whats with the weird duality in which they describe him? At one hand hes the literally devil who resides in some flaming under world torturing souls, but then hes described much differently in other places. lucifer morning star the bringer of light? banished to live amongst us as punishment.. cus he was jealous of us?
theres also the weird occult connection with Satanism lucifer sun worship and masonry?
another weird thing is how heaven is described in the book of enoch. when he goes to petition for the Watchers He meets the high holy one (not god mind you, god is AIM) who is a huge being of immense light that sits on a giant crystal throne with rivers of fire and lava flowing from the base. hundreds of thounds of silent worshippers stand around him at all time while lighting and thunder rage above them.. if lucifer had a throne that would be it
anyone got any theory's on this stuff? I'm in uncharted territory here
Beware of false enlightenment. The "bringer is light" wants to convince you that "do as though will" it's enlightenment when in reality it's simple animalistic nature. To experience the full reality around us we need to think broader than ourselves. Thus any self oriented enlightenment leads to some form of bondage.
I am reluctant to say this, but some of these viewpoints sound like L Ron Hubbard on acid.
It is good to question everything. I wholeheartedly concur with your assessment.
Lucifer is an arch Angel (top guys) that God created, I hear he was the choir leader and that he was a beautiful creature. Lucifer wanted to be like God and that pride grew into something terrible and turned 1/3 of the angels against God and God banished them. (Idk the history of the name change to Satan)This happened before the fall of humanity, the devil doesnt think of us in any sort of real way, he is still tantruming about not being God and his war is with Him. We are collateral damage as it were, but for the fact God is constantly all around trying to show us we can be with Him forever. There's alot to unpack in what you are saying and I hope i can answer any further questions. Also I would read the 'canon' christian bible before getting into books like Enoch, there is so much confusing and there isnt enough historical evidence to prove that book was inspired word and it has a definite risk of false doctrine. A lot of stuff can be overwhelming when we start to read but don't be discouraged, God wrote it and He'll help you read it!!!
They suggest a description; you consent by either wanting or not wanting it.
a) this represents choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; which ignores balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
b) Either choice of want or not want; will put you into a conflict with all who chose the other side. This conflict (want vs not want) represents the "dualism" suggested to you.
Example: under natural; your choice exists within the left/right balance; so choosing to take a step left implies coming from a right and vice versa. Your ignorance of perceived natural law for suggested contract law allows those suggesting dualism; to put you into a left (democrat) versus right (republican) conflict.
All the conflicts in the world represent want vs not want choices that ignore need, and that are rebranded at will by those making suggestions...true vs false; good vs bad; believer vs non-believer; on vs off; us vs them; min vs max; Christianity vs Islam; pro-life vs pro-choice; feminists vs patriarchy; Coke vs Pepsi; Nintendo vs Sony; communism vs capitalism; nationalism vs internationalism etc. all of these represent want vs not want choices towards the suggestions by the choice of others.
The few suggest "abortion"; the many consent by wanting or not wanting it; either choice confirms the suggestion and gives those suggesting the power to define; redefine and contradict the suggested meaning at their free will of choice; because those consenting are ignoring theirs when consenting to suggestions by others. The few then rebrand want (pro-choice) vs not want (pro-life); while suggesting that the versus in-between represent "reason; logic", and it is that reasoning that allowed the suggested "abortion" to continue unopposed for over half a century and counting.
Meanwhile; the few put a sleight of hand (notice of liability) out for those with eyes to see (those who resist ignorance)...while the many are stuck within the conflict of reason between pro-life vs pro-choice; they can't comprehend that "life equals choice". Both sides are "alive" while using "choice" to consent to the conflict between life vs choice. This comedy interwoven into drama represents the handiwork of the masons of free will of choice (freemasonry).
All light and dark allegories represent growth of comprehension (light) and ignorance corrupting comprehension (dark). The bringer of light represents inspiration (from within spirit); while the cause of darkness represents information (form within form).
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) we represent temporary resistance (growth) within ongoing velocity (loss). What does velocity causes within itself? Momentum aka balance within flow for the responding choice of temporary form within.
Choice represents the response to balance (need/want) aka form balancing within flow; yet the ongoing flow tempts the temporary form to ignore this for the suggestions of other form aka imbalance (want vs not want) through the choice to ignore balance (need/want).
As for inspiration...spirit; from spiro - "to breathe" aka forms adaptation to flow. Ones senses perceiving movement represents communicated inspiration (from within spirit); others suggesting us what it means represents information (from within form). Form represents the resistance to the velocity of flow; which one ignores when falling for the temptation of other form.
In short...self sustenance of life implies choice of need over want; ignorance thereof as the temptation towards death implies choice of want over need. The parasitc few exploit the ignorance of the many as the happy merchants of temptation (want over need).
The -ism implies a) contract law between choice (suggestion) and choice (consenting) and b) suggested information; while ignoring perceived inspiration. Your consent to suggested information is what allows those suggesting it to withhold it from you aka to hide it aka to conceal it aka OCCULT', adjective [Latin occultus, occulo; ob and celo, to conceal.]
The consenting many are falling for the "spell-craft" of the suggesting few. Before the suggested word comes the perceived sound. The few suggest "insane person"; the consenting many ignore the perceived "in sanus" (within sound) + "per sonos" (by sound).
As for SA'TAN, noun [Heb. an adversary.]...that's allegory for resistance aka forms status quo within the velocity of flow...unless ignored. Choosing to adapt to inspiration (Lucifer) represents resisting (Satan) temptation aka the struggle to sustain self for form (Jesus) within flow (God).
in nomine (in the name of aka contract law) patris (flow) et filii (form) et spiritus sancti (adaptation as form to flow).
a) when velocity (flow) meets resistance (form) it causes friction; vibration; resonance and heat accumulation (sun).
b) all ship allegories represent the ONE vessel (form) within ALL movement (flow) aka you as form within flow; choice within balance; temporary within ongoing; resistance within velocity; magnetic within electric; potential within potentiality; growth within loss; ONE within ALL.
c) Sun; Son; ONE. The few don't worship the sun; among the many who ignore to be the ones with the choice; the few represent the "chosen ones".
PETI'TION, noun [Latin petitio, from peto, to ask, properly to urge or press.] aka perceiving (watcher) form responding by resistance (petition) to incoming flow in exchange for comprehensible information out of perceived inspiration.
As ONE (form) within ALL (flow)...ALL (flow/from) represents ONE (in energy) aka the ONEness of ALL. Those within perceived (form) can "meet" what causes the perceived (flow) by comprehending it. Comprehension represents temporary growth with the ongoing loss of perceived inspiration. HO'LY, adjective - "whole, entire" represents ALL (potentiality) from the perspective of ONE (potential).
To be (ONE) implies out of (ALL) aka one thing (form) out of everything (flow) aka flow to form (inception); form within flow (life), form to flow (death) aka ONEs transmutation out of ALL. The source of light implies flow meeting form within momentum.
Flow causing balance (momentum) represents the source of sound; form represents the choice of response to sound aka need (resonance) or want (dissonance). We don't make sound; we respond to sound by shaping out of perceived sound aka transmutation out of base (alchemy); which is why each one represents a silent vessel (form) within motion (flow). We're a noisy bunch tho.
Sleight of hand:
"Hello, darkness, my old friend" (ignorance)
"I've come to talk with you again" (temptation)
"Because a vision softly creeping" (suggestion)
"Left its seeds while I was sleeping" (corruption)
"And the vision that was planted in my brain" (information)
"Still remains...within the sound of silence" (inspiration)
Aka ONEs lack of comprehension towards ALL perceived; causes by falling for the temptations of other ONEs.
a) adaptation to perceived inspiration represents ones growth of comprehension (compressed into one); while consenting to suggested information represents understanding thereof (standing under another one).
b) try utilizing need over want; perceived inspiration over suggested information and implication (if/then) over reason (want vs not want).
c) no other can offer you comprehension; you can only grow it by your own choice. Believing what I write; does not represent comprehending what you perceive.
Here’s the story.
200,000 years ago Lucifer was a more evolved being who happened to be a genius among his class of Angels named Lanonadek. Consider Angels like nonPhysical ETI. There are different kinds. They don’t have wings. Thanks to Lucifer’s intelligence he was able to become like a Governor over 400 or so planets. His ego got the best of him and he thought he could steal the 400 planets and be a dictator over them. He created a philosophy based on selfishness and enslavement of others.
This evil path caused him to go insane. He was named light bringer when he was good but he shifted to evil due to his ego.
Satan was like his VP. He poisoned his mind too.
The devil was a 3rd being on Earth who helped Lucifer mess this world up during the cavemanish times. The cults developed shortly after.
The demons they worship are still on earth in another dimension.
interesting, the concept of angels is also weird. I kinda think they were a special type of ancient/advanced or extremely wise humanoid. Like a small special sub species maybe.
You're right; Angels used to be 3rd density humanoids like us.
Angels are 4th density positive entities which evolved to that level by polarizing positively to the point that their personality makeup consisted of at least 51% Service to Others.
Demons are 4th density negative entities who evolved to that point by polarizing negatively until their personality makeup consisted of 95% Service to Self.
Username checks out
Masons worship John the Baptist or isis, Ishtar, Venus. This is your "morning star" which Jesus describes himself as. Why would Jesus identify himself as Lucifer?
The heliacal rising of Venus was very important. Christianity today is an amalgamation of several religions and texts, Zoroastrianism, mushroom sex cults, etc. Everything makes much more sense once you put it into an astrotheological context.
Keep in mind there is nothing in history more common that "demonizing" someone else's god's.
Masons dont worship anything. It's not church, in there lives they can belive in who and whatever they want as long as they dont discuss it in lodge.do your homework
Yes. I also drench my house in symbology and believe in nothing.
Why these 33 drums of liquid, the blood letting floor, they were all just for aesthetic reasons.
No, U. If you didn't know they worship isis. Now you know and knowing is half the battle
But dem initiation rituals doe
The answers to these questions are found in the Law of One material.
Lucifer "enlightens" by volunteering to be the friction we strengthen ourselves against. If there was no negativity there would be no growth nor strengthening of spirit.
Lucifer appears from our perspective to be an opposition to God yet is, just like us, a fractal aspect of All That Is.
Form (life) within flow (inception towards death) aka temporary growth within ongoing loss.
Negative implies versus positive...a conflict caused by choice responding to suggestion of other choice (want vs not want). Meanwhile; choice represents the response to balance (need/want) and balance represents the momentum of flow for the form within.
Ask yourself why you use implication (if/then) upon "nothingness"; when you cannot perceive nothing while being within everything perceivable? What if everything implies perceived; while nothing implies suggested by others to deceive you to ignore perceived everything (reality) for suggested nothing (fiction)?
A fractal implies breaking apart; differentiation implies self segregation of collective ALL into individual ONEs within; hence allowing temporary growth (from) out of ongoing loss (flow). What differentiates? Flow causing momentum (balance) for the responding form (choice) within. Flow/form aka loss/growth in balance with each other represent EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power" aka the power of velocity (flow) meeting the power of resistance (form).
Giving the guy too much credit here. I'd much rather not go through all this corruption and be sitting pretty in Paradise. We weren't created to struggle, we chose that. Daft idiots.
You just don’t get it, do you Scott?
Ladies and gentlemen, Scotty don't
Morning star is the title given to Jesus, who is the most High. Lucifer wants to be like the most High, so he takes the title of Morning star to himself. It is very easy to identify all these modern Bibles as corrupt Wormwood, when they call Lucifer the Morning star. Get into the living word of God, the Authorized Version by King James in 1611, the one in middle English, if you want to be saved.
Meh. The living word of God is written on the hearts of men. Don’t worship a book. Read the book, adopt what the spirit moves you to adopt. (Romans 14:1-23) Pray for spirit. It will respond in spades. But don’t worship a book because the book (or more accurately, “the word”) is still being written. God is still teaching, speaking—miracles do still happen.
John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs (& we beheld his glory, the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father) full of grace and trueth.
Psalms 138
2 I will worship towards thy holy temple, and praise thy name, for thy louing kindnesse and for thy trueth: for thou hast magnified thy word aboue all thy name.
Jesus is the word in the flesh, and the word has been placed above the name. Also you do not pick and choose what part of the word you believe in, you put your faith in all of it.
Matthew 4
4 But he answered, and said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread alone, but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
The word does not adapt to you, you adapt your doctrine to the word, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little.
And you’re just sure, with all your heart and soul, that the childfucking immoral late Romans who converted to Christianity after it was already popular, and the subsequent council of Nicea, didn’t do ANY fuckery with the books of the Bible? I’m seriously asking, like, if you believe this I am asking you to pray for me, because I just can’t. I’m like Mulder, I want to believe, but I just have this block. I do believe in all the “red words” in my bible, that they couldn’t possibly distort that, but what Christ says just runs so counter to all mainstream Christianity I experience.
You know that dream in Acts where they see the white sheet with the crocodile in it? And then they start saying, “well damn, this is for the gentiles, too.”
I’m a gentile Christian, and am repulsed by most of the old testament and levitical law and all that. Ten commandments, sure, but it just seems insane, all these rules about shellfish and leather and all that shit. And boring genealogy... yuck. Ecclesiastes is my jam though, best of the 66 behind Acts and the Gospels.
I see the edit, so I can elaborate.
The levitical laws has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Unless you been reborn out of the pure word of God, you are still under the old law, and will be judge accordingly. The genealogy serves a purpose, you can be sure there is a reason they are there. One thing it showes, is that God keeps track of everything, we might not know our ancestors, God does, every single one of them. It also show that the people in myths and legends can be traced back to the Bible. In Edom they have Dukes, so identifying who the Edomites are today is not that hard. Noah and Abraham was both alive at the same time, that can be proven in the genealogy.
1 Peter
23 Being borne againe, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer.
And God always keeps his word. the word is alive and abides today among us. God has kept the word unbroken, just like he kept Jesus bones unbroken on the cross. Everything Jesus said is based on the Old Testament, so you can read it and find Jesus speaking there. If you are going to understand the parabels that Jesus speaks, they are taught in the Old Testament, and if you are not able to pick up on the spiritual language that the Saints are taught, following Jesus is going to be hard.
Mark 16
17 And these signes shal follow them that beleeue, In my Name shall they cast out deuils, they shall speake with new tongues,
Yes, Christians do not need the Romans to tell us what the word of God is. We are able to identify the Vatican as spiritual Babylon, and are trying to tell people to come out of her.
Ask yourself this. How could the yin-yang divide? How could the light and dark be separated forever? Can you have one without the other? Would you know what “wet” is if there is only “dry”? “Cold” if there is only “hot”?