iDK if your Baal reference was just a joke, but it touched on something I find quite important.
For the longest time, I could never figure out why the Leftist Establishment had the biggest hard on ever for abortion, like absolutely nothing else. I mean, it was way, way, way out of proportion to any other "principle" they held.
When I finally put it together that abortion was a literal and functional Satanic sacrifice, it all clicked into place. Yes, they do serve Satan, and yes, these sacrifices of humans do indeed nourish his demonic legions. I think it was the fact that the Planned Parenthood headquarters building in Houston strongly resembles a ziggurat of lapis lazuli that sealed it for me irreversibly (there is a very deep and very direct connection in that, confirming much other research I've done).
Although this a great victory for humanity in the struggle against Satan, I also feel that court rulings and legislation and constitutional amendments aside, the war isn't really going to be over until most people actually understand what I wrote in the last paragraph. I suspect many reading this right now think it's utter nonsense, so in my view we have yet a long way to go.
My research has indicated that Moloch and Baal are one and the same entity, as well as going by quite a number of other names. And he's the head guy, the capo di tutti capi.
This identification is a key insight I would urge you to consider as you research. Thanks for the reply!
I'm not sure. Paul says in Corinthians: "No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons."
He uses the plural, when speaking about pagan sacrifices to demons. I'm open to the idea that Baal and Moloch are the same demon, or working for Lucifer directly or indirectly. I'm no theologian, but I don't believe that they are all the same guy.
I have found that Baal = Moloch = Lucifer = Satan = etc, and I wouldn't even claim this unless I felt I had compelling evidence to back it up. And I would relate to you any part of it, but in a way that's pointless and I'll tell you why.
If someone presents you with evidence contrary to what you currently believe, it's the easiest thing in the world to find reason to discount it. You have to defend your own position, right? Totally instinctive.
The dynamic is entirely different when you find evidence on your own. If you're expending the effort, then you're in a mindset to learn.
So what I would suggest is this: as you continue researching and encountering information, just keep the thesis in the back of your mind. When you come across something relevant, just say to yourself, "I wonder how this fits with what that jackass on the Internet said?"
Who knows, of course, but I think you may find that the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall more neatly into place.
iDK if your Baal reference was just a joke, but it touched on something I find quite important.
For the longest time, I could never figure out why the Leftist Establishment had the biggest hard on ever for abortion, like absolutely nothing else. I mean, it was way, way, way out of proportion to any other "principle" they held.
When I finally put it together that abortion was a literal and functional Satanic sacrifice, it all clicked into place. Yes, they do serve Satan, and yes, these sacrifices of humans do indeed nourish his demonic legions. I think it was the fact that the Planned Parenthood headquarters building in Houston strongly resembles a ziggurat of lapis lazuli that sealed it for me irreversibly (there is a very deep and very direct connection in that, confirming much other research I've done).
Although this a great victory for humanity in the struggle against Satan, I also feel that court rulings and legislation and constitutional amendments aside, the war isn't really going to be over until most people actually understand what I wrote in the last paragraph. I suspect many reading this right now think it's utter nonsense, so in my view we have yet a long way to go.
Glad to hear it. We're on our way!
It would be more appropriate to say Moloch, than Baal, to be fair. Demons are demons ultimately though.
My research has indicated that Moloch and Baal are one and the same entity, as well as going by quite a number of other names. And he's the head guy, the capo di tutti capi.
This identification is a key insight I would urge you to consider as you research. Thanks for the reply!
I'm not sure. Paul says in Corinthians: "No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons."
He uses the plural, when speaking about pagan sacrifices to demons. I'm open to the idea that Baal and Moloch are the same demon, or working for Lucifer directly or indirectly. I'm no theologian, but I don't believe that they are all the same guy.
I have found that Baal = Moloch = Lucifer = Satan = etc, and I wouldn't even claim this unless I felt I had compelling evidence to back it up. And I would relate to you any part of it, but in a way that's pointless and I'll tell you why.
If someone presents you with evidence contrary to what you currently believe, it's the easiest thing in the world to find reason to discount it. You have to defend your own position, right? Totally instinctive.
The dynamic is entirely different when you find evidence on your own. If you're expending the effort, then you're in a mindset to learn.
So what I would suggest is this: as you continue researching and encountering information, just keep the thesis in the back of your mind. When you come across something relevant, just say to yourself, "I wonder how this fits with what that jackass on the Internet said?"
Who knows, of course, but I think you may find that the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall more neatly into place.
Perhaps some. Others have experience, or know loved ones that have experience that this change really matters.
Its money