to.
Reported for antisemitism.
Reported for homophobia.