the inventor of the PCR test said it's not a diagnostic tool and that you can find anything with enough cycles. a positive result at 35 cycles means there's much less viral material than a positive result at 15 cycles, because each cycle effectively amplifies the test, and they had to amplify it many more times.
it's why jabbed people have a higher standard for cases. if you test positive at 40 cycles and are unjabbed, even if you have no symptoms, you're a case. if you get hit by a car and die while walking out of the grocery story, and your corpse tests positive at 100 cycles, you're a covid death.
but if you're jabbed, then you are not counted as a covid case unless you're hospitalized, dead, or test positive at under 28 cycles. at first they called these "breakthrough cases", and now they occasionally say the word "breakthrough", but they do not count any cases in jabbed people in the US unless it meets this higher standard.
but even worse, apparently multiple countries, including some states in the US, have been pulling this shit where if you say you're jabbed, and the name on your jab record doesn't exactly match your medical records, they will count you as unvaccinated anyways. so, if your jab card says "Blood Reign" or "Blood Shall Reign" but your medical record says "Blood S Reign", they will count you as unjabbed.
The other issue is they aren't even testing for a whole virus. They are literally testing for just fragments of DNA or RNA. That means theoretically they could test positive when sick with other similar diseases.
And that makes a perfect excuse to basically revolutionize the economy until you have NOTHING LEFT since they can and will get away with anything.
But just wake up. The death flag is set up to weaken human will until they roll over and let themselves reduced to bare bones, and the society reaches its recovery limit and will come to the other side as a wasteland even as we won.
Or the tests are 90%+ unreliable. Has logic died?
the inventor of the PCR test said it's not a diagnostic tool and that you can find anything with enough cycles. a positive result at 35 cycles means there's much less viral material than a positive result at 15 cycles, because each cycle effectively amplifies the test, and they had to amplify it many more times.
it's why jabbed people have a higher standard for cases. if you test positive at 40 cycles and are unjabbed, even if you have no symptoms, you're a case. if you get hit by a car and die while walking out of the grocery story, and your corpse tests positive at 100 cycles, you're a covid death.
but if you're jabbed, then you are not counted as a covid case unless you're hospitalized, dead, or test positive at under 28 cycles. at first they called these "breakthrough cases", and now they occasionally say the word "breakthrough", but they do not count any cases in jabbed people in the US unless it meets this higher standard.
but even worse, apparently multiple countries, including some states in the US, have been pulling this shit where if you say you're jabbed, and the name on your jab record doesn't exactly match your medical records, they will count you as unvaccinated anyways. so, if your jab card says "Blood Reign" or "Blood Shall Reign" but your medical record says "Blood S Reign", they will count you as unjabbed.
The other issue is they aren't even testing for a whole virus. They are literally testing for just fragments of DNA or RNA. That means theoretically they could test positive when sick with other similar diseases.
And that makes a perfect excuse to basically revolutionize the economy until you have NOTHING LEFT since they can and will get away with anything.
But just wake up. The death flag is set up to weaken human will until they roll over and let themselves reduced to bare bones, and the society reaches its recovery limit and will come to the other side as a wasteland even as we won.
Test the local Coca-Cola plant. You won't like what you see. 90% of the cola had the fake virus and didn't even know it!
Had to burn the village to save it.
Dont com ply.
That's gotta be a photo op. Hot woman, smile on her face, in full make up.
Is this in England, the steering wheel in on the wrong side of the car!
stock photo no doubt
without sampling, I am confident that they also suffer from debilitating faggotitis.